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2023-08-03 15:27:44

7 Unsaturated Digital Product Ideas to Make Money Online

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Hey guys in this video , I'll be going over seven unsaturated digital product ideas you can sell right now online .

And since a lot of people think getting into digital products is way too late to start .

Now , I went ahead and found some different Etsy shops that have only opened up within the last 12 months .

So it's a good way for you to get motivation to see that .

Hey , it's not too late for you to start .

So let's get into it .

So number one , our product label templates , these are pre designed , customizable digital files that can be used to print for labels for physical products .

And a lot of times small business owners would using these to streamline the design process because they don't really have the time for it .

So they need people who can create these designs in a consistent way for their products .

So let me show you an example of a shop that's doing really well in this space .

And as you can tell everything they do is just product labels , right ?

And there's a lot of different areas that you can expand into once you get into here .

But let me use the ever be Chrome extension tool , which is one of my favorite tools to use for Etsy , but it's a good way to indicate .

Wow , these shops are doing extremely well .

Here are the revenue counts .

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If I just filter from the highest to the lowest you can see it's doing fairly well and I'm going to look into how long the shop is open and you can see only 10 months the shop isn't open .

So it is definitely not too late to start .

And if you look into all the different listings , they're all within three months , two months , one month , two months , right ?

It's all new .

You can tell that this person just recently started .

So it's not late .

It's a good category to get into and how you get started in this category is by using CAM , which is a design tool you can use to create different templates for people to come in and edit their own .

So if you're someone that's into design likes to create different brand identities , this is a really good category for you to be in .

And I remember when I first got into selling digital products on Etsy , I was in graphic design school and I would do these just for my assignments .

I did a lot of different branding identities and if I were to just use those , put on them on Etsy , you might as well might as well create passive income from this .

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So something to think about if you know anyone in this space , definitely check it out and just a quick tip if you are in this category , it's really good to focus on industry specific product branding , offering multiple sizes for different types of labels .

And I would give this difficulty a five out of 10 , just because not all labels are going to be the same , there's going to be different sizing different mockups that you need to use .

So it's a slightly more difficult one to get into .

But if you like it , then this is perfect for you .

So number two are social media templates , prede designed graphics layouts for social media posts , stories and banners that can be used to customize by the individual branding and create different messaging from it .

A lot of small business owners like to use and buy these templates online because they don't have time to create a cohesive branding .

So it's another good one .

If you like to create branding identities , then this is a fun one to do .

Here's a shop that I found has 2000 views and they actually have quite a bit of listings 47 and I talk a lot about this how you don't need to have hundreds and hundreds of listings to be very successful .

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Later on , I'll be showing you other shops that have we listings and you're gonna be shocked by it .

So make sure you stick to the end for that one .

Yeah , you can tell that these ones , they're doing extremely well , are doing a lot of different categories , a lot of different industries within social media .

And that's a beauty right .

There are unlimited and always new categories coming in new professions that need these social media templates .

So it's a category that's always going to be evolving in terms of the style and everything .

So it's definitely worth looking into .

Let's go back on to ever beat .

And let's take a look at some of the revenue count and we filter from the top and you can see all these are doing super well .

5000 all within five months span seven months .

So let's see how long this shop has been open .

Let's click into the shop details .

Eight months , as you can tell eight months crazy less than a year , it's not too late .

Also keep in mind though the revenue account that you see on every b this is showing you based on the full amount , the retail price on it , not the discounted price .

So as you can see from the shop , if everything is around 4% 50% off , you want to take that into account .

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So if you see things on every beat , that's making it 3000 , it's actually around 1500 that taking in minus the 6.5% fee .

But still if you just have four listings all doing 1000 each , that's $4000 extra a month , passively , you create these products once and they can sell forever .

I still think it's 100% worth it to get into these spaces .

And again , for this one , you'll be using CAVA to get started just so that you can create the templates and then for the customers to come in and edit them themselves .

And just keep in mind , most of the products will be going into are using can and you won't need the pro account in order to be able to share the file without editing your master file .

So that every time they edit their own purchase item , they won't be interrupting your master one so that you can keep selling that same one to different people .

Hopefully that makes sense .

Another tip I want to provide for this category specifically is in a way it's kind of a numbers game .

There's a lot of people who are tapping into this space and in order for you to be on top of it , a good way to scale is through outsourcing .

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So if you are able to find someone from a work online jobs at a different place like this , to create these designs for you , whether it's 100 bundles , 200 bundles , right ?

You have to start scaling it that way .

That's the only way for you to truly sell in this space .

But if you're able to do that and able to delegate these tasks and have a team to build these products , you can do extremely , extremely well , but just someone to keep a note for a category like this and even other ones selling clip part svgs and things like that .

It's a lot easier to scale a team for those kind of categories .

Also , if you're enjoying this , make sure to subscribe to my channel .

If you want to learn more about how to make a full time income selling on net , I do videos weekly .

