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2023-08-29 09:21:18

Lobster Macaroni And Cheese Recipe _ How To Make Lobster Mac And Cheese

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Welcome back to cooking with Tammy .

Do I have a banger for you guys tonight when I tell you , oh , I can't wait to let me tell you tonight .

We're gonna be making lobster mac and cheese , but just not any lobster mac and cheese .

This lobster mac and cheese is gonna be filled with tons of flavor .

We're gonna be using some of the best cheeses .

So let me tell you , it's gonna be everything without further ado , let's introduce our ingredients and get started cause these things we're gonna need for our delicious .

This lobster mac and cheese are Cajun seasoning parsley garlic powder as well as Mince garlic , onion powder , oil , cheddar cheese , half and half Parmesan cheese , pasta .

I'm also gonna be using grier cheese , smoked , smoked paprika , base seasoning butter shallots , chicken or basically chicken broth .

We also have the star of the show .

Of course , we have lobster tails and we also have some Latino lobsters .

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So with all of that being said , let's get to cooking , we're back and we're all prepped up and ready to go .

We have our grated cheeses .

We have our grier cheese as well as our smoked , our cheddar cheese .

Not to mention our lobster tails as well as our lobsters are washed , clean , deveined and ready to go .

First thing we're gonna add to our , you know , lobster is some oil .

Hit it off with a little drizzle .

Why do I add oil ?

The oil is gonna help the seasoning to stick .

Gonna add a little bit of old .

We're not gonna oversea because for those of you who might not be familiar with this particular lobster , it's very delicate .

We're also gonna add a little bit of Cajun seasoning .

We're gonna add some smoked paprika , give it a nice flair .

It's definitely gonna work alongside our cheeses to bring out the best flavor in our mac and cheese .

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We're gonna add some garlic powder as well as onion powder when it comes to seasoning your seafood , you're gonna use a light hand because you don't wanna oversea .

I'm gonna go on my trusty hands and we're gonna mix it all up .

This meat is very delicate .

So you wanna use a light hand when combining the seasoning with the lobster right ?

In regards to price point .

Now , as you guys saw , we had the three lobster tails .

Those were about like 42 43 bucks versus the Latino lobster .

I got like literally the whole pack for $30 .

So if you want to be quest efficient , especially if you're making a mac and cheese , this is the way to go what we're gonna do is .

We're gonna move over to our pan .

We're gonna saute these Lagos lobsters to my pan .

I'm gonna add a light drizzle of oil and we're also gonna go in there with some shallots .

Why am I using shallots ?

Not diced onions ?

Because shallots brings that flavor .

It's nice and sweet .

It has like that sweet undertone .

But yet the flavors are like so powerful .

It's absolutely delicious .

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It's a step up from using onions .

I'm an onion fanatic .

Yes , but you gotta use the shallots from time to time when the time is right .

Anyway , we're gonna add our shallots to the oil .

We're gonna add our mince garlic .

Give it a good spot .

Make sure you keep storing it , make sure that can is not too hot because you don't want to burn your garlic .

You don't want , you know , you just don't want that burnt flavor , mix it on .

And if you gotta turn your stove top off just to allow the pan to cool down just a bit , please do so once you start to smell those aromatics , guess what ?

It's time for us to add our Latino lobster just like that .

Allow it to get nice and hot , allow those flavors and aromatics to continue to be released .

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Allow the flavors from the lobster to infuse with the shallots as well as the onions and vice versa .

And trust me , everything is gonna play out perfect because we're looking to get that flavor from beginning to end .

We want flavor from the lobster , all of our seasonings and everything that we use infused into our what ?

Lobster ?

Mac and cheese , baby .

Let's get it .

Turn it up a little bit .

Let the heat do what it do for those of you who have never tasted Latino Lobsters , the texture pretty much resembles shrimp more than lobster , believe it or not .

And it's more so related to the porcelain crab as well as the hermit crab .

So that's a little fact on Latino Lobsters , this is used in a lot of restaurant chains , whether it be lobster pizza , whatever you might order up , this is what they're using .

It gets the job done and it has the perfect price point .

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We're gonna add a little bit more old bay seasoning .

That's good .

A little bit more Cajun season .

That's it .

And we're also gonna go in there with some parsley as well .

Give it that color .

We need color .

We need color .

Yes , we do .

Yes , we do .

Check it out .

Look at the difference , right .

Beautiful presentation is key .

Not only presentation but of course , taste can't have one without the other .

We're gonna turn our stovetop off because we don't want to overcook .

We're gonna add it to our bowl .

We're gonna be using the same pan as you can see .

We have all of the flavors right here locked into this pan and we would be kind of silly .

Right .

If we were to like literally rinse this pan out .

Guess what ?

We lose all of the flavor and we'd have to start over obviously by adding different seasonings .

So what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the flavor that's here .

