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2023-08-28 12:47:13

PCOS Diet Plan to Lose Weight _ What I Ate in a Day

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If you're like me and have PC OS , then you know , it can be really easy to gain weight and have it start to add up fast .

I also have autoimmune thyroid disease , which seems to make it that much harder to manage my weight .

So for today's video , I'm going to share with you a PC OS diet plan to manage weight and a day's worth of PC OS friendly foods .

I'm so happy to have you here to join me as I plan and make a day's worth of real food recipes that help me manage my Polycystic Ovary Syndrome .

Hi , everyone and welcome back to clean eating kitchen .

I'm Carrie .

And today's video we're gonna be doing a day's worth of PC OS recipes to help manage weight .

As you may have seen from my previous video all about managing PC OS .

I use a gluten free and dairy free diet to manage my symptoms and usually that helps me maintain my healthy weight with really no issues .

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But I'm sure like other people during 2020 during quarantine , it was really easy to gain a few extra pounds because of comfort eating and not being out as much .

So because it's also the New Year and a lot of people are trying to lose weight .

I thought it would be helpful if I shared a day's worth of food that can help either lose weight or manage weight .

And my philosophy about weight is that really comes first .

I really don't believe that you need to be skinny , to be healthy .

And to be honest , most women who are really skinny probably aren't as healthy as you think they might be .

And I really believe that nourishing your body is really the number one goal and making sure that you have good energy so you can achieve your life's goals .

So it's much less about appearance and it's more about feeling good .

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So when it comes to planning meals or picking foods for healthy weight loss or healthy weight management , it's all about picking PC OS friendly foods that also taste great and make you feel satisfied .

And I will link to that video about my PC OS treatment plan where I shared all the deals details about how I pick my foods and even getting down to certain meals .

But then you'll see from today's video exactly what foods I'm using for today .

And the biggest difference between what I would eat in a maintenance mode or versus what I would eat in a weight loss mode really comes down to snacking and desserts .

So in order for me to lose weight , I really have to stick with just three meals and maybe one snack .

But if I'm just maintaining my weight , then I can definitely get away with having an afternoon snack and maybe even something like a healthy paleo type Desser after lunch or after dinner .

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If you're super active or you like to eat smaller meals and then have snacks as well , then you do what's best for you .

And just remember , I'm not a dietician or a nutritionist .

I'm just sharing my experiences in hopes that they inspire or give you some helpful information .

So let's jump into today's what I ate , including all PC OS friendly meals and foods that can help balance hormones .

So I've mentioned this before , but I almost always start the morning with a green smoothie .

Now , today I decided to make a strawberry cauliflower smoothie and it honestly tastes like a strawberry milkshake , but it's healthy because I'm using frozen cauliflower and cauliflower is a great vegetable because it's a cruciferous vegetable and it can help our bodies get rid of extra estrogen , which can help keep our hormones balanced .

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So to start , I'm adding some boxed coconut beverage , which adds healthy fats with no dairy .

You can actually make this at home .

I will link to a recipe on my website for making homemade coconut beverage or you can buy it and it's um it's very similar to a light coconut milk , but it even has less fat and you can find it in the non refrigerated section where the other dairy free milks are , it comes in a carton .

And so I'm adding to the coconut beverage , some frozen strawberries , a little bit of frozen banana , my frozen cauliflower , which actually I have steamed and frozen .

You can either use just plain frozen cauliflower , but I personally like to steam it and then I freeze it at home because I find that I digest it much easier when it's been cooked a little bit .

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Next , I'm just gonna add a little pinch of ground cinnamon , which has been shown in research to help lower blood sugar , which is always great for women with PC OS .

And then the last ingredient is some protein powder .

Now , I actually like to use a mix of both a hydrolyzed beef protein , which is a whole protein .

And I also like to use some collagen protein .

And just because I like you , I like getting the benefits of both of the protein powders .

And these protein powders together equal about 30 g of protein in this smoothie and 30 g of protein has been shown to at breakfast , eating at breakfast has been shown to help women with weight loss without sacrificing their muscle mass .

And then I just blend up the smoothie and serve it cold .

I often make a double batch so my husband can have some .

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But today I'm just making a single serving and if I have any extra , I will often save that to have as a snack later in the day .

And just so , you know , I will put all of today's recipes in the description box below of this video .

After breakfast , I usually like to take some time to sit down and relax .

And my most special part of this habit is that I like to make a hot drink and I can't make coffee because it gives me migraines .

And so I have come up with a healthy hot chocolate drink that I want to share with you .

So I start with about 1 to 2 tablespoons of 100% chocolate chips and these are unsweetened .

There's absolutely no sugar in this drink .

Although you could add maybe a little bit of sweetener if you wanted to .

But I don't find this drink to be any more bitter than black coffee .

So I start with um 100% chocolate chips , a little bit of herbal coffee .

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I use a brand called Dandy Blend and I'm using a little tiny bit of a ray mushroom which has been shown to help with long and focus .

I add about 6 to 8 ounces of hot water and give it a really good stir and it's important to stir it really well because the chocolate chips really need to melt and get blended .

You could also use a fro if you have one and then I just top this with a tiny bit of , I'm sweetened coffee creamer and that just adds a little bit of creaminess .

