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2023-08-30 06:47:17

How to make Macaroni and Cheese recipe _ Views on the road Pasta

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Yeah , it from the start .

Hello and welcome amigos today .

I'm updating my family's favorite macaroni and cheese recipe .

You guys asked me to make shorter and simplified videos .

I hope you enjoy this one .

And if you guys need the recipe , make sure to look for the uh ingredients right in the description box .

And if you're here because you enjoy cooking , let's get started to the hot pan .

I've already added a little bit of oil and we're gonna start sauteing our onions for about 2 to 3 minutes until you see them go translucent while we're sauteing our onions .

We're gonna get started on boiling our elbow pasta .

I've added a little bit of salt to the water and that's about it .

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Make sure to follow the cooking instructions on your pasta box .

Other than that , let's continue to cook while our onions and our pasta are cooking .

I've melted a little bit of butter which we're gonna need to add to our Pinkel crumb .

Our onions are set , our pan is really hot , so I'm just gonna set this to the side so we can get started on our cheesy sauce .

I have two tablespoons of butter and we're just gonna melt that quickly .

Ok .

We don't want it to burn .

So make sure that your , uh , stovetop isn't that hot .

So , go with the medium low and take your time .

That should take you about 30 seconds to do .

Next .

You're gonna add your flour , right ?

Incorporate that flour into your butter quickly .

Ok .

Next , we're gonna add our heavy whipping cream .

And if you don't have that , you can use half and half .

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And if you don't have that , try it with some milk and evaporated milk , I tried to give it to my kids with evaporated milk and they didn't touch it .

They knew the difference .

We're not having that .

So go ahead and mix all those ingredients together and we're still on a medium low heat .

Once you've incorporated all your ingredients , you're gonna start adding your seasonings .

I'm using white pepper turmeric mustard powder .

And if you don't have mustard powder , you can use a little bit of your yellow mustard .

I know that that's not a common ingredient in a lot of homes .

So don't feel left out .

And , um , I think a family favorite , some Lari seasoning that la seasoning has onion garlic , paprika .

It has all kinds of goodies in there .

And my family notices when I don't add it into the blend , I've tried .

We're so critical .

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Once you've incorporated all your seasonings into your milky blend , we're gonna start adding our cheese and this is the part where you can make it comfortable for your home .

This is freshly grated cheddar cheese , medium cheddar .

But if you have Pepper Jack , if you have mozzarella , whatever cheese you have on hand , go ahead and use that and make it comfortable because you know , mac and cheese is about having a good cheese selection .

Don't rush the process .

I still have my heat on a medium low and I'm just slowly adding the cheese and allowing it to melt .

All our cheese has melted .

And now I'm gonna go ahead and strain our pasta so that we can add it into this cheesy sauce .

I'm gonna add my onions , stir them in before we add our elbows .

Ok ?

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I don't want you to throw elbows but our pasta elbows , but you will be throwing elbows after you taste this .

Yes .

So once you mix those onions in , go ahead and add your uh elbows and just mix it in with all that delicious cheesiness .

OK ?

Thanks for those of you that don't have a working oven .

Don't worry , this is already all cooked in here .

So you can just serve yourself and be ready .

But my family likes baked mac and cheese and that's how we're gonna go all the way .

Those pink crumbs really make a difference .

Yeah , they really do .

I've tried using bread crumbs and other things are like , no , don't do it .

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So it's one of those recipes that works for my family and it's important for you to do the same for yours .

You know , work those recipes until it works for your family .

How wonderful does that look ?

It looks delicious .

Now that we've done that , we're gonna mix our butter into our Pinkel crumbs .

I have a cup of Japanese Pinkel crumbs , but you can use half a cup .

It doesn't have to be the full cup .

It's just that , that's what my family really likes , how crispy it is and just mix them in here until they're fully saturated with the butter .

If you don't have butter at this moment , go ahead and saturate it with a little bit of oil .

And what kind of oil ?

Your favorite oil don't go out of your way to buy something .

Make it comfortable for your home .

Perfect .

Now we're ready to assemble our baked mac and cheese .

Um , make star .

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If you like a cheese pool with your mac and cheese , you want to add a little bit of cheese over the top here and we're just gonna mix that gently in here .

The first time I made a really good uh , Mac and cheese .

I followed that movie , uh Soul Food .

It had a recipe , a booklet when you bought the movie and I was obsessed with that movie in the nineties .

And that's , that's when I first got started with the Mac and cheese with the mac and cheese .

Yeah , because in , in , in my house growing up , it was more of the box mac and cheese .

This was foreign to me .

Now we're gonna go ahead and start adding our Pinkel crumbs .

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You guys are gonna use fresh bread , chop it up into little cubes .

Uh , add it into the oil I think works best instead of butter because butter will kind of like seep into it a little horribly and yeah , that should help you out for those of you that have that box of stuffing hiding in the back of the pantry .

Use that it'll work too .

Oh , and it's seasons probably super good .

Yes , it really is .

I'm gonna have uh two options for you to bake your mac and cheese .

And the one I'm going with today is I'm gonna bake it at 450 degrees for about 15 minutes .

I'm gonna place a foil over it and then the remaining minutes that I need for it to crisp up on the top , I'm gonna put it on a broil but make sure to look at the description area for those directions um to make it easier for you .

Ok , friends .

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We're 10 minutes in and we already got that bubbling from our mac and cheese that we love .

So we need to crisp up our Pinkel crumbs .

If you use pile crumbs , we're gonna push it right in and we're gonna keep it another five minutes on 4 50 .

And if you didn't use Pinkel crumbs , you're probably ready to set it to the side so that it can cool and you can eat it .

So hang tight .

What's funner than soul bubbles ?

Macaroni and cheese ?

That's right .

I wish you turn to the US if we just don't care .

No .

What ?

Yes .

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As always use club and Bells and new subscribers .

I am wishing you the best .

I hope that you're all taking care of yourselves during these difficult times that the world is facing .

But don't forget that cloud and I love you .

And on that one , we'll see you guys tomorrow .

Bye .

It's really hot .

You have to blow on it if you're gonna taste it right when it comes out .

If you're a brave one , kids wait till it cools .

We would have waited but her stomach can't cool down .

I just can't , the clouds are already wanting some .

I'm telling you this is gonna go down at the , as the best mac and cheese you've ever made .

Whether you take it for your pot luck , your parties or for the holidays .

This is a must make it super easy .

And I'm telling you , you're all gonna be successful with this recipe .

Not one complaint .

It's delicious .

Even the onion lovers are gonna tell you , oh , this was so good and they don't even know that there's onions in here .

Can you believe that ?

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Hm .

This is creamy cheesy gooeyness at its best .

Now it's your turn .

Take a big bite .

Hold on .

No .

What a good mom .

I don't want you to burn yourself .


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