Hello , I'm Dr Sanjay Paka , specializing in hair and skin problems , respiratory problems , pediatrics , allergies , and infertility .
And this is our first clinic in Bangalore .
Increasing the height in boys in their early twenties .
It is possible to an extent .
But again , it is depending on the genes or the genetic factors in the background .
Occupation , height is determined by a gene which is there in particular person usually in boys , the bones ossify by 21 years and after the bones ossify , then it is very difficult to increase the height .
So whatever height gain you have to do , you have to do it before 21 .
Some patients , they have seen that even up to 25 years that the ossification happens might be a little slow in some people .
So maybe 21 years or sometimes even after 25 years , you may be able to do something with regard to height .
So to increase the height , the most common thing that anybody would think of it is to eat well , sleep well , it is noticed there is a research done where they say that everyday morning even you can check it yourself when you wake up in the morning , check your height .
When you go to bed , check your height , your height would be a few centimeters more in the morning .
When you wake up , that is because the body would have stressed , the vertebrae would have aligned .
And so there is a slight increase in your height .
So the posture of the person is again , very important in deciding how your vertebrae is aligned .
And so your height can be up by a few centimeters , sleep well , and the body heals during sleep .
If you sleep well , eight hours minimum , it helps the body to grow well , eat well , a nutritious diet , especially high protein diet rich in calcium can also help you to grow taller , drink lots of water , a minimum intake of three liters .
And if possible , more than that should be there so that your body's toxins are flushed out and it , it becomes easier for the body to absorb the nutrients .
And so the growth also happens again .
Everybody knows that we need to exercise .
Exercise is the most common thing which can help you to grow taller .
And uh the very easy thing is that catch on to something and hang .
So when your body stretches , the chances of your height increasing is a bit higher , your bones can grow longer because that is a time when ossification has not yet happened .
So as the muscles stretch , the pulling happens and so the traction is there .
So the bones can easily grow longer .
So , stretching exercises are the best exercises , running , jogging , cycling , swimming , all these things are also very good to improve on your height .
There are homeopathic medicines which can help you to increase height and this should be started preferably in your , between your 15 to 20 years of age .
And I have patients who come to me even later than that .
So I usually don't uh increase them too much .
Uh , unless the patient is very um insistent and wants to give it a try because uh you know , they say that 21 years ossification happens , but in some patients , it can get a little delayed .
So that's why they just want to give it a try some .
So , but otherwise usually the best time to work out on your height is between 15 to 20 years .
Excellent homeopathic remedies are there which can improve your height and see that you grow a little more than what you would otherwise be like .
For example , Kyo Symptom Amica , these are some of the medicines which can help you to grow taller .
Oum Jaris Ali is another medicine which also helps you to grow taller .
I often tell my patients that if you want to grow taller , see to it that you have adequate rest and you need to sleep well , don't watch your TV in the night and sit instead sleep before 12 and wake up early , early to bed and early to rise .
Makes a man , healthy , wealthy in life .