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2023-08-30 06:58:16

Lose Weight Sleep Hypnosis & Subliminal with Rain Sounds - Natural & Fast Weight Loss Meditation 3Hr

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Successful weight loss comes from the power of the mind .

The only thing that brings you undone when attempting to lose weight are your thoughts or the lack of the right thoughts , losing weight is easy .

Once you have the right mindset , all the power , all the choices come from your way of thinking together .

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Now we are going to work with your mind to give up power in the right way of thinking .

So if you take the right actions and make the right choices around food , and I suggest that you listen to this recording each day for the next 28 days to really lock into the subconscious part of your mind .

As powerful thoughts that will have you losing weight and doing so with pride and enthusiasm .

Settling yourself down .

Now in a quiet and comfortable place , allow your head to move from side to side to relax the neck .

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If the show is and let them drop back down , lift the shoulders again and dropped them softening across the shoulders .

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Relicing tension , allow the legs and the arms to twist from side to side , flopping inwards and outwards , letting go loosening all the muscles in the body settling right down , you're ready to become deeply relaxed , the more deeply relaxed you can become the more open and receptive .

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The mind is accepting of your goals coming on board in every way to make all those things happen that you want to and you'll find that you become so relaxed , they will drift off to sleep and that is fine .

The subconscious mind continues to hear everything that is being said with her awake or asleep .

So just let yourself go when the time is right for you , everything that you want to happen is still happening while you're asleep .

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If you haven't done so already allow your eyelids to close gently over the eyes , shutting out the world so you can begin to move within yourself .

You'll notice relaxing .

The body requires no effort at all .

There is nothing at all for you to do right now .

You can just let go , let go of a day in everything that has been .

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Leave it all behind you as you begin to drift down , relax , settle , become soothed .

The whole of the body sinking further down , let him die .

And it feels so very nice to just let go .

Their re inhalation .

You're breathing and increase the relaxation within you .

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With every pause , the relaxed feeling deepens in each of the muscles through the whole of the body .

And with each exhalation , you'd like go that little bit more sinking down was drifting a lovely Peacefulness .

Is settling over the body .

Tranquility is drifting down through the mind , right ?

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The way through the mind , drifting and floating all through the mind , lovely calmness , spreading all through the body .

The mind is the control room for the whole of the body .

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Feels so lovely to welcome all of this soothing relaxation into every muscle and tendon into the whole of the mind that beautiful and peaceful tranquility that is filling the mind , Everything is soft , peaceful relaxing .

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Having let go of everything and anything that is not relaxing and soothing and you can be even more relaxed .

Just let yourself go to that next level .

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That's lushness and the softness drift deeper and deeper and deeper into the body through the whole of the chest , stomach , a disability and all through the bag .

So relaxed .

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Wonderful , letting it go further , further down to the hips , all through those hips and into the bikes , soft and relaxed .

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Your mind is so open and receptive .

Now to all of the wonderful things that you want to achieve .

It is ready and waiting , eager to help you and with your mind .

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Now so open and receptive , you are going to achieve your goal of losing weight of becoming slimmer and healthier and you know exactly what you need to do to make this happen , the small changes that you need to make each day to become that person that you want to be .

And you've always known what it is that you need to do to lose weight and become slimmer .

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And now you have the power of your mind behind you to make sure it happens .

So , utilizing all of that power right now , allow your mind to see clearly what it is that you need to do each day to lose weight .

What do you need to stop doing from the very start of your day as you awake in the morning and as you move through the day , see clearly .

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Now what foods and what amounts of those foods you will be eating each day and only those foods and only those amounts that are going to have you reaching your goal weight and see it in your mind's eye right now as you move all through that day , what is the right fit for you ?

What can you do each and every single day ?

Because repetition is the key to your success .

It is those things that you do every day that make you who you are .

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Are you following the intermittent fasting plan of 16 , 8 or 23 1 ?

Are you having two faster days per week .

Are you having a small high protein , low carb breakfast , lunch for dinner ?

Are you switching to black coffee , an espresso or are you allowing yourself one skinny latte per day ?

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What is your plan ?

What is it that you can do every single day consistently is backed and strengthened by your mind that you will still feel healthy .

You will have energy and you will still lose weight and be very honest with yourself because losing weight is rarely as simple as calories in versus calories out .

And if you have put weight on that , you are here to lose .

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Now , it is because you have been eating more calories and you have been using each day and you have been doing this consistently .

And as you can lock deep into your mind , now that consistence is key .

It's those things that you do every day that make the difference .

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And as you also lock into your mind right now , how you are going to lose your weight , what is going to work just perfectly for you because everyone is different and you know what you can and you cannot do repeatedly and there is no magic wand to losing weight .

It is the knowledge that you have of yourself .

