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2023-08-30 06:42:27


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Hello , my old school soul food family chef Jeffrey back with another video .

Alright y'all we still in this Thanksgiving uh segments here and uh I'm still trying to push everything I can get into y'all before Thanksgiving .

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I'm doing two videos in one video , two recipes in one video using one common sauce .

And you see by the title Old School Mac and Cheese .

Old School creamy .

I dried potatoes , cheese .

I got potatoes .

I mean all use with my old school cheese sauce with a little old Velveeta which is not old school but I'll tell you why I use Velveeta uh as I go along but yeah , all I'm gonna got here y'all is very simple ingredient .

I got Monterey Jack Cheese regular uh cheddar cheese like I said a little , a little cream cheese make it creamy .

I got my macaroni for the macaroni cheese and I'm use y'all know I use you can , that's only potatoes I use .

I don't use the this is gonna give you your , your uh uh cheese , I potatoes or potatoes .

I , and have you wanna say it ?

The potatoes are gonna be more buttery and , and , and , and cheesier and amazing using these and then milk salt and pepper .

That's it .

Y'all .

What I'm gonna do , I'm gonna step off .

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I'm gonna get my pot heating up in the back , the bar , my pasta , I'm gonna get my potatoes all peeled and diced up .

We're gonna come back and knock this cheese sauce out .

You're gonna see how quick it is to do two recipes at one time y'all .

It's not that easy at all .

You can't go , takes very , very little time to boil .

It takes about 20 minutes max to boil .

You can go cause they so tender type of potato .

So anyway , this is another Thanksgiving side that I love to have with my , uh , London like macaroni cheese turkey and dressing , um , uh chicken and dressing and cranberry sauce .

Give it the gravy and uh , gripped potatoes too .

So anyway , we'll be right back .

I'm gonna dice some potatoes up , get my pot for my pasta .

We're gonna come knock this cheese sauce out .

We're gonna have some old school mac and cheese , old school uh , potato .

Be right back .

All right y'all , we back here .

OK .

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I got my potatoes diced up here for my , um , I grind potato and you see how big I dice them .

I want them always died .

So when they cook and I'm scaring them , they might break a little .

So if you do them too small , they gonna break up a lot and you gonna have much you're not gonna have those nice chunks in the potatoes that you want .

So what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna get my pasta going .

I got my milk will be heating up which I'll show y'all in just a second .

I'm gonna get my macaroni pasta .

Put it in the salted water here .

Get it cooked off cause I'm gonna do the macaroni first .

Here it around .

Let it be cooking while this is cooking .

OK ?

Now let me move y'all around here .

I'm ready .

Y'all can see what I'm doing here .

OK .

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Yeah .

Cheese sauce .

I know y'all been seeing me make this before .

Uh all I'm gonna do , I'm gonna heat this milk up .

Let me get my salt and pepper .

I want this milk to come to a simmer .

Then I'm gonna pick it up with .

You .

Don't know what ro is , man .

I put a link in the description of the video .

All it is is flour and butter and I keep in my refrigerator .

I let this sit out though at room temperature .

It's easy to work with if it's room temperature and I'm using a lot of root this time of year .

So I just let it sit out its room temperature early in the mornings when I know I'm gonna be doing a lot of cooking .

So take care of the , the effect of that .

Ok ?

Now let me see if this is hot enough .

OK ?

Now this is getting hot enough let me stir my macaroni again .

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This one we gonna multitask here in the kitchen .

It's like on Thanksgiving and week you got a lot of stuff to do sometime .

You gotta multitask .

OK ?

Now I'm gonna take me some root here , get my spoon here y'all .

And the thing is I want to tighten this up first with that way is guaranteed .

Not that your cheese sauce won't split or break .

However you wanna say it , you wanna get a binder in here .

So what I'm gonna do this is literally called the and the fancy word .

What I'm making , I'm making me a male right now .

That's the French term , I guess for the fancy term in the restaurant and I make a and then I'm gonna add this cheese to it , but I wanna get this thicken enough .

So when I add the cheese to it , the cheese will not separate or split .

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OK ?

Hold on just a second right out here .

OK ?

And the key is this , you wanna , if you don't have a thick bottom uh pot like I have , you wanna make sure you wait the eye on this because it will burn on you quick if you're not , if you're not careful at this point because this is a thick bottom pot of y'all that I always use .

So I don't have to use a double ball or nothing like that , but you gotta be very careful to make sure you constantly stirred if you , if you got one of them thin bottom pots that I tell y'all do not use .

