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2023-08-05 10:24:23

The Only Guide You Need To Make $10,000+ with Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

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If you have clicked on this video , it means that you are looking for some ways on how to make extra income , using your laptop Wi Fi and a social media platform called Pinterest dot com .

And if you are here , congratulations .

Because you have done a great decision , because in this video I'm going to walk you through everything .

What you need to know , what you need to do if you want to start making money with a Pinterest affiliate .

Marketing .

And I know you have probably already watched 1 to 5 , maybe even 10 different tutorials on how to make money with a marketing on a Pinterest , and there may be multiple reasons why it didn't work for you .

The first one is that in the tutorial and in the guide , you just didn't get the wall .

Bigger picture and everything .

What you need to do in order to be successful or option B that you were just lazy , put it in the action .

And if you said yes , that's true .

Option A or option B .

Then , unfortunately , it is not going to work in this video you are going to get and you are going to receive everything which you will need even as a company beginner .

If you want to start your business on a Pinterest completely for free .

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But as well , I will show you how to do this as an expert with a paid premium tools so you can grow your online business to 3 to $5000 per month as soon as possible .

And now maybe you are wondering why you should even listen to some random guy on the Internet showing you how to make money on Pinterest affiliate marketing .

The reason is very simple , because just in this month , I have made with affiliate marketing on this one platform over $43,000 .

And if you just check it out to last month , I something around $48,000 .

So this is just to prove that I know what I'm talking about , and I'm going to give you just to the point information and as well .

This is not working for me because I have hundreds of students all around the globe that are making over $100 plus per day and many , many students that are already full time .

And in this video , I'm going to share with you Golden nuggets , How you can become full time as well .

And this video is going to be divided into three parts .

In the first part , I'm going to explain to you what is the play marketing .

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What is it , Pinterest and why you should choose this way if you are a beginner and you want to start making money online and in the second part , I'm going to show you how to set up everything as a complete beginner just by using free tools and how to launch it and how to start making money as soon as possible .

And the part three I'm going to show you how you can scale your business to a completely new level as an expert , using some pay tools and strategies that no one is going to share with you for free on a YouTube as I'm going to do so in this video .

And also I have prepared for you free eBook Pinter Guide in which I'm going to go through every step once again in a text form .

I'm going to give you some recommendation .

I'm going to give you some website templates and as well I'm going to give you extra three hours of free tutorials on how to do affiliate marketing that you can incorporate into this process that I'm going to show you in this video so you can make even more money and much faster .

If you want to get this guide , then check the first link down below in the description under this video , just click it , download it and start using it .

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And also , I have listed their top five have the most profitable niches that I believe are going to blow up on a Pinterest in a 2023 .

So definitely don't miss it out .

So the question one , What is it ?

Affiliate marketing and let's use a board for this .

So basically , if you want to make money as an online entrepreneur , the very first thing that you need is a product , bro .

But if you are a company beginner who is just starting out and you just want to make some money , you just don't want to be creating the product because it takes a lot of experience .

It takes a lot of skills you need to create a website you need create the marketing and this can take you anything between 3 to 6 months to put all of this together , and at the end of the day , it doesn't have to work .

So what you can do , you can just ask some company if they are not going to give you a link to their product .

That has already all of this in a place .

Product that is selling well has created websites .

Marketing has already done customer support , has a great delivery , and so you can save 3 to 6 months of creating the product learning skills , getting experiences , etcetera , etcetera .

And you can just making profits from this product .

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And the best thing about this process is that you don't have to be doing any selling with this product because all of this is going to do the company for you .

So basically all what you need to do is just to find people online to which you are going to recommend this product and make the profits out of it .

And that is actually the only thing that you need to be focusing at , and that is how to get people into this product into your link that you are going to take from this company , and for this we are going to use Pinterest social media platform .

And if you're asking why , Pinterest , it's because on a Pinterest you can find whooping almost 1 billion visits every single month .

So this is amazing platform and a traffic source that you can use to make money from your affiliate products .

And the second reason is that if you will check the content that people are sharing on a Pinterest platform , we can see those are just simple images that truly everyone can create , and at the same time they are super effective .

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So if you want to make your 1st 100 to $500 plus per day , then this is a platform , a perfect strategy , how you can start making money online just from your laptop and a WiFi connection .

But now let's go to the step by step process .

The very first thing that you need to do if you want to start making money on a Pinterest is something what everyone hates and that is choosing a niche or choosing a category in which you will be promoting your affiliate products .

So niche is like a small part of the global market , on which you can find some specific customers with specific needs .

They want specific products .

They have specific problems .

So , for example , beauty niche for a woman where a woman wants get some guides , some tutorials , some cosmetics , some natural stuff on how to be looking better .

