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2023-08-31 07:19:39

Want to Grow Taller Try These Exercises

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At least once in your lifetime , you may have wished that you were taller .

You've probably tried everything you could to achieve a good height .

But in the end , it wasn't enough .

So finally , you gave up and decided to accept yourself for the way you are .

What if I were to tell you that you don't need to compromise and you could grow a few inches more .

Yes , it is possible to do that .

While genetic factors in age plays an important role .

When it comes to growing taller , it can also be achieved through exercises .

In this video .

We're going to talk about the different exercises that will help you grow a few inches taller .

Keeping up with the recent trend .

We're going to go through this video on the reverse order .

So let's start with number seven lying two way stretch .

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This is a simple exercise and if you do it every day , you'll grow at least a few inches in a year .

Just lie down on the floor or a mat with your head facing the ceiling , make sure to hold a straight position from head to toe .

Now stretch your arms and your legs simultaneously once you've passed 20 seconds , bring your arms and legs to a resting position , you can repeat the action a couple of times .

That was easy .

Now , let's see if you tried the number six vertical bands , this exercise will test your body's flexibility as well as how determined you are to increase your height for this exercise .

Stand straight on the floor and try to touch the floor with your palm .

Sound easy .

Well , here's the catch .

You can't bend your knees .

The purpose of this exercise is to flex your spine and to do that , bending your knee will not help if you're a beginner at this exercise .

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We suggest that you just try to touch the floor with your fingers .

Please make sure that you do not hurry through the movement .

After all , you don't want a muscle cramp or any other form of physical problems before the exercise .

Once you've done it for a few weeks , you'll become flexible enough to touch the floor with your palm .

Here's a small tip .

If you have breathing issues and you still wanna try this exercise , please make sure that you are inhaling and exhaling oxygen as you normally do while you do this exercise .

If you face issues like shortness of breath or any breathing related issue , then we suggest that you try the previous exercise or rest for some time before resuming .

Again .

Number six was a bit tough moving on to number five vertical stretch .

Another one of those simple exercises is the vertical stretch .

It's especially useful for people who are not comfortable with exercises compared to the previous two types of exercises .

This one takes more time .

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So please be patient for this .

You need to stand on your toes and lift your body .

Your arms should be facing up towards the ceiling .

Once you've assumed the position , try to stretch your body as much as you can .

The goal of this exercise is to stretch your spine , make sure to hold the position for 30 seconds to enjoy the full benefits of this exercise .

As you've learned to stretch , we move to 0.4 which is the cobra pose here , you will lie on your chest .

The body needs to remain still for this exercise .

Try to stretch as much as possible once you've done so hold it for 15 seconds .

The cobra stretch puts pressure on the upper body and helps you gain those extra inches that you've always wanted as it's a simple exercise .

It does not have much risk for any injuries .

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That is something we cannot say about point number three , side bins , side bins is similar to vertical bins with one very significant difference for this .

You have to bend sideways and do not necessarily have to touch the ground .

You have to stand up straight with legs apart and then bend to both your sides .

If you bend on your right side , you have to hold that position for at least 15 seconds before continuing again .

On your left side , much like most exercises on the list .

This is also meant to flex your spine .

Just keep one thing in mind , do not try to be in a hurried state during this exercise .

In case of hard or breathing problems , we would not suggest this exercise .

Instead , you can try the cobra post or the vertical stretch moving on from side bends .

Let's talk about an exercise that involves a little bit of hand eye coordination sliding in .

At number two , we have skipping .

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This exercise has more than just a few benefits for starters .

It's good for people with diabetes and high blood pressure .

However , here we're going to talk about how it can help increase your height .

Skipping helps to increase the blood supply of your body and exerts pressure on the long bones of your body .

This causes them to grow in length .

A few weeks of this exercise is guaranteed to make you taller .

We would not suggest this exercise if you have issues with hand eye coordination as you may end up injuring yourself .

In such a case , we would suggest that you try one of the stretch exercises that we suggested previously .

Now as we're done with all others , let's go straight to the top .

And at number one , we have hanging .

This one is more like a game than an exercise .

All you need to do is find a bar with a comfortable height .

It should not be too high and it should not be too low .

Once you've done that , just hang from it and pull your legs up and down .

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Pretty much like a pendulum .

That is all you need to do in this exercise .

Hanging has been proven to stretch your muscles and help you grow a few inches taller .

Just remember that the bar should be strong enough to take your entire body weight .

If it's too weak , it might break and you might fall along with it .

How long do you need to do it ?

Just try to hang for 10 minutes every day and you'll see the results of your hard work in just about three months .

Whoa , those are a lot of exercises to try .

So we suggest that you get started .

Just keep in mind though that it's not wrong to be slightly short .

It is ok .

No one has all the virtues in the world .

There are many famous personalities like Pablo Picasso , Harry Houdini and Napoleon Bonaparte who were not necessarily very tall but were considered to be among the best in their respective fields .

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Even legendary footballer Diego Maradona was not very tall , but he remains one of the greatest footballers to have ever played the game .

So , do you know any other exercises to grow taller ?

Do you know more famous personalities who were short ?

Let us know in the comment section below .

We would love to hear from .

You .

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