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2023-08-03 15:23:40

Earn $3.48 Every 30 Seconds READING STORIES (Make Money Online)

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So on this website , it says it means from reads , right ?

This means that money that I made from reading $13.33 3451 reads .

Now here it says current balance is $33.33 .

This is available for me to withdraw .

So in today's video , I'm going to be showing you guys this secret website , what this website does is that once you actually read your stories , you're going to be making money easily , right ?

I'm going to show you guys exactly how to earn about $3 every 30 seconds by getting people to actually read your stories on this platform .

Now , I'm going to be showing you how to set up an account on this platform .

I'm going to show you how to generate fresh stories that can publish on this platform .

I'm gonna show you how you can actually publicize your link so you can get people to actually come and read this .

And finally , I'm gonna be showing you how to withdraw your ear .

So it's important for you to stay with me from beginning to end of these videos .

I'm gonna be taking you guys through this journey .

And another interesting thing is that if you're on your phone , you can basically go on this website and you're able to do all of this with your mobile phone , right ?

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So it's gonna be a step by step tutorial where I'm gonna be leaving those on like I normally do .

But if you see me for the first time and let me check out and I make views around making money online .

So , what I do is that I try things out and work .

I come right here , I show you guys exactly what I've done .

And the whole idea is that you can do the exact same thing and of course , get the exact same result .

So that's it guys .

Let me show you guys exactly how to earn about $3 every 30 seconds by simply reading stories , guys .

Now , if you come to this website right now , these are the kind of stories that people have written here , right ?

This 1 2012 hours ago , an interview , this one , this was uh three days ago , 17 hours ago , two days ago , one day ago .

And guess what guys , at the end of this video , you are going to be publishing your own stories right here on this website and you're gonna be making money when you read your stories on the website .

So the first thing you need to do is to come here and click on , become a creator .

Right .

Don't worry , I'm gonna be showing you guys exactly how you can get to this website as we proceed in today's video .

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But first of all paying very keen attention to what I'm doing .

So you can do the exact same thing and of course , get the exact same result .

So I'm gonna come here and click on , become a creator .

That's very important .

Right ?

So if you come here right now , we're gonna put in your name here .

Let's say your name is Emma .

Uh Good , right ?

And your email address is we choose a password and click on sign up , right ?

You can sign up with your Facebook , Twitter mobile account or you sign up with apple one is fine , but I'm gonna put in my email email here , put in my password here and hit sign up , right ?

That's very easy .

That's how easy it is .

So he says we sent an email to online host dot channel at gmail dot com , check your inbox and confirm your email to be able to submit stories and receive important information .

I'm gonna log into my email box and confirm this .

So he says , hey , you need to confirm your account .

I'm gonna click on confirm my account right ?

And this is open here and our account has been confirmed .

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Now , if you come here right now and go to wallets , I'm gonna be seeing that everything is on 0.00 .

So it says your wallet right here .

Stripe Zero .

Everything is empty .

Basically .

Right .

That's why you show it like this , everything is empty .

You don't have any reads , no dates , no reads , nothing , nothing completely right here is showing you listen to your ways to end me to a lady home for your earnings and how do I get paid ?

So if you want to know exactly how to get paid , this is the right place for you to come , right ?

It's gonna explain everything is explained right here .

We're gonna be coming to this at the end of this video .

So , but first thing first , let's go make some money on this platform .

So what we're gonna do right now is to click on create , right ?

And this is where we are supposed to publish our stories .

Now , question is this , what are you supposed to publish ?

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Now , there's a submission guideline that says submit good quality content that is engaging to read , only submit content , you own the rights to use high quality photos that do not have watermarks or copyrighted zero total policy towards nudity violence and hate .

So you don't publish things that has to do with nudity violence and hate .

No , no , no , no , you don't do that .

Now he says we respect the intellectual property of others , read the vocal terms and our mods to review all submissions before they can be published .

A vocal , I understand this and he starts creating , right ?

OK .

Beautiful .

