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2023-08-29 08:52:06


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Hi girl today guys we are gonna be doing fix that bucket of store butts lives .

So it's on the video with you .

Ok ?

Give us the first bucket of sign .

Oh , this doesn't look bad .

Whoa This is not bad at all .

The color and it's like super pretty .

Yeah , I like it .

Ok , so we have to give a makeover to this .

I thought this this be kind of hard .

Not all that hard .

I don't know but uh it's time to get the ingredients .

Let go .

I call first .

I call second .

So I have the perfect idea for this slime .

I'm thinking I'm gonna try to make an emo girl slime .

So this one is already pigment purple .

So I'm gonna add some black food coloring to it .

It it gives it like a really cool look .

I promise you guys .

I'm also gonna add some red fish will beads , red fish bowl .

Now what do emo girl smell like ?

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Does anybody know I personally never smelled an emo grow ?

But if I did , I'd imagine I might smell like peppermint .

So I'm gonna get candy cane scent .

We're also gonna add this black chunky glitter and I feel like moons I think they represent kind of like emo grow right ?

And lastly little heart sprinkles .

I , I don't know why but I , sorry , I don't know why but I feel like it's kind of emo girl parts .

I , I don't know but I think this is gonna look good .

I think I'm gonna do something that has to do with candy .

So I'm gonna get magical clay .

So I'm also gonna get some slime coloring , yellow , blue , pink because pink's my favorite and some purple , some lotion , some oh shaving cream , some scent .

Very important .

I think I want blue Hawaiian and I'm gonna grab some clear glue .

We're back .

Ok ?

So first things first , I'm gonna add a bunch of black in this whole thing .

We're going to mix this .

Look at it .

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Hey , careful .

Ok .

So I'm gonna start by adding some more clerical on this because it's I don't like it and I wanna see if I can make it like less risky .

Ok .

So here is this slime and as you can see it is , it's basically the same but it's got like a black tint to it now and it looks really cool and I am in love with it now , I didn't get anything for fixing the texture and now I am sad .

So I'm gonna be disappointed in myself for a second .

I am now back and it looks good .

It's just a little rippy .

Oh , it looks like it's working though .

I think so .

And you know , look at it has like a lot of color because it's literally over here .

I think this is working .

So I'm gonna add more glue because I like what it's doing to it .

I like how it's coming out .

I think .

I like how this turned out .

It's really pretty .

Ok .

Now I'm gonna add my peppermint scent , but yes , very important while I do that .

I'm gonna add my blue Hawaiian scent .

Thanks Amira .

OK .

The fact that this is all rippy really sucks .

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I was so focused on trying to make an emo girl slime that I completely forgot about getting texture .

I'm gonna add all my glitters now .

So we got this black glitter .

Yes .

Red fish will be beautiful .

Oh Wait , you know I want more .

What is this ?

Heart sprinkles solid graphic moons .

I'm gonna put some light violet magical clay .

OK ?

Here it is so far , I'm going to mix that all into the slime and then I'm gonna assemble it .

So I actually got some clear slime off camera and I'm going to dye that red like my red emo girl syrup .

So I'm gonna put some red food coloring and mix .

So I brought in the mixer because the Star Box line did not mix well with the clay .

I think it had some like chemical reaction or something .

And then so it's like all melted .

I , I don't know what's going on , but I'm gonna put in some activator .

Maybe that will help .

Oh , that's a lot of activator .

Ok .

Well , mine is basically done .

I just gonna add my eir syrup and done .

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There is my E girls lime .

I like it .

I like it too .

I don't know what's happening to my slime over here .

I don't think I'm ever gonna mix magical clay with this star vis lime .

It's like a little chunks in there and done .

OK .

Well , it looks , it's not melting anymore .

You know what ?

It's over activated .

Maybe I have great ideas .

I'm just gonna add a bunch of lotion on here and put it on the mixer again and it should like become really nice a few inches later .

OK ?

And it's done guys , I think I fixed it .

Look at this , look at how nice it is .

Just touch it .

You always do this , it always works .

I developed this like technique that , you know what technique lot .

Yeah , I do it like I overate it so it can use lotion and then it becomes really soft .

But this time it really wasn't my fault .

It was the store bought slime .

So I'm gonna continue .

So I'm gonna grab some of this one now for the finished slime .

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I am going to make a swirl from the two styles of slime and I'm gonna put it in here .

