Ok , welcome to my kitchen today .
I'm gonna show you how to make the world's best tavern or bar styled pickled eggs .
Real simple ingredients .
I'm gonna show them here .
First dozen large size Grata eggs .
We'll boil those peppercorns .
Pickling spice distilled white vinegar , sea salt and a pickling container .
Just finish and putting all the eggs in the pot .
This is a two gallon pot .
It should hold 48 pretty easily .
All right .
Uh Hi .
Set my time up and we wait for 48 eggs .
Four dozen eggs in a 1.5 gallon pot .
It takes about 18 minutes to bring them to a boil .
Now that they're boiling , we're gonna remove them from heat and let them cook in the hot water with this number of eggs .
I'm gonna let them stand for 15 minutes , cold water .
We'll run that for a good three or four minutes until the water is cold , filled with cold water .
Let the eggs cool .
We now have all the eggs peeled .
One thing I like to do before putting them in a pickling jar is to take a toothpick , run it through each egg like that and that'll let the pickling juices get inside the egg too .
I've got two dozen eggs in there right now .
24 eggs .
I got my vinegar .
Four cups of vinegar right now .
I'm gonna add the sea salt .
Ma , do you wanna help ?
Honey ?
Come on over .
I had one table soon .
Tablespoon of sea salt .
We will be here .
Honey .
Pour that in one tablespoon of peppercorn .
Good job .
Two tablespoons of pickling spice .
We call it and one tablespoon of crushed red pepper .
It's a good job .
Honey .
Let me back up a little bit .
So you can you on , you let that mix .
We're gonna pour this over the edge again .
This is just a still of white vinegar in the pickling mix .
Almost full jar .
Now mad he's gonna top it off with a little more vinegar all the way up .
Honey .
It's got to cover all the eggs almost there .
I'm gonna do a little bit more right from the jar .
We'll seal it up .
Turn it upside down once to make sure all the spice is good .
And in 8 to 10 days we'll have the first pickled egg .