So , for example , that's one of the niches how to be more beautiful if you are a woman .

And to be honest , that's a perfect niche , particularly on a Pinterest , because what is very important to say Pinterest primarily caters to womens .

So if you want to be promoting something for a man , probably you won't have such success as if you will be just changing it to the woman .

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But women is still kind of a broad market , so we need to kind of a niche down , and we need to find something very , very specific that has great products , and we can make profits out of it .

And then you have two options .

The option A is that you can just find something what is viral any moment .

But there is kind of a disadvantage that the trend can die out later on , and maybe you will lost your momentum .

And the second option , what I believe is the best option is to find something evergreen , something what people , especially women , will need over and over again in the future .

So focus on something what people need all around the year , not just some seasonal stuff .

So instead of focusing on some summer or winter friends , I will be going for something that you can be selling all around the year .

And you can be making consistent profits and scaling it every single month , but most importantly , find something what a woman will need .

But it's been enough theoretical fluff .

And let me show you how you can find a niche in which you can start making your first paychecks online , how you can grow to $100 per day and even 3000 to $5000 per month .

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So since we are going to use the Pinterest , the easiest and most effective way , how you can actually find the right niche , the right product , the right , uh , audience , What you can be focusing at is by using Pinterest dot com .

Why , I mean this because on a Pinterest you can already find something .

What is working , and if you are going to just replicate it or model it , we can actually find a niche , highly profitable niche that we can join .

And we can make some money as well .

But of course , without creating our own product , we just want to take existing product from some company and make money just by recommending and getting people into our product .

So step number one is just go into the Pinterest dot com and we just want to look for some .

This is a very simple step .

I believe everyone can do this .

You don't even have to create your account for this .

So on a Pinterest , we have actually three options that we can check , and they are here at the top on the left side so we can find the watch .

We can find the shop and we can find the Explorer under watch .

We can find popular videos on a Pinterest under shop .

We can find popular products under explore .

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We can just find some images , uh , some pins that people are looking for at the moment .

So if you will scroll through this very quickly , what we can find out that basically women that are mostly active on a Pinterest .

They are interested in a food in some DE .

I stuff in art in a fitness and exercise and beauty and home decor .

So just on this we can see that if you will have a woman at home and you provide them food , you provide them nice house with some nice decor , and she will have time for some hobbies , like art and sports .

You will have at home a happy woman , and this relationship otherwise is completely for free .

You are welcome and all the women's let me know down below in the comment section , if this is true , But now let's go back to actual idea of this video .

So from this , we can understand that what are very , very popular topics are food and drinks or a cooking .

Then there are some DE I and craft , so if they are going to create something , there is an art as well fitness and exercise .

So health and fitness and then some beauty stuff as a hair beauty and very , very important home decor .

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I believe home decor is almost perfect niche because under home decor , you can find definitely products from which you can be making money as affiliate marketer are going to pay you some very crunchy commissions .

But there is one niche that I out of the camera .

What I believe is going to be the best option for you .

And this niche is gardening or even more closely , vertical gardening .

And if you check as well to explore the best of Pinterest , we can find , for example , hanging plants so gardening and actually having plants at home or having some , uh , basically growing , uh , the plants for the food .

It's definitely something what women's on a Pinterest are interested in .

So I can just go into the storage bar and I can just look for vertical garden .

If I would just hit OK , this is going to show us basically tonnes of different options that we can check .

And if I would just start some randomly opening some images , for example , let's say , a vertical garden .

So let's start with this one and we can find it .

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For example , just this account has 700,000 followers , so if you just open this , we can see she's getting 10 million plus monthly views .

And with 700,000 followers .

What is truly crazy ?

This is showing us that this niche is heavily popular on a Pinterest platform .

So if I just scroll through this , we can see she's talking about gardening as a wall .

She's as well talking about some DE I stuff in the garden , but as well mostly gardening and basically growing plants , et cetera , et cetera .

But there is more of them , for example , like this one that has something around 74,000 followers .

And if I will be just scrolling through all of these ideas , I would be able to find many different ideas that I can just jump in .

So it's simple , but as well .

Fast research actually showed us that this is a very popular niche on a Pinterest , so I wouldn't be scared to jump into this one and start promoting products in the gardening or vertical gardening .

We can connect it , for example , some cooking , uh , from the stuff that people can grow in their garden .

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And this can be a niche , very broad niche , but also very focused niche that can make you a lot of money in a 2023 and what I believe is truly the best about this specific niche is that this is all around year niche because you can be doing gardening outdoors , but as well .

For example , as you can see here , you can find , uh , topics on how to make an indoor vertical herb garden .

