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2023-08-29 09:25:25


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And then let some more people get in here y'all and we're gonna get started .

I hope everybody's doing good today and you're human .

Got six people in here .

We're gonna wait till a few more people get in here .

Get in the chat .

Do you can y'all hear me ?

I don't see nobody chatting .

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All right .

OK .

OK .

I just decided to hop on him , make some macaroni and cheese today .

It ain't gonna take me that long to do this macaroni and cheese .

Don't take long at all .

Y'all awful .

I can hear like , so let's see how many people we got in .

I got 15 people .

OK .

Hope everybody doing good for these people in the house .

Now I'm gonna get started .

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Now when people ask me what I'm doing , y'all let them know .

I , even though I got it written on the screen there , I'm making some homemade macaroni and cheese .

I make cheese sauce .

I'm gonna do the cheese sauce first .

Then I'm gonna cook the noodles .

The reason is I want the cheese sauce already ready when the noodles get ready .

I want the cheese sauce already ready while I can combine it .

All I gotta do is drain the pasta and , and I don't , I don't rinse the pasta .

Y'all know I ever rent your pasta .

But uh , I'm gonna drain the pasta .

Mix it with the cheese sauce .

Put some more cheese on top .

Bake in the oven .

About 10 , 15 minutes .

I might put some ham .

That's probably what I do .

I'll put some ham in there too .

Ham and cheese .

Can't beat that .

So let me discard it here y'all .

We gonna get started my pot over here at the way .

I wanna get my milk .

Eat up .

I got my pasta , water heating up back here .

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I'm gonna put some salt in here .

I always salt your water , pasta , water y'all .

I always do that .

Ok .

OK .

That's the phrase y'all .

Y'all should know that hashtag help somebody .

So we gonna make that go viral y'all this year 2021 .

Can you believe it's 2021 fall ?

Wow .

Wow .

Wow .

I'm making macaroni and cheese y'all .

I might put some ham in there .

Have some ham and macaroni and cheese .

Can't go wrong with that right now .

I got my pasta , water heating up .

I'm gonna cook my pasta after my , after my cheese sauce is ready .

But right now I'm heating my milk up here .

I just got whole milk in here .

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That's one thing I got in here and I'm gonna bring it up to get it heated and I'm gonna thicken it with root and I always stick in my cheese sauce first before I add the cheese that will eliminate it being grainy and eliminate it from , from breaking on .

You .

You ever ate somebody macaroni cheese and it's grainy .

That's why because they didn't thicken it before they add the cheese in it .

Right ?

Ray Mac in the kitchen .

What's up Mike Ray Mac in the house now , Ray Mac , he be , he , he like me .

He a little bit younger than me but he be preaching too and cooking , preaching and cooking but he can sing .

I can't sing .

I can , I can cook and uh do a little preaching but I cannot sing .

Ray Mac be singing .

Yeah .

Now Ray Night you inspired me to do some macaroni cheese .

You know I was gonna do it .

I said I saw you .

I said no and you know , brought me out of my thing .

Now I gotta do some macaroni cheese .

So y'all go over there and watch Ray Mac .

Channel Ray Mac .

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He , he be doing it up too .

He be doing it up over there y'all .

But yeah , I'm making my milk heat up here .

I ain't gonna do only a little cheese sauce .

You gotta do more than this because I'm gonna use it for multiple purposes .

So I'm trying to make a little bit of that a cheese sauce y'all .

OK , let me chat with y'all while I'm waiting on my milk to heat up .

Greenfield , Ohio .

All right .

All right in the house and I'll be able to chat with y'all later on after my food is ready and y'all know , hey man , we both , we all , we both blessed by the man upstairs .

We both doing good in , in the community .

That's all that counts .

We all one community .

You two family .

Yep .

So y I'm letting my milk heat up here .

That's all I'm doing .

That's why I'm standing around here .

Uh I , you very to see me in the kitchen but I'm just kinda gooping off with y'all .

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Usually when I'm in the kitchen , I'm focused on one thing and finishing what I'm doing where I can sit down and eat .

I'm kind of gooping off with y'all today .

Turn this water down back there .

North Carolina is in the house , Louisiana in the house .

Our next door neighbors to the east is in the house .

All right .

All right .

Let's see .

On to Austin , Texas .

Oh , did you ?

Yeah , I , I'm gonna do a lot of road trips coming up .

I might have one coming up this weekend because my title is playing in Waco , my hometown this weekend .

So they travel to Waco .

So I might do a little uh video while I go .

I mean , it's not nothing to do with food .

It's by football .

I'm a high school football fanatic .

I love my Tiger here and I'm a big supporter of them , Dallas in the house .

My favorite city .

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All right , Georgia is in the house .

All right .

All right .

All right .

Ok .

Y'all , we want this milk to heat up here .

Let's see what we got here .

Kind of feel it on my hand .

You kinda feel it and it heats up once it heat up .

I , I got root here .

It's , it's kind of cold .

I just took my refrigerator but it'll still do the purpose .

Sometimes I let it really get loose and I can pour it in there .

But this , I'm gonna have to make me work today to thicken it .

Mhm mm .

Mobile , Alabama in the house in the house .

Like I said , I got more fans , families , members , old school .

So family members from Chicago and if Lord Lord say the same , I'm gonna make it my goal in September to go to Chicago .

