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2023-08-04 12:20:04

Use ChatGPT To Make $500 a Day With NO Selling & No Followers (Make Money Online)

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Hey , everyone on this video today , I wanna show you how to make money online .

And I wanna show you how you can make 5 to $10 commissions again and again without actually selling anything and without having a social media following .

And I wanna show you exactly what I've done to generate over $805 in two days .

First day was $500 .

And the second day so far , I'm up to $305 .

And all this is done using chat GP T .

And I'm gonna walk you through this entire tutorial and show you everything step by step .

But I want you to make sure that you stay to the end of this video because I wanna show you another strategy that can make you as much as $25,000 a month in passive income .

Working one hour a day to set this up .

Don't believe me .

Stay to the end of the video .

I'm gonna show you exactly how you can do that before we get into this strategy .

If you're not subscribed to the channel , make sure you get the bottom right now .

Hit that subscribe button , Turn on the bell notification , and I'll notify you .

Every time I drop a video like this , it's gonna help you make money online .

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And all I ask that you do is that you smash that like , button in appreciation .

Let's get straight into it .

So the first thing that we wanna do is we wanna come over to Google and we wanna type in audible affiliates what this is .

This is the affiliate programme for Amazon , where you can go and promote audio books and a lot of people will come over to Amazon and they get a lot of these books .

The good thing about a lot of these books is that you can get these books for free if you sign up for a free trial .

But you can make money with that free trial , and I'll show you exactly how that works .

So once you come over here , guys , all you need to do is click onto this link .

Once you click onto that link , it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this now it's very simple to sign up .

It's going to ask you a range of different questions it's potentially going to ask you what is your social media handle or what is your social media page ?

Or if you have a website , everyone has some form of social media .

All you need to do is enter that in there , and then you need to tell them how you plan on promoting .

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So all you need to say is that you're planning on promoting this through your followers on social media , and all you need to do is enter in all your details from there .

As you can see , what's good about audible affiliates is when you scroll down is take a look at how you actually get paid .

So you can see here the standard fee structure is that audible free trial digital memberships .

You get paid $5 every single time someone signs up .

If somebody actually goes out and signs up on the gold digital membership , you get paid as much as $10 .

Somebody just goes out and purchases a book .

You can see here that you can earn as much as 50 cents .

And all this adds up really , really quickly , and I'm gonna show you how to get free leads without having to do any of the work yourself .

Remember , you don't need a following for this , and you don't even need to sell anything and you're still going to get paid .

So quite simply , once you come over here , click on to become an affiliate .

Once you sign up , it's going to then take you over to a page that looks like this .

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This is once you have signed up to become an Amazon affiliate and I want to point out something that's really , really important what you're going to see , and I'm gonna show you that in a second .

Once you sign up to be an affiliate , you're going to see this site stripe , which is essentially this bar on top .

When you sign up to your Amazon Associates account , you're going to see this little extra feature .

And this is the feature that's going to allow you to get the link to any product that Amazon has on there .

I'm gonna show you exactly how that works .

So now what you wanna do is log in to your Amazon account , and what I've done is I've just gone over to audible and audible is where people are going to go to get these different books , and this is where you're going to go find books that you can promote .

So quite simply , you can see here on the left hand side , there's going to be a whole heap of different types of books that you can look at .

There's different types of niches and topics , et cetera , and you can also see that you can browse categories yourself .

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So quite simply , you can scroll down and have a look at all these different types of books .

If you were to click on to business anchors as an example , this will bring you over to this section , and you can see there's a range of different types of books .

So , let's say , as an example , you wanted to promote this book The Seven Habits of highly effective People .

Once you click on to this , it's going to bring you over to this book .

Now it's gonna give you a few different choices .

It's gonna show you if somebody buys this through , kindle what the cost is through audio books .

Hardcover , paperback .

Um , spiral bound and audio set .

It's got all these different costs .

Now you can see if you come up to the top over here .

You've got this section where it says a text get link .

So if we click onto this , this is now going to give us the link that we can use to promote this book .

So this is the link that I would use now , once people click onto this link .

So I'm just going to copy this as an example .

Let's just come straight over and I'll come in to an incognito window just to show you how this looks .

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If I paste this in here and click onto that , you are gonna see that my affiliate link is going to be up here .

So it says Smart money 80 that is my ID .

And when people come over , depending on what they take out will depend on how much I get paid .

Now a lot of people are gonna sign up to the free trial of audio books , and that's where I'm going to make that $5 .

This particular book does cost money , but what you'll also find when you come over here is when you look at these different types of books , there's going to be books that are free .

Let's say , For example , we search for entrepreneurship books .

So if we click on to this and you scroll down and you can see there's all these different books , OK , So if we click onto this one , what you are going to see is that with audio books , this is free .

So this is really appealing , and this is what you wanna look for .

You wanna look for books that don't cost anything and are free with your audible trial account ?

So people are gonna sign up to the audible trial .

They're going to get this book .

It's not going to cost them anything .

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And you're going to get paid $5 .

All you need to do is come up to the top , click on to text , and then this is the link that you're going to use to promote this book .

So how are we going to promote this book ?

Well , I'm gonna show you the free traffic source in a second , but first , what we need to do is we need to use chat GP to write us a cold email so that we can promote this book , and I want to show you exactly how you can do that what you wanna do is sign up to chat G BT Once you've signed up to chat GP T this is what you want to ask now , Depending on the book that you are promoting , you're going to ask it a different thing .