So basically as well how to do this indoor so they can do it in the winter .

And we know that people are kind of a bored during the winter , so this could be definitely something that they can put their effort in during the winter and have some new hobby on which they can spend some money , and you can earn some money .

So just to wrap it up , if you want to find some niche , you just need to open a Pinterest .

You just need to look into the trends in what is trending .

What are people interested in on a Pinterest and you can find a perfect niche for yourself .

But then the next step is to actually look for some affiliate products because we need to figure out if they're actually are some products that we can be promoting , and we can be making affiliate commissions out of it .

And for us we have three different options that we can use .

We can use click bank dot com .

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What is affiliate marketplace ?

Then we can use just a Google because Google is a place where you can find everything that you want , and then the third option is that we can use Amazon .

And on all three of these , you can find products from which you can start generating income online .

So let's start with the Click Bank .

If you want to create your account on a click bank , very simply , you just go to the click bank dot com .

You just go to the start here .

You just create and register your account .

And when you will have your account , you can go into the marketplace as well .

If you just write into the search bar accounts dot click bank dot com slash marketplace dot HTM and you'll be able to find all the products on a click bank .

Now , when we are inside of the Click Bank , what we can do when we can just look for some , uh , specific niche , for example , like is home and a garden .

So if I just click here now we are going to find all the products that are under this specific big niche .

But if you want to , we can as well the niche and go one a step further and we can go into the gardening .

And , uh , what is this ?

Horticulture ?

I have no idea what does mean .

Uh , but probably it will be something connected to the gardening so we can find products .

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For example , like is landscaping ideas we can find , uh , beekeeping .

We can find world's best selling book on growing tomatoes .

Or we can find organic gardening course , et cetera , et cetera .

All of these products are here ready for you , for which you can be making from $22 to $17 to $4 even up to $67 per conversion .

This is one of the options that you can take on a click bank .

But I don't really like , uh these products because I believe they are not so much connected to our niche .

So what we can do ?

We can use the option B , or what is a google dot com ?

So if I would just go into the Google and I will look for gardening affiliate programmes .

This is going to show me multiple different affiliate programmes that I can take in this specific niche in this specific category .

So for example hacker , we can just open this L .

Uh , we can find the second website what is niche pursuits and we can find different products .

So let's just start with this one .

Uh , that is not going to let us in , So let's just go to the second one .

And under this one , what we can find is , for example , affiliate programme on a garden affiliate programme .

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So this is basically some , I would say , some pot that could be used as a home decor , so that's a basically two in one idea that's a good one and as well , I believe this is one of the options in which you would just put the plant and it will be growing without you doing much work .

So that could be definitely something that people could be interested in .

If you check the commissions , you can see that you you are going to get paid 7.5% what is pretty good and as well for the top tier products , you can make $60 commission or per transaction , then the second one , very similar to the first one , is click and grow .

What is as well , something that really you just put in the plan and you just , I don't know , put it into the electricity and you will be growing by itself .

Maybe I'm not really sure , but it could be as well used as a home decor .

What is once again , two in one .

So that could be a perfect product for you and you can be making 10% from every single cell that you are going to offer .

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And it is a lot of affiliate programmes in this niche because I believe this is kind of a popular in the 2023 and then the last option that you can consider is Amazon Associates programme What is basically Amazon's affiliate marketing programme that you can take what it means that you can basically go into the Amazon .

We can look for , uh , Garden Inc or garden ink even better , and you can start promoting all of these products that you can find here because Amazon has an option that you can take affiliate link to every product that you can find on Amazon .

So , for example , if if you just create some post or some pin on a Pinterest about the best vertical garden planter , you can put 10 affiliate links into your bio , and you can use it as an option to make money from that specific post or a pin .

So now we have finished the research .

We have found out that this is interesting niche .

People are interested in it .

There are some products that we can be promoting .

So now the next step is that we need to create account on a Pinterest dot com so we can actually start promoting these products that we have just found .

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So now if you check this out mathematically , what we are getting out of this is that if you want to make $5000 per month and we will have a product that is going to make us , on average $25 we need to make 200 sales to actually make $5000 per month and to get 200 sales with 0.1% conversion , what means that one from 1000 people is actually going to buy something we need to get on average per month , 200,000 views .

And the more views we are going to get , the higher the chance is that we are going to make this amount of money or even more now .

When we made the research , we know what is our niche Go need to be .

We need to move to the next step , and that is the account creation on a Pinterest .

So you would just head out once again to the Pinterest dot com and on a Pinterest , you just want to click up there on a sign up , and you just want to create your account where you just add your email , your password , your birth date and you just click on a continue .