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So again I went last year and uh may well do a meet up or whatever because I have more fans , family members in Chicago than anywhere in the , in the world .

And that's amazes me .

And then second is Houston of course , but I would think Houston would be uh um yeah , I always keep , I always have and my salt and pepper always mixed up .

I make a big thing of roux and it just stays in the refrigerator .

It can last forever .

And when I leave , I have salt and pepper too .

I have a salt and pepper , white pepper and co salt always mixed together .

I always keep it .

That's the thing working in the kitchen is something we learned .

Something I learned throughout the years is working in the actual kitchen .

I don't know if y'all can see y'all , y'all can see what I'm doing .

I'm waiting for this , come up the uh temperature and now I'm gonna add my root to this .

OK ?

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Right now that hashtag we gonna make that hashtag go viral .

Y'all help somebody old school soul food .

That's gonna be the hashtag 2021 .

Any time I post a video any time I post a recipe I'm gonna have the hashtag at the end help somebody meaning on the freeway I know some of y'all do this getting on the freeway merging on the freeway , somebody merging let them in let one call in .

It takes you 10 seconds to let that call in .

You ain't that big of a rush .

That person might just you don't know what that person going through that's helping somebody right there holding the door for somebody when they go to the supermarket or in the store .

Little things like that .

Some things over helping somebody don't mean you gotta help them monetarily you can just help them .

Just a word of comfort .

I'm telling you .

Alright , Adrian how Adrian in the house , how are you doing ?

That's one of my biggest family members right there .

I can remember some people's names .

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I remember y'all names but a lot of y'all leave a lot of comments and I remember that I'm old .

I still got my mind though .

I can remember a lot was coming to look up this .

Alright Elaine Elaine in the house .

That's another one of mine .

Ok ?

Y'all let me get this brew in here and I can talk to y'all while it's sticking up it thicken it up here .

You gonna add little by little of this room and I'm gonna get it to a certain thickness and I don't want it really , really thick .

This because when I add the key to this , y'all see that .

Now , I'm making a mess here .

Y'all know I hate that .

No , no , no .

When I make this room here , I don't , I mean this cheese sauce , I don't want it too thick because uh once I add the cheese , it's gonna thicken up a little bit more .

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So we're gonna put this in here , actually gonna turn this fire down a little work through and he really good .

Put a bit more in here and if you don't get it too thick , you know , you can always add more milk .

I'm using whole milk .

You can use half and half .

Would you give you that extra creamy or cheese sauce if you want to each his own .

I'm using 12344 kind of cheese .

Sometimes I use five kinds .

I'm using four kind of cheeses the night at my , sometimes one of cheese you want to get rid of ?

Sometimes I make macaroni like that .

I got extra cheese going on and I've used it .

Whatever I got available , there's no law .

What kind of cheese you gotta use ?

You ?

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What you , this is what you got on hand y'all .

Ok .

Would be more here little by little .

Ok .

Ok .

Yeah , back to the chatting here .

Let's see .

I can see if I can do two things at one time .

I need to look here .

Welcome .

Uh I cannot understand your user name there .

Let the RG .

Oh I can't even .

So I'll check it out later here and mccoy , I'm new to the channel .

Welcome back .

Welcome Angela Carolina in the house .

Milwaukee , Milwaukee Wisconsin is in the house .

Hello , Dora .

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Can you make pretty much done ?

What is that you make ?

You can make pretty modern rude .

What is more than rude ?

I don't understand that one .

Kentucky in the house .

Ok .

Let's see what kind of consistency I got here y'all .

I'm gonna show y'all the consistency I'm looking for , put a little bit more root in here and that's gonna be it on the consistency .

And like I say , I can always add more root to this and when you making a cheese sauce , another thing make sure you have a thick bottom pot .

You're not , your thing is gonna scar if you're not watching it and once you start the thing , you might wanna throw it away .

There's nothing that you can do to , to fix it .

Once you scotch milk , you can never fix that taste .

Never .

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You can try to hide it , whatever , but it'll hit you in the back of your mouth when you taste something .

So yeah , just a little tip .

Hello ?

Ain't Maddie .

Ain't not a TV , in the house .

All right .

OK .

Y'all .

Now , got that .

Now , I'm gonna put my cheese in here .

Always .

I know people hate Velveeta .

Velveeta is good at times .

I'm kind of apprehensive but we use it a lot at my job and I kinda got hooked on it .

Any cheese , you know , it ain't really cheese but any cheese they can sit out with our refrigerator , you know , it ain't , you know , it ain't real but it's good stuff .

I put a little bit in there , put it with B blocks here .

She just give me that creamy taste that I like .

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I put that spirit up in there and I got my fire down low .

Let me turn my pasta water down low too .

Oh yeah .

Tell him Junior Junior in the house .

Tell them to hit that like button .

Hit that like button y'all a thumbs up or whatever they say hi .

They say it hit that thumbs up button .

Ok , let me read this out the way .

Ok .

Get my uh make sure this get all melted in here .

This be be he'll definitely thicken it up some more .

That's why I didn't thicken it that much in the beginning with the root .

I just want a little binder .

That's all it's gonna do is bind this together so it gonna split .

OK ?

Can you make premade rule ?

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OK .

That's what you're talking about .

The rule is already premade .

But yes , I , I think what you're asking , can you make a rule already ?