Add some butter , allow that butter to melt down .

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Our pan is already starting to deglaze , which is perfect .

Now that our butter is melted , we're gonna add some half and half .

Mhm And so far this is about , I would honestly say about 2.5 to 3 cups .

Mix it in really good .

We're also gonna add some chicken broth when it comes to the chicken broth .

For those of you who have been rocking out with me for a while , you know what it is for it to make it .

How can you make it by adding some water if you're gonna use the chicken bo , break it up , if you're gonna use the powder , pour the powder on in there , stir it up with the water , dissolve it or if you want to use better than which is the past .

Same thing applies .

What we're doing right now is waiting for our cream mixture to come up to temperature .

I wanna add a little to my cream sauce .

I'm also gonna add some Parmesan cheese , stir it all up when you're adding the Parmesan cheese .

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Make sure you add it before the milk mixture is too hot because you don't want your Parmesan to start clumping .

Add a little bit more because I want that flavor .

Turn our stovetop down to low medium .

This is not a rush and we're gonna start to add our cheeses .

We're gonna start off with adding some of our cheeses .

I'm gonna add some grilled cheese to our mixture .

Stir it on in and yes , I didn't do the whole thing for our mac and cheese .

Just not necessary this time around .

Take your time , add it in and just keep stirring before you know it .

Your mixture is gonna start to thicken up when it comes to adding our cheese .

Do not add all of the cheese .

You definitely wanna reserve some because guess what ?

We need to top our mac and cheese .

We're also gonna add our smoked , but which is gonna give it that nice smoky element and last but not least we're gonna add a sharp cheddar .

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Of course , you need that sharp cheddar when you make your mac and cheese for that bite .

It's definitely gonna help to bring some personality to our mac and cheese .

Take your time , stir it in and as you continue stirring , you're gonna feel that the sauce is starting to thicken up and this is perfect .

Gonna add some more cheese .

Once again , the stove top is on low heat .

This is perfect .

Everything is melted .

So I'm gonna turn the stovetop off .

Yeah , of course .

Behind the scenes off camera , I already boil my pasta and when it came down to the pasta .

I pretty much boiled it al dente only because we're gonna be placed it into the oven and we don't want like a mushy pasta .

I mean , then again it's personal preference .

Right .

But in most cases , in most instances , you don't want a mushy pasta .

Wash it off in cold water because once you're done , you need to stop that cooking process and our precooked pasta to our pan .

Help it on out just a bit .

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Did I get everything out ?

I can't see any yet .

Did you get , did I get everything out ?

Yes , you did .

No , you didn't .

All right .

Separate the pasta .

All right .

Look at our beautiful cheese sauce .

We're gonna add it to our pasta just like that .

Mm hm .

Set one up .

This is gonna be so amazing , so delicious .

Definitely holiday savvy .

Gonna add some more of our cheese sauce .

Not everything is well combined just like and it all incorporated into the pasta .

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I want the cheese sauce to literally go into the holes of the pasta .

You hear me ?

I don't want not one piece of pasta not coated .

I want everything coated .

We're gonna add our my lobster , get it all in there .

Add some of that liquid cause you want the flavors from the lobster infused into your mac and cheese to give it that nice seafood flavor .

Combine that is combine that as well .

Look at the color that is taken on already .

It's so pretty .

Not to mention that parsley that we added to the lobster is distributing itself throughout the pasta and it looks so beautiful .

Hm .

My mouth is salivating .

So , trust me , I know your mouth is salivating too .

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I'm gonna add a couple of pieces to the top .

So that way it sticks out , you know , peeks out and says hi to everybody .

Hello , everybody .

You needed to say hello to your dinner guests .

I wanna get those shallots in everything combined into the mac and cheese .

Hm .

And of course , we're gonna go in and we're gonna top it .

Gonna combine my cheeses , combine the rear with the small as well as the sharp cheddar .

This part of the video is gonna be a talk through .

We're gonna combine our cheeses like I said , and we're gonna take it and top our lobster mac and cheese .

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Top it off really , really good .

Once we're done , we're gonna get an additional pan and instead of covering it down with foil , what you can do is take the baking pan and cover the lobster mac and cheese down .

Once you're done done , you're gonna place it onto like a baking sheet or a cookie sheet because the cheeses may bubble over depending on the depth and size of your pan .

You're gonna place it into your 350 degree oven and that's fare and height .

Of course , you're gonna allow the cheese to melt , become nice and gooey and all bubbly and stuff .

Once you're done , you're gonna allow it to get nice and brown and this is what your finalized product should look like .

It's about that time .

What is about that time ?

It's time for us to season up our lobster tails with some , of course , some old bay as well as garlic powder onion powder , Paprika , Cajun seasoning .

And we have some parsley and we also have some melted butter .