Or you can just sign up using Google .

I already have one of my testing accounts , so I would just look in into that one .

But you can just sign up .

The very first step in account creation is optimisation of our profile , so I would just go into our profile .

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I would just click here , and we can see that our profile at the moment is very blank .

Uh , it says Dan , According to business .

We want to change it to something related to the gardening .

So I'll just go into the edit profile and at first let's change our name .

So I'll just add the gardening with Dan , for example .

I want to copy this , and I want to add this as a gardening as well , because this is going to be our user name .

And then the next thing that we want to add is our story or something .

What is going to be listed on our account that is going to help people to recognise if this Pinter , the account , is going to give them value in something they are interested in ?

So , for example , in a gardening , so I would just write their gardening guide , learn the latest trends and the tricks in the gardening and connecting gardening with a home decor .

So this is a very good sentence because we are actually connecting the gardening and a home decor with are two very I would say popular niches on Pinterest dot com .

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Now the last thing that we want to change right now is our profile photo , So I would just click on a change and we just want to choose some photo and upload something , so I would just go into the Google and I would just look for , uh , gardening image .

And I want to look for some logo so I'll just download this one because this looks perfect exactly for what we need .

I'll just save this .

And now our profile is ready , so I'll just click on Save , and now the jobs is done .

If you would check our profile , we can already see this is looking 1000% better so we can see gardening with a Dan gardening guide .

But now the biggest problem is that this profile is completely blank .

And basically , if anyone would visit this profile at the moment , they would be like there is no reason why I should be following them , and there is no reason why I should be clicking on their links .

Additional note .

If you will be struggling with creating your profile and what you should be adding as your name as your bio , what links you should be adding there what content you should be adding there .

The best thing that you can do is actually go to the Pinterest .

Look for some similar accounts or accounts in your specific niche , and you can just take inspiration from them .

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You can just a little bit remodel what they have already created , because if they are using it , it means it's working .

And if you are going to recreate it and make it kind of a similar to there , then probably it's going to work for you as well .

Now , when we have created and optimise the profile , we need to move to the next step .

And that's creating of the boards .

What are boards ?

Boards are basically pins and a content that is saved under your profile and most importantly , is a content that you don't have to create directly .

Let me show you what I mean by this .

So , for example , if you just go to this profile family food garden that I was showing you before , uh , under the save pins , we can see they have tens of different boards under which we can find tens of thousands pins .

What this means that this account is able to get content on their profile even without creating something by themselves .

So under created , they have their own content .

But under saved what they are able to do , they are able to create a board and add different people content on their profile .

So it looks like there they can get amazing content .

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They can become authority in this specific niche , and so they can be selling the product much , much easier .

So this is something what we want to create as well .

So I would go back into the profile and I just want to click here on this plus and we want to create a board .

We can name the board , for example , vertical gardening .

I will click , create , and this will give me immediately option .

Save some pins to your new board .

OK , so what I can do ?

I can just click on this save and this will be saved into my board .

So I'll be just scrolling through this , And I just want to find some ideas that are going to be kind of similar to this specific board .

And I can just basically fulfil my profile without actually creating the content .

And I can still start getting views and followers just from these boards without me creating the content by myself .

So what is your goal at this moment is to create 4 to 5 different boards under which you are going to save 20 to 30 pins just to fill your profile and you look like authority from the day number one .

And this is how the created board is going to look like .

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And you can have 5 , 10 , 2030 50 boards like this just to gain authority without you actually creating the content yourself and now our profile is set up .

The next logical step is that we just need to take affiliate programme to the product that we can be promoting so we can start making some income .

It is very important to say that sometimes if you have no follows , you are just starting out with growing your social media platforms .

Some platforms won't give you access to their affiliate programme , so you kind of need to go retrospectively and the first you need to build some following and then you can start promoting the products .

But still there are some programmes that you can access even if you have zero following on a social media .

So the very first programme that we can start is actually this one click and grow so I just go .

I will just scroll down .

I just want to find this website .

Click and grow affiliate programme .

Uh , I just want to click on the join the programme right here and from here you just need to go through this application at your first name .

Last name your email .

Basically all the information that they need .

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You can see that this is required so we need to provide it and then if you will be at the end as well .

What they want from you is Instagram tiktok or YouTube channel .

But you can let them know that you are just starting your Pinterest account and you you want to have some quality product like his gardening and you can give them your link to your Pinterest account .

And what is amazing about it is that you will already have content because you have created the boards and inside of the boards will be content so they will be able to see like OK , this is actually kind of a realistic profile .

We can give them affiliate link to this product and then you can use the same exact process on every single affiliate programme that you can find on a Google , then the second option as before , you can just go into the Amazon associates .

