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2023-08-30 06:56:29

How To Install Optifine On Minecraft (1.16.5) _ Download Optifine

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how to install op Define on Minecraft is the topic of today's video as well as how to go and download opt , Define as well .

I'm going through a full guide in today's video .

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So it's a pretty straightforward tutorial with the help of this video .

And I know so many people want to go and speed up Minecraft and also have access to loads more settings .

For example , Shader details , animations .

There's so many useful features of opt , which you can get access to , and I've shown you all of that in today's video .

So any further ado let's jump into this .

So first you want to do is simply open up your Minecraft launcher .

So I'm gonna come down here and search for Minecraft and just open it up Now .

Once you've opened it up , you need to select the version of what version you would like opt to find for So in this case , if you want the latest release , which currently is 1.16 0.5 but it will probably have changed in the future .

Then make sure you've at least played it once and got all the files downloaded .

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And the download Progress is going to look something like this if you haven't played that version of Minecraft before .

But I sure you have .

However , if you need it for an old version , for example , 1.8 0.9 .

Then make sure you've played that and to go and play it and download it you .

What we gonna do is come from play to installations and then click new , and then you can go and choose any release .

Basically , it goes back to release one point .

Oh , so if you want to be 1.8 0.9 you would make sure you come up here , click 1.8 0.9 and then just go and click Create .

As you can see , it's down here so you click it once you click , save and then click play .

And as you can see , you're you're playing an old version .

But anyway , click play and it's gonna load it up .

And as you can see , it's preparing , and that's the important thing like it downloads all the files and everything , but yeah , you get the idea of essentially all you need to do is play the version you would like to go and download .

So once you get on with that ready , then all you want to do is open up a search browser of your choice .

So personally , I go and use chrome , and then all you want to do is simply Google opt to find .

But make sure you keep watching because I'm showing you a few more really useful tips .

Um , of how to do this .

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Then come to to find dot net and you're now on the home page and you want to come up to download from this top navigation bar up here and then , as you can see , it shows you the version so you can click short versions if you want to go back .

So , like if I did want to go and do 1.8 0.9 like I showed you before , here you go .

You can then go and download .

This is the latest version here .

You can go and click download , So yeah , that is it .

But for this tutorial I'll be showing you the latest version of Minecraft , which is 1.16 0.5 so earlier I went and ran Minecraft one point 16.5 .

So make sure you've run the latest version and then you can click download .

Now I really recommend doing this download here .

This basically means you have to watch five seconds of ads , but it does mean you go and support to find the creators of this really useful tool .

Um , however , you can click mirror , and that's just going to go and start the download .

But I always go and use download .

So make sure you turn off ad block by clicking , um , always and then go and click Download .

And as you can see , there's gonna be a quick ad , which I'll just blur .

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But this just really supports the creator , so it's a great thing to do and then go and click Skip here , and then it's gonna load you back here to the download page , and then you're gonna hit , download , and it's gonna come down here and start downloading .

It's only five megabytes , so it's absolutely tiny .

You're gonna get this pop up because it's a jar file , but simply click keep , and you'll be absolutely fine .

Now , if you can't open this up , this is because you haven't got Java simply to go and get java .

You wanna simply google Java and it's gonna load , and then you want to come to java dot com Oracle click download here and you can simply go and download it .

It's really easy and quickly go and install that .

But I've already got it so I can go and open this up just fine .

So I'm gonna go and click on here , and now it's gonna open up .

And as you can see , you've got to make sure , um , you set where Minecraft is .

I haven't changed ever changed this ?

Um , so that's where it is .

But if you to change it , you click on the three dots and you can find it .

But I'm gonna go and click install , and hopefully it goes and runs through , and , uh , then we can go and finish .

So as you can see , the fine is successfully installed .

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Now I'm gonna show you all the awesome settings you can get so we can come off of chrome and then come back down here and search for Minecraft and , uh , go and open it up .

So then , once you're a Minecraft launcher , you're gonna make sure you've got to find selected .

As you can see , opt to find 1.16 0.5 .

Now , whenever there is a Minecraft update , um , you need to go and get the latest version of the fine if you plan the latest version of Minecraft .

Um , so , yeah , make sure you got 1.16 0.5 selected to find , then go and click play .

Now , I may take a minute to load the first time , but let's go and get into this .

So as you can see , I'm now in a game .

Now , the first key feature you're gonna notice is when you press C , you zoom in , which is a really cool feature to have I find like , when you're in games , However , let's go through the main settings you to press escape and then come to options come to video settings .

And now there's so many more options you've got here .

So you've got shades , details , animations , and there's other variances as well , like quality performance .

Um , I haven't actually used the default Minecraft in ages , so I'm not fully aware .

But I know all of this stuff is very useful .

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So if you've got a slow PC , you can come into animations and click all off , and that's going to speed up the game tremendously .

Um , as basically nothing moves .

So if you hit water , it doesn't move .

As you can see , it's just static .

Um , and stuff like that just really speeds up your game If you've got a slow PC .

Uh , and there are so many other stuff .

You've got details you could have all off as well .

Um , so you can have the sky off .

You can have trees and fast , which makes it this sort of solid state .

If you've seen that before .

So yeah , that is sort of the There's just so much to do with it .

And there's other settings as well .

For example , like you can go and add shader , which I've got a tutorial going on very soon .

But I think the most useful stuff is the animations , and , um , it just basically will generally speed up the game as well .

Even if you don't mess around the setting too much , I find , like just by having it .

It just speeds up so much so you can go have shader .

I've got some already , Um , and in details .

You've got a load of other options as well .

Like vine .

Um , alternate blocks Want colours , fog , uh , stars .

You know , there's so much stuff .

Um and I know a lot of people , you know do struggle with micro running smoothly .

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Especially if they had more options .

Like the game is more advanced to what it used to be .

So yeah , I do hope you found this video useful .

If you did go down below , hit the like button , please go and subscribe .

And I look forward to catch you in the next one .

Have a very awesome day Peace .


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