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2023-08-29 09:12:28

5 Ways To GROW TALLER At Any Age _ Austin Wayne

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Hey guys , my name is Austin Wayne .

Welcome to to Life Fitness .

Today .

I'll be discussing how to get taller , how to increase your height and make the best of your genetics .

Now , I'm 6 ft five .

My brother is also 6 ft five , but our father is 5 ft nine and we both did everything in this video .

I'm about to share with you .

Now , we do have good genetics for height , mostly from my mother's side .

She's also 5 ft nine , but we maximize our genetics .

So if you want to maximize your genetics and grow as tall as you can at any age , then follow the steps in this video .

Let's go .

All right .

First of all , if you are new to the channel , I would love if you hit that little subscribe button , growing awesome fitness community on this channel .

I assume the first way to increase your height is you need to be limiting smoking and alcohol .

This includes jewels .

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This includes marijuana , whatever it is , smoking and alcohol should be off the table .

If you are trying to grow as tall as possible , you do not want to be , these things will suppress your natural hormones and make it much more difficult to maximize your genetics to grow as tall as you possibly can .

So I highly suggest cutting out the alcohol and the smoking just altogether .

So this is very simple , but this is going to be the first step to getting taller .

Ok .

The second way to increase your height is you want to maximize human growth hormone production .

So the best way to do this are two best ways .

OK ?

One is going to be intermittent fasting .

So they've done studies and up until the 24 hour mark as a man , your HDH will spike by up to 2000% .

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So as you can see , this will be very beneficial to get taller , but you want to make sure that you are getting enough vitamins and nutrients in that window .

So if it's very difficult for you to actually eat , and this might not be the most efficient way for you .

But if you're able to eat a lot of food in a short little window like I can , then this will be very good for you .

Now , another thing in addition to this will be your exercises .

Now you can do body weight , which is what I actually did and this prevented any stunting of the growth from messing with the growth place .

But that's mostly a myth .

So you can't be lifting weights .

But if you want to do exactly what I did , I did body weight workouts .

Now , this is going to do , you want to do full body workouts three times per week and this will maximize all of your hormone production .

It's going to maximize all of the human growth hormone being produced by the body .

Now , especially leg exercises .

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So you want deep squats , you want pistol squats , you want to get as much blood flow all throughout the body during this single full body lift as much as you can .

So this is going to be the second way to increase your height and get tough .

Ok , guys , the third way to increase your height and get taller is actually going to be yoga and then stretching and then posture .

So a lot of people , a lot of your spines , which is where most of your height is going to come from by having your spine fully stretched out and fully aligned .

If your spine is pretty much crumpled up , then you will not be fully getting as cold as you possibly can .

So what's going to help with this is doing a lot of stretching and a lot of yoga to fully stretch out that spine to fully decompress and just make the most out of your height .

This be able to add a couple inches just naturally .

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This is why Michael Jordan , he said that he actually grew taller just by hanging because this is going to decompress the spine and it's going to add a little bit more height now this , in addition to your posture , now , I've seen a lot of people , you guys walk around like this , you know , like you have no idea how to actually stand up straight with confidence .

So you want to have your shoulders up and back .

So that's typical what I do up back and then you would just wanna have a very straight posture .

Like you want to be almost a little bit militant with your posture .

You know , a lot of the posture can come , come down to having a weak core and also a weak back .

So as you're doing the exercises , this will also help strengthen your posture , which is automatically going to add a couple inches to your height .

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Like if you're walking around like this versus like this , it automatically makes a 1 to 2 inch difference like this , I'm probably like 6 ft three , but this , I'm like 6 ft five , you know , so this is going to be the third way to really increase your height .

Ok .

The fourth way to increase your height is going to be the most basic thing ever , literally just sleep .

So most people , they get probably less than seven hours per night and 7 to 9 will be ideal .

But for me , the golden amount of sleep when it comes to absolute growth , I don't always sleep this much .

So , but nine hours per night is what I have found to be the golden amount of sleep to get each and every night .

Now sleep , this is all of your hormones will be produced .

So all of your human growth hormone , all of your testosterone .

And then as you are lifting and as you were exercising in the gym , this is actually the time and when you are building muscle .

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So if you want to increase your posture and you want to increase the core and back strength , then this is the time when you're actually building that strength in that sleeping process .

So if you're not sleeping enough at this very moment , you'll be limiting your height gains pretty much .

So get as much sleep as you can .

Obviously don't oversleep , like don't sleep more than nine hours , that's not very healthy .

So nine hours is like the max that you should be sleeping , but it seems to be the golden amount of sleep from what I have noticed for maximal gains in he gain .

Ok .

And the last way to increase your height is going to be with the balanced nutrition .

No , I advocate more of a vegan diet these days .

But with the fitness stuff , it's all coming down to what you are already on .

So I'm not going to force anybody to go vegan because that's not actually what I did to increase my hike .

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What I originally did was each and every day I had a gallon of raw unpasteurized milk each and every day .

Now , what this did was it gave me , every nutrient possible to grow to be absolute fullest .

This is why every baby of every species they always have milk because it provides every nutrient and mineral possible every , all the vitamin D every time .

Now , most Americans specifically are always going to be deficient in some sort of vitamin , some , some some sort of protein nutrient because the standard American diet is very disappointing .

So you guys are not getting enough of what your body actually needs .

So that is what I did and unpasteurized milk can't actually be safe .

Just know that there is good and bad bacteria in it and most mostly throughout the States , it's going to be illegal , but do some research all throughout Europe , it's going to be legal because there are quite a bit of health benefits to it .

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But if you have a weakened immune system , I don't suggest it because there will be a chance that you may get sick from it .

So I'm not going , I don't need anything in this video .

I'm just saying exactly what I did .

So let's say , for example , you're vegan , you need to be getting enough vegan , complete proteins to build the muscles .

So you need your body weight times 0.82 to get a minimal amount of protein that's going to be pretty much the golden amount , 0.82 times your body weight in pounds and then you want complete protein .

So let's say like beans are alone there could be a lot of protein in beans , but that's not a complete protein .

So if you were to eat that with rice , for chemo , that is automatically going to create a complete protein at this point .

So you need to be doing the math to get enough protein and just enough of the nutrients as a whole , you want enough fat , which is going to boost your hormones , healthy fats .

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So , avocado , olive oil , even grass fed butter can be very beneficial for the body .

So you won't have healthy natural fats .

You don't want processed trans fats from fast food .

And then also you want enough carbohydrates too .

You want very balanced , like you don't want to go overboard with anything .

You don't want to cut out carbs , you don't want to cut out fats .

This is all about health and balance and just getting every nutri nutrient that your body possibly needs .

So this is going to be the last way to really increase your height .

All right guys .

So I was projected to be six quarters .

So , and I started doing these , I was 5 ft nine whenever I was like 16 , 17 .

And after a year of doing all of these things , I grew to about 64 and then after high school I continued growing .

And so right now I'm like 6 ft 5 6 ft six .

Honestly , once I passed 64 , I stopped measuring .

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But now if I come across other people who are 64 , I'm always like a couple inches taller than them .

So they're either lying about their height or I've actually gotten even taller than I was whenever I made the shoot growth spray , which I was very late bloomer .

So it's very possible .

So if you do these tactics , you will probably grow at least another couple of inches .

So if you have any questions , drop a comment below like this video .

If you like this video and then in the info box , it's going to be how you can schedule your free one on one consultation with me if you want some help toning up and getting shredded .

So that is it ?

Goodbye guys .


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