I made this rule two weeks ago , two weeks ago , just put it in the refrigerator whenever you need .

Room .

Wanna pick something right quick .

You got it available .

That's what I do .

I make a hole out of it one time .

Whole bowl like this .

Whenever I need , I already got it .

It lasts forever .

It's just butter and flour .

It's nothing in there to , you know , really go back .

OK ?

You got that mixed up .

Now we're gonna do our cream cheese .

She too , y'all also gonna make it , make it smooth too .

You know what ?

I'm gonna put a I probably do it tomorrow if I don't do it tonight .

If I do it in the morning , I'll put the recipe .

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I'm gonna leave this live up and I'll put the recipe to this uh macaroni and cheese .

I made it so many times .

Y'all probably already seen it .

So y'all , if y'all wanna make it , you can another secret .

Y'all didn't know I never cook with shoes on .

I always have my shoes off when I cook every video .

You ever seen me make on youtube .

I've always barefoot .

People know that they come on here like you .

I cook in my bare feet .

I have no socks , no shoes or nothing on when I cook .

That's where I am .

I am .

I should put , I should have named this time a barefoot chef .

Ok .

So how in the house ?

Y'all like my red rag ?

Oh , yes , I'm gonna look y'all .

I love my red rag .

It's famous .

It's gonna be famous when I go on to my makeup .

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They gonna hang the red wag up in the , in the Raptors .

Yeah .

Y'all remember he hate on my , on my I got a lot of them .

I got about 30 of these things , you know .

OK .

I'm melting this cream cheese in here , getting them all melted up in there looking good y'all see I'm pretty much constantly staring and stuff so I don't , so we don't uh you don't burn on me .

Oh yeah .

Cook and comfortable .

Maybe I do chicken and dumplings one day .

OK .

And I'm gonna put the Monterey Jack cheese in here .

My Red Jack in here rolling .

All right .

Get this thing heating up and I barely got this fire on y'all .

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It's really , really low , really , really low .

I just to make it very , really smooth .

Oh Yeah .

Nice and smooth y'all .

OK .

Now we're gonna put cheddar in here , put some cheddar up in here .

Chicago got another Chicago in the house .

Tell me now Chicago .

Is that where the old school soul food is ?

It's got it going on .

Put my cheddar in here .

Of course , I use more cheddar than any other kind of cheese .

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Now , you see how I added that cheese in there if I didn't pick in this with before ?

Oh , thanks for that Super Chat killer .

Alright .

Look at that old school Super Chat right there .

Help somebody .

That's that 14 99 .

I promise you it's gonna go help somebody .

I'm telling you it's gonna help somebody in the community .

That's what I do with all the money goes into a separate account and I use it to buy more food also for a video but to help others whenever I use money for my personal thing , I have a real job .

I work six .

I work 60 hours a week y'all on a real job .

So yeah , 56 hours a week .

So I have , I make pretty good money on my own job .

So all the money that I get from y'all and only thing it goes back to the community .

That's the promise there .

So thanks for that Super Chat .

Uh Kevin .

OK .

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Now that's all the cheese I'm gonna put in here a little bit more and then I'm gonna season it with salt and pepper .

Give it a little taste .

We're gonna save this cheese so we gonna pop it after it right before we put it in the oven .

We're gonna put some more cheese on there .

We need to taste this and make sure the right consistency on the flavor .

And then after that , I'm gonna put my pasta in the water which ain't gonna take 10 minutes to do .

We're gonna mix these together .

Put some cheese on there and throw it in the oven .

That's all it is to it .

Oh , thanks for that super chat .

Oh man , I can't read this .

Nothing .

Let me get over here where I can read it better here .

Let's see here .

Left hand uh y'all know I can't even see it .

Left hander , left hander .

OK .

Thank you , sir for that Super Chat .

That's going back like I said , help somebody that's definitely going back into the community .

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OK ?

Now I'm gonna turn this off because this is the consistency I want on the toss .

See that , see how nice and smooth it is .

See how I just dropped this on the floor .

Hold on y'all , I gotta watch this off .

I watch , hold on here .

Why y'all got hell , you soak your water and they kill you when you are cooking .

Hold on .

Nothing .

I got one more thing here .

I gotta get the cheese sauce off the floor before I step in .

See if I was , if I was uh recording that I could edit that out .

Y'all .

See y'all know it's real .

OK ?

Back to what I was doing .

See how smooth it is .

That's what you want .

Now , Now what I'm gonna do , I'm gonna season it two week .

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OK .

Here no one you remember uh uh cheese has salt in it .

So you wanna make sure you really don't ?

Uh OK .

Put too much salt in it .

Let's try it here .

I see it .

That's it .

He thought is ready .

He thought it already .

Thank you Elizabeth .

When they find out who the awesome , awesome , awesome .

I appreciate that .

The old school , So school family appreciates that .

I really appreciate that .

That definitely go back into the community y'all .

I'm telling you definitely .

But God has blessed me .

I've been on my job 32 years at the same job .

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I've been working on my job for 32 years and I love every day I go to work .

God has blessed me financially on my job .

I'm not rich but I am financially independent .

Well , I can do this and I don't have to do this for money like a lot of people and I can give back to people and not try to hold it all to myself .

So God has blessed me .

So I'm blessing others .

So anyway , now what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna get my pasta .

I have , I don't have macaroni .

I'm doing something different .