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It is the determination that you have to repeat the daily behaviors that bring you success and is the wonderful feeling that you get within yourself when you complete a day and being exactly who you wanted to be and eating how you wanted to , that wonderful , wonderful feeling .

At the end of the day when you did it just how it was meant to be .

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And you know , at the end of that day that you lost some weight that you were on track , that you stayed strong and committed , that you are powerful in that day .

And as you know , acknowledge within yourself that you can be powerful every single day and all the power that you have is coming from your mindset .

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And every time you are powerful , you feel fantastic within your mind and within your body and just a few powerful days in a row and you will see around your waist or your hips , your thighs and your face on the scales , you will see what a difference it has made to decide to stick to something to do it over and over again and you can and you will and you are right now , you are already doing .

It is already taking shape within you .

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You are strong and you are capable and this is your new life .

The only one it can take it away from you is you and you stand firm .

Now you will not let that happen .

You are putting yourself first .

You are being true to who you want to be .

We are becoming stronger , happier , healthier and slimmer every single day .

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This is you allow your mind now to move forward through your life over the next few weeks and months .

And as you move forward in your life , over those weeks and months , you can see yourself becoming slimmer and slimmer noticing the clothes that you're wearing , the energy that you have .

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The smile and contentment is obvious in your face and the way you are doing things as you stand tall , as you feel the pride within yourself , as he looked proud , you are reaching your goal weight and as you continue moving forward in your mind , until the very day when you are at your goal weight and take a good look at yourself .

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Walk all the way around you , you stand there , calm and strong and confident , full of life , full of energy , unstoppable and you look good , you look really good and step into yourself .

You are this person , this person lives within you right now and they are waiting to get out .

They've always been there and now you are actually going to let them out .

You're going to let them step forward and take control .

They know exactly what needs to be done .

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Let them lead .

You are in good hands .

You are ready , your work is done .

Your mind is strong and powerful , it is committed .

And each and every day from this moment forward , when you're awake in the morning , you play your plan through your mind of the foods and the amounts that you will eat throughout the whole day .

Every morning .

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You have a plan and you know what you're doing , you know , clearly what you will eat and when you will eat , you notice all of the glasses of water that you drink , you notice the extra steps that you will take each day when you choose to walk up the steps to another floor rather than take the lift or the escalator .

And you are walking more often and you are drinking more water and you are eating less food and you are thriving .

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But most importantly , every single morning when you wake , you know exactly what you will be doing , what you will be consuming for that whole day .

And every time you do this , you stick to it , you stay on track and you feel absolutely marvelous at the end of the day and the weight is just dripping from you is falling off .

You , it's like melted lard that just drips away .

You are getting slimmer .

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You are successful every day , just gets better and better .

And each evening as you continue to relisten to this recording , the message becomes more and more permanent in your mind and you are living this healthy , happy .

We lost lifestyle and you are thriving all of the strength , the patterns , they all come within the mind and every evening , your mind and cementing further and further , deepening more and more your desires .

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You're healthy , happy losing weight habits , everything is working for you .

You are achieving and if you haven't already drifted off to sleep .

Now , just allow yourself to .

It's time when you're well slept , you're always awake , feeling better the next morning , be kind to your body and give it the rest that it needs .

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And as you drift and sleep deep and full , the following affirmations or rest and sink into the mind and the more you hear , the affirmations , the more you become them .

And these affirmations are powerful and positive and will strengthen your desires and your abilities to lose weight .

I am healthy .

I am losing weight .

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Now , each day , I become closer to my ideal weight .

I look best when I'm healthy and fit .

I am in control of my emotions .

I eat only when happy .

I lose weight by eating slowly .

I enjoy drinking many cups of water each day .

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I am happy and I am healthy .

I plan my day every morning and then every morning , I visualize the food that I will eat and the portions that I will eat them in .

I am organized .

I succeed in my weight loss because of my organization , because of my strong mind and my healthy desire to be slimmer .

I am looking after myself .

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I am in control of my eating habits .

The choices that I make each day shape my life .

My mind is strong .

I released hunger .

I allow the feelings of hunger to pass as they always do .

I am in control of my eating habits .

I am in control of my weight .

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I make healthy food choices .

I drink plenty of water .

I enjoy deep and restful sleep each evening .

I am happy I am healthy .

I am strong .

I am achieving my goal of losing weight every day .

I have a plan and I stick to it .

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My plan assures me of my success .

I am winning at this game called weight loss because I am in control of who I am and I take responsibility for the choices that I make .

I am losing weight .

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I am healthy .

I am losing weight .

Now each day , I become closer to my ideal weight .

I look best when I'm healthy and fit .

I am in control of my emotions .

I ate only one cooking .

I lose weight by eating .

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So I enjoy drinking many cups of water each day .


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