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2023-08-29 08:44:45

How to make face & body coffee sugar scrub for glowing skin _ no more stretch marks #sugarscrube

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So guys in in making this uh brown sugar and coffee scrub .

So we'll be needing a mixing bowl .

So this is my missing bowl .

Um I use this missing bow to mix my body oil that you can see a little bit of oil from the bottom .

So I don't need to clean it at all .

And then of course , our measure made cup which is also very , very important .

OK ?

And then we'll be needing brown sugar .

So this is the sugar that I want to use .

The last video I made I make use of brown sugar and white sugar .

So in today's video , I will be making use of brown sugar without white sugar .

OK ?

Brown sugar is very , very good .

This is how the brown sugar looks like .

It's very , very affordable .

It's not expensive at all .

I think this is about 800 naira or so .

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So this is the brown sugar that I'll be making use of today and then we'll be making use of coffee , which is also important .

So this is my coffee and uh this is the calf , they have the blend and the cave the calf is the bitter one and the blend is the plain one .

OK ?

So we'll be making use of the calf .

So this is how it looks like and then we'll be making use of honey .

OK ?

These are the main three ingredients that is very , very important in making um brown sugar and um coffee scrub .

It is very , very important .

OK .

This is the type of scrub we can actually make at home .

OK ?

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It's very , very um simple to make .

It's not difficult at all .

OK .

So this is my pure organic honey .

All right .

So we making use of this honey and then of course , we'll be making use of our vitamin E oil .

OK ?

Our vitamin E oil is very , very good for stretchmarks .

So now just know that all of these ingredients here are totally like more of a treatment uh product , right ?

So the oils and the things that we will be making use of are like they are very , very good when it comes to stretch muk .

They are good when it comes to green vein , especially green vein and also for dark spots .

OK ?

And it's going to blend your skin and make your skin glow .

All right .

So this is not a whiteness scrub .

It's not a lightly scrub .

It's just a normal glowing that anybody can use .

Even kids can use this oil .

That is how mild it is .

OK .

And then we have a raw organic vitamin E oil .

And the next thing that I'll be making use of it .

Our wheat jam oil , OK ?

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So I'll be making use of this .

The making is a crude canine co I know most of you know , more or much about crude can , crude .

Can I is very , very good when it comes to green vine .

OK .

You can actually just mix this with coconut oil and um uh vitamin E oil and use it for your stretch .

You are going to see a very uh beautiful result .

OK ?

I'm not joking .

This is very , very good when it comes to green vain .

All right .

And then we have our Shalom stretch oil .

OK ?

So in here we have our glycolic acid , OK ?

Very , very important in this remedy .

And then we'll be adding in our Python fat oil .

They making use of preservative , which is also very , very important .

OK ?

And then we have our honey uh sorry , our extra veging coconut oil or virgin coconut oil , OK ?

This is cold pressed coconut oil and it's very , very good .

OK ?

Just know that all these things here .

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If you , if you have dark spots on your body , if you want to glow your skin , if you want to remove stretchmarks , if you want to remove grieving , this scrub is for you .

You don't need anything harsh .

OK ?

You just need something that is very , very mild , something that will work gradually for your skin .

It's not like you have to use so many things before you get the results you want .

OK ?

It's very , very simple .

So now this is my 250 M L OK ?

And then we'll be measuring three cocks of this OK ?

Pick up of this um brown sugar .

So then I have to open this .

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So this the scrub I use for my skin since my whiteness scrub got finished and it has been doing a very good job for me because that is one three .

So now I have my uh coffee , OK ?

So this is my raw coffee then I'll be making use of half a cup of this or you can as well just make it full cup , ok ?

It all depends on what you want , right ?

So this is it , this is almost a half a half a cup and quarter .

All right .

So this is it , I'll just , I'll be using my hand to break this down , ok ?

So you don't need to blend it , don't blend it just use your hand just the way I'm doing it .

So it doesn't need to be smooth .

Alright .

It doesn't need to be smooth .

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So now all we need to do is to use our hand to mix this together because and this is how it looks like .

So now next thing that we're going to add in is a honey , ok ?

So when I add , adding the honey , make sure that you are very , very careful in pouring it in .

Don't pour too much .

Add it in bit by bit .

So it won't be too much .

So I'll be adding in half a cup of my honey .

Ok , that's enough .

So I'll be using my hand to miss this because quite too much .

I don't want to use one .

I want to make sure that everything corporate very , very well .

Ok .

So now I have my on in here then I miss again .

Ok .

So I have to miss this to know if the honey is enough or not because I want the scrub to be very , very thick .

