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2023-08-30 06:39:58


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And I'm back with food for the so , so , but we talk and welcome to my channel .

Um What I'm gonna do right now is mama's macaroni and cheese .

This is my whole new macaroni team about to make .

OK ?

And I'm gonna show you exactly how I do that .

OK ?

So I'm gonna try to enable it right ?

So you can see everything .

Are you doing ?

OK ?

We gonna start by washing our hands , make sure you're washing your hands and half of each water .

OK ?

Keep your hands clean .

Let's make sure we also um have that hot water on hand always .

OK ?

So there's my macaroni .

This is one pot of macaroni .

OK ?

So I bought that and I'm gonna add no particular order one .

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A be I'm gonna add sour cream .

And the thing about me is that I use my hands .

I don't use gloves and I also measure by eye eyesight .

So sour cream , we want us really clean , very , very clean that I have butter .

It was a half a stick of butter as well as filled with the cream cheese .

OK ?

Let me just put that in there .

I'm using my hands remember this is what grandma did ?

Great granny did .

Ok .

So we got the file cream cheese in here as well and we have Belvita .

Ok .

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Now I have some Kobe and Jack and Koby Monterey Jack as well as some um cheese .

That was all that .

I personally shredded up by myself .

Yes .

All this .

Yeah , that's what mama did .

But that's mama , that's mama for you .

Ok ?

Put that in there like , so I'm gonna put some milk in here handy whipping cream and I say it to each its own .

It's it's you eyeball .

OK ?

Heavy whipping cream .

And then this is just the milk that was in here and this was about a good what that Metro ought to be about uh World Cup .

OK ?

And then I'm gonna put uh maybe a half a can of carnation milk .

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So let's talk about the ingredients OK ?

As well as some salt and um black pepper .

And let me get the sugar I can start .

How about that ?

So you black pepper mix ?

So let me get the sugar on .

OK , I'm back .

I got my sugar right here .

I just gonna put a little bit of sugar in there but a a good teaspoon .

OK ?

We go right .

I'm gonna add to this more cheese and we're about to begin .

So this is Mommy's 123 classic macaroni and cheese .

Really easy to make .

What I put in here was some sour cream .

I put a heavy whipping cream , carnation , milk , carnation milk , heavy whipping cream , some milk Monterey Kobe .

OK .

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As well as mild cheddar .

I shredded it up sour cream , sour cream , salt , black pepper .

OK ?

And now I'm gonna use my hands and one egg .

OK .

Velveeta cheese and um cream cheese .

And what we wanna do is very imper um very , it's imperative that when you're mixing , you're gonna make sure that the chunks of filet and cream cheese is really smushed in there .

You're using your hands .

We're using our hands as well as the um Velveeta cheese .

Really in there .

Good .

OK .

You if you're , if you're um serving this for a catering uh you know , you know , a catering event or something like that and people are coming over your house that's different .

You're gonna have to wear gloves .

Me , you guys know I , I have my heart to be bleach water nearby .

I wash my hands through and through .

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Ok ?

But uh when I do have events and people come to visit me , I do wear gloves like , you know , this is our grandma and our aunties and um great granny did it back in the day .

We didn't have glove , we didn't do that .

Everything we did when we cooked was with love and grandma and aunt use her hands and y'all know that .

Ok .

So I wanna make sure it's liquefied .

Got some more milk in there .

Ok ?

And I'm making sure that all those pieces of Velveeta are in there really good .

They're smashed in there .

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Please do not cook this or bake this without doing like I'm doing because you're gonna feel that Velveeta cheese , ok ?

And it's gonna be hard when you bake it , it will be hard and stiff and just lying there .

You guys know what I'm talking about is those you guys who've made this before and I've been telling you guys this for years .

OK ?

Will you listen to what I'm telling to you ?

I'm saying to you .

So it's gonna take some time to make sure that you are really gone through the macaroni and cheese .

OK ?

You're filling for all I'm doing .

I'm filling for the Velveeta .

I'm feeling for the um fill out the cream cheese .

Make sure that it's in there and there's nothing wrong because this is my family with me , not wearing gloves .

This is my family .

OK ?

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And they're used to me doing this and um believe it or not other people come over , they say don't use , don't use gloves , just use your hands .

You know how mama is loving woman , loving woman .

So I put some carnation milk in there now .

OK ?

And a little bit more , more cheese .

Yeah .

Very cheesy .

Very cheesy .

This is gonna take a minute .

So I'm gonna continue to fold in the cheese .

Make sure I'm feeling for a filet of cream cheese .

I can't say it enough and I'm feeling for the uh Velveeta .

OK .

And I'll be right .

OK , I'm back .

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So I'm gonna continue photo guards .

Just see .

Can you see that ?

Yeah .