I'm doing that Rotel , you know , like the squirrely noodles .

See these , these little squirty thing .

I love this because the pasta , the cheese sauce get all in them crevices .

Oh my God .

That is awesome .

These noodles .

See , I love them .

So I'm gonna stir this around .

Turn the fire back up .

Here we go .

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All right .

Hong Kong in the house .

Oh , yeah .

32 years .

And another thing I never missed it .

But one day I work in 32 years .

I missed one day I work , I called in sick one time .

That's the only reason I did because I couldn't get in there .

And I try to be like my daddy , my daddy worked on his job 48 years on the railroad .

Never missed a day .

So I'll never be as good as him , but I'm trying to be just as good .

He taught me that .

He taught me self self accountability and self responsibility .

He taught me that at a young age and I try to teach other people .

You got self responsibility and self accountability .

You'll go far in life .

He taught me that my mom too .

Ok ?

Alright , I'm right here .

Get this stir up here .

We got it going on good here .

Now I'm gonna get my bold here and then I'm gonna put the macaroni in .

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I sit I gotta walk around the corner and get that .

All right .

I got my big pasta bowl .

We're gonna mix the pasta right in here when you get ready .

Yes sir .

Hip somebody old school soul food .

That's it .

That's it y'all .

Oh yeah .

God bless me every day .

I get up as long as my mama is still alive here .

I'm sending that as a blessing .

My mom's still on this earth and I can call and talk to her whenever I want to .

Some people don't have that .

I don't take that for granted .

I lost my father at the age when he was 69 years old and I still got my other parent here and I do not take that for granted at all .

Every day is every , no , no day is promised y'all .

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Ok .

Got that going .

We just gonna let that pasta come to the boil and pasta get done .

We're gonna mix it together .

I got the oven here on 375 degrees so I can chat with y'all here .

Ok .

Oh , thanks so much for you .

Been sauce for Christmas .

Awesome .

Awesome .

Uh Evangelist Williamstown , New Jersey .

Yeah .

Who doesn't like mac and cheese y'all ?

Who doesn't like mac and cheese ?

You better like mac and cheese .

Oh , thank you for that , Elizabeth .

Thank you for that $5 super chat .

Y'all appreciate that .

She said I lost my mother three days before my birthday .

Oh , wow .

I hate to hear that but I guarantee you Elizabeth , you got a family right here .

You got a family over 500,000 people total .

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They follow me with all my social media accounts .

I got a half a million people following me so you don't have nothing to be sad about .

I know that hurts but you got a big family right here .

I guarantee you , you got a lot of people love you and will answer and , and speak up whenever you leave or come in and need some prayer .

Believe me , I'm a living with you .

You got some awesome people right here on this page on Facebook , on Instagram , on Twitter .

So yes , I can't say I know what you're going through , but I can tell you one thing God knows best and you , you , you're in a great place here with this .

So family .

Exactly .

OK .

Y'all this past these twirly thing , whatever you call them .

I call them the twirly thing .

They take a little bit longer than Ma Roni but not much long .

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Give me time to chat with y'all .

Yeah , I'm the old school uncle like uh uh uh Cassandra .

I need to call Cassandra's in the house .

She called me her uncle daddy , Cassandra .

Right .

Yes , sir .

Got it .

Good .

Got it good .

And I'm hungry y'all .

I just got off work about 30 minutes ago .

A little bit over a little bit over an hour ago and I said I gotta make me some macaroni cheese for dinner tonight .

I'm gonna put some ham in it .

Yep .

I've been up since four this morning y'all and right now in Texas time it's 5 34 .

Yep .

I get up at four every morning .

I get to work at 5 36 .

I get off around 44 30 pasta .

Yep .

It's really a fancy name .

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It is .

That's all it is , is spiral pasta .

So what I'm gonna do y'all , I wanna move this cheese sauce over .

I hope it's black in y'all .

View you're gonna see here .

It's black in y'all .

View there when I move it .

I'm on a 12th delay .

No , I ain't blocking y'all .

I'm on a 12th delay there .

Y'all know you want your nose to be complete .

Big cook .

Nothing out there .

Let me move this room over here .

I don't think I'm gonna need any more room .

Ok .

It's 100 and 70 people in here .

It should be 100 and 70 .

Thumbs up .

You send me thumbs up y'all .

Ok .

Ok .

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Here , Carolina .

Here , right ?

Carolina is in the house .

Old school sucker .

I ain't sucker .

I never made sucker before crackling cornbread .

And y'all gonna be thinking , I'm crazy .

I never made crackling cornbread my mama when they made corn bread , we never put cracklings in it .

Never .

I guess it's just not a I was , I was raised in like northeast Texas right outside of Waco .

So we didn't really have crackling corn bread .

So uh we didn't have a lot of squash .

Only , only way with my mama made squash .

The only way I eat it now is fried , fried squash .

I , I bread some squash up , fried like chicken .

That's the only way I really like squash .

That's the way we grew up eating it .

Ok , let me try one of these , uh , a little bit more .

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About five more minutes .

They'll be ready .

Ok .

Oh , yeah , I get up , I do that all the time .

When y'all see me do videos on uh youtube sometime I'm up till 10 o'clock at night .

Cooking after I done been up all day , I sleep maybe six hours a day .

Really ?

I'm just a workaholic .

I will just pop like that at a young age .