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I don't want it to be too light , but don't forget that we have some other serums that we will be adding in just in case you end up adding all your serums and oils and you feel like the scrub is light , you can add in more sugar and coffee .

Ok ?

So that is all you need to do .

So the only is OK .

I don't need to add uh more .

All right .

So now the next thing that I need to add in is my uh vitamin E first before I add in that I have to make sure that I change my gloves , ok ?

Because this is messed up .

I don't want to , I don't want to use this to touch the rest of my products .

Ok ?

So guys , so next thing I'm going to be adding in is my vitamin E oil .

So this is my 30 ml we are supposed to add in two tables for making it 40 ML .

OK ?

So this is 31 ML .

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So I'll pour in uh four and now adding it leads you , OK ?

Or you can just leave it that way .

So I'm gonna add in just a little more .

OK ?

So that will be going in .

Next thing that will be adding in is a um glycolic acid .

OK ?

So we'll be adding in 30 AM of a glycolic acid .

Oh That was a mess .

That's enough .

Then the next thing that I will be adding in the prop my co we'll be adding in as well .

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And then we have our coconut oil .

We'll be adding in CTML .

So I'll be pouring in two of these in here .

One .

So that's OK .

And then we go in with our stretch Shalom stretch mark oil and add in as well .

And then we have a Python fat oil and we add it in 30 .

Then we have our cold can I co so we are supposed to add in one tablespoon .

So I don't have a tablespoon here with me .

So I'll just be adding in just a li OK .

Don't forget this is , this is not up to 22 tables from .

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So you just be adding in , I need two of this or you can add more .

All right .

So now when you want to use this cob , make sure that you leave it for your skin like 10 to 15 minutes before you wash off .

All right .

So now we have our preservative , we'll be adding in .

Um , it is from a preservative .

It's ok .

So now I'm time to miss , I'm going to use four to miss this because I don't want to use my hand anymore .

I don't have time to , to change , uh , gloves is my last day .

Ok .

So the reason is just there .

Make sure you stay this properly , ok ?

Make sure you miss it very , very well .

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You can add in miracle powder .

One is enough you can add in just one miracle powder to this , right ?

So this is how it looks like .

This is very , very good for stretching .

It's good for green vein , it's good for um wrinkles , it's good for dark spots .

This will blow your skin to even your skin out .

Ok ?

So it's not all about using a whitening scrub or anything .

You just need something very , very natural , something very organic .

Ok ?

So this is my scope .

So now I think it's a little bit too light because this is going to stay long in my bathroom .

Ok .

So I'm just adding a little bit of sugar .

So that means I use all my sugar .

Let me see how many grams this is ok .

This is 500 g .

Ok .

Let see 500 grams of sugar mix properly .

You can also add in a little bit of coffee if you wish to .

Ok ?

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So I'll just be adding in a liter .

I was just , don't forget the first thing I did .

I crush it with my hand and it is like this , I don't know if this camera is focusing or , I don't know , but we just thought that we come up with something good , I think or came up with something to do .

English is hard and I am not an English person .

Take it or leave it .

So the next thing I'm gonna do now is to transfer it into my um into my , my bottle .

So if you want to buy these guys , if you want to buy this for me , just know that it's not a whiteney scrub , ok ?

It's not a whiteness scrub .

It's meant to glow your skin .

If you are the type that wants to keep your natural skin glowing , get the scrub and use it for yourself .

You will love it .

I'm telling you the truth .

It is what I use and it's very , very mild .

Anybody can use it .

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You can make a large quantity for your family , ok ?

You can just make as much as this or even more than this for your own family and it will last for a very long time .

Keep your natural skin glowing with this scrub and you will love it .

So this is all I have in here .

You can add in miracle powder if you wish to .

So I will not be adding that in because I already have miracle powder in my stretch mark chrome .

So I don't need it because this is actually a wash of stuff .

Ok .

I apply .

This can use this three times a week .

You can even use it every day .

It's not going to worsen up your skin , but I , I like to use it three times a week .

Ok .

So this is going to remove the skin cell .

It's going to help in .

Um , it's going to soften up your skin .

It's going to make your skin blow or remove dust spots if this is my blue scrub , not a white scrub .

All right guys .

So I'm done packing and this is how it looks like .

Ok , hope you can see it properly .

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This is how it looks like it's not really that dark .

I don't know why the camera is making it look so dark .

This is how it looks like .

So this is what I got from the school , right ?

So , actually this is been lasting for like two or three months .

Probably should be more than two months anyway .

So I don't think it should be up to three months , but it should be more than two months because I use it very well .

So this is it .


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