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2023-08-29 08:40:05

Amazing Dutch Baby Pancake Recipe

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Hey , I'm John Connell .

And today on Preppy kitchen , we're making a delicious Dutch baby .

So let's get started .

First off , grab a 10 inch cast iron pan and we're gonna pop this into the oven first .

So it gets nice and hot and set that oven to 4 25 while it heats up , we'll do the rest while everything gets nice and hot .

We're gonna combine most of the ingredients in a blender .

Think of a Dutch baby as a cross between a pop over and a crepe in the middle .

So custardy and like just amazing and silky on the outside .

Crisp and puffed up pie .

It's gonna be amazing .

I only need half a cup or 60 g of flour like crepes and pop overs .

Almost no flour .

Mostly like eggs and milk .

It's like a custard with a flour to stabilize it .

Hm .

Perfect .

I also want two tablespoons of sugar to give it a little bit of sweetness .

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One and 21 quarter , teaspoon of salt .

For contrast , it's a nice pinch .

I like my extra salty , half a cup or 100 and 20 mils of whole milk .

And I want three eggs but I'm cracking those into a separate container because I do not want any shells in my Dutch baby .

The name Dutch baby , I find hilarious by the way , because these are not Dutch pancakes .

They're also not babies , but here's the deal .

Uh , these were being served in a restaurant in America and the guy who owned the restaurant altered the name from Deutsche babies like Deutsch meaning German to Dutch .

So it was just mispronounced and it kind of stuck and they were called babies because they were smaller versions like little mini versions .

If you haven't had these , they are so great because everyone loves like a pancake or a crepe or some amazing baked good in the morning .

But nobody wants to do the work .

You're stuck at the stove while everyone else is having a nice time or waiting .

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These guys can be made .

You make the batter in advance and then this go into the oven and you divide them up like cake pieces .

So everyone has a delicious piece .

No , super fast and easy too .

That was three eggs and also just one teaspoon of vanilla .

I'm gonna blend this up for 20 seconds and then just let it hang out like crepes and pop overs .

You can make this batter in advance and let it hang out in the fridge .

It'll just relax .

The flour will hydrate , everything will be happy , but you don't need that overnight time just a little bit will do pop the top on and we're going to blend this on high for 20 seconds .

Funny .

There we go .

All right .

Now this can hang out in this rest .

If you're wondering , hm .

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These pancakes might be missing something .

The answer is butter , but I didn't forget the butter .

Like I normally do that .

You're gonna have two tablespoons of butter right into that screaming hot pan .

The butter will just kind of like fry the edge of the dough and give you some of that crispiness and it's gonna make things really delicious .

Ok ?

In the meantime , just wait until your oven is nice and hot .

4 25 .

Just like crepes or pancakes .

You wanna have some delicious toppings , you might just have some berries and powdered sugar .

A little drizzle of lemon juice .

So many options .

I wanna tell you about one of them because it can give you some problems .

A lot of Dutch babies will have some cooked fruit worked into the batter and while delicious , it really holds the batter down .

It changes the baked time and it also just won't let it puff up and have that wonderful texture .

If you want cooked fruit like a compote or something , just add it on top at the end just like you would a crepe .

Hm .

My oven is preheated .

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So we're gonna blend this for a few seconds right before pouring it and make sure you grab at least one trivet .

You do not want to damage your countertops with that hot hot skillet .

All right .

I also don't want to damage my hands .

So I'm gonna grab a uh pot thing holder , blend it up just a few seconds .

Literally smoking hot .

But don't touch that .

Two tablespoons of butter in .

You go , you're gonna swirl this just until the butter's melted .

Oh Delicious swirl , swirl , swirl , melt , melt , melt .

This is cold butter .

That's perfect .

Now we're gonna pour the batter in .

Look , look at those swirls of butter coming across .

Beautiful .

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This goes back into the oven .

20 minutes .

Don't let it get cold if you don't have a blender or just don't feel like using it .

You can also whisk this together by hand in a big bowl .

Just give it a whisk until it's nice and smooth .

Let it rest just like you would normally .

And right before pouring it in , you might want to give it one more whisk in case things have separated just like with the blender .

All right .

I think it's my time .

I think it's time to pull this out .

Let's see what it looks like .

That is a Dutch baby rim .

Oh My gosh .

So good .

Sometimes you have a full like shell on the outside like a big ridge and sometimes you'll have like an uneven puff .

It doesn't matter , it's gonna be delicious either way .

So this tastes nice , but it's time to dress things up .

We're gonna add some powdered sugar , some berries , you could go all out and add an apple compote .

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You could add peaches like any kind of thing that's delicious .

Will be amazing on here .

And you can even make savory Dutch babies too .

And now this looks so beautiful and served with just mounds of berries .

I love the fruit .

In addition to this custardy taste beautiful .

I love the drama of how this pops up and it's so easy to cut and serve .

Mm The middle is soft and silky like a thick crepe .

The edge is crisp , just like a pop over and it is all around .

Delicious .

I hope you get a chance to make this recipe .

And if you like this video , check out my breakfast playlist .


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