Added some more milk .

All of the heavy whipping cream , the carnation milk , the milk that I had used all that as well .

I put one egg in here , Colby and Jack cheese .

OK .

As well as um mild cheddar cheese , making sure that I feel for all of the Velveeta cheese because if you do not make sure that that's uh nice and pressed down really good between your hands inside of the macaroni cheese , there will be lumps of it and you don't want that .

I'm I'm letting you on now .

OK ?

Cause someone said they tried to make it and I went to their home and it was just lumps .

You didn't listen .

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So this is me about , this is me going back , checking , going through , making sure .

OK .

OK .

And that was what I did now , we're gonna go about the business right there .

That's my macaroni cheese .

Wash my hands really good .

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Yeah , you wanna make sure your hands are very , very , very , very clean .

I'm gonna get some little foil place a little all over my macaroni and cheese and place it in the oven for about a good uh hour , about an hour .

I'm gonna keep on looking an hour to 20 minute , an hour , 20 minutes or an hour and a half also golden grass .

OK ?

And the noodles elbow needles .

I use , I use £2 of the Mueller .

Ok .

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I use uh heavy whipping cream as you guys know , I use sour cream .

I use carnation milk .

I use that cup , one cup of milk .

I use some sugar .

Lots of cheese , Koby and Monterey Jack .

Ok .

As well as macho cheese , salt , black pepper sugar .

I use filet cream cheese as well as um Velveeta cheese .

And that's why I and one egg and that's why I made my macaroni cheese .

Mama's 123 .

Cheesy .

Call me not funny , please .

All right .

Thank you for watching .

Talk to you later .

Oh , you know what ?

I'll be doing another one after this one , I'm gonna be doing my dressing .

I'll be right back .

OK .

Now I'm gonna make my dressing .

OK ?

So I already made my , my corn bread right .

So what I'm gonna do is go through it .

It's crispy on top .

You guys will see .

And it's sweet .

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I love sweet corn bread .

Everybody's different .

It depends on where you come from .

So OK , you gotta just make sure your corn bread is .

It's so hard for me not to eat it .

So hard to break right now .

OK .

OK .

We gonna do that .

Break it apart .

I'm gonna add some of a good turkey broth that I made for my , that came from my turkey and add that in there as well as some chicken broth .

It's totally up to you .

OK .

How you do .

Yours is how you do yours ?

One a be and chicken , uh , cream of chicken from a chicken , cream of celery .

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Ok .

It's up to you .

How many cans you wanna put in there as well as poultry seasoning ?

I love poultry seasoning .

I do not like sage at all to eat its own .

I do not like sage .

Please don't push it on me as a child .

My mother used to always put sage in the um dressing .

I could not send it .

I went to my aunt's house , which is my father's sisters house and she made hers with poultry seasoning and this is how I've been doing it ever since I make it the way my mother made .

But I just took out .

I omitted the um the sage .

Let me go over there and get some more of that turkey turkey flavoring so I can put inside my , my dressing .

I'll be right back .

Add that .

I added one more can of cream and chicken .

A tricky broth .

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Turkey broth has the celery , the green bell peppers and onions inside and little pieces of turkey .

So just mix it all together really good .

I have put some more poultry seasoning in there as well .

Girl , I don't like gimlets .

Please don't push that on me .

I don't like gibbets .

So we'll not be putting ji in .

This is for people who don't eat GBS anymore .

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But at this time , if you wanted to , you could avoid your JBs and cut up some onions and bell peppers and , uh , some , uh , garlic powder onion , seasoning , seasoning sauce and chopped up garlic clove one small one and boiled it and you could have , you know , chopped up the gimlets and added it to your dress .

It doesn't take much at all .

See that right down there and what we're gonna do , I'm gonna place this in the oven market .

15 , 20 minutes do like everything .

I don't like mines running .

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I do not like my dressing running at all and I don't like it hard and I don't like it .

I , this is a great consistency right here .

When it comes to dressing , it makes it look really good .

It makes it really good .

Ok .

And then we're gonna put uh , aluminum foam on top of here .

Ok .

And place it in the oven on 300 uh , I get for 350 degrees by ourselves .

So it's nice and a nice brown , light brown color .

Ok .

And , um , like I said , I would leave it there like about time .

So that is my dress .

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Thank you guys so much for watching my channel .

Please don't forget to subscribe .

Share the like and I will show you .

See , um , so it comes up , let me draw a check out my hair and I'll come right back .

How about that ?

I'm at my turkey right here .

Excuse me , my ham and my turkey .

I wanna place about both back in the oven for about a good 15 , 20 minutes a piece .

Well , 15 minutes , 20 minutes for my ham and about five more minutes for my turkey .

I mean , my excuse my turkey and my ham .

How about that ?


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