You can just create your account , and you will have access to every single product that you can find on Amazon so you can just start looking .

You can just do a little bit of brainstorming like what product could these people benefit from ?

So you can just add there some , uh , guides , some books , some vertical garden accessories , for example like you can see right here and as well .

You can put there some home decoration that is kind of a connected to the gardening and as well you can put there some smart accessories .

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As you can see right here that you can be promoting .

You can see this is , well , the click grow .

You don't even have to go to the click grow dot com to take your link .

Very simply , you can just connect through Amazon Associates , and you can take the link and start promoting it as a next step .

What I would recommend on a Pinterest is to be promoting multiple products at once , and for this we can use this software that is called bio that link .

What you can do on a bio link is that under one link you can have multiple products that you can be promoting at the same time how to do this Once again , you would just go under the sign up and you just want to create your free account on a bio , that link , and when you will have this , you can start promoting it when you will sign up .

You just need to set up your page .

So what , I would just add there is , for example , garden in with then in the bio , I can just add there the same thing .

We can just change it after it .

Then as a profile picture , I just want to upload the same as we were uploading to the Pinterest .

And then the last thing that we need is a link name .

So , for example , I would just add there , uh , our Pinterest .

We just need this at the very beginning .

Uh , so I just go here .

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I just want to take a link to our Pinterest account .

I will go back into the bio link , and I just want to add this as a click on a get and our bio link account will be created .

Now you can see this is our first link .

But what we can do is to add multiple links .

So how you will be doing this is just click on a link and let's say that the first link is going to be click and grow smart Plant Home , garden .

Then you would just go into the Amazon .

And you just want to take affiliate link that you will get access through Amazon Associates programme and you would just go back and basically place the L right here as an image .

What I recommend you is to go into the Amazon once again .

You want to download this image that is directly connected to this product , Then you would just go back and you just want to upload it once again .

And you can do this with every product that you find on a click bank on a Google or on an Amazon associate .

And then this is how your bio link is going to look like with all of the products .

So , for example , you will have click and grow any people who will be interested in this product .

They would just click on this link .

What is going to happen ?

They're going to get redirected into the Amazon .

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They can make a purchase of the product , and you are going to make from 5 to 10% from the full price of this product .

And what is truly amazing about it is that if they are going to make purchase of order product , for example , that could be in a home decor or some beauty or anything that they are going to purchase .

You are still going to make a commissions from all of these products that they are going to make when they clicked on your affiliate link , Then what you need to do is just take your link to the bio link .

You just want to go back into your Pinterest account , want to edit the profile , and you want to add this as a website Click on Save and now your profile is optimised and is ready to go , ready to get traffic ready to get customers so you can start making money using Pinterest affiliate marketing .

And now , when you put this link into your bio , what could people do ?

They can just find your profile through some content through some pin through some video that I'm going to show you how to create in just a few seconds , and if they will find their profile , they will open it and they will click on this bio link .

What is going to happen ?

And they can find multiple different products that they can buy .

You can as well add that , for example , name of the product and behind it just add discount 80% .

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Or if they will have some discounts , you can just add their discount or something .

What is going to make it easier for you to make the sales ?

Now , when our profile is ready , I'm going to show you the part one .

What are the three strategies ?

How you can be growing your Pinterest account .

So it's time to create pins just in case that is not clear to you .

What does a Pinterest pin actually is That is the content that we can find on a Pinterest , for example , like is this one ?

Basically all of these are pins that are posted on a Pinterest , so it can be more images put into one like Is this one or it can be a video or just a single image like is this ?

And I know that maybe you're just telling yourself .

OK , then , but how should I create these images ?

Or how can I like photoshoot it ?

Because I don't have anything like this ?

Don't worry .

As a complete beginner , if you're just starting on a Pinterest , there is a way how you can be growing without you creating the content and you be just repurposing already existing one .

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So the strategy number one is just download already existing content that you can find on the Internet and repurpose it on your Pinterest account and get like , get follow overs and get views , get clicks and make money .

Just from this important thing .

To say here is to give credit to the creators because if not , you can get banned .

So I warn you , leave a credit .

So let's start with the images like we can find here .

So how you can create something like this is very simple .

You can just take some already existing images , for example , on a pixels dot com , or you can go to the Pixar Bay and you can just look for something , Let's say A Garden Inc This is going to show you multiple different images that you can just use because Pia bay and a pixels is a platform where you can be using these images completely for free , but as well you need to be giving the credit and then one strategy .

What I believe is by far the best strategy is to take images that are already on a Pinterest and make something like this out of it that basically you put multiple images into one and you have completely new , unique content that you can start using .