I tell y'all to invest in a thick bottom pot .

I'm gonna show you all the consistency I'm looking for in just a second and I don't wanna add the root too much and get it too thick .

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Even though if I do get it too thick , I can always add more milk to it .

So it's not a lost cos this gonna be enough cheese sauce y'all .

I'm doubling the cheese sauce cause this is gonna be enough cheese sauce for the macaroni and cheese and I grotten potatoes or potatoes .

I gotten here .

You wanna say , I think I need a little bit more room for this .

My , I mean my lay off so I can show you all the , I'm looking for my pasta .

I don't want my macaroni to burn back here .

Been perfectly back then .

OK .

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They a bit more , not much almost to the consistency I want , I think it takes about four or five tablespoons for this and the normal , maybe three tablespoons on the normal recipe , the cheese sauce .

But I'm gonna put the rec recipe to the cheese sauce inscription of the video y'all .

OK .

This is what I want .

This is consistency I want right here .

I'm gonna show you all right quick .

The consistency I want right now .

See that that's all I want .

I don't want it no thicker than that because what's going to happen when I add the cheese to this , the different cheeses , it's gonna get thicker .

The first cheese I'm gonna add is one y'all probably hate is Velveeta , Velveeta .

I like .

Of course , it's not old school cheese cheese .

It's a , more of a stabilizer and it gives it a nice creamy taste , but it's a , the stabilizer to my cheese sauce .

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And I'm also be turn this down , you know , let's turn this down here .

It looks a little .

Oh yeah , we're gonna turn it down and they're gonna constantly stare it .

Work that in really , really good y'all .

Yes , sir .

That's what we want .

We get that cheese nice and melted in there .

No .

Well , that's melting in there cause it ain't gonna take long for this Velveeta melt .

Then I'm gonna add my cream cheese .

Keep an eye on my pasta back here y'all .

Like I say , I'm multitasking right here .

Now , I'm gonna add my cream cheese , which you gonna make it creamy , cream cheese , creamy .

That's easy .

Huh ?

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We're gonna get all this completely melted and then we're gonna come in with our Monterey Jack cheese and our cheddar cheese .

Like I said , it's gonna be a big old pot of cheese sauce y'all cause I'm doing it for two items .

This thing slowly melting .

I turn it up just a little .

You don't wanna , you don't wanna go too fast with it cause it will burn on you and if you squish this , there's nothing you can do to fix it .

You just gotta throw it in the trash can I throw it down the garbage disposal .

There's nothing you can do to fix it .

Once you scratch milk , there's nothing you can .

I don't care what they say or you gonna add this and that .

Now that taste is something that just hits you right when you goes right at your nose , when you scorch some milk .

Ok .

Now , next thing I'm gonna do , I'm gonna put me some Monterey Jack cheese in here .

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It's gonna give it more body and get a mouth in .

It's like a four cheese cheese sauce here .

Y'all definitely gonna be very cheesy .

Oh yeah .

Doing good .

Doing good .

Now that semi melted now all we gonna do now is add our cheddar cheese to this .

That's what's gonna make it really yellow and cheesy extra cheesier .

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And I'm not really into cheese is already grated , but I'm using it in a pinch when you're really busy doing a lot of things you like grade my own cheese a lot of times with my grater .

But when you're busy sometime you gotta go with stuff that's already done .

Yeah , there we go .

See how that's coming together .

Let me watch my macaroni back here .

It's looking good .

Looking good .

So , is this cheese sauce ?

See how it's coming together really good .

Now , all I'm gonna do now I wanna heat it until it's completely melted .

All this cheese and this cheese sauce is completely smooth .

Then we're gonna add some salt and pepper to this and that'll be it for this cheese sauce .

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And y'all see how , see how easy come together .

It's so , so simple .

Y'all get a spoon here .

Get a spoon ready I can .

Oh , yeah .

Look at that .

Look at that .

Now , I know it needs salt and pepper .

A couple of teaspoons and get started here and then we're gonna taste it because I know it's bland right now .

I haven't had any seasoning to it .

Ok .

Let me check this out here .

Absolutely perfect .

Y'all .

Absolutely perfect .

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No , I'm gonna let it cook just another minute .

Make sure the cheese is appropriately , you know , throw the cheese out the way right now .

I saw up out the way .

Now I'm gonna show y'all the consistency of what you're looking for in the cheese sauce cause I'm about to turn this off .

This is what you're looking for , the consistency .

See how nice and smooth that cheese sauce is ?

You see how easy it come together .

I said that's consistent as you want .