Growing up on the farm , you get out of school , you change your clothes , you go feed the hogs , the chickens , the cows .

Yeah , I'm just a country boy .

I sleep very little .

I'm just a workaholic like that .

Even when my day off , I'm up at four or five in the morning .

Even when y'all know even when I'm on vacation , I just cannot stand .

I say I'm gonna step away from social media .

Don't do nothing .

I can't , I just , it just drives me nuts .

I just can't be idle .

I can .

That's just the way I am just in my jeans .

My brother's the same way .

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Yeah .

Fried squash and fried green tomatoes .

As a matter of fact , I got a video on fried green tomatoes and fried squash .

Just search my account .

I got a video on that .

Thank you .

Uh Carolina .

I think that's a her last name Indiana in the house .

Indiana is in the house .

You new to my channel .

Carolina .

Give everybody give a Carolina .

She is a new subscriber .

She new to the channel .

Show her some old school soul food , love y'all to Carolina .

She is a new to my channel .

Welcome , Carolina .

Make yourself at home .

We are not formal here .

We all of us , old country people , old school people .

We don't , we don't congregate .

Our bids are perfect all the time , but we just good at decent people .

OK ?

Y'all , this is definitely ready .

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Now , I'm gonna take this out of here .

Throw my uh put my little thing over here and I'm gonna drain this pasta .

Turn my fire off before I kept my rag on fire .

And y'all gonna laugh at me .

I've done it before .

I'll do it in the kitchen at the , at the job sometimes .

Ok ?

Let that drain there .

Put the cheese sauce back over here and we're about to get this going here here .

Do not rent your pasta .

I tell people do not rent it .

Just rain .

It really , really good that all the water off of had a train just , just pour it in the bowl there .

That's it .

All Italian chef many years ago because you a no , no in the cooking wheel .

Now I'm gonna put some ham in this too y'all .

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I know I'm gonna put some ham in here .

Like I said , I'm making a meal out of this .

I'm gonna put some ham up in here .

Y'all probably never seen this before .

This country , this country when you got uh stretch your meal out , you ain't got no meat .

You gotta do you what you have .

OK ?

Not there all people that don't eat pork , they all look away .

I respect you but I like the people that don't like pork .

You know why ?

Cause that's more pork for me .

I love , we need more non pork eaters .

That is more pork for me .

OK ?

Let me cut this up here .

We're gonna add this to the , I'm gonna add this to the , to my macaroni here .

It's already cooked y'all and it's gonna cook in the pot .

So I ain't cooking it .

Throw it in there .

You all right .

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Put that in there like that .

All right .

Yeah .

And another thing I do , I like to add a little plate of cheese in the middle .

I might add thumb on top too .

Just might gotta add a little bit on there like that before I put my sauce in there .

Yeah , we could add this uh cheese sauce in here .

Little by little y'all by little .

We gonna see how we don't take here , right ?

And another thing y'all , you wanna add a lot of cheese sauce to this where it's really loose because you know the next day when you pull it out of the refrigerator , it's gonna be harder to rock .

And when you want it back up , you want enough sauce in there to where it's uh so where is , uh , have enough sauce to bring it back .

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It'll be still nice and creamy .

Add some more to this .

Right ?

I'm gonna put all this in here .

All this in here .

Y'all put all the cheese off in there .

There we go .

Make it really , really ?

And like I said , it looked like a lot of cheese sauce but it's not , it is , it's enough .

But cause when it's set up tomorrow , when I warm it up and I ain't gonna eat all this tonight .

I'm gonna give some of it away .

Of course .

And then , uh , when you warm it up , it'll be out of the loose .

Now , I'm gonna taste it one more time because you know the pasta has a boil of water and it'll take away from the flavor .

Let's see here .

That's it y'all .

Now , now we're gonna put in the oven .

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I'm a little casserole this year when you spray it right down here .

So it don't stick on .

I ain't lose nobody .

I , I ain't looking at the comments right now .

Let me see what y'all saying .

If y'all making , see if y'all making fun of me over there , but I can't see what y'all doing .

All right , we get all this out of here .

Y'all get all this goodness out of here .

All right , mouth this over here out of the way .

Now we're gonna spread this out .

We're gonna put some cheese on this .

Look like I've done this .

Before y'all .

Huh ?

I make macaroni cheese all the time y'all .

I make at least in a year .

I plan , I do it 30 times a year .

Ok .

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Now we're gonna put the cheese on here .

We rolled in here .

We're gonna put this in the oven .

It's about 15 , 20 minutes till it's both bubble in .

Let me get my plan here , let me get my seat pain .

All right .

Gonna put on this pan here in the cabin , right ?

Yeah , I can check with y'all a little bit and out here .

So we're gonna get these this layer .

I only got three items that uh I only got three things to clean up anyway , a big deal .

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No cash like all right .

Yeah , I can chat with y'all one more thing .

Hold on let me put this away .

OK .

Now OK , now I can pick this up while I can see what I'm doing now .

OK .

Five boloni .

Brown boloni .

I do one of five bologna sandwiches .

Let's see .

In depth .

Oh yeah , that's my .

Yeah .

If you could , if you make enough stuff in the oven , you don't know to put that pan underneath there .

That'd be second .

Just second nature .

You made my dress .

Oh Thank you Crystal .

You made my dressing , old school dressing .