So this is the title .

This is where the subtitle goes in right now .

Uh This is where you put your file , your images , right ?

And you start to write this way and now write the body of your article .

They go , so what do we write ?

Right ?

What are we going to write ?

Let's find that out right now .

So , what I'm going to do is to go to the second website called GB .

You probably have heard of this website .

I've actually made videos around this website .

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It's an A I that does a lot of stuff for us and it's going to be helping us make this money in today's video .

So let me show you how that work .

So once you come here , right , you're gonna click on , try pity and it's going to open this interface right now .

So you have log in and you have sign up .

If you don't have an account , you need to go to sign up and actually fill your information to sign up for a fresh account on charge pity .

So you put in your email address here , hit continue and fill out the subsequent data .

But for me , I already have an account .

So I'm going to come here and click on loin not sign up .

I'm gonna click on in , put in my email address , continue , put in my password and hit continue again and it locks me into chat GP T , right .

That's how easy it is to do .

So what are we writing about ?

And let me show you guys the TED website , we're going to be going back to chat GP T in a little while .

Well , let's come here to Google trends , right ?

These are things that are trending around the world .

You know , you can come here , this is the United States , the world .

I can find out what's trending in any country in the world , right ?

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And let's say the United States or United Kingdom for , I want to see what's in the United Kingdom , right ?

You click on this first election , you say explore what the United Kingdom is searching for right now .

It's a subject that has boards around in the UK right now .

You come here , climate and environment , local elections , gardening , Ukraine , visualizing Google data made with trends , all of this .

So let's see .

I want to write a story on climate and environment .

So I'm gonna come back to JP .

Come here and say give me emotional topics for a story on climate and aviron Mas , I'm gonna hit enter .

So pt here are some emotional topics for a story on climate me .

OK ?

So he has given me up this topic .

So what I'm gonna do right now , I'm gonna take this now .

You see , calm down right here , drop it here .

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I'm gonna say , right ?

A very emotional story that is really terrible on the above subjects .

In 1000 words , 1000 words .

OK .

Let's see .

Let's see what it comes up with .

So LGBT begins to write this thing for us , right ?

We are not doing anything , I'm not touching it .

It is really the right thing for me by itself .

So all we need to do is to just put our hands with , for you to finish , right ?

So once it's done , we're going to get to the next step or until we get to this step of actually getting people to read this so that we get paid by this particular platform .

So why this is happening ?

If I get the value from this video , if I excited about video , I'm watching right now , I want to encourage you to smash the like button and subscribe to my channel , most importantly button .

So I when I drop my amazing video , just like what you are just watching right now , youtube is gonna send you a it start later .

OK ?

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So GP T is done , write it right ?

So it has written a right ?

So I'm going to copy this right now .

Copy this control C and come back here to our website where it says that's right .

I'm gonna piece this in , I piece this in now the title I'm gonna come back to charge GB , I copy the title , the OJC of Taking Action In Climate , climate Change .

We're going to copy this .

Come here , drop it into the title here .

Then the subtitle , which is this one , I'm going to take this at the subtitle and drop it here in the subtitle space , right ?

Put me this capital letter , they need to act quickly to prevent further damage to the development and the planet , right ?

Come here .

Now , the next thing is for us to embed images .

So you can actually get your own image and embed or you can go to embed videos , you can find embed videos also or just copy the link from youtube Vimeo or whatever and put the link right here , it gets embedded , you can upload pictures , images from your own computer , right ?

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Where you can use our splash .

It's automatic , I'll find a climate change , climate change , right ?

I hit enter it gives us images of climate change .

I'm gonna click on this one .

This is one I like , right ?

This is fine .

So this is our story .

We've written our story right now , but of course , take your time to actually take a look at this and I fix , you know , certain errors , you know , I always talk about this whenever you're using GPT , think about the human element to all of this , right ?

So it goes all down , down , down , down .

OK ?

So we are done .

So this is is the network which is fine , right ?

This is , this is good .