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And if you want to put these images together , you can just use free tool that is called dot com on A .

You just go into the search your content on a and you just either Pinterest , and this is going to show you Pinterest also add or Pinterest pin .

You just choose the Pinterest pin .

Then we just download all of these images .

And if you would just go with the blank can template , you can just start downloading these images and uploading it back into the can , and you can just create from the images something like what I'm creating at the moment just by copy and pasting all the existing content from a Pinterest .

And as you can see , it's very simple and very fast .

Then the second option , or the second type of the content that you can be on a Pinterest without you creating anything is video type content for this as well .

You can use a combination of already existing content on a Pinterest and a pixel bay and pixels , but it's very time demanding to be creating content like this and actually putting it all together .

So what is your best bet is to actually go to other platforms like his tiktok like his Instagram , like his YouTube shorts , Look for a content that is already working .

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Just download this video , post it on a Pinterest under your own account .

Leave a credit , and you can be using this video com for free , and you can be using them to grow your own account .

So just to show this to you , you would just go into the tiktok , for example , and we will just look for gardening if I click OK and we will go under the videos .

This is going to show us multiple videos that got millions of views .

OK , so this for example two point 4,000,018 0.2 million .

6.5 million .

5.9 million .

16.1 million .

You can take all of these videos .

You can download them without a watermark , and you can post them on your Pinterest account .

And if this was such a success on a Pinterest , there is a big chance that it's going to be the same for a Pinterest dot com .

So this is very simple , but as well , very effective strategy that you can be using because all that you need to do is just find one of these videos .

Let's say I will open this one .

We just want to learn how to , uh , plant strawberries .

OK , if I would like this video , all that I need to take is this affiliate link .

I will copy this .

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I will go into the Google and I want to look for download Tik tok video without what Mark ?

OK , it's very , very important to download it without the water mark .

If you be here , you can find this website dot IO You open this , you just insert the link , So just paste it .

Bank , go into the download .

And now what is going to happen ?

This video will be converted and you can write here , Download it without the watermark .

If I just click on this , it is on the close .

You can see this video is now downloading .

And when I will open it , you can see this video has no water Mark and I can just reuse it for a pin now for both videos and as well the images .

You can just take them and upload them as you just get them or you download them or you can just go into the can and you can edit them .

For example , you can take multiple images .

You can create something like this , or you can create something like this .

10 vegetables that love to climb .

So basically , you just take multiple images and make from this something like this that is going to get attention a little bit easier .

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And most importantly , you will have a brand new and unique content , even if you haven't created the images yourself and you just took them from the Internet .

Now , once we have downloaded or created our content .

The last thing we need to do is to upload it , and now we have two options .

We can just take the content and we can upload it as a normal pin or regular pin .

Those are the pins that we see usually on a Pinterest , with our static images like you can see right here .

Or we can just upload it as an idea pin .

And those are dynamic vertical videos , as we can see on a tiktok .

Now , this is one of the biggest mistake that you will hear from people that you should be posting regular pins .

It's for a very simple reason , I idea .

Pins or videos are a recent feature on a Pinterest , and for this reason these idea pins are going to get much more attention as the regular pin that most people are recommending .

So now let me show you how you can create one of these idea pins because that is the place where we want to upload the video that we have just downloaded and we can repurpose for a Pinterest .

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So I'll just go up there into the create and I just want to click create idea pin as you can see I can just go here to create a new one .

And now this is giving us option to drag and drop or click to add images .

Or so I will just find our video .

I would just drag and drop it .

Click it right here and now this is going to be uploaded .

The only thing that we need to add is the title description we can add there as well .

Link what could be our bio link , and then we just add our tax topics .

What is going to help this video to be seen by much more people ?

So in the title , I would just add why you shouldn't buy individual strawberry plants .

Title is one of the most important parts , which you are going to add into your ID P .

And it's for a very simple reason , because title is the one thing that is going to steer curiosity and take people attention .

So they are actually going to watch your video .

So if the title is going to be blank , it's not going to be anything interesting .

People are not going to click on this , so your number one goal should be create a title that is going to take people attention so they will click on your idea P so they will watch the video .

They will go through the description .

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They will click the link and make a purchase of one of your products .

And then in the description , I want to promote our link that we have just created .

So I'll just write there .

If you are a passionate gardener or want to become one on the link in my bio , you can find recent gadgets that will help you to grow your home garden without being skilled or experienced in this industry .

Why I wrote this is for a very simple reason because I want to make it super simple for people to become gardener .

Because what is their biggest problem ?

Uh , why they are not planting the plants on their on their garden , why they are not creating indoor gardens because it's difficult .

It takes a lot of effort , and they just want to stay in their comfort zone .