Nothing .

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That's the way my mama used to do it .

That's what my mama used to do it .

Thank you , Gina .

I didn't see that .

Uh I didn't see you .

Uh sign off if you're still in here .

Thanks for coming .

Ok , I can see what I'm going back to the comments on Miss Jeff .

I'm Patricia on Mobile in a small town .

Thank you , Patricia Mobile , Alabama .

That's old school town , man .

I know that sweet .

Uh See , uh please say she made my sweet potato pie .

Awesome .

Thank you , Deanna Pound .

I don't know how to pronounce it .

Kenosha Wisconsin .

That's definitely a small town .

Definitely a small town .

OK .

All right .

Let's see here .

See if you made my job .

A law operator .

Thank you .

Thank you .

Yeah , great man .

I'm way back .

I'm going back up to this .

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Uh what I miss here my peace .

I made the peace cobbler last week .

You missing ma you can go back to court .

You know , you can go back and watch the video .

Johnson is in the house .

I'm a new scriber .

Hey , I got , what is it ?

I got it going on too .

Give him some love or her some love cause I don't see if you're a man or woman .

Uh is a new subscriber .

Welcome to the old school .

So family , the best social media family in the world and I'm biased and I'm just kidding you , Chicago .

Another Chicago in the house market is in the house .

Hey , in the house .

What's up ?

Re New York ?

Arkansas is in the house .

He said he made my mac and cheese for Thanksgiving tea on .

That's the only way to make it old school style .

Yeah .

The cobbler .

Yeah , y'all miss the cobbler .

Oklahoma City is in the house .

Oh , that's good , ma'am .

Just keep practicing .

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I tell people keep practicing .

That's all y'all do practice .

Make perfect Mississippi is in the house .

You ain't see it in North Carolina is in the Hall .

Shepherd Moore .

What's up , Cat Shepherd Moore ?

I tried your Italian dressing .

Exactly .

The Italian dressing .

You can't even smell them cooking the chicken .

That's why I tell people .

That's the secret .

If y'all don't let my secret out .

Oh , it's a hair .

Ok .

I got it going on .

It sound like a sister .

You know how the sister move that handset .

I got it going on as a sister , er , in the house was Oklahoma .

Rona , he's in the house .

That's a small town there .

I know it is .

These towns I never heard of .

I know they're small town .

Portland , Maine in the house .

The largest state in the main .

Oh , ok .

Well , she wrote it all out but Baltimore in the house got some crabs .

I need to go to Baltimore and get me some of them crab .

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That's where the best crab and lobster or whatever is that up there ?

Right .

San Angelo is in the house .

All right , Texas .

There's some more Texas in there .

I near it ain't got , I got it going on , I near it with a name like that .

You know it .

Oakland is in how we got the west coast in the house .

I don't have a lot of people from the west coast .

I guess it just be too early to be too early for these people to be watching me .

But they two hours behind me right now it's , it's 3 49 in Oakland right now .

Old school style .

Emma .

Yes , ma'am .

Sweet .

Right .

I got one with , uh , I got rice pudding .

I got a video for that .

I'm gonna make some trip and grit .

That's , that's coming this year .

That is coming .

I got some old school country yellow grids .

You know the one , the grits and take about 2030 minutes to cook .

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Knock them green Ws out and now these , I got some grits that take a while to cook , take about 30 45 minutes to cook these grits .

They real foam brown grits .

I'm gonna do a video on it .

Really ?

In the house .

Yeah .

So I can see it out on the channel .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Vegas .

Oh my , my favorite city in Las Vegas is in the house .

I wish I , if I had to move somewhere in Las Vegas who would be in my top five cities to live .

I go to big Vegas once , sometimes twice a year .

I love Las Vegas .

We have , we have 4 , 450 people .

Oh my God .

Wow .

Everybody know everybody been in that town .

My town I grew up in has 695 people and you talking about people know your business .

You couldn't mess around your parents know where you is the old time , but your neighbor is gonna tell on .

You used to live Michigan in the house .

You ain't nothing better than them old school yellow grids on ground grits , not them old things .

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You take five minutes to put in the , these are little you got there and they pop on you to get the going and get the popping on you .

That's some old school grits , macaroni cheese .

I'm gonna leave the video up so y'all ain't gonna miss it .

I'm gonna leave it up .

Yeah .

Yeah .

A lot of people don't know about the yellow .

I agree more .

I'm gonna see if I can find him .

Hold on y'all , hold on .

I got so organized in here .

Let me see if I can find them in here .

I'll sit tight here .

Let's see if I can find them up in here .

Y'all see here , right ?

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It's no , you know like that I can't even find them y'all .

I got stuff in there .

I , I probably have gotten to the back until I get to them but on the next video I'm gonna have , I'm gonna show y'all .

I definitely got to do that .

Oh Yeah .

Yeah .

You got 10 to them .

Let's see .

Do you think frozen shrimp will work in shri ?

Oh yeah .

Frozen shrimp is working shrimp and grits .

Well , I live right down here on the coast near we , I get the fresh , it tastes like it's so sweet .

Tastes , it's like the ocean .

You always go .

When I go , I usually get like £20 of them and then I'll come back , clean them .

Piece the heads off .

That's all I'll do .

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And I'll put in an individual bag .

They usually last me about two or three months .

Ok .

Let me check my , let me check my macaroni and cheese y'all .

