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2023-08-28 13:16:01

Beef Biryani Step By Step (Mauritian Style) Recipe - Laila's Home Cooking and Spices - Episode 29

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Hey guys , welcome back to the home cooking and spices .

After many , many requests .

And after so long today , I decided , let's make it .

It is the most popular dish of style beef Biyani .

Now you can make this with lamb or goat .

Uh It's really up to you .

But uh I'm using beef today .

Let's go for the ingredient .

And then we're gonna get started .

I'm using uh this is about £2.5 veal which is a mixed bone in and just a meat .

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Um a fresh garlic paste , fresh ginger paste , some honey cloves , powder salt and pepper and Lela's Biyani masala , which is this and uh OK , what I'm gonna do is uh I wanna marinate my meat today , which is uh it is tonight over here and then I wanna keep this uh in the fridge until tomorrow .

So overnight the meat gonna be uh marinating and then uh when it's cooked , you're gonna get a different kind of uh like a nice , really nice flavor .

So I'm gonna start by adding my garlic ginger .

Now you can see I'm using more ginger and garlic because uh any time you make beef Biyani .

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Uh It's always good to add more uh ginger than garlic and then I'm gonna add about a tablespoon of honey .

Now , I know you're gonna be surprised why I'm putting a honey into my beef .

Well , honey , uh will give two different texture to this beef Biyani .

One is a meat gonna be tender and then uh two is a meat gonna have an extra sweetness , an extra of like a different kind of taste .

Well , uh you're gonna know whenever you're gonna make this recipe , OK ?

And then to that , I'm gonna add a little bit of just a pinch of cloves powder .

I'm not gonna add much .

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The reason why I'm I'm adding cloves powder is cloves will , will uh uh make the meat even more tender as well because this is what we really need .

Next is salt .

Now , our salt is always to taste enough and then last but not least let us .

Now this uh Biyani spice has all the flavor in it and I just uh add a little bit extra close powder just because of the tender like as a tenderizer .

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Like I don't use any uh a moto salt or any tenderizer meat .

I just uh apply uh honey and uh my cloth powder a little bit extra just for the tender rice to , to the meat itself .

So I'm just gonna give this a mix and now I'm not adding yogurt now because I wanna keep this overnight .

So I'm not adding any yogurt .

I'm gonna add my yogurt tomorrow when we're gonna meet back .

So just keep mixing this .

Steal this .

Well , let all the spice goes .

Well , now you can use your hand but uh I like to use my wooden spoon because uh the Biyani spice itself has so much flavor that I don't wanna , I don't want my hand to smell .

So I'm just gonna use a spoon but feel free to use your hand .

Just give this a good mix .

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And then uh what I'm gonna do is cover this and then refrigerate this and then I will see you tomorrow .

I'm back .

OK ?

So my beef was marinated overnight and smells is incredible .

Now , just so you know that making biryani is not easy .

It's not really difficult .

It's all about time consuming .

Now , if you have room in the in your fridge , you can use the pot that you are going to make your biryani uh to marinate the meat and put the pot itself in the fridge .

But because I don't have room so all I have to do is uh marinade the meat in a bowl and then that fit in my fridge and then uh so now it's ready for me to cook .

So I'm just gonna uh transfer the meat in my cooking pot .

So this is done .

So is that gonna be step by step ?

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I'm gonna show you all the ingredients .

It's just a step by step .

So , um , so this is a meat and this is the pot that I'm going to cook and back there , you're gonna see there is so many um all my ingredient , my leftover ingredients and over here I have a pot that has water boiling and all I'm gonna add into my uh uh water is some salt , salt to taste and then uh some uh cinnamon sticks , some cardamom and some cumin seeds .

So , uh , that is going to be uh in my pot and then , uh , we'll move forward my blender .

I'm gonna add some , uh , this is only one fresh tomatoes that I have roughly cut .

And then , uh , this is about uh two medium size onion that is going to my blender .

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So if you , uh , if you , uh , the ginger garlic paste is already uh in my meat .

So I don't need to add that .

And then over here there is a fried onion .

This is about five to six onion , uh which , which was medium and , and uh small .

I'm gonna use about half of this from this plate and add to my blender .

Now , I know I'm making mess and uh , add a little bit of water and now I'm gonna go blend this .

Once this get a little bit , uh , are lower , then I'm gonna add a little bit more just to make it half .

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And then , uh , we'll move forward , check the color .

I want you to check the color .

The reason why I add one tomatoes .

It's because the tomatoes give the , the , the gravy , the onion paste a nice color .

And also the onions that I have fried with the raw onion gives this a really good texture , taste color and everything .

So this was my secret ingredient .

I'm gonna add that to my meat .