So if I'm going to create it easy for them like you can do even without any experiences , any skills , you can just take this smart plant grower and you can just put it somewhere at home , put it into the electricity and you can be growing your plants without you being some skilled gardener .

And this is going to be like , OK , I can do this .

And if it's going to be as well , beautiful home decor because it's going to be one , then this is kind of a no brainer offer for these people .

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So then I would just add my link .

So , for example , this one and then we want to choose a board .

So this is not the vertical gardening .

So I'll just create a board .

And I would just add a gardening tutorials like this , and I would just click on the create .

And now this is going to be a brand new board that we can as well fill up with the content from our profile and then the tag topics .

I would just add gardening or content or gardening .

We can just look , uh , in your gardening .

Why not ?

Every time you are just going to add some keyword , you can find multiple different recommendations .

You can just find something that is related to this topic and when you will have this it's actually very simple .

You just click on a publish wall up .

This is going to be uploaded and your first pin is live .

And now this video or ID , is going to work for us as a traffic generation tool .

What ?

This means that this video on a Pinterest is going to get recommended to the people .

If someone is going to be looking for gardening tutorial or how to plant strawberries , they can actually get access and they can find our video from our video .

They can get some value .

It can be shown to the more people and as well they can just go here .

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They will just find OK , this is their profile .

Click on a bio link and from the bio link .

OK , I want to buy this click on a grow smart , uh , plant home garden .

Click on this , make a purchase on the Amazon , and we just made some first money .

And when you want to be posting the regular pin , it's basically the same exact process .

You would just go to the create instead of going into the ID P .

We just want to go into the pin , and you would just do the same exact stuff as I was showing you right now .

But what I would give you as a recommendation is just go into the Tik tok and start taking all of these videos you want to start taking ?

Maybe not just these old videos , the best one .

But you can as well open their profile and you can just check .

OK , what is this profile All about what they are posting .

And you can take one of these videos as well .

What I forgot to put into our ID app is a credit .

So don't forget on it as I forget right now what you want to do in the description , You just want to add credit double dot and then you just add the name of the profile where you took the videos .

So you give credit to the creator who actually created the content .

What is very , very important .

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If you don't want to get banned and from this point to grow your Pinterest account , it's kind of a simple because all what you will be doing on a daily basis .

You just go to the Tik Tok , go to the instagram , go to the YouTube shorts , and you just want to start taking videos that are already created .

You want to download this video without the watermark .

As I was showing you right now , you just want to upload it to the Pinterest .

You just want to edit description .

Title board .

You just add the link and you will be doing this on a daily daily basis .

What is important keyword right here is to be consistent , because if you just create one idea pin , you are not going to make any money .

That's what is guaranteed .

But if you're going to create 5,101,000 ID PS , you're going to be consistent on a daily daily basis .

I can guarantee you that you can start making your 1st $100 1000 dollars , 2000 , 5000 , even $10,000 per month .

So this was the free and a big enough friendly strategy how you can be growing your Pinterest account .

But now let's move to the more advanced to do more expert based with a more premium tools so you can be growing much faster and as well , making much more money in a shorter period of time .

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So The very first tool that you can use to accelerate your growth on a Pinterest is this one that is called a system that I owe .

This is all in one marketing tool and marketing platform that you can be using , basically for everything .

What is going on in terms of the sales in your business .

So what I mean by this and this is free forever , too , so you don't even have to pay for this .

But most importantly , you can be creating their sales funnels what are basically websites or pages that are going to help you to make more money from your affiliate products .

Then , as well , you can be doing here email , marketing , build websites and even automate your marketing in just this one free platform .

And what I mean by it is that you can be creating , for example , pages just like this one that is going to help you to attract the customers and as well give you their email so you can use this as a customer's database or lead database , and you can be making money .

You can be sending the emails and in the future , building long term and sustainable business because email is is one of the greatest assets that you can own as an online entrepreneur and as well inside of the system them .

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You can set up the email campaigns , automate them .

So this can be working for you on an auto pilot 24 7 and actually do all the hard work and all the sales for you .

So just to give you an idea how this could work , let's imagine that you will have 5 10 different affiliate products that you want to be promoting in this specific niche that we have .

Pick what is vertical gardening .

You can just create 10 email , automation or campaign in which you are going to be promoting different products every single day .

This means that from just one single customer , you can make $20 but as well you can make from him $200 if he's going to buy more products from you .

So this is a software that is truly going to help you maximise your profit .

And in the eBook Pinterest guide that I was telling you about in the beginning inside , you can find some free pages that I have recreated for you that you can use for a Pinterest affiliate marketing , so you can start earning as soon as possible .