So subscribe , let's get back to it .

All right .

So the third one is custom portraits .

So these are unique personalized digital illustrations or paintings of people or objects created by artists based on what the customization is .

And a lot of people use these for gifts , profile pictures or just Home Decor .

And I want to show you this shop that I found that's doing extremely well .

26,000 sales .

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And if we look into every b just to see how long this shop has been opened , you can tell the shop has only been open for 12 months .

You know , this is actually insane .

And right now , you might be thinking , hey , I'm not the best designer .

I don't know how to custom create these one by 11 offs .

How can they afford doing it ?

Six , $7 doing custom work , every single one of these are custom .

So one way you can do that now is to use apps like mid journey to be able to create these custom designs where you input a reference photo and they're able to generate you different styles based on their reference .

So if you are someone that's more techie and you want to be able to tap into the space and streamline this process , it's a really good opportunity to do that , but it just takes a little bit of technical skills and researching how to develop that .

And just another quick tip , if you do want to tap into this space and you want to use A I and mid journey to create these products for you .

But instead of still manually inputting them one by one , you want to create an automated systems , right ?

So if you're able to create a Google form for them to put images in and you streamline it through an app called Z PR and things like that , the whole thing can be automated , right ?

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Or what you upload to Etsy is maybe a form for them to submit these photos and then everything will be automated through mid journey and things like that till the output and it gets emailed to them automated , right ?

And they can always add revisions and things like that .

I won't get too deep into it , but there are ways to make it streamlined instead of you inputting it every single time , even through A I programs .

Like I said , a difficulty level for this is going to be a seven out of 10 just because there are more technical skills if you are going through that A I road .

So the next one are spreadsheet templates , pre formatted digital files to help users organize , analyze and present data in different ways .

So a lot of industries like to use this even personal use for budgeting , tracking expenses , managing projects and different things like that .

So this category is again , a lot of different niches , sub niches to tap into .

But something you need to , to do to get started is you need to be able to use Excel or Google Sheets .

If you know someone that can do that , then maybe you can partner up for this shop , which is also a really good idea , very unsaturated as well .

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And here's a shop I found it's got over 5000 views and only 23 listings .

Ok ?

Obviously , each of one of these are really well done really well made very detailed .

If you can team up with someone that can do this and use operating on creating the shop itself and have someone to create the products , then it could do really well .

So let's go into the product and let's go to ever be .

And let's take a look at the sales .

If we filter this on the top , again , top 1 $3000 next one's 1000 right ?

Again , keep in mind of the discount percentage .

But if you can see a lot of these are two months old seven months old .

And something I want to take a note is you see these ones all around seven months , these are the ones that they started with .

So maybe this is the same amount that they started with 407 100 .

But as they got better as they kept going , finding new strategies , the newer ones , the ones that are two months old are pulling in most the revenue now .

So here's another quick way quick example to show that if you're going through the process and you're starting out and you're not making the revenue goals that you were hoping for , just keep going , you're gonna get better , the mockups get better , the products get better .

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The algorithm recognizes that the ranks you higher , get more reviews right ?

As far as compounding .

And then the newer items could actually become your best sellers .

That's another way I like to say is like persistence , consistency continue to improve , right ?

These are all the things I like to talk about .

This is a great example .

And again , let's take a look at the shop age for this one .

Only been up for eight months that not too late to start .

Very impressed .

So whoever runs the shop ?

Amazing , amazing job for this one .

I'll give it a six out of 10 just because there are some technical skills , you need to learn how to create spreadsheets .

But like I said , if you're able to outsource it , if you find someone that can do it , then you guys can team up and create this product .

Ok ?

So the next one are orders and intake form templates .

So these are customizable digital files that allow businesses to collect import information for the customers such as contact details , order specifications or just service requests .

And here's a shop that's got over 6000 sales , 32 listings and look how clean all these designs are .

And you can see if you're in the category that sells forms .

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There are so many different sub niches and professions and industries that you can do these on .

So right now , you can tell these are all eyelash ones , maybe some facial treatment ones , waxing and things like that .

These are hair removal , right ?

You're really honing in on this salon category .

So is look at ever be and let's filter up the months .

Amazing .

2000 here , 808 103 months old , four months old .

It's amazing .

Let's take a look at the shop age 13 months .

So just a bit over a year , but it's still very , very impressive to get over 6000 sales in that short amount of time with only 32 listings .

Very crazy .

So to get started on this one again , is gonna be using Canada as a template platform .

As you can see there's a pattern here , a lot of these different products are using canvas .

So it's really beneficial if you're able to become an expert or just be able to use the tool itself can , is gonna be your best friend .

And just a quick tip if you're tapping into the space , one thing to keep in mind is to not create a general intake form , a general consent form , a sign up form , you want to be more specific .