And this is my new favorite morning beverage .

I love it .

So , after breakfast and my hot drink , I usually try to get some activity in the morning and gyms have been closed here in California for a long time .

So I've gotten into the habit of working out at home .

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I'll either walk on a treadmill that we have at home and I'll watch youtube videos or I'll go for a walk outside if the weather is nice .

And I live in California .

So it usually is nice .

We do really have great weather even in the winter time .

In fact , you can see today , I am wearing a tank top and it is actually like 82 degrees outside 82 °F .

And it is quite warm today , which is a little unusual .

Usually it's in maybe the sixties in the winter time .

But on this day , um , Allen , my husband and I went to a neighborhood closer to the beach where , than where we live and we walked and just look at the waves and we're having a really unusually high tide as well and , um , strong waves , which is really fun to look at .

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And I will note that for other women with PC si , don't know if you have this experience too , but I have found that I do better with moderate level exercise as opposed to really vigorous exercise where I end up getting really tired .

And I wanted to also note that it's really important in the winter time to get outside as much as you can because it can help prevent seasonal depression even just to get a little bit of natural light every day , especially in the morning .

And I usually try to eat lunch every day around noon and all of the recipes today , I'm making a double batch because my husband works from home too .

And so he , we eat all of our meals together .

And so for today's recipe , I make my winter harvest salad with balsamic dressing .

And I included some air fryer chicken thighs on top or with the salad on my website , um , which I'll link to this recipe .

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I used only kale in this recipe .

But today I used a mixture of some chopped kale and romaine and I really like the mixture of the two lettuces .

It has a nice crunch without having too much bitterness from the kale .

And then , because it is winter time , I use some winter vegetables , including some roasted golden beets , some radishes and chopped carrots .

And then I used some dressing and the homemade dressing that I made included balsamic vinegar , olive oil , Dijon mustard , a little bit of maple syrup and some sea salt .

And then I just combine that into a jar and shake it up really well .

And then pour about half of that onto the salad , which I also chopped with a little bit of sliced pear because pear is a winter fruit .

And this was a really delicious and so satisfying lunch .

It was fairly easy to make .

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And my husband enjoyed it too .

And then we each had half of a fresh papaya , which is a really big treat for us .

They're expensive at the markets and , but we wanted a little taste of the tropic since um we haven't had to , we haven't been able to take a vacation for a really long time .

So I always enjoy my papaya with some fresh lime and it is such a delicious treat .

And if you have PC O si hope that you're not scared of eating fruit .

Fruit is um in my opinion , it's really satisfying and it stands in really well for dessert and it's just full of vitamin C and nutrition .

And so I eat lots of fruit every day .

And then I also often have a little piece of dark chocolate after lunch .

I know a lot of people have dark chocolate at , at dinner time or the evening , but I find that it keeps me up at night .

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So I have a little bit after lunch and it is so satisfying .

I usually try to choose between a 70 80% dark chocolate and even just a few pieces really hits the spot .

So again , when I'm trying to lose weight , I will skip the chocolate or maybe just have one piece .

And when I made more in like a maintenance mode .

I can get away with two or three pieces on a daily basis .

Now , for today , for dinner , it's not dinner time yet , but I decided to make it ahead of time because I wake up really early , like around 5 30 usually .

So by 4 p.m. I am usually tired and the last thing I want to do is just make a big mess in the kitchen and start cooking again .

So for today's dinner , I did something different , which I cook some cassava flour pasta , which I've never made before .

But I've heard really good things about .

And so I went ahead and cooked the pasta .

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I cooked the whole box because then I can just save the extra pasta for another night .

And then I cooked some ground meat while the pasta was cooking .

And um I buy my meat locally .

I buy grass fed , um grass finished beef and I just keep a whole bunch in the freezer .

And so I just cooked a pound of it and um , I'll use it for tonight's dinner and then maybe tomorrow night as well .

So I ended up serving mine with a little bit of steamed broccoli .

And just as a side note , when you're preparing broccoli to steam , don't forget to use the stem .

You can just cut off the um , outside of the stem and then chop up the stem and it's actually a really tender part of the broccoli .

And you really shouldn't throw it out .

And so when I serve my dish later tonight , I will have the pasta , some ground meat and the broccoli .

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And then for some extra flavor , I had some vegan cheese in the refrigerator , which is like a cashew cheese with chives , has a lot of flavor .

And so I just sprinkled some of that onto my bowl and that will be my dinner tonight .

And then if I get hungry at all , after dinner , I have another favorite treat which are dried apricots .

I get them at Trader Joe's and just have like four or five of them and they're really satisfying .

And April cuts are also high in plant based iron , which is always great for women .

And so that's it .

I usually finish dinner around seven and then I don't eat after that .

I usually don't get hungry um until the next morning , which is around um 7 a.m. is when I'll have my breakfast every day .

So I really hope that you enjoyed coming along with me for this day of PC OS diet foods .

What I ate in a day .

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This is a new type of video for me .

So if you enjoyed it , please give it a like and leave me a comment and let me know and I will consider making more of these videos in the future .

And I will also link to my playlist of some of my other PC Os related videos and I will see you in the next video .

Bye everybody .


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