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2023-08-30 06:41:40

Delicious Macaroni & Cheese

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OK .

Now I told you that I was gonna do my whole meal for tomorrow , but I had to do it in different segments .

So now I'm gonna make the macaroni and cheese that I told you about .

And I know that there's several ways to make macaroni and cheese and everybody makes theirs differently .

But this is just another option for you to try when making macaroni and cheese .

Now , I'm doing this the night prior to Sunday , I'm doing this Saturday night and you can pre make your macaroni and cheese ahead of time .

Just don't put the liquids in it .

So tonight , I'm just going to do everything but add the coating and I'll show you that and then um , I'll do that tomorrow .

So , for this macaroni and cheese , you're going to need mozzarella cheese , mild cheddar cheese , sharp cheddar cheese .

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And you will need Monterey Jack , but they didn't have Monterey Jack today when I went to the store .

So I just got Monterey Jack and Kobe because you never can have enough of your cheddar cheese in your macaroni and cheese .

Now , the only seasoning that I put in my macaroni and cheese is seasonal .

And I use Morton's .

I don't use Lorry's because Lorry's carry a high content of salt .

So I use lorry .

Now , this , I'm going to add three eggs to this pan of macaroni and cheese , carnation milk .

And I'm going to add some regular whole milk to this as well .

But these items I won't add until tomorrow when I get ready to put in the liquid portion of this .

So now I I'm going to put my macaroni into this uh big pan and you know that I always have a lot of people , especially on Sunday that you know , wanna eat dinner with me .

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So this is a big pan and I'll put the ingredients for this at the bottom of the um down at the bottom of , of , of this uh particular dish .

So you can see it on the tutorial .

Now to that you're gonna add one stick of melted butter .

OK ?

So I just went ahead and melted this in the microwave .

And now I'm adding the butter to this .

Now , the butter helps to make everything else .

Stick to your macaroni and cheese and butter gives it a good pure flavor .

So now that we've added this and if you wanna add more seasonings , like you wanna add salt and pepper , I mean , by all means , do it , but I don't do it .

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Now , this is not cooked to um the full , it's not cooked like it would be cooked if you were just gonna make a macaroni salad .

I took this a couple of minutes under because I'm gonna have more cooking time when I put this in the oven .

So I didn't wanna overcook my , um , my macaroni .

Now to this , I'm going to add a generous amount of seasonal and don't be scared to add it because this gives macaroni and cheese a very good flavor as well .

Now , when I , um , add this , I'm gonna stir this in and then I'm going to add some more .

I think I'll just do it from the other side .

Ok .

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All right .

Now I'm gonna add some more because this is the only seasoning that I , I use .

You will see me use one other ingredient as far as , but it's not for seasoning .

It's just to give a balance .

I am gonna put a little um sugar in the mixture and it's only like a tablespoon full that I'll put tomorrow when I get ready to mix up my liquor .

Now I'm gonna add in all of my sharp cheese and this is a eight ounce package of sharp .

You won't use that much because your pan won't be as big as one .

And then I'm going to add my mozzarella and mozzarella has a real nice pool to it when it comes to dishes like this because I like um , well , some people don't use it .

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I like for my cheese just to be pully all through my mac and cheese .

Ok .

So once I at that end and the mac and cheese is something .

If you pa preparing a large , uh if you have a large menu , you can always do this ahead of time .

You don't have to wait until the last minute and then do the macaroni and cheese .

You can go ahead and get this out of the way .

And then to that , I'm going to add my Kobe Jack cheese and this is Kobe and Monterey Jack , but I should have said and I did like a half of a package of that .

So , um , this was like , that was like eight ounces .

So I put like four ounces in it and it would have been better if I had had the um just the straight Koby Jack .

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Kobe , Kobe , I'm sorry , Monterey Jack , because Monterey Jack gives a good taste to um macaroni and cheese .

And like I told you , there's several different ways that you can do this .

Um , some people stick to just one brand of cheese or one type of cheese and other people .

I mean , they do like , I do just mix up a whole lot of good cheese .

It's whatever you think is good to your taste buds .

Right now , I'm gonna sit this in my refrigerator overnight and you can cook macaroni and cheese in the same day .