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So the shot that we looked at earlier , they're doing eyelashes ones , they're doing hair laser removal and very niche specific ones for each of the category , they're creating a separate listing to hit different demographics so that all the keywords , the tags and everything are hyper focused for a specific person searching for these keywords .

Ok .

So you can do aestheticians , coaches , counselors , hair salons , there's so many different industries you can tap into for this , make sure to not create general ones , make it very specific to what design is for the language that it speaks and what different icons formatting are within each of the designs .

So if you can create some that are very general , but using that same main design , create multiple variations , multiple sub niches .

And that way it's just a good way for you to build multiple listings within a couple of similar designs and also very helpful to the customer like wow , this listing is totally for me , it is exactly what I need for my industry .

So I keep in mind so difficulty I put for this one is a three out of 10 , just because to create these forms is not too much work .

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As long as you have good attention detail that you can easily create organized layouts and templates .

Ok ?

So the next one are wedding templates .

We talk about wedding templates a lot .

These are designs that are help couples , help plan to different events .

And there's a lot of different type of categories you can do , you can do invitations , seating charts , saved dates .

So I'm gonna show you this one shop here , almost 500 sales .

It's still very impressive with only four listings .

OK ?

This is crazy four listings and look at every b if you just look at , I don't mean to filter out the revenue .

It's all right here but 3000 on one of them , two months .

These are two months old .

OK .

Let's take a look at the shop details .

The shop is three months old .

It's crazy .

Obviously , each one of these , a lot of work done to it .

Many pages .

But if you just look into each one of these with a lot of different templates that you can find on .

Can there are a lot of them are pre done .

So as long as you can make a cohesion , using different colorways , different branding and assign it to all the different pages .

It won't take too much time to create these .

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And once you're able to create one , you can create multiple styles , multiple different color variations within the same master design .

If you're someone that understands trends and truly knows what this audience wants .

If you're someone that went through the whole wedding process and knows exactly what the problems are , how to solve it , then this category might be for you .

Another quick tip to consider is once you're able to find winning categories and winning products , you want to be able to create sub list , things are on the same brand as the wedding products .

So we talked about the wedding itinerary , let's say that's a best seller .

So now you can think , OK , cool , they're going to be buying that .

What else would they be buying ?

Would they be buying ?

Thank you , cards , invitation cards , different wedding games , right ?

Same bundles , same branding and you can also offer that cross sale up sale in different ways , different strategies to incorporate .

So something to think about once you're able to find best sellers , that's not the only part you can now see how you can layer on different things to increase that average order value , right ?

So difficulty I put on this one is a four out of 10 .

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There's a lot of different templates that you can base off of on can to get started and then just reiterate Creon branding style for that , right ?

So number seven , this last one is going to be balloon templates .

So this is an odd one , but I want to showcase it for a couple of reasons , but just explain what this is , these are digital patterns or guides to creating balloon decorations .

And these are mainly for event planners , decorators or diy enthusiasts who like to arrange parties and different things like that , celebrations , weddings .

And this is a shop that I found it's got over 2000 sales .

And for you , you're probably thinking , hey , Brian , this is such a niche category .

Why are you telling me this ?

And the reason why I found it super interesting is because this is a category I didn't even think about existed and it's so niche .

But if you look at a lot of sales for such a niche category that I didn't think there would be that much demand .

But if you're thinking about things online , right ?

Like how many different event planners who are , who wants to create balloon arches , templates , customization , things like that .

Like I guess there's a lot , you know , it's crazy .

I'm still learning things new every single day .

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And if we take a look at the ever be data , we can see the revenue count 17,000 , 19,000 .

Keep in mind on discounts .

But look at this , the top age is two months , one month , one month is insane .

And of course , these are 70% off .

So take that into account .

But it's something to think about .

What are some niche categories that you have a skill set that you have an interest in that you want to tap into all the ones I talked about before they are more general was huge demand and you can still be very lucrative in a smaller niche that no one is going to be doing if you have a skill set or you know , someone skills that you want to team up on something to consider .

So that's the reason why I put this one in here is for you to think about what are some things that you can try tapping into that is not common , right ?

And for me , this was a good example to show .

So hopefully it kind of spark some interest , some inspiration or even all the other ones we talked about , right ?

Hopefully there are something within those ones that fits your skill set and that you find interest in doing and what it's not necessarily much now the idea , but how do you execute it , right ?

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How do you implement certain skills , the tactics talked about up sales , cross selling things like that , different bundles .

So a lot of different ways beyond the part of just finding an idea , right ?

Executing it , being consistent and things like that .

And that's it for this video .

If you enjoyed it , make sure to subscribe if you want to learn more about how you can make a full time income , selling on that seat or selling online in general .

And if you want to know more Digital Park ideas , I have a link below for my top 50 Digital Park ideas guide with a lot of different information tips and different keywords to use within the category .

So if you want to get more ideas , make sure to check that guide out and until then I'll see you in the next video .

Take care .

Bye .


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