Let me help you to have a good night's sleep .
Both palm on the side of your head and pat it one two , three , 4512 , three 45 .
Front of a forehead .
One two 34512345 .
Stop hold for five seconds 12345 with your left palm .
Massage your right neck one .
You will feel the tension in your neck .
Five right palm on your left neck , 2345 .
Now the left palm on the right shoulder , one two three four five , right palm onto your left shoulder .
One two .
If you are tapping firmly , you will feel the tension in your shoulder .
Five , right palm on your heart and massage in a clockwise position .
One 23455 more .
12345 .
Stop .
Hold for five seconds one .
If you're holding firmly enough , you will feel your body heat both palm on your eyes and massage out one two , 3455 more one 2345 and hold it for five seconds one 2345 and release the palm and blend your eyes .
1234512345 123451234512345 .
Place your palm on your eyes and hold it 123455 more 1234 five .
This time breathing into your nose and up to your nose .
One revenge and out two , your chest will expand if you are breathing deep enough .
Now , three breathing and I fall breathing and out five , five more breath in one and at one breath and out two breathing and out three breath and out four and I'm five and hold it for five second 12 34 , five .
And relax .
Do this in bed just before you go to sleep and have a good sleep .
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