I gonna make a nice mac and cheese .

Y'all nice .

Awesome mac and cheese .

OK .

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No , let that hang out right there .

Cut it off .

That's all we need .

We don't need nothing else from that .

Now we're gonna check our macaroni .

I think I'm gonna cover this up .

Check out macaroni back here .

My name is .

Definitely y'all over .

I'm gonna move y'all over here .

There we go .

Move y'all over here .

Turn it off .

I'm right now with the pain on macaroni here , we're gonna put it right in the bowl .

Throw it in .

There is all that out .

OK ?

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I'm gonna let it hang out here for just a second y'all .

I'm gonna rinse this out .

Put my potatoes on while my potatoes are cooking .

We'll put the macaroni together so we'll be right back .

OK ?

Y'all , we are back here .

Ok , let me move this board out there .

Definitely don't need this right now .

What we gonna do ?

I'm gonna put my cheese sauce right here on the counter .

Yeah , I got my sprayed .

I sprayed my , I eat my casserole dish right here .

So all I'm gonna do now is add my cheese sauce right here .

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My macaroni stir it up and will have macaroni and cheese to go in the oven around here and you wanna put a lot of cheese sauce in here y'all because what happened ?

What's gonna happen as it set up ?

It's , it gets hard and the next day or if you freeze it , what you can freeze macaroni , you don't want it to be too dry or it won't come back together with a little milk in it .

So we're gonna mix this up .

And what I also like to do , I put some cheese in the middle like this dinner also .

I put a little bit more cheese sauce on here .

I say you want a lot of cheese sauce in here .

Y'all make that up in there just like that .

Homemade mac and cheese y'all .

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That's another thing I make all the time .

That's another thing that was so popular .

Like my Meat and Greek .

Y'all I have here is Katie .

People thought this stuff was amazing .

They really did .

They thought it was absolutely amazing .

Stir this around .

I might have to add salt and pepper again to this y'all .

I'm gonna check my season one more kind of is macaroni has water in it and that water might have diluted the taste .

A little taste of how I had earlier .

So I'm gonna taste it here .

Mhm There's a little bit more salt pepper that much just to balance the flavor back out .

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I almost scoop with some of uh sauce that it .

I'm sitting out .

We're gonna put in my baking dish always free .

You don't wanna have won't come out the dish , huh ?

That would defeat the purpose .

Are you making macaroni ?

Now ?

We that over there now put cheese all on the top of it .

No , we're gonna let this come bubbly buttery , bubbly pubby .

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We'll put it in the oven about , it takes about 2030 minutes , depending on all you know , in the oven .

So I'm gonna put this in the oven .

I got my potatoes back here cooking off .

I'm gonna be back in about , they gonna take about 20 minutes to cook these potatoes .

I just put them on and then we're gonna put these , our ground potatoes together .

It's gonna be the same process .

Y'all , same process .

Only difference .

We putting potatoes instead of macaroni .

So we'll be right back .

Right y'all , we are back here .

The macaroni is out of the oven and it is bubbling hot .

Y'all .

Let me tell you that it is bubbling , bubbling hot .

So what I'm gonna do , I'm gonna send this to the side and I'm gonna uh get my uh potatoes here , which is ready to go into the cheese sauce .

Put them together .

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We're gonna taste all of this at the same time , but I put this in the oven for almost 30 minutes .

So , yeah .

Nice and bubbly cheese is brown on there and what you want .

So anyway , I'm gonna move some stuff around here .

I'm gonna keep y'all here with me .

Sorry about that fan y'all .

When I get a lot of stuff going on my stove , sometimes my automatic fan on my stove will come up .

There's no way you can cut it off .

OK , let me get my pot back over here with my cheese sauce .

Let me get my boldness on my potato .

I use the same bowl .

We gotta wash it out that I use for my uh macaroni .

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Drain this off and y'all noticed something that I'm putting the hot cheese sauce on the hot potatoes and the hot macaroni .

That's very important because you want the sauce to soak up the OK .

Then went off .

Now , here we go .

This shit .

They , oh yeah , they definitely done .

Y'all .

Look how easy the knife go in there .

Oh Yeah .

OK .

Like I was saying , you want the sauce to go right into the past , right into the potatoes and it's easier for them to do that when both items are hot and the sauce is hot and the uh the potatoes and the macaroni is hot .

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So what we gonna do here this over , put myself back over here like I have before and we're gonna layer this sauce right on top of here .

Y'all gotten a little warm but it'll work .

I'm gonna do just like I did the macaroni .