Hopefully , we are going to be able to see the difference and then I'm gonna put some candies .

We've got a very , two different styles and one here , I've got an emo slime and you've got a very nice and I have like a little bear gummy bears on there .

And I think , I think I'm done .

All right .

You both are done .

Who's your name ?

All right .

You wanna go first and you've been waiting for a while because she over .

No , no , no , no , no , no , no , no .

It was a Starbucks lime .

It did like some weird chemical reaction and then that's when the problem happened .

Anyways , let's take a look at yours .

You turned this slime into that slime whoo girls line .

This looks very , very emo .

Yep , emo girl slime right here .

I have a question .

Why ?

Why is this so like it looks like , you know , like like plastic .

Yeah .

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Here the texture .

What's Yeah , what happened ?

I , I like that .

It's cold in here and I like that and I also completely forgot to fix the texture .

Fix the text .

That's the major part of a store .

But makeover and you didn't do that .

How did you ?

I was focused on the emo girl .

Oh my gosh .

But it looks really good .

And I love , I love how metallic here it looks and it's crazy .

Next your turn , you turn this time into that .

Yeah .

It's like gummy bears and candies around it .

So I thought it would be nice .

Do you want me to take it ?

Out right .

Look at and then I kind of like made a swirl .

So I made two different slimes .

OK .

OK .

You did change the texture on , on a minute .

I did .

No , I'm both both .

This has more of a slime texture for sure .

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The winner for the first round is uh I forgot I was just so focused on getting an E forgot .

It's pretty time for round two and I'm not gonna forget the text of this time .

I promise .

All right here is round number two .

It's pink this time , I'm gonna turn it .

E girl , it's just like basic slime .

Pretty nice .

This is the stuff I already got it .

I'm good to go .

Oh me first things first , I'm gonna make that texture cloud cream and I'm gonna fix it this time .

I'm not gonna forget .

So I got some , it , the snow and also some bubble gum scent because I'm making it like a my idea is a bubble gum cow .

We've got some lotion for the texture and then some purple , blue and yellow food coloring and then some confetti sprinkles .

This is gonna work .

OK .

So I think I have an idea what I'm doing .

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I think I'm gonna make a cotton candy style slime because I have this pink and I can probably turn it half of it into blue and then I'm gonna add like sprinkles and little charms and stuff and that should make it work .

So I'm gonna grab slime coloring , pink and blue and a scent .

Very important lotion .

I feel like I should get birthday cake and maybe like some more glue in case I need it because Oh yeah , definitely .

I'm getting more glue because I don't like , I'm getting white glue this time because I don't like it being like rippy and I'm just gonna get some sprinkles and stuff .

Let's get started .

I'm gonna add a bunch of instant snow to this and then some water and we are going to start the .

Wow , that made a mess .

We're gonna start the cloud cream prez .

Oh That actually looks really cool .

Really like just like that .

Um I just want to start by saying my nails look really cool on this pink .

Look at that .

Anyway , I'm gonna start again by putting some glue this time white glue .

So it's not like rippy because I don't like it and I'm just gonna mix mix mix .

You know what ?

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Maybe I should put some lotion from now .

Oh Copier .

Ha ha .

You didn't even say it like you copied it .

You saw I didn't even see you , you , I literally said it and you started like that's some quality lotion .

Why is my lotion minted ?

Why ?

It's my lotion cream color ?

This is weird .

All right .

See what happens .

So I put it in the mixer because it was taking forever to mix .

And here's my slime .

I made the slime worse .

I promised I would make it better .

And Mira , what is going on with you today ?

I don't know .

Ok , the first one was an accident .

I just forgot to do it .

But this one , it's another , I didn't realize that they , ok , apparently I needed glue .

This , this slime apparently doesn't do well with instant now .

So that's the problem here .

However , it's still slime , you know , they're really , it snowballs .

No , ready .

No .

No .

And mine looks pretty good .

Yeah , yours looks great .

Thanks for shoving it in my face .

Yeah , so uh yeah , I'm gonna keep doing that .

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I'm gonna put my birthday cake scent first because I want it to like smell a lot and I'm gonna mix it in .

Um I feel like this is like some type of dumpling dough like we're just kinda like ah , now we get the toppings and the dumplings and we put that in there like that and then we like squish it and we dumpling it , you know , and a dumpling guys .

