Hi , I'm Rebecca brand and they're gonna make the very best cup in the whole wide world of pour over coffee .
I love coffee .
I get asked all the time .
What are you on Rebecca in your videos ?
Because you're so crazy .
My answer is coffee on my channel .
You're gonna see all kinds of recipes for all kinds of coffee drinks .
This is the best recipe for a pour over coffee drink .
I'm putting in three tablespoons of beans into my hand held java press coffee grinder , shake , shake shake .
And that's what three tablespoons of coffee beans looks like in your java press hand crank coffee grinder .
Set the bottom to a medium course grind and that took some trial and error .
So do this at home .
On top .
It goes , put a lid on it and on goes up .
Hang crank .
It's a Hexagon shape .
It's gonna stay secure that way in time for the action Jackson , we gotta hand crank that it doesn't take any batteries .
It is super easy to do this part and around and around that hang prink goes and where she stops .
We all know with a great cup of coffee .
I love these for traveling because I don't wake up the whole household .
I don't want to get yelled at when I get up and have my coffee in the morning .
These are so much quieter than those machine coffee makers .
They'll wake up the dead .
She'll be coming around the mountain for that great cup of coffee .
This kind of coffee grinder is also known as a bird grinder .
It's much more gentle on those coffee beans .
So the coffee is higher quality than those electric ones with all those really sharp blades .
The quiet factor is really important to me because you wouldn't want to rake the kids into sleeping .
You need some time to yourself .
It's got a great view finder so you can see that it's all completely ground in there and that's what you need .
So get your boiling water and you're gonna heat up your java press stainless steel filter and the cup and then I pour it out and that's gonna be hot because heat is crucial for a great cup of coffee .
Let me show you what medium coarse grain looks like .
We'll put it over here and here is a recently sterilized nickel .
So you can see what it looks like with Mr Nickel head because I like my coffee a little richer .
I go to a medium rather than the medium course .
That's just me .
Remember a nickel and my recipe is three tablespoons one , two and Mr third , three , grinding is a lot of guesswork .
So a little more for next time and with your very hot water poured just a little bit in what you're doing is you're letting the carbon dioxide come out of that coffee as a little gas .
You want that out , not in your coffee , you don't want it smashed in going into your brew .
The hot water also is moistening up those coffee grinds so it'll be able to extract more of the flavor into your cup .
This step is called blooming your coffee .
Look , that's how much you got out .
How the first step .
And so now in a circular motion , you pour in your hot , hot water into your beautifully ground coffee all the way to the top and stop and it takes 60 seconds to work its way through .
The size of that funnel is exactly the size of my cup of coffee .
It's perfect .
And at the very end I give a little stir to help it along and my trick .
So this lasts forever and doesn't get clogged up and then I rinse it with my leftover hot water .
Him shooting fire .
Well , though , you don't want to burn yourself and then a little bit of hot water from the sink down the drain those little Granules go and by doing that with the hot water from my kettle , the oils don't get cold and clog up that very fine strainer ouch .
It's hot .
So make sure you click the link below and you get one .
Let's try it now for the taste .
Mm .
That's great .
But I can make it even better .
I'm gonna turn it into a latte .
That's my favorite .
I have this glass of milk .
Ouch .
I hurt myself .
That milk's really hot the way I wanted it .
But you gotta be careful .
Don't burn yourself froth it .
I milk it like a cow for 20 seconds with my handy daddy milk froth .
And I add it into my beautiful pour over coffee .
May I please have it with a little extra foam ?
Oh , and a teaspoon of sugar .
I'm Rebecca brand this guide to my channel .
And let's keep making great recipes .
Like a recipe for a pour over coffee with a little froth on top .