I'm gonna put some cheese right in the middle .

I'm gonna mix it up and just give it a little bit of party .

I think a little cheese in there and I like to use this when I mix this cause I don't like to break up my potatoes too much .

So I like to do gently with it .

Just fold it in like this cause I want you to see the big hunk of potatoes in there .

Look at that .

A little bit more sauce on there .

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Y'all never had cheesy potatoes .

I got potatoes .

Y'all don't know what you're missing .

Don't know what you're missing y'all .

OK ?

Now move this back .

Over here on the stove , get dish here , pour it , ran through the cafe be there .

She get all , all that goodness out of there y'all , all that goodness out there .

Look at that .

Look at that y'all I need this just right there .

Put the cheese back on the top .

I , I get the macaroni .

I like to put a lot of cheese on here .

Y'all .

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You'll see why later I'm taking out the big leg of cheese on here .

Y'all put the rest of that on there .

I'm gonna bake this in the oven for about 30 minutes and it's gonna come out nice bubbly , just like the macaroni .

So we'll be right back .

Right y'all , we are back and look at this .

Yummy , yummy goodness , yummy , yummy goodness here .

So this thing is excruciating .

He has brown on the top .

A lot of cheese .

So what I'm gonna do y'all , I'm gonna step off .

I'm gonna do a thumbnail .

I got the macaroni and cheese here .

Gotta move this over .

Hold on , y'all .

Let me put this here .

I got the macaroni cheese right here .

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I need to do a thumbnail with the , with the uh with the cheese .

I grab potato .

Then we're gonna come back and I'm gonna taste both of them .

I already know they're good , but I gotta prove it to y'all .

I have some daughters out there .

I got some daughters .

You don't think this stuff is good .

So anyway , y'all , I'll be right back in about 23 minutes .

We'll be right back .

OK ?

Y'all , we are back for the final time here and let's see which one I'm gonna uh find my spoon here y'all .

There we go and see which one we gonna taste first .

I say the macaroni and cheese since that's the first one I cook .

Let get that corner y'all .

Oh my God .

Look at this .

Look at this y'all .

Mm go get this goodness here .

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Put this up here where y'all can see it .

This thing is excruciating hot .

Look at that .

Look at that nice cheese on there .

You see the cheese there ?

Nice cheese topping there .

Nice and creamy .

I'm gonna see that yet .

Look how creamy that cheese is .

That's mac and cheese y'all and this is gonna be very hot to my mouth here y'all y'all bear with me .

Y'all pray for me .

Yeah .

Mm mm .

Mm hm .

No .

Hm .

What we got ba goodness y'all creamy mac and cheese .

Look at not dry .

We got what ?

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Mm mm OK .

Let me rinse this spoon off and we're gonna try something .

I just absolutely love which is uh absolutely love these things .

Set this to the side over here right there .

Yeah .

Y'all can look at it while I'm eating the other one .

Ok , let's get the grass out of here , man .

Oh man .

Look at them potatoes .

See and why I like them potatoes to be cut big ?

Are they big and chunky and it's definitely hot too .

They gather .

See how , see how big the potatoes are .

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You can actually see that you got cheese still sitting on there and the potatoes there .

Look at it perfectly cook the potatoes .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

The bird can you right ?

Overcooked .

Hm .

I can do that .

Why ?

Who my hot y'all here we are .

It be hot , yo .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

hm .

Good news .

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If it didn't take a long time to bring them two together , I mean one salt but I got some more cheese sauce right here .

Look at that .

I got that extra .

I'm gonna make a broccoli and cheese casserole and another video y'all .

So y'all stand by for that one .

It might be the last video of the Thanksgiving thing .

So I'm , I'm a little bit pushing things back tomorrow y'all .

I'm gonna be doing my tomorrow .

You'll see uh my herb butter and turkey brine and then Tuesday you'll do your I'll do my herb roast turkey to be uploaded .

So I give you a couple of days notice on the turkey .

The turkey is always the last thing .

So anyway , just two side dishes .

I absolutely love .

Y'all .

Get a little bit more of this .

Mac and cheese .

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Ain't go wrong with mac and cheese and this one you got a table right there .

Look at man and I like you can go because it's a creamier potato .

I have so much flavor , so much flavor .

So anyway , y'all let me close this video out a couple of side items I have for Thanksgiving .

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Remember the hashtag 2021 help somebody old through soul food until next time .

Have a blessed old school soul food today and I will see y'all in the next video .

Y'all have a happy Thanksgiving .

Have a blessed weekend .

I love y'all .

Bye .


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