It's so bad .

Ok , so I'm making a bubble gum cow .

I was making a bubble gum cow .

So I'm gonna need to get this half right here and then split it into three halves and make one of those blue , one of those yellow and one of them purple .

Ok , I think I mixed this enough .

It smells , it's really good .

I smell , it smells good , right ?

I don't know the thing you have to put it there .

It smells good like that .

So now , yeah , but if I put it there , it's like stronger .

I'm going to separate them and make one like a darker pink and hopefully blue .

But if it doesn't come out blue , I feel like it's gonna come out like purple , which is still fine .

So I was making the yellow and it's Christian .

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I'm not doing very good .

I'm gonna put this in here to try and combat it .

But yeah , guys , I am not doing very good guys .

So this is actually turning blue .

I was like , ok , it might turn purple because it usually turns purple , but I was fine with the purple , but this is , this is great .

Oh , you doing ?

Great mom .

Yeah , that's great .

How are you ?

How are you doing over there ?

Uh Well , I got this a good yellow .

It's nice right here .

Yeah , it turned yellow and for some reason it actually got a little more stretchy .

I know this doesn't look very good but it's progress for me , believe it or not .

And you know what ?

I think I'm gonna put more lotion on this because it's , I , I don't like it .

It's not stretchy in , not in my and I'm gonna put a lot , seven years of slime making .

Have I ever had a store ?

But slime this bad .

Have I ever messed up a slime this bad ?

Ok , I'm doing my yellow easy peasy now .

We're gonna go to my blue .

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If I can get this cap open this time , I'm going to be careful with the amount that I put in .

We're gonna mix .

I got all my colors and they look even worse than this slime .

It's so bad .

OK , I'm just gonna have some TV D .

All right .

OK .

I'm gonna put my cow spots so I'm gonna put just a bunch of different colors .

I'm going to put it one at a time this time because I want it like to show a lot the difference .

So I'm gonna start with the pink and I'm gonna put some blue and I'm going to do it really slow because I want to like make really good .

This looks so off the colors are so bad .

The blue turned into a turquoise I think of the yellow food color on my fingers .

Oh My gosh , this is not bubble gum at all and this lime isn't sticking to the side of the .

So they're all falling .

OK .

Whatever .

That's good enough .

We add my pink slime , add a bit more spots on top and the confetti sprinkles on top and I'm done .

OK .

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This lime it doesn't look good and I'm going to attempt to make a beautiful swirl and I'm gonna put some star sprinkles some of this regular Sprinkle uh 000 I'm just gonna let it drip like that .

It's , you know , why is it like that ?

Like , I don't know what , what is it , what's in this slime ?

I don't know .

I'm not liking this lime at all .

At first it made like chunks on my magical clay , which that never happens with ma clay .

And uh now this one's like , but anyways , I think , and now I'm gonna like rip a bunch of stars .

And last , I'm gonna put this little cute candy stars and I'm done .

You both are done .

Who is it gonna , who was your first name ?

I gave you this line and you turn it into that .

What did you do ?

That looks amazing .

Like .

Whoa .

All right , congratulations .

No .

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Hey , congratulations .

This has been a great competition .

I will be leaving you now that I get a chance to be this Lime queen .

You just like gonna like leave .

No , you're staying here .

It's a very nice line .

Let me tell you , I mean with what I could do and now look at this .

That's a really nice one .

Nice .

Let's take a look at yours .

So here it is .

I gave you this and you turn it into that .

That's right .

It's not that bad of me .

It's pretty cute .

It really too hard on yourself .

You haven't touched it .

I wanna touch it .

What is that ?

I'm sorry .

That's not , it's not slime a OK ?

It's not slime but I don't know what this is , but it's nice .

I'm having an off day already .

Hello ?

It's so refreshing in my head .

I like it .

Oh , yeah , winner for this challenge is obviously a , not just kidding .

He said you win the entire challenge .

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I got so messed up and I couldn't even mix the colors , right ?

Because of how bad the slime is .

Anyways , guys , Jenna is the winner for today's challenge .

Good job .

Thank you .

You did a great job .

You did a great job with both slimes .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

It's got a really weird texture but it's really just the Starbucks slime .

It's , it's , it's weird .

I don't know how to fix it , but I will fix it .

This isn't the end anyways .

That is only so much .

And I really hope I see next time .


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