So what I'm going to do right now is to click on save changes .

We've written our first story safe , changes the rights and hit submit .

So once you hit submit the the owners of this platform is gonna actually read this story , you know , and either approve it or disapprove it , but there's no reason why they would not approve it .

So I'm gonna come here and hit submit for review , right ?

Ready to publish .

Why you publishing this .

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So there are a lot of uh categories , the communities where you can publish this uh ads , education , uh you know , this , I think this should be ads .

I'm gonna put it inside a so take your time and actually find out where this belonged .

This community requires stories of at least 600 words .

Your story might be rejected because it has not reached the minimum word count , right ?

So all we need to do is actually get this a little better .

So I'm gonna close this .

Come back here , this is a 569 words .

So we just need to write about 30 words to actually get to 600 right ?

So I'm gonna come back with RG BT and say talk about individual and government responsibility to climate change .

I'm gonna hit enter , I want more words to actually get that up to 600 .

OK ?

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So it's right in that for us and it's almost done .

OK ?

So I'm gonna copy what it has written .

So I'm gonna copy this , come here , come here and drop it in , right ?

So I've written it .

OK .

Good .

Right .

So what I'm gonna do right now is to come to safe changes and continue this process .

So he submit .

So I select community , I'm gonna select ads .

So he didn't give me the wrong warning again at the attack to show with us what you OK .

I'm gonna say climate um humanity , nature , uh science advocacy , sustainability , right ?

Submit to challenge .

No .

OK .

So I'm gonna leave this obviously a challenge .

You can actually submit to a challenge , right ?

So I love comments on this , which is fine .

I'm gonna say submit for review , right ?

So I've submitted this for review right now .

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Our story is written approval .

So I'm gonna go into my own account , right ?

And actually show you how to promote using a story that I've actually written before , promoted before .

And I made the money that I showed you guys at the beginning of this video .

So let me log into my own account right now .

So if I come into my other account , come here and go to uh stories , right ?

This is stories that I've written , you know , once your story is published , I'm gonna be seeing it inside the published .

Uh I published right here right now , copy the link of the story that has been published on this particular website .

Once you copy that link , send it to your friends on Facebook , put it on Twitter , put it on all your share media platforms , whatsapp status with your whatsapp status , your audience are going to click on it and actually spend time on those stories and that's how you get paid , right ?

You can basically call your friends or send it to them on whatsapp , right ?

And tell them to click and spend time on this attack .

They don't even have to read it , right ?

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And once that happens , you are going to be getting paid and that's exactly how I made the $33 that you saw on this particular platform right now .

Ok .

So I just got an email here that says your story has been approved .

Congrats your story , the urgency of taking action to address climate change has been published .

Thank you for to the community , right ?

So you can click here to view this story and you can click here , share your story on Instagram , tiktok , get more reads and to your audience by sharing your vocal story .

Save the email , you know your mobile phone , you can save your mobile phone , put this on your whatsapp stories and stuff .

And this is the link , right ?

If you click on this link right now , it is going to take you straight to the story that we just published right now , which has been approved and it is live on this particular method .

This is it right here , right ?

And once people actually begin to read this , you start getting paid .

As a matter of fact , this could be the easiest money you can make online using this particular method .

And this way you can earn at least $30 every 30 seconds because most people actually read this article , you get paid .

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Once they continue reading , you continue getting paid , go ahead and publish as much stories as you can , right ?

And actually get people to actually read these stories .

And the other interesting thing is that once those articles are on that platform , you also ranks on Google people .

If these stores will come from Google and read it people that are subscribed to the website to actually find this article and also read it .

And then as all of this is happening , you are getting paid passively .

So if you want to see my video on how to actually make money with a a market and this video show up right here , it's gonna show you guys exactly how , how to do that , why this video showing down right here will show you guys exactly how to make money with youtube again .

Thank you for watching the video from beginning to the very end until I see my next video .

Keep waiting and don't forget to check out those , not you guys .

Bye from here guys .


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