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But I like for my macaroni cheese , he my macaroni and cheese to be um hot piping , you know , I like it hot and I , I want it like fresh instead of cooking the day prior , I want it to be cooked at the time that I'm enjoying that particular meal , whatever it is that may be on my menu .

So this is all that I am going to do for uh tonight .

Now , tomorrow , what I will do is I will put the layer of cheese over the top of the macaroni and cheese after I add in my , um , my liquids , which will be my milk and my egg mixture .

So that's all you need to do for this tonight .

And I will finish this off tomorrow .

I'll get back to you .

So I'm gonna cover it with uh some plastic wrap , sit it in my refrigerator and I'll bake it off tomorrow .

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We'll get back to Chris cook for you too .

Today , I'm going to be doing the finish uh product of the macaroni and cheese .

So let's get started with the sauce that I'm gonna pour into the mac macaroni and cheese and then I'll put the topping on .

I'll bake it off in the oven at 375 degrees for roughly 30 to 45 minutes or until the back , the top of the macaroni and cheese has , it starts to bubble and the cheese has melted down .

So let's get started here .

I have those seasonings that I'm going to be using or the ingredients that I'm going to be using , I did have a half of a container of sour cream .

So I'm gonna put this in the macaroni and cheese .

It will not give it a sour taste .

But what it will do is bring in the creaminess that you need in your macaroni and cheese .

You see macaroni and cheese .

Sometimes it's real dry .

Well , it's dry because the only thing that they're using in there is just milk .

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So you need to have something that's gonna bring in that rich creaminess to your macaroni and cheese .

So this is a half a container of sour cream .

I have one cup of milk that's whole milk .

I have three eggs .

I have one can of carnation milk .

Yes , I'm gonna use whole milk and carnation milk and I have the topping which is the Kobe and the Monterey Jack cheese that I'm going to put on top .

If you want , you can salt and pepper to taste the best pepper to use in macaroni and cheese is white pepper because you don't want those little spots all through your macaroni and your cheese .

And there I have some sugar and the sugar like I told you yesterday is just there to give it balance .

So I'm going to start by adding and blending and you can do this with your hands , but I'm gonna do it with uh my blender .

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I'm going to add the three eggs to this , my one cup of whole milk and this is going to be about one cup of carnation milk .

And I told you before , carnation milk , velvet sizes .

And I love the texture that comes from carnation milk .

And I'm going to add this is a 16 ounce container of sour cream , but in here is only eight ounces .

So I'm going to add this eight ounces of sour cream .

Again , I tell you don't worry about the ingredients that you see me use because at the bottom of this recipe or at the bottom of the tutorial , there will be the ingredients that I'm using for this dish today .

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Now , once I've added all of these , then I'm going to blend it up together with my blender car , ran out of space .

So I had to go and put a different one in to finish this out .

And what you didn't see me do is add the one tablespoon of sugar .

So I've already added the one tablespoon of sugar and I'm gonna continue from there .

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So I'm gonna be this up and feel free to taste it and make certain that it meets your expectations of what this should be about .

So OK , that's , that's good .

Now , I'm not going to add salt and pepper , but you can do that .

OK ?

You can go ahead and add it because remember last night , I did put the season all down into the macaroni and cheese .

So I have my macaroni uh sitting out here along with my cheese and the only thing I'm going to do is to take off the plastic wrap because it was in my refrigerator and I'm going to pour this mixture all over .

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Ok .

Now , once I've poured all of that , I'm going to take my cheese .

This is the cheese that I have left over from last night and I'm gonna layer it with a layer of cheese .

You don't need to stir in it , mix in it .

You don't need to do any of that .

Ok ?

OK .

Now that I've done that , I'm gonna go ahead and place this in my oven again at 375 degrees .

Bake it off for roughly 30 to 45 minutes when it starts to bubble around the edges and the cheese has melted .

Then I know it's done and I'll take it out and show you the finished product .

The macaroni and cheese is done and I'm not going to dish yet because I have to finish off the rest .

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I'm just gonna go down and see that pull on that cheese .

See that , that's what you want with your macaroni and cheese and I'm not gonna dish yet .

I'm just going to see that pull Hollywood .

That's the way you want it .

And I know this is delicious .

I'm not gonna dish it yet .

I'm gonna wait until I get the whole dinner prepared , but I just wanted to show you the finished product on the macaroni and cheese .


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