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So our melted butter halfway melted butter , we're gonna add some , we're gonna add some garlic powder onion powder , onion powder as well as some paprika .

This is not the smoked paprika .

I'm using regular only because I'm using it for color .

I'm also gonna add some Cajun seasoning and some parsley .

Yes , mix it one up .

This is gonna be the perfect mix .

It's gonna make our lobster tails taste so good .

Our tails , they're ready to go wash clean and we washed it off in a little lemon juice and salt water .

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She went straight down the middle , straight down the back in the middle of the lobster tail .

And we took a sharp scissors and basically we just cut it open and we separated the back of the lobster from this part right here .

I'm just gonna close the shell and place the lobster to sit on top just like that .

And that's gonna give us the perfect presentation , right ?

It's time to get some work .

You take our perfectly seasoned butter and we're gonna add it to our lobster tails just like that .

Hm .

That is so gorgeous .

And I gotta be honest for about 42 bucks .

This is not bad because these lobster tails are pretty thick .

Take it all in .

How beautiful is that ?

Right .

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I'm gonna raise it up and I'm gonna get the back as well .

Nothing goes unseasoned and no worries .

It's not gonna be over seasoned because we didn't add a lot of salt .

So it's no worries .

A lot of times people , they get frantic , they get besides themselves because they think that something is gonna be over season or it's gonna be salty and I just can't understand it .

They figure because you pull out a number of seasonings that whatever it is that you're making is gonna be salty .

How could that be possible if it's not salt based out of maybe like six seasonings ?

Only two salt base .

How is that possible ?

Unless you're gonna over indulge on that one or two particular seasonings .

Stop worrying and trust me .

I know what I'm doing .

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I taste everything before I publish it .

If it doesn't taste right , we do it over .

I went ahead and made some more of that garlic butter sauce because during the cooking process I'm gonna be basting the lobster tail with more garlic butter anyway , to this mix right here .

We're gonna add a little lemon juice .

I squeeze of lemon juice .

Give you that little pop in the back of your mouth when you eat it .

And besides the seafood , you gotta have that lemon juice , mix it all together .

And now we just have to sit patiently and wait till a lobster tail is halfway finished .

A lobster tails are halfway done .

So we're gonna baste it some more with our garlic butter sauce .

Hm .

Hm .

That is so pretty .

Just let it drip on there .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

This is definitely a holiday treat .

No doubt about it .

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We're gonna put it back in the oven and allow it to cook through some more .

Our lobster tails are out of the oven .

Look at how beautiful .

Now , here's the thing .

The best way to cook the lobster tails is to have a food thermometer on deck .

So that way you can always check the internal temperature for lobster tails should be about 1 45 .

Once the meat is part of the lobster tail is 1 45 or a little bit more .

That means it's perfectly cooked .

Take it out of the oven , gonna Sprinkle a little lemon juice on top .

Mhm .

This is gonna be so delicious .

We're gonna take our lobster to , we're gonna place it right here onto our baked mac and cheese .

You know what ?

Not ?

Baked mac and cheese .

Our big lobster mac and cheese slide this one over just a bit .

Move on over .

Yeah , we're gonna take lobster tail number three and put it right here as well and guess what ?

We are in business .


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You can't tell me this right here , isn't it ?

All right .

Lobster baked mac and cheese with lobster tails on top .

That's perfectly seasoned .

We hit it off with a little bit of lemon juice .

So trust me , you know , the flavor is gonna be everything .

The moment that we've all been waiting for .

Yes , it's time for us to cut into our delicious lobster mac and cheese .

I'm gonna take this lobster tail right here .

Check it out and I'm gonna place it right here onto my plate .

I'm like so excited .

I know you guys can hear it in my voice and we are gonna cut into our delicious mac and Jay's put it right here just like that .

Hm What ?

You know what ?

I see some lobster right here .

Let me go in and get that and put it right here as well .

You know I'm greedy , right ?

You didn't know now you know for real .

Let me cut into this lobster too .

I'm gonna put the lemon right here .

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Gonna turn this bad boy around just like that and say hi to everybody .

I'm from I take that fork .

Mhm And I can guarantee you this is cooked perfectly .

Let's take some of that mac and cheese .

Take a bite , guys , take a bite .

Mhm Hit it with a little lemon juice , of course .

Mm mm mm mm mm mm .

This is definitely holiday worthy .

This is everything .

Wow .

Real talk .

This meal right here is magnificent .

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Whoa , everything definitely so delicious .

Of course , full recipe details in the description bar .

There's only two places for the recipe details , guys , it's either gonna be in the description bar or I'm gonna put it on my website cooking with Tammy's art recipes , those two places .

Mm So good .

So , so , so so good .

Thank you so much for hanging out and cooking with Tammy and don't forget to like comment and of course you better share these videos because guess what Sharon is caring and I will catch you guys in another video .

Talk to you later .

Bye guys .


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