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Increase Your Height At Any Age - Guided Meditation _ Law Of Attraction 3_3 [2020]

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Lie down comfortably , somewhere quiet where you won't be disturbed , gently , close your eyes and begin to feel your body against the surface .

You are lying upon and become aware of each and every contact point between your body and the surface .

Bringing awareness to the feeling of your body .

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Feel your toes relax , feel your legs relax , feel your back , relax , feel your arms relaxed , feel your face completely relaxed .

Start becoming aware of the music and start feeling the vibrations of the music and my voice in your ears , become aware of the space between each word and each sentence and relax your entire body .

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Allow the sound of my voice and music and space between the words to fully occupy your mind .

So it is all you hear and stare into the blankness of your eyelids so that you can clear any images that may be running through your mind by listening to the music , the words and the space between the words and also staring into the blankness of your eyelid .

You are able to clear out any mental chatter .

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This will allow you to focus intensely on the images and feelings of your tall body now place your hands on your heart , center one hand on top of the other .

We're going to start off by taking five long deep cleansing breaths to bring you into this present moment .

Breathe in .

Feel the breath come through your nostrils and deep into your belly and breathe out .

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Feel your belly flatten and follow your breath out , your nose , breath in , deep into your belly , feeling your whole body relaxed and breathe out and breathe in .

Follow your breath all the way down to your belly , expanding your belly , all the way out and breathe out .

Feel your whole body relax and breathe in .

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Feel your breath come through your nose and become your breath and breathe out .

Feel your mind becoming still and quiet and breathe in .

Feel yourself go deeper into relaxation , releasing all the tension in your belly and breathe out .

Feel your body like a cloud floating above the surface you're lying on and just feel how good it feels to be so relaxed .

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Continue the cycle of slow controlled breathing throughout the rest of this meditation and continue to stare at the blankness of your eyelid .

Whenever you need to clear away any images or thoughts that do not serve your purpose of growing taller .

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Now , begin to imagine your body turning into a field of energy , begin to feel your toes and feet and your legs and feel the warmth inside your legs and your toes and your fee and feel how good it feels .

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Becoming aware of each and every cell in your life and your feet and your toes turning into pure energy , feel your back and your spine and your neck also dissolve into a warm energetic field of infinite growing energy .

Start becoming aware of the space around you .

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Feel the air embodying you as if you were submerged in a pool of infinite intelligent energy , which knows exactly how to grow your body taller .

And with your next inhale , breathe in this infinite growing energy deep into your belly .

Feeling it fill each and every cell in your body with warm light energy .

And as you exhale , feel your breath expand this energy throughout your body .

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Stretch in your legs longer and stretching your spine with each breath , feel your body stretching longer as if it were a balloon , feel the warmth of this energetic field flowing throughout your body .

In this energetic state , your body becomes much lighter and less dense and can be easily shaped into the perfect tall body that is already yours .

Now , every strand of DN in each cell of your body already contains the blueprint of your perfect tall body .

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Each cell has the perfect instructions to grow your body taller and with your next inhale , breathe this growing energy deep into your belly , filling up each and every cell with the infinite potential of your perfect tall body .

And as you exhale , feel your breath reach way down into your legs , stretching your legs longer as if you are a balloon and inhale , feel how good it feels to breathe in this pure positive energy and bath in the warmth of your energetic light body and exhale .

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Feel your breath travel from your lungs and your heart center up into your head , stretching your spine longer and say thank you , thank you for growing my body taller .

Now , think of something you are grateful for or think of a time that is clear in your memory when you felt success , a time when you had finished something that was maybe difficult or time consuming or something you felt could never happen .

But it did bring yourself into that moment of accomplishment and feel that feeling of completion .

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Feel that freedom of ease of not having anything left to do .

Now , everything is finished , it's done , it's done , it's done .

And with your next breath , inhale that feeling of completion , that feeling of gratitude for that experience of having finished something very significant in your life and say to yourself , thank you .

Thank you for that experience .

Thank you for this feeling of fulfillment and just bask in this feeling , the feeling of fulfillment , a feeling of it's done .

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Feel the warmth of this feeling well up in your heart center as you expand this emotional energy and with your next exhale , send this energy down into your leg and up into your spine , stretching your body taller and say Thank you for my taller body .

Thank you for my taller body and take a deep and slow inhale to cut through any feelings of doubt , focusing only on your breath and the emotion of your taller body and say thank you for my taller body .

Relax into the feeling of gratitude for your taller body .

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Now allowing that feeling to wash over you completely become that feeling of gratitude and feel it intensely .

Now feel the space beneath your feet filled in by your now longer legs and feel your taller body .

Imagine your feet stretched all the way across the room , touching the opposite side of the wall , feel your body stretch longer and say thank you .

Thank you for my taller body .

Thank you for making me taller .

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Thank you for allowing me my perfect height and feel the love from the universe granting your wish , feel the grace from the universe grant in your wish with certainty .