Add all of them , even if you have to add your water to your blender , add the water and uh just rinse this and then put it in and uh over here few green chilies that's gonna go in fresh chopped cilantro , fresh chopped mince .

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Mince , sorry is going in and then uh I'm using uh Greek yogurt , which is very thick .

You can use any plain yogurt .

I'm gonna add that .

Now , you know where to go for the full rotten uh recipes .

The recipe will uh will be for a 6 to 8 person a serving suggestion .

And uh you go ahead and check that after .

So this , yeah , enough onion .

This is John and then this is uh oil .

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And uh so I was frying the potatoes , which I'm gonna show you later and the onion in the same oil , which is this all I had was about two cups of uh sunflower oil and then a two tablespoon of uh vegetable key .

So now the key is depend , you can either skip the key or you can add less or you can even add more if you want .

So this was a leftover oil and this is what I'm gonna use .

I'm not gonna use any other oil because this is all flavors in here .

And for beef Biyani , you are going to need a little bit extra oil .

Trust me , gives us a good mix .

So this is perfect .

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I just add a little bit of water to my blender because I want all of those flavor to be here .

So check out the water consistency .

OK ?

I'm gonna um tell you in a second , the exact amount for now , I have to add a little bit of salt according to your taste .

And then this is uh my potatoes which I peeled and uh I add a little bit of salt and a little bit of food color and then mix and then fry for about , I would say like 5 to 7 minutes on medium heat and then this is going to my pot as well .

If I need more water , I'm gonna add depending , just gives this a mix as well .

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I'm gonna add just a little bit of food color .

It's because I don't have that uh Jeff on hand .

So I'm using just a yellow food color .

Just add a little bit because you can already see the , the , the spice of the Biyani has already colored .

Even before I add the yellow food color .

It's all because of the tomatoes and the tomato and the fried onions that has been blend .

So my rice was soaking for half an hour and my water is boiling .

I'm gonna add the rice to boil .

Now .

Uh I , I just want you to focus on uh on the rice itself , which is the most important step in the biryani .

I'm not gonna boil that rice and uh and uh drink them all .

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So um this is why I want you to just pay attention .

So what I'm gonna do , I already add salt and all the cinnamon uh cardamom and the cumin is already here .

Make sure my heat , your heat is high .

So you want your rice to uh boil not to get uh like .

So inside gives us a good mix .

Don't let the rice just sit , it's better to just keep mixing it .

OK ?

So now in about just two minutes , 1 to 2 minutes , I will show you the next step .

All right guys , I'm gonna get um the first step gonna be like almost raw .

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So it was in the water for less than two minutes .

I wanna , I wanna add that raw .

So just add one layer like almost raw , just make sure they are evenly spread .

Now , I'm gonna go add the second layer seven layers .

You can see the differences between the raw rice and the halfway cooked rice .

So the second layer is halfway cooked and the first layer was almost wrong .

This is my last step .

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And the last um layers of the rice , which is , I would say 90 to 90% .

Not completely .

Now , we're gonna add that .

I'm gonna make sure I remove this .

Oops , I have one more and then uh spread the rice evenly , add the fried onion , the leftover .

And again , as I mentioned earlier , I don't have saffron .

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If I had saffron on hand , I would add saffron , but then you can add yellow color , um , mix in a little bit of water , add a little bit everywhere and that's it .

Turns the heat on high for about 10 minutes .

And then after 10 minutes , make sure you reduce your heat to a little bit lower than medium .

So the beef , the meat can cook in the steam and in the lower uh heat .

And then uh all I'm gonna ask you to do is in between , move your pot in between the edges .

After , after the 10 minutes , when you're gonna reduce your , your , your uh your , your speed .

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When you , when you're gonna reduce your heat to uh lower than uh medium , then what you're gonna do is after five minutes , keep turning the pot , come back to your pot over here , have a little bit of patience to get those delicious uh Brian , like we always eat in the wedding , just keep moving the pot after five minutes and then just leave it , come back after five minutes and then move your pot again to the side .

So that , so that the Biyani can cook everywhere and the all the meat that is uh is spreading around will cook evenly as well .

So let that happen .

And then I will show you the final .

Here is my Biyani that is ready .

I am so excited .

I can't wait .

OK , check this .

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I wanna show you how the meat , how tender is the meat and the potatoes is also very tender .

Look at that .

This is so hot and so yummy .

But I still wanna give it a try even though if it's hard , does it matter ?

We not to forget pickle hot chili picker a little bit of that .

This is so hot , hot and so good .

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Go ahead and try this and uh try to make this for uh for eat for you and your family , for your guest and I bet you everybody kinda loves this .

I hope you enjoy um spending time with me today and uh give this video a like and don't forget to subscribe .

I will see you next time with a great bye for now .

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