Hey , guys .
Today , we're gonna talk about potassium .
And I don't know if you knew this , but the prehistoric diet , was very high in potassium .
Currently , an average male consumes about 3 , 000 milligrams potassium .
Honestly , I think it's less than that , but these are the these are the numbers that I got .
Women , about a little more than 2 , 000 milligrams potassium , k , per day .
The RDA for potassium is 47100 .
Prehistorically , and there's limited data on this , but the data that I found ranges between 7 , 015 , 000 milligrams of potassium .
That's a lot of potassium .
Our bodies need a lot of potassium for many reasons .
1 is that each cell has a , sodium potassium pump .
So it uses a lot of those minerals to , create energy and move things around in the body .
Prehistorically , potassium was consumed through greens , tubers and roots .
I'm gonna recommend stick with the greens and not do any type of potatoes .
But the body is very flexible with potassium .
If it has too much , it gets rid of it .
If it doesn't have enough , it does retain it .
And also when you're doing intermittent fasting , you will conserve potassium and you won't need as much .
Okay ?
But the body does hold sodium .
So what's even a little bit more important than the quantity of these minerals is the ratio of the minerals .
You need 4 times as much potassium to sodium .
An average person in America has a 1 to 4 ratio .
Very light on the potassium , very heavy on the sodium .
Not even from the foods , but from the refined carbs that deplete potassium and then hold sodium .
So when you do a high carb diet , you're holding a lot of sodium and you're and you're losing a lot of potassium .
So you have this severe imbalance .
So when you're potassium deficient or you're on a potassium deficient diet , me meaning that you're not consuming enough vegetables , you tend to get high blood pressure and a high pulse rate eventually .
Kidney stones , insulin resistance .
1 way to improve insulin resistance is to increase your potassium .
When you have insulin resistance , you can't absorb potassium , but taking more can improve insulin resistance .
But not having enough can throw off your blood sugars big time .
Not having enough potassium can increase your risk of stroke .
1 big symptom is , fatigue and low endurance .
You go to the gym , you just don't have that vitality .
Can't last that long .
Also , it increases your risk for cardiac hypertrophy .
What does that mean ?
It means the heart actually enlarges .
When you take potassium , it actually can go to the normal size that it needs .
The problem though when you go to your doctor and get your potassium assessed is they're looking in the blood outside the cell .
Well , only 2% of your potassium reserves are outside the cell .
98% are inside the cell .
That's why they're gonna miss it .
You have to do a special test , which is intracellular potassium .
And the way people are deficient in potassium is , they're not consuming enough of the right foods .
Okay ?
So I'm gonna show you in my book .
This book .
Okay ?
On page 122 , I listed a lot of vegetables .
Okay .
So what you're gonna notice when you read this is that most of the foods on this list are so high in potassium and so low in sodium .
It's not even the 4 to 1 ratio .
It's probably like 12 to 1 .
Okay ?
But we do need some sea salt for sure , especially when you're doing intermittent fasting and healthy ketosis .
But the point I'm trying to bring up is that when you do ketosis , make sure you do it healthily and make sure you do foods that are high in potassium .
It just so happens though those foods are also high in magnesium .
The 2 top minerals that most people are deficient in .
Now , high sugar diets will deplete potassium .
Refined carbohydrates will deplete potassium , And stress will do it too .
So , this is why if you go through surgery , for example , they may give you some potassium in an IV beforehand or during because the high levels of stress that occur under surgery can deplete your potassium levels .
Interesting .
So anything with stress , injury , shock , surgery , you need more potassium .
And if you don't have enough in your reserve , you can have all sorts of problems .
Alright , guys .
Thanks for watching .
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