And this energy and infinite intelligence that grows trees , keeps your heart beating , transmute your food into hair and skin and organ cells and blood cells .

The same intelligence that guides the planet in orbit is the same intelligence that knows exactly how to grow your body taller .

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Feel yourself letting go and trusting this process of growth completely and feel how much the universe loves you .

Feel the gratitude for the universe as it grants you all of your wishes .

The only catch is that you have to choose to feel good .

You have to choose to feel gratitude and feel love for your taller body .

Feel the joy of your taller body walking into a room with your friend and seeing that you are now taller than a friend that used to be taller than you .

Imagine them commenting on how you look taller .

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Now , feel that feeling of satisfaction , that feeling of ease and that feeling of completion and gratitude for a job .

Well done .

Hear them commenting on how you look taller .

Now feel the love and the joy that you feel for others as you now have accomplished something that you once thought was not possible and see yourself helping others accomplish things that they think is not possible by calling forth this intention to help others achieve their dreams , magnifies the universe's efforts in bringing you your taller body .

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Now so that you may fulfill your dream in order to help other feel the fulfillment and the joy and becoming a conduit for the universe to work through , to help others discover their true potential to accomplish all they want to help make this planet so much more harmonious a place where love and harmony becomes the dominant vibration and feel how interesting it is .

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That's through this desire to grow your body taller and through the accomplishments of your taller body , you have become a catalyst to help the planet and the universe live in harmony and love and gratitude and how interesting that through your desire to be taller , you discovered the ability to help and heal others and feel that joy , feel the perfection of your desire , basking in its full fruition and say to yourself , I know it works .

I know it works .

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I know it works .

Send this feeling of knowings out into the space around you so that you are now surrounded by knowings and certainty that your body is growing taller .

Now , feel this gratitude surrounding you .

You breathe in gratitude .

You hear gratitude .

You see gratitude , you smell gratitude , you taste gratitude .

You are gratitude .

Imagine yourself standing in front of the mirror with your new taller body , smiling and feeling confident .

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Feeling amazing as you throw your hands up in the air and scream at the top of your lungs with joy .

Thank you for my taller body .

Thank you for my taller body .

Thank you so much for my taller body .

And as that surge of gratitude arises within you , take a deep breath and become that gratitude .

Let your slow , deep inhale , cut through any doubt you may feel in your solar plexus area as you envision and feel the emotions of your taller body .

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Let that feeling of gratitude wash over you and let that feeling of gratitude be the only thing you feel right now all over your body and each and every cell and just hold that feeling and say thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

And as you hold this feeling , imagine measuring yourself and discovering that you have grown , feel the joy in that .

Imagine looking down on the little mark on your wall that you made validating that you have indeed grown taller .

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Feel the gratitude for your taller body .

Now feel that feeling of completion .

It's done .

Your body is now your perfect height .

Relax into that feeling of gratitude for your taller body .

Wow , trust the feeling and hold that feeling intensely .

Focus your entire awareness on that warm and supportive feeling of gratitude and on your next exhale , send that energy out into the space around you captivating this version of your reality where your body is now the perfect height .

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Imagine seeing yourself at the top of a tall mountain with your arms in the air and seeing yourself screaming at the top of your lungs with joy .

Thank you for growing me taller .

Thank you for growing me taller .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Feel that energy of gratitude stretch your body as tall as you want to be .

And now thank your body and thank yourselves for listening to your every thought of your taller body .

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Imagine yourself standing in a mirror next to your friend who used to be taller than you and noticing in the mirror that you are now taller than them , smile to yourself with humble satisfaction and you have now accomplished your perfect height .

Feel how good .

It feels to be taller than your friend .

And with your next inhale , let that feeling soar and become that feeling , allowing your breath to cut through any doubt that you may have about being able to grow your body intolerant .

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And with your exhale , feel that feeling radiate into the room and space around you vibrating out into the universe rippling into this new reality and new timeline in which you are in your taller body .

Now and now imagine that you are your future self and you're a perfect tall body .

Looking back at the period of time , you used to meditate regularly in order to grow your body taller .

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Feel the ease of this moment in your future self ue that you now no longer have to meditate because you are already taller .

It worked , feel the ease of already achieving your desired height .

And now see yourself as your future self , looking at your past self meditating and bend down and whisper into your past self's ear and say you did it .

It works .

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Thank you for putting the time in to meditate .

You accomplished your taller body .

It worked , it works and say to yourself .

Now , I know it works .

I know it works .

I know my body is growing taller now and feel the certainty , feel the knowingness that you are now already in your tall body and just fast in that field .

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And as you lay there in your taller body , thank the universe once again for granting you your wish , make a clear intention that throughout your day , you will take a few minutes here and there to remember the tall and to remember what it feels like to be your perfect height and know that the more you do that , the faster your body will grow .


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