Yo .
Hello .
What's up , everyone ?
It's the GTG come to you from the UK all the way to the NYC .
And welcome to this next grow taller video .
And in today's video , we're gonna be covering .
What do I need to do as a teenager in order to grow taller ?
So if I was to go back in time and give myself three pieces of crucial advice to grow taller , this is what I would give myself .
I get so many people asking me , Lance , what did you do ?
Or what did your brother do when you guys were growing taller when you were younger ?
I do believe that myself and my brother were quite lucky in the fact that our mom , whether consciously or unconsciously , made sure that we had these three elements in place that I'm about to share with you .
But hopefully after this video you will start implementing the strategies too , or some variation of so number one calories .
I am 100% positive that both myself and my brother both ate more than the necessary amount of calories in order to grow taller .
Yes , we both had points in our life where we were both chubby or fat .
But by being fat when you're younger , it meant that we could provide our bodies with the necessary amount of calories that the body could turn into energy in order to help us grow .
It's just typical .
How many times have you seen the fat kid in school in perhaps year seven , when they're maybe 12 or 13 , then go on years later to become the tall , handsome one .
I've seen that so many times .
I will cover calories in another video because it's a huge topic .
But for my recommendations , have a look in the description box .
I've got both boys and girls , and those are the NHS recommended allowance from ages nine until 18 .
As a rule , I would probably go over the record recommendations by 500 calories just because you don't want to miss out on an opportunity to maximise your growth .
As far as tracking calories , I would use a app called My Fitness Pal , which is just here zoomed in Nice , and you can basically use your camera on your smartphone or iPhone to track the foods and the amounts , and that app will work out how many calories you have had for the day , and the best thing about it is it is completely free .
If you are unsure about how many calories are in a certain food , you can just log on to the APP , search for something similar and just estimate roughly how many calories are in that food .
I'd usually go with the lower number just because you wanna make sure that you do go over your calorie threshold .
The second piece of advice I would give myself if I could go back in time and give myself some more advice about grade .
Taller would be milk and calcium .
Now myself and Leo drank milk and we drank lots of it .
On average , myself and Leo probably drank between 1 to 2 litres of whole milk per day , which not only added to the calories because it was quite calorific and high in fat as mentioned in 0.1 .
But it also provided us with roughly 1200 to 2400 milligrammes of calcium , which is essential for bone growth .
The recommended dose of calcium is about 1300 milligrammes for 9 to 18 year olds , but because I know you want to grow taller , I would try and aim for 2000 milligrammes or more , so that's gonna probably equate to roughly about two litres of whole milk per day .
Advice I would give myself number three would be mild slash to moderate exercise for me personally , When I was 13 to 16 years old , my mum made me get a paper round which entailed roughly about an hour in the morning of start stop cycling and an hour in the afternoon of start stop cycling for Leo .
He used to walk six miles a day .
He used to go to college , and he used to walk for three miles in the morning and three miles in the afternoon , which , if you walk in at a moderate pace is gonna be about an hour each way .
By doing moderate exercise , you will get your heart rate up and your heart will pump more blood around the body , which will carry the necessary nutrients in order to help you to grow .
By doing this , it will actually make your body as a whole not only more effective but also more efficient , which is fantastic in terms of growing taller because we want the body to be an optimal level .
The good thing about mild exercise is that you can do it every day without putting too much stress on the body .
My recommendation would be either 1 to 2 hours of moderate walking per day , 1 to 2 hours of moderate cycling per day or 1 to 2 hours of moderate swimming .
Unfortunately , that's all we've got time for this week .
Thanks for watching .
I hope you enjoyed the video .
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Like subscribe and comment and I shall see you .
Same time , same place next week .
Goodbye .