भाइयों ये चीज करो और इसके बेनिफिट उठाओ अपनी ऍम करो ऐसी विडीओ तुम्हारा भाई यूटूब पे बाल डालेगा जाके सब्स्क्राइब करो ऍम ताकि तुम्हें नोटिफिकेशिन मिले और भाई का सलाम है यार ।
Synergize the effect by coupling exercise with a good intake of protein .
You can add to your height positively .
Here's how to increase height with some best exercises to increase height .
Number one cobra stretch , this yoga exercise is intended to stretch your spine thus making it supple and flexible .
It is beneficial for the growth of the cartilage between your vertebra causing an increase in your vertical height lie on the floor with your face down and palms on the floor under your shoulders , arch your spine up , leading your chin .
Also to form an elevated angle arch back as far as possible .
At least 3 to 4 reps should be done with each repetition lasting between 5 to 30 seconds .
Number two pates rollover .
This excellent workout helps in stretching your spine and provides added length to your upper body .
It also stretches and lengthens the vertebra of your neck .
Start off by lying on your back with your arms along with your sides and palms facing down , keeping your legs together , extend them straight up towards the ceiling and bend them backward , making them to touch the floor , touching the floor in this way may appear difficult at first .
But with practice , it will get easier , the more you stretch yourself , the more your spine lengthens .
Number three , forward bend .
This is a well known and widely followed exercise to increase height , stand straight with your legs wide apart , extend your hands up straight , bend down forward and touch the floor with your hands without bending your knees .
Then return to the original position .
Number four , downhill , stand with your hands together and arms behind you bend down at the waist as far as possible and slowly swing your arms as high as possible behind you .
Each repetition should last for 4 to 6 seconds .
Number 52 straight legs up , lie your face down with your palms down and on the sides of your chest .
Try to raise both your legs together as high as possible while keeping your feet straight together at the same time , each repetition should last for three seconds .
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