Yeah .

Trying to be , I can burn them , burn my ma cheese up a bump .

Ain't got no good .

You get a good color on them .

Texas .

I don't like Patricia in the house .

Oh yeah .

Las Vegas is awesome .

I love Las Vegas .

I like the diversity of the food .

I'm a fool of holidays .

You all know .

And I love all the different restaurants and things .

They're just awesome .

If I want French food , I can get that .

If I can get Italian food , I can go there and get that .

If I want Mexican food , I can get that real authentic , you know , food .

Oh , thank you , Elizabeth .

Right .

It's super chat .

Not super chatting about moving south because I wanna get my nerve down .

Me .

Go and help me find out where to go .

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People tell me where Eliza was trying to find out what part of the south .

Well , you can move to Houston .

If you can stay the humidity , the humidity is the only thing bad about the Houston area .

Other than that , it don't get cold here at all .

The coldest you gonna get here is followed by 35 36 .

Maybe it might come 32 .

Yeah .

Milwaukee Wisconsin is in the house .

You're not for me .

Like , ok , she up .

Hm .

Yeah , we don't have , we have one season , we have winter now .

We have , uh , we have , uh , summer and maybe a little fall and that's , it .

Ain't no spring , nothing like that .

It's just hot , warm , hot , warm here in Houston .

Exactly .

About five minutes .

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I'm gonna take , I saw that shit thing .

You got to get some food .

You still waiting on that plate .

Francis Lopez .

You retired ?

All right .

Awesome .

So , in North Carolina , I think Carolina , they , they saying Carolina .

But I think that's an awesome place to , to .

I like Carolina .

I , I got a couple of friends live in Carolina and the ocean looks so beautiful .

What they show Jenny from Connecticut is in the house .

Made my pecan pie .

Awesome .

I got a pecan pie in my , in my uh , refrigerator here .

That's my dessert tonight .

I made , uh , I made it a matter of fact , four days ago .

Yeah .

You see , Don checked in yet .

Kelly is that you write from Callie ?

Oh , yeah .

All them , they don't have no autumn here .

We do , but it ain't like , it's just hot .

Hm .

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You're in Texas .

Surely .

North Carolina is in the house move slower because uh , right here when he come out karma cake , do I have a karma cake recipe ?

No , I don't .

I need to do one .

A lot of people are asking about that .

A TLG A is in the house , is in the house .

A TLG A is in the house .

She watching you guys sit in the cook ?

Oh , so I , oh yeah .

You know why he is underrated ?

I would need a lot of it , but it's underrated .

Angela .

Oh , yeah , Maine .

I wanna go to Maine and get some of their lobster and something .

I wanna , I wanna eat a real good lobster and of course , when you get them here it ain't the same .

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But I definitely wanna go to Maine and get some lobster and some salmon .

Yeah , I do have a butter roll that PPP has .

Yep .

Just certain old school , uh , rolls .

I guess it would come up like that old school butter rolls .

Yeah , I got park house rolls too .

Oklahoma City is in the house .

Love your channel .

Thank you .

You're welcome .

I would be , that would be awesome .

Elizabeth .

I love fresh seafood .

I love it .

I just don't eat enough of it , but I love it .

West Texas is in the house .

It's 3 , 3.5 seasons of dry heat .

Exactly .

Exactly .

And , and is worse in Houston .

That's why he's underrated fish .

I mean , I've eaten it .

It's underrated though .

Ok .

Y'all , I'm gonna get this macaroni cheese out of the oven .

It probably ain't brown a lot .

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But I'm not gonna cook it long because I'm gonna have to rewarm it again later and I don't wanna cook it a lot the first time cause I know I have to rewarm it up .

So that's why I'm not gonna cook it a long time .

And here we go , here we go .

Nice and lovely .

And y'all know I'm gonna let that cool off just a little before I get me a bowl of this and cool off a little .

Just let y'all look at it a little bit .

Y'all look at the mac and cheese a little bit .

Ok .

Down South chicken and dumplings .

Everybody want the chicken and dumplings .

Hey , the brisket , brisket is just Texas all over Elizabeth brisket is all over .

It is brisket .

Kim Lyons , Georgia is in the house nine Georgia in the house .

That's a small town .

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Oh , yeah , it's nothing big .

This is , this is the ultimate comfort food y'all .

Uh You get to a big bowl that's on the winter time right now .

A big bowl of uh macaroni and cheese .

That's all you need .

Y'all wanna see how I put that in there too .

I got me some corn bread in the refrigerator .

I got me a little cabbage left over from my and green .

You know , saw that video .

That's all I'm eating tonight y'all .

Yes , sir .

I used to hate Blackeyed peas .

So yeah , I'm not , I got to go , hey , I , I'm not a black eyed Peas fan .

I eat it maybe twice a year .

I , I'm not really a black eyed peas fan .

I eat them but you gotta have something else in there .

So , like I said , I put pigtails in mine and fat but I gotta have something in there with it .

I mean , II , I just hate them but I'd rather eat something else .

Oh , yeah .

It smells good up in here y'all .

It smells good .

Mike .

I definitely would love to live in Vegas .

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That's awesome .

He lived in Vegas for 23 years .

Wow .

The hot weather .

But the what I can deal with Vegas weather heat in Houston , Vegas is a dry heat and Houston is just humid .

