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2023-08-31 07:32:10

How To Install Optifine On Minecraft - Full Guide

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

in this video , I'll show you how to install to find for Minecraft .

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Go and close off Minecraft and you'll need to go and open up a Web browser .

This can be any type of browser .

I'm just using Google chrome and then go to any search engine .

I'm using Google , but it can be any and all you need to do .

Just go and search for Opt the fine just like so and make sure you go to the official website , which is opt the fine dot net .

Then once you're on the website , go to the top and go and tap on downloads at the top of the downloads page , you will be the most up to date version of Opt the vine .

However , if you want an older version , then go and tap on show all versions like so and you can go and scroll back .

However , I want to get the most up to date version , so I'm gonna go and tap on download like so and we .

Then we take it to this ad wall here , and I'll need to go and wait .

I think five seconds you can go and see in the top , right ?

Just be aware that this is an ad here .

And so you don't click on any download buttons because you'll download something else and not opt to find .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

So go and tap on Skip , just like so and then what you'll need to do is go and tap on download again here , and the download will now begin .

Then , once it's finished downloading , you can then go and close off the browser .

Just give it a few seconds .

It's quite small , as you can see .

There it is , and then you can go and close off your browser .

Then what you need to do is go and open up your file Explorer and go to a download folder .

Here we are in my Downloads folder , and here is the op Define installer .

So what I'm going to do is just go and drag it onto my desktop , just like so , to make things a bit clearer for you .

So what you'll need to do is go and double click on it like so , and the opt .

Define launcher or install .

It should then open up .

However , if yours doesn't , Um , or something else happens .

And this is likely because you don't have Java installed in your system or the file isn't open up using java .

So , firstly , what I recommend doing is just going and downloading Java .

To do that , just go and open up a Web browser once again and just go and search for Java like this or go straight to java dot com .

And all you need to do is go and tap on download java , and it will then go and download , and then you can go and install it .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Just follow the installation instructions .

It's super easy , then .

Once you've done that , you may need to go and restart your computer , but you should need to .

Then come back to the file the opt to find file and right click on it and then press open with and then go and select java TM platform SE , binary or tap on , choose another app and then go and click on it and press .

Always use .

If that still doesn't work , then you may need to go do something called jar fix .

This is quite a common thing .

Don't worry .

And I've got a full guide on it , which I'm going to go and link in the description of this video .

So all you'll need to do is go and follow that video and the jar fix basically just goes and links java with jar application .

So try that Anyways , once you want to open it up , all you then need to do is go and tap on install .

If you go and get an error like this , don't worry .

All you need to do is come back to your Minecraft launcher .

Make sure you're on Minecraft Driver Edition and all you need to do is go and launch Minecraft 1.19 0.4 in my case or whatever version it says .

As you can see , When I clicked it , it said 1.19 0.4 .

So , yeah , just make sure you've gone and run that version .

I've now gone and run it .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

So I'm then gonna go and on quick game like so and then go and try and clicking install again and hopefully now it's going to go and install .

Nothing's going to happen when you press install , you just suddenly go and get a notification saying Opt find is installed .

So here we are in the launcher , and what you'll need to do is make sure you go and select Minecraft .

Opt fine .

To do that , it's super easy .

I'll show you how .

Go to the bottom left of the play screen and make sure you select .

Opt .

Fine , then play and you may go and get this warning .

This is because you're using sort of like a moded version or a modified version .

So , yeah , just go and click play op .

The fine is safe .

So here we are on Minecraft and just go and press on the pause button , which is also escape .

Then press options and video settings and , as you can see in the bottom , left it then says opine HD , and you're also going to notice you've got a load more settings , which you wouldn't usually have with opine , and also when you go and on the left to see as well you go and zoom in .

If you guys find this useful and you enjoy opt find , then please consider leaving a like peace


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