What's getting my bros .
It's your buddy and fitness because today we're talking about my top 10 tips when it comes to teenage workout advice .
So let's go tip number one , we're talking about the beer bicep mentality .
As always , the mentality of winners is that they don't look at fitness as a short term solution .
You're not supposed to do it for those bulgy shoulders , those abs , that chest line , those traps , you're supposed to do it for yourself .
Eventually .
When you grow older , you want to go into your old age as a strong individual .
You want to be healthy from the inside when you're healthy , from the inside , that's when your brain works the best .
And when your brain works the best , you perform incredibly well in the rest of your life , use fitness as kind of a base for the rest of your life to grow .
That's how I look at it and that will only happen when you look at fitness as a long term lifestyle , to be serious about all these factors , your diet being regular at the gym , just making healthier life choices and you'll see the rest of your life getting sorted out .
Remember initially your gains in the gym , your gains from a fitness lifestyle as a teenager are going to be incredible .
You're going to get bigger muscles very easily .
You're gonna get cuts very easily .
But eventually your progress slows down .
The more you progress , the more difficult it becomes to progress .
And that's where the boys are separated from the men .
A lot of people end up quitting the fitness lifestyle , maybe six months into the process , a year into the process .
Sometimes during exams , they'll quit it and never come back .
Try being in the club of men instead of being in the club of boys .
Try being that guy who goes to the gym once a week during his exams through his exams follows a healthy lifestyle is serious about his protein intake .
Always look at fitness that way .
When you're entering that world of fitness , it's a long term change , not a short term change .
Ok .
Done with the motivational tangent .
Let's talk about more easy to follow tips .
Second point , you got to be serious about rest days , rest in general and not , not overwork your body .
If you're going to take up a fitness lifestyle , injuries are going to be a part of your life .
We've covered that topic in one of our past videos .
Go check it out , but super quickly , three ground rules .
Firstly , learn about your own body .
Listen to your own body if you're too sore on a particular day .
If you're too tired on a particular day , say no to the gym .
Sometimes taking a step back might pay off in the long term point .
Number two , don't be that bro , who gets carried away and takes every set of failure .
We've spoken about failure enough on the channel for moves .
It's basically when you're pumping out a set to an extent where your body just freezes up where you can't push that weight any further .
But you still try pushing it with the help of your trainer that's called pushing the failure .
You only want to take a set failure about four times in your workout .
So four of the total sets in your workout should be going to failure .
And the final quick sub tip in this main tip is that if you feel that something is going wrong in your body , in the middle of a workout , if you feel some kind of a snap , if you feel pain on one side , sharp pain in anywhere in your body , stop your workout at that point , check yourself with the trainer at the gym and don't try pushing yourself too much , especially if it's one sided pain , that's a dangerous situation to be in .
Once again .
Watch the video on injuries point number three get serious about your stretching .
Get serious about your massages .
This is something a lot of Indian bros in Indian gyms ignore .
And in the long term , if you're not serious about these factors , it might lead to injuries .
See , the thing is when you're doing a lot of weight training , there's a lot of damage you're inflicting on your muscles .
And as important as that damages for your muscles to grow , it's as important to put your body in a position in order to recover optimally .
So get serious about stretching in the first place .
It helps improve your flexibility and it also helps relax your muscles at the end of a workout .
As for massages , get serious about something like sports massages .
Now , usually in Indian metros , we have a lot of sports massage centers .
That's something incredible because just massaging a muscle , pressing it with a lot of pressure , kind of helps increase the blood flow in that region .
It helps release the muscle a little bit again , helps in relaxing the muscle , very important to prevent long term injuries .
Take this factor seriously and that's when we can move on to point number four , point number four , we're talking about a very serious problem in the world of fitness , train your legs and train your lower back just because you're not exposing your legs and your lower back to the world doesn't mean that they're not important .
Muscle groups also keep in mind that and if you are training from an aesthetic point of view , you're trying to look sexy .
Your legs are a big part of looking sexy .
There's a lot of girls who tell you that chicken legs are an automatic tone off .
You want to avoid that situation , but don't just do it for the sexiness factor , do it for your overall strength levels .
Now , imagine a completely puff upper body and a weak scrawny lower body .
There's obviously a strength imbalance .
Moreover , when you're training your legs and your lower back , it's kind of the core of your body that you training .
A lot of your strength is generated through your legs .
When you're squatting , when you're dead lifting , you're working the core of your body and that strength from that core is going to have a carry over to the rest of your body .
You're going to increase your strength levels , you're going to increase the numbers on all your other lifts when you have strong legs and a strong lower back .
Also from an injury prevention point of view .
Very important to train these two muscle groups , make detailed videos .
I'm going to link you all to the squatting and dead lifting power lifting series down below .
Make sure you check it out .
Tip number five , I don't like talking about this .
But the truth of the matter is that Indian trainers just aren't good enough .
I'm not generalizing this .
There are a lot of fantastic Indian trainers , but on an average , you'll see that a lot of trainers take up this fitness career for the money aspect .
They're not really passionate about the subject .
They don't educate themselves in detail about the subject .
That's why the point I want to speak about is firstly learn your form through youtube .
I know even if you believe that your trainer has the most perfect form and the most perfect education just cross check on multiple youtube channels .
We have our own workout coaching playlist .
You can also check out a channel that I highly recommend Omar Isaf .
He's one of my inspirations on youtube .
Someone I've learned a lot from fantastic form workout coaching .
Tip number six , another massive issue in the Indian fitness scene and amongst Indian trainers is the use of steroids and promoting steroids amongst teenagers .
A very , very wrong idea once again because of a lack of education amongst Indian trainers .