It's a sweatbox here .

Mclean , South Carolina .

Oh my God .

I know that small town .

I ain't never heard of that at all .

Wow .

Oh , yeah , this is hot .

This is hot there .

We're gonna be free in the house .

Navy Beans .

I like that .

You're welcome Elizabeth Pinto Beans .

Who doesn't like Pinto beans ?

Oh , yeah .

That's right .

Ray Ma , I gotta tell him I , I like every part of the pig from the rooter to the tutor .

I'm a country .

We didn't throw away when we kill the ho we didn't throw away nothing .

We use the whole hole .

We raise that ho all year .

Mhm .

Like they say pigs get fat hogs get slaughtered .

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That's the way it is in the country .

Yeah .

Thank you , Anita .

That don't mean that a pan of stickies .

What is stickies ?

Mhm .

And more .

Yeah , I love the product .

You right man .

Right .

Looking for more .

You seafood lentils , lentils .

I need to do something with lentils .

Y'all .

I need to do a recipe with lentils .

A lot of people been asking me about lentils .

I shop with lentils .

Let's see here .

I'm gonna , I'm gonna scoop up a little of this here and this stuff is gonna be hot y'all and I'm gonna scoop up a little of this here .

See how it come out , you know that corner there .

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Look at , that's the best part there at that corner and y'all know when this uh it's so hot right now on my , my , it's too hot to eat and I'm gonna let it set up about an hour here and I got , when I log off , I gotta go take my shower and all that and when I come back , you know , it's bad when you're in the shower and you know you got a good meal waiting on you .

You just , you just feel good when you're taking a shower .

I know you got a hot meal waiting on you when you get out and you ain't got to cook .

It's already done .

That's what I'm gonna feel today .

That's sound I put on .

That is yes .

Nice and creamy .

Mm hm .

Hm .

Cut the ham in there .

No , are perfectly cooked .

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I thought she roll here y'all and it's hot too .

Y'all can see that .

Mm .

Not good .

Mm .

Mm .

Mm .

15 B I gonna try that T Johnson .

Mhm .

I've seen those , I've seen those packages .

Ok .

I never made sauerkraut in the .

No , come on , you get you a ball .

You know who's missing out of him .

Mama Ray .

Ray , mama Ray Ray in the house .

That's who I'm missing today .

Mama Ray Ray .

I love my mama Ray .

Ray .

I hope she's doing all right .

I saw she made some uh smell of pork chops .

She made some small pork chops the other day .

Yeah , I need to do that .

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15 beans but I'm thinking that they all cook the same or how do you do it ?

But some beans cook more than cooking than other .

But I've seen the packages in the store .

15 beans .

Thank you Geraldine Virginian house .

Excuse me for eating in front of y'all .

My mama say they ain't , they ain't .

That's not a good man to be in front of people .

I ain't open them .

No , my mama see me doing it .

She kicked my butt .

So .

Oh yeah .

Yeah .

She cooked the smell of pork chop the other day .

Yeah , that's what I was thinking .

If you cook 15 beans , I'm gonna go cook more than quicker than others .

They're all wondering if it's gonna be cooked the same .

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They're all wondering .

Ok .

Stickies is a country sweet made with biscuit .

Do ?

Ok .

I never heard of it .

Stickies .

Fried corn .

I never made fried corn .

You got , I mean , you gotta make everything .

I make everything with ham .

Pretty much everything with ham hocks .

Ain't nothing bad with ham hok .

I don't care .

You can cook a few with ham hok and it'd be good .

Yeah .

Wow .

I guess if you know what you're doing , I guess they probably won't overcook .

Yeah .

He hawks is good with everything .

I don't know .

Nothing bad about the Hawks .

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Ham beans by her .

Never heard of that .

Hm .

Oh , yeah .

Yeah , I'm telling you anything good with a hole .

Angel .

Angel ain't no wrong with a hot .

It ain't no wrong at all .

All right y'all , I'm about to log off here .

Like I said , I've been working all day .

I want to come home and show y'all as I cook my dinner for the night , I'm gonna get me some cabbage and greens that I got mixed together to go with that and corn bread and I got some pi for dessert .

So I'm doing good today on my food .

So , anyway , thanks for joining my live and , uh , next Monday I will not be on live .

I'm taking a week off of social media because I've been busy for November , December .

I've been very busy , so I'm gonna take a week off and I will be back on live on January the 18th .

But next Monday is a holiday is Martin Luther King's birthday .

So I will not be on live .

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I will be on live the Monday after that , which is the 18th .

So I appreciate everybody joining me .

I love y'all and y'all remember hashtag it .

I want y'all to hashtag the the world out of this .

Hashtag help somebody , old school soul food , hashtag help somebody old school soul food .

We're gonna make this hashtag go viral and they don't want to know what is going on over there .

The old school soul food .

What's wrong with them people ?

We're gonna show them .

It's all about helping somebody and forgiveness and one big happy family over here in the old school old school .

I appreciate y'all .

Y'all have a nice night , y'all stay safe and uh I'm gonna close .

This is like I close every video .

Please visit my other social media accounts , Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , twitch TV , Pinterest .

And of course youtube you on now at old school so dot com until next time .

Have a blessed old school so day and I'm gonna say it again .

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Hashtag help somebody old school soul food .

I love y'all .

I'll see y'all next time .

Bye .


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