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2023-08-31 07:26:32

I Did This Every Night Before Bed To Grow Taller

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One to be taller .

What if we tell you that there is something you can do to increase your height ?

Yes , you heard it right .

And it is through stretching before bedtime .

Although genetics largely determines how tall you'll become , you can still grow to your full height potential .

Especially if you're under 25 .

For today's video , we will be learning what you can do every night before bed to grow taller .

Does stretching really help you grow taller ?

How does it help ?

Is there a specific stretch you need to do ?

Find out more throughout this video .

What factors affect height ?

Babies and Children grow continuously ?

This is due to changes in the growth plates and the long bones of their arms and legs .

As the growth plates make new bones , the long bones get longer and the child gets taller in the first year of their lives .

Babies typically grow by 50% between the ages of two and five .

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Children usually grow by 2.5 to 3.5 inches or 6.3 to 8.9 centimeters annually .

By age 10 , Children will usually grow by 2.5 inches or 6.3 centimeters every year .

During adolescence , which lasts from roughly age 11 to age 21 teenagers will reach the final 15 to 20% of their adult height .

After this , the growth plates stop making new bone and a person will stop growing due to typical aging processes , people begin to lose height gradually as they get older .

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The following factors can affect how tall a person will become .

Number one , DNA , DNA is the main factor determining a person's height .

Scientists have identified more than 700 different gene variants that determine height .

Some of these genes affect the growth plates and others affect the production of growth hormones .

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Normal height ranges are different for people from different ethnic backgrounds .

With DNA being the main determinant .

Some genetic conditions including Down syndrome and Marfan syndrome can also affect a person's adult height .

Number two hormones , the body produces hormones that instruct the growth plates to make new bone .

These hormones include number one growth hormones .

These are made in the pituitary gland and are the most important hormone for growth .

Some health conditions can restrict the number of growth hormones the body makes and this can impact height .

For instance , Children with a rare genetic condition called congenital growth hormone deficiency will grow at a much slower rate than other Children .

Number two thyroid hormones , the thyroid gland makes hormones that influence growth .

Number three sex hormones , testosterone and estrogen are very important for growth during puberty .

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Average height based on sex and age males tend to be taller than females .

Adolescent males will typically have a major growth spurt at the onset of puberty about two years after their female counterparts .

But they may continue to grow for longer than females .

Females will typically experience a growth spurt that will subside after the start of their menstrual cycle , which on average occurs at the age of around 12.5 years .

I did this every night before bed to grow taller .

Once your bones have stopped growing infusing , stretching and improving your posture can help you appear taller .

Try to do these stretches after you've been sitting since the discs in your spine compress which makes you look shorter .

Number one , doing basic lengthening stretches , touch your toes every night before bed to strengthen your lower back and improve flexibility , help your spine decompress by stretching it daily .

Stand straight with your feet , shoulder with a part and bend your hips forward .

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So your arms drop down , keep bending until you feel the tension and hold your hands down for 10 to 30 seconds .

Don't bend from your upper back or you won't stretch the lower back muscles properly .

If you can't reach your toes , don't worry , you'll become more flexible if you stretch every day .

So give yourself some time .

Number two , try to do 5 to 30 bridge exercises a day to stretch your lower back , lay flat on your back and keep your feet on the floor with your knees bent , place your arms flat at your side and squeeze your lower abdominal muscles .

Lift your hips while you keep your back on the floor and hold this position while you take three big breaths , then lower your hips to the ground and repeat the exercise at least four more times .

Bridge exercises are also called pelvic tilts .

They stretch your hip flexor which can decompress your spine .

So you're able to sit or stand a little taller .

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Number three , do hip flexor stretches , sitting throughout most of the day can push down on your lower back and hips to stretch yourself out , especially after you've been sitting at a desk , put a cushion on the ground and bend one knee onto it .

Keep your other knee in front of you .

So your leg is bent at a 90 degree angle , then lean your hips forward until you feel a stretch in your thigh and hold the stretch for 30 seconds .

Repeat the hip flexor stretch three times for each leg every night before bedtime .

If you have a hard time kneeling , stay standing and slide one of your legs forward until it bends slightly , then repeat this for the other leg .

Number four , practice the cobra pose to relieve back pressure and stretch out your spine .

If you find yourself hunching your shoulders forward , take a minute to do a yoga post that stretches your back out , lie flat on your belly and keep the palms of your hands flat on your sides .

Slowly lift your chest up while you straighten your arms and breathe deeply .

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Don't tense up the muscles in your lower back or bottom .

Instead relax to decompress your spine .

Stretching can help you become taller .

We have 33 vertebrae in our spines between each vertebrae is a gel filled intravertebral disc that acts as a cushion of sorts .

If these discs become compressed , then the space between your vertebrae shrinks .

If the discs expand , then you become a little taller , you cannot become taller by decompressing your spine .

If your spine is not compressed , but most adults that don't do a lot of stretching have some compression in their spines .

Simply getting out of bed and walking around can compress your spine a little being overweight or lifting heavy weights can put more strain on the discs causing them to compress more .

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People naturally become slightly shorter during the day and taller when they are sleeping over the years , gravity can compress a person spine enough to make them an inch or two shorter stretching tips for all ages .

Number one under the twenties , if you're under 20 rejoice , you'll respond far quicker to a stretching program than older people .

However , you're less likely to suffer from poor posture .

And as such may not see the increases in height from stretching that older adults do we would encourage you to get into a habit of daily stretching .

It will be a good investment that you'll take all through your life and into your old age .

Working on and improving your flexibility will complement every other aspect of your fitness regime too .

Number 2 , 20 to 60 stretch , but don't push too far too fast as this can be counterproductive if you're short of time due to work and family commitments .

Find a program that features short stretching , workouts and stick to it .

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Muscle stretching exercises were shown to significantly reduce arterial stiffness and improve vascular endothelial function .

It's vitally important throughout our middle age years to invest the time in stretching .

Number three , over the sixties , as we get older , we are more prone to conditions associated with aging such as arthritis , which can hamper our mobility and flexibility aside from the natural and unavoidable consequences of aging .

A decrease in activity levels associated with getting older also contributes to and magnifies our decreasing flexibility .

However , even in old age , flexibility can be regained and significant improvements can be experienced even in those people with arthritis .

So it's especially important .

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Therefore , for older people to first make sure that they are engaged in the battle against inactivity , walk more go swimming , follow some general aerobics , Sprinkle in some Pilates or a stretching program of your own choice and you'll be adding inches to your height in no time .

We believe it's this age group that has the most height to gain by following a stretching program .

Stick with it and you'll be walking tall in no time .

Are you now convinced that stretching every night before bedtime can help you grow a few inches taller .

Share your thoughts in the comments below .

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Subscribe to the channel , here are two more videos you should check out both of them will definitely help you reach your goals .


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