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2023-08-31 07:37:55

How to Restore Skins on Cracked Minecraft Servers - Minecraft Java

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Hello .

This is Kieran from server pro .

And today I'm gonna be teaching you how to restore skins on offline or cracked Minecraft servers .

As you can see here , I'm on a cracked or offline Minecraft server , and I don't have my skin .

And neither does my friend I .

So we're going to be restoring the skins with a plug-in called skin restorer , which is a really helpful plug-in that allows premium Minecraft clients that have purchased the Minecraft game that join cracked servers to have the skin that they usually have .

So let's go ahead and install this and take a look at it .

So the first thing that you'll need to do is go to the control panel for your Minecraft server .

Once you're here , you'll need to make sure you're running , running spigots , and this , um , plug in is compatible with most versions of Minecraft all the way down to 1.8 .

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So just make sure you're running a compatible version , and then , once you are , go to the Plugins Spigot page , which will be linked down in the description below .

Then click download .

Now click Save into your Downloads folder , Then , once you've downloaded it , go back to the control panel , go to the file manager , go to the Plugins folder , click upload file , choose files , and then choose the skin restorer dot jar that you just downloaded and click upload from computer .

Then , once it's uploaded , click restart and you should be able to join your server , and it should be working .

So once your server has started off , if you click this refresh button , you should see the skin restorer folder appear .

And then , once that's appeared , you should be able to join your Minecraft server and see that skins are working .

So as you can see , I've just joined my server and my friend ick is also on the server , and as you can see , the skin is now working for him .

And also , if I go into F five mode , you can see that my skin is working , too .

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So this plug in actually has a couple of cool commands in game , which you may not know about .

So if you type slash skins , it will bring up a GY of all the people that are on the server .

And if a player has permission to do this , um , you can select different skins .

So if I selected my friend's skin ick , you can see that I have now got the skin , um , of my friend .

So there are also some other commands .

So if we just go back into the normal mode and then if I type slash skin and let's say skin notch , I would change to notch your skin as you can see here , and I now look like notch and I will look like notch to everyone else on the server as well .

Um , and you can do this for any skin .

So if there's a premium Minecraft account that you know about , you can change to that skin .

Um , with that command , and you can .

Also , if you have the permission to again , you can type slash SR , which stands for skin restore set player names .

So let's say I wanted to set .

I use , um , skin to something else .

I type set I and then type notch again , and it would change .

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I skin to notch .

And then I could also change his skin to , let's say , my skin , which is race a K 12 , and it would keep doing that .

So there are some other commands , but you can take a look at them on the skin restorer plug in page .

But that's just some of the basic ones for this plug in .

So let's go ahead and take a look at the configuration files for this plug in .

So if you go back to the control panel and then go to the Skin Restorer folder , you should see some files and different folders here .

So let's take a look at the config dot YML file .

Here are all the basic settings for the skin restorer plug in , so the first setting is disable ono skins .

So basically what that means is when a player joins a server .

If you set this to false , um , they will have the normal skin , which is assigned to their Minecraft account .

Um , but if you set this to true , it means they will only be given a skin when they type the slash skin or skins command .

Um , but I'm going to leave this as false as I believe that's a better way of managing the server .

Then there's also skin without permits .

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So if you set this to , um , false , basically people will have to have permission to run the slash skin command .

If you set it to true , they don't have to have permission .

Skin expires after .

So this setting refers to how long the skin will be in the database for as it says above .

Um , and you can set this to whatever you want and basically means how how long the skin will be requested from the Minecraft server , Um , or the Mojang server .

Sorry .

So say if someone changes their skin and they join the server , they'll have to wait five minutes before that skin updates .

The next setting is skin change .

Cool down .

So basically , this is the cool down that players have between changing the skins .

So by default , they can't change skins for 30 seconds .

Unless you're an operator , Um , or have the bypass cool down permission ?

Um , I'm gonna leave that as 30 as I believe .

That's in a reasonable amount of time .

The next one is default skins .

So this is one that you may want to change .

So when a player joins a server and they can be assigned a default skin , so if you say this is true , um , and you change the first name to , Let's say notch .

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People who join the server now will always be given this skin notch by default , and you could also add different ones here .

So let's say I wanted to add my skin and players will be randomly given even notch or my skin .

Um , so again , you can configure this to how you want to do that .

The next setting is disabled skins , so here you can basically disable certain skins from being used .

So if you set this to true and then change the name , so let's say we wanted it to be not .

That means that players cannot use notches skin as it will be disabled .

And again , you can add multiple names to this list so I could add mine .

I could add X as well .

I could add as many as I want .

You just list the ones that you want to be disabled .

So that's basically all we're going to be looking at in this file .

There are a couple of further settings for bungee cord and my QL , but we're not going to be covering them .

So once you've made all the changes , you want to make click , save and Then let's take a look at the messages dot YML file .

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So in here , you can basically edit all the messages that are displayed for this plug in , um , such as error messages , um , command messages and so on .

You can just go ahead and edit it to however you wish .

Add different colour codes .

Um and yeah .

So I'm not really going to edit this as I like the way a skin restore is displayed already .

Um , but feel free to edit it .

How you want .

You can also change it to your language .

Um , so feel free to translate this into a different language .

Um , for your server , say , if you have a Spanish server So once you made all the changes , click save and then restart your server .

So that's basically all you need to know about the skin restorer Plug in .

If you have any questions , feel free to contact our support .

There'll be a link to where you can comment .

Put them down in the description below and feel free to suggest any other tutorials that you'd like to see in the comments down below .

Thank you for watching .

Have a great day


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