Now , let's say if you will have the websites , you will have the campaigns .

You will have the automation now what you want to do .

You want to track your customers .

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You want to be tracking the leads you want to be tracking the people that are going to be clicking on your links , for example , from Pinterest dot com .

For us , we can use a website that is called a pipe drive dot com .

This is NCRM platform or customer relationship management .

What this means for you that on this platform you can be tracking your customers your leads , and you can see how effective your business actually is .

And this is very important in the two cases .

The first case is you want to know which customers are the best for you and what you should be targeting .

And second , if you are running your business on a multiple social media platforms , you want to use tool as a pipe driver because then you can see which Social Media platform is driving you the most traffic , most leads and the most customers .

But this is a pay tool , so you should really think about it if this is work for you .

But I believe if you be growing your business and if you start making some profits from affiliate marketing on interest , I highly advise you to reinvest all the money that you are going to make into your business so you can be growing .

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You can be scaling and you can be making much more in the future .

Now , when you will have the websites , the automation and as well , you will be tracking the leads and you will have the customer relationship management .

Then the third tool that I would recommend you is not the free version but the pro one .

And I believe K pro can be the best investment for you from many , many reasons .

The first one is that if you want to be designing in a K , if you will go into the elements , photos or videos we can find .

Here there is many these images or elements that have this icon that is saying pro .

This means that you can only use this without a watermark if you have the pro version , so keva pro is going to unlock a lot of features , but the most important and the best and most effective feature that you can be using on a and why I believe this is truly worth it is this content planner .

What I mean by this that let's imagine that in one day you create 10 videos , 10 pins , 10 different posts .

You can just go into the can .

You can just connect the content planner into your social media platform that can be Pinterest that can be Tik tok .

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That can be instagram that can be Facebook that can be even Twitter or whatever you can just think of .

And this can content planner is going to be posting it for you so you can literally be working just one day in a week for two hours .

Recreate all the content , put it into the content planner on a pro , and this business will be working for you on an autopilot , and if you will have more time , you can create another one .

Another two .

Another three different Pinterest accounts on which you can be promoting different products and be scaling even faster .

And now the last expert recommendation from me is to find someone who is going to do all the hard work for you because I believe a lot of people watching this tutorial will be working in a 9 to 5 job .

They will have kids .

They will have family .

They need to do some work around the house .

They need to be spending time with their friends , and so they have just some limited amount of time that they can spend on their business .

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The option A is that you can try your best with this limited amount of time or the option B is that you can hire a freelancer who is going to do all the hard work for you and for is we can use platforms , for example , like this fibre dot or dot com .

How this works is that you just go into the search bar and let's imagine that we want to find someone who is going to create for us Pinterest marketing .

So I just click OK , and here we can find a freelancer or people who are going to do hard work for us just for a few bucks , because these people are coming from countries where $100 is a lot .

A lot of money for them .

So you don't have to spend so much money .

You can hire people from these countries and they are going to do all the hard work for you .

So for example , this one she will do 900 pins and 90 boards as a Pinterest marketing probably manager .

So just for €5 you can actually get set up your profile Integration CO .

She will create 20 different pins for you and as well two boards with the searchable keywords under the standard , you can even get up to 80 pins .

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You can get some extra followers , and in a standard for €25 you can get 80 pins .

So if you just send her a message Hey , I need pins like this .

This and this she is going to create for you 80 pins .

Then you can tell her , Hey , now go into the grow and just plan this content for a whole month and basically just for spending 25 €50 you can have your business automated for a few months up front so you can invest a little bit of money , but save hours and hours of time by paying someone who is already experienced with this matter .

So those were all the advanced recommendation that I would give you if you want to start making money on a Pinterest athlete marketing in a 2023 even if you are a company beginner without any experiences , any skills .

But now , by far the most important part is to take everything that you learned in this video .

Take my free eBook down below in the comment section and take the action because without action , this is not going to work without consistency .

This is not going to work and without being focused on just this one single strategy , it's not going to work .

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So what I need from you right now is to take action and take this as a challenge and stick to this for at least 30 days so you can see some results .

So if you are ready to take this challenge , then let me know .

Down below in the comment section , Hashtag challenge accepted and let's meet up in 30 days and let's see what results and how much money you have made .

So looking forward on how many people are going to start this challenge with me .

But for now , this is everything from this Pinterest affiliate marketing tutorial .

And if you want to get a tutorial that have proven success stories who are making a lot of money with this strategy , then check this click bank tutorial in which I'm going to show you perfect and a bulletproof strategy how you can make money even in the next 72 hours .

But for this one , this was everything from me .

Don't course .

Be out .

See you in the next one .


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