And secondly , the use of steroids in general , the kind of change that steroids bring in your body is temporary .
The moment you stop using steroids , your body is going to fade away a little bit .
You're going to shrink in size , you might even lose your motivation .
That's another huge factor that I've seen with a lot of younger girls who have used steroids .
I've been looking for a while now and I've seen that a lot of teenagers who ended up using steroids in their teenage lose their motivation in the gym .
Once they stop using steroids .
Unless you're a professional body builder or a fitness model , you can't really use steroids throughout the year in the long term throughout your life .
Unless you want to wreck your moreover .
Once again , go back to point number one , change that long term fitness life .
You're doing all this lifting , you're taking up this healthy lifestyle for mental benefits .
Now , think about it .
10 years from now .
Are you gonna be making your money through body building or would you rather be making your money through a business or through a fantastic job ?
You wanna be mentally right up there , steroids kind of prevent you from growing mentally in the gym .
That's what I feel .
Long-term .
Mental strength is gained by staying dedicated to a process and steroids because it's a shortcut , cuts away from your dedication slightly .
That's what you got to keep in mind .
I'm not a huge fan of using steroids .
I made a detailed video on the basics about steroid use .
Go check it out .
Not something I recommend , especially for teenagers .
Next tip .
If you've chosen to stay natural , you've got to get serious about fitness science , especially in the weight training world .
We have a whole playlist based on fitness science .
Highly recommend you go check it out .
It's extremely detailed .
But if you want to take away one core concept from the world of science , take away the concept of progressive overload .
This basically means that over time , your body is only going to grow in terms of size and strength .
If you put it through something much harder than it's used to being put through .
So if today you're starting with a five kg dumble and you're performing about 10 reps in a particular set .
That's going to be all right today .
But eventually a month from now , your muscles aren't going to respond .
If you just continuously use that five kg dumble , your muscles strength and size is going to improve .
If you eventually start either performing more reps with that five kg dumble , or if you take up a heavier dumble in the long term treat fitness and lifting as a video game , you constantly want to challenge your body in order to grow .
Perceive it that way when you start looking at it as a fun process where you're constantly growing because of a difficult challenge that you're putting in front of yourself .
That's when you'll actually enjoy the process .
That's when you'll stick to it .
That's when you won't be a pussy .
You use steroids .
Next step , we're moving away from fitness just a little bit .
And we're talking about another important factor in your teenage , your overall height is there an exercise that you can perform that will help improve with your end height ?
The answer lies in Tara .
It's a yoga exercise that helps stretch your spine .
Remember just how basketball players in their teenage play a lot of ball and then their bodies respond by growing taller because it's , their bodies need to go closer to the rim .
That's exactly how something like regular Tara practice works .
Tara is performed by stretching your body completely .
You start by standing with your arms on your side and stretch them up over your head as you're going up with your arms , you also raise your feet .
You go on your tip toes at the top of the motion , you stretch out completely and hold that stretch for about 2 to 3 seconds .
Regular practice of Tara Sun will help with your height because at the end of the day , it's a stretching exercise , but it will only make a difference if you perform it in the long term .
So if you're anywhere between the ages of 13 to 20 take up the star a practice five sets twice a day .
Each set go from 12 to 20 reps of Tara take a minute break between each set .
It will do wonders if you perform it regularly .
And if you're dedicated to the process point number nine , irrespective of who you are , irrespective of your genetics , your age or your fat percent .
You've got to include a little bit of cardio in your overall fit this routine .
Big mistake that in Indian grows make is that they ignore cardio thinking that or how is gonna help my muscles , how is gonna help me in my looks , but that's not true .
A cardio is a workout for your heart and it's very important from a long term health perspective to work on your heart as well as your overall stamina levels .
From that perspective .
Take up cardio if you're an endomorph , if you're someone who's prone to putting on a little more weight , cardio is going to help you with your overall fat percent level .
Something that a lot of endomorph like myself suffer with .
And also even if you're an ectomorph , if you're someone who's struggling to put on weight , just a little bit of cardio once a week is alright .
It's not gonna harm you on your cardio days , increase your carb intake , irrespective of whether you're an endomorph or if you're an ectomorph .
Also , keep in mind cardio isn't just doing a six kilometer run or it's not going for a long cycling spree .
Cardio can just be a game of football if you can play a game of football or even something like cricket , once or twice a week , that's more than enough .
Make cardio fun .
10th and final point .
Everyone starts somewhere .
A lot of girls don't want to join the gym because they think they're either too skinny or too overweight or they're just skinny fat and they've got moves , they get conscious about it .
Remember your teenage is a time of your life where you are conscious about yourself and your looks .
And that's why a lot of people use this as some kind of an excuse to not take up a fitness lifestyle .
A fitness lifestyle isn't just going to the gym .
It's not just about going to the marathon , it's about creating that mental change .
I speak about if you want to create that mental change , it's only going to happen when you step out of your comfort zone , step out of your comfort zone , step into a gym .
Nobody is judging you .
All those buff bros you see in the gym , all those super fit bros you see in marathons , even they've been in your position at some time .
The only difference is that they stuck with it .
Get out of your comfort zone , stick with the process continuously educate yourself and then watch the magic happen in front of , of the mirror .
Remember you guys , if this under confident and overweight broke could go from being from here to creating fitness and lifestyle content on youtube .
Anything's possible if you like today's video , make sure you give it a thumbs up if you want to follow us on our handles , they're right there .
And once again , if you want to educate yourself further about fitness , that's what beer biceps is all about .
I've linked a lot of videos in the description down below .
Go check it out .
Subscribe to beer biceps .
If you haven't already from brand and the team , we'll see you later .