Obviously you're gonna give it a different title , etcetera .

And if it's a book about health , you can write about health or entrepreneurships .

Whatever it is , think about what that niche is and then tailor the question to chat GP T to suit .

But for this particular topic , this is what you'll write .

Alright , so this is what I've gone and typed up .

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So all I've gone and said is Write me a cold email on the benefits of becoming an entrepreneur in a friendly tone , telling them to click on the link to get a free book called the Entrepreneurship Mind , which will help them gain the habits required to become an elite entrepreneurs .

And all I've basically done guys is I've come over here and you can see that I just copied this section over here , OK ?

And I copied the name of the book .

Now what you want to do once you're on chat G BT is you wanna click on to this , which is now going to write this email .

The reason I'm saying it's a cold email because I'm gonna show you where you can go to get these leads every single day where you can send this stuff out and it's absolutely amazing .

The best parties chat GP T does all the work for you .

It's even going to tell you where to insert your links .

Put your name et cetera , so you can see he's basically gone and written something like Hope .

This MR finds you well .

I wanted to share some exciting information about the benefits of becoming an entrepreneur , so it already sounds amazing .

OK , and then it's gonna go through everything , and then it's gonna say to help you kickstart your journey .

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As an entrepreneur , I would like to offer you a free book called The Entrepreneurship Mind .

This book is a comprehensive guide to out finds the habits are required to becoming an elite entrepreneur .

I mean , this is amazing and they can sign up for free , and when they do , you're going to get that $5 .

Say as many emails that you can send out which I'm gonna show you how to do this .

You can continue to make money online with this strategy .

Now , what we need to do is I need to show you where you need to go to get this traffic , OK ?

And that site is this one over here called my lead secret dot com .

I've got a link in my description .

I spoke about this on a previous this video and people are absolutely signing up to it and they're already having some really , really good results with this strategy .

So , as you can see , when you scroll down and have a look at this , this is an amazing site which is actually going to give you leads every single day .

And the amazing thing about this platform is it's going to cost you $1 for 100 leads every single day .

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And you pay that once a month so you can gain thousands of leads really , really quickly .

And people are seeing amazing results .

With this platform , you can go do some really good reviews .

I've had comments in my previous video which you can go and have a look at people saying I don't understand why more people then talk about this cos I'm making some really good money with this site .

OK , ok , so all you need to do is click onto that link .

It's then going to bring you over to this page .

Once you come over to this page , all you need to do is click on to members , log in and sign up to this platform .

Like I said , that link is is in my description .

Once you sign up , what's going to happen is it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this .

Now you can see that today they've given me 200 leads .

Yesterday they gave me 100 and then I got a bonus 100 leads because I've got other people to sign up to this as affiliates , which you can also do the same .

Get friends or family to sign up .

Or if you've got a social media follow , you can promote this as well .

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You can see here that this is the affiliate link and all people have to do You sign up as affiliates to this as well , and you can get a bonus 100 leads .

Otherwise you're going to get 100 leads every day .

Or you could even get 200 leads every day , which is 6000 leads in a 30 day period .

Now , with that , you could potentially every 100 leads .

You could potentially make a sale .

So let's say you made 5 to $10 maybe $30 for every 100 leads .

You can see how very quickly this is going to add up .

And when you take a look at their landing page , this is pretty much what a lot of people are averaging .

So as I scroll down , you can see per 100 leads .

You're bound to get potentially one sale .

1000 leads , 10 sales .

Depending on what you're promoting , testing out different types of products , you can very quickly start to make some really good money online .

So what you wanna do from here , quite simply , is you wanna click on to create a message , we want to use the leads that they've given us , and we're gonna start promoting these free books .

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No selling required for you to make money .

So quite simply , click on to create a message .

Now , as you scroll down here , you wanna leave it on to mail by date .

Then all you need to do is click on to select or once you click on to select , it's gonna move all your leads over and ash guys , if you got to this point , all I ask that you do is go down the bottom .

Let me know in the comment section that you got to this point and if you're enjoying this video and if you are , all I ask that you do is smash that like , button in appreciation .

Like I said , don't go anywhere at the end of this video .

I'm gonna show you how you can make up to $25,000 a month in passive income starting by working one hour a day .

I know it sounds insane , but I'm gonna show you where you can get a free training to show you how it all works and proof of how others have done that as well .

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So once you've moved these leads over , what you wanna do is you want to scroll down and you've got two options here you can send from your name and then it's gonna have this and no reply , no reply at my leg secrets dot com Or if you don't want to use your name , you can just put my lien secret and no reply My legend secret dot com It's up to you .

I always use my name because I like to make it a little bit more personable but it's entirely up to you .

You don't have to use your name .

So now what you wanna do is you wanna come over here to subject OK ?

And you want to write in a compelling subject line If you can't come up with a subject again , guys , all you need to do is just tell chat GP T to give you an email title So all you can do is write something like this .

Give May 5 a.m. titles for the above email .

OK , hit , enter OK .

And as you can see , it's going to come up with five different types of ST five different types of titles .

Look at this .

Discover the benefits of becoming an entrepreneur .

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Unlock the secrets to want to be your own boss .

Read this really , really good stuff .

I mean , take a look at this .

Start your entrepreneur journey with this free book .

Perfect .

We're gonna grab this .

We're going to copy this .

We'll come straight back over to here .

We're going to paste that subject line in here .

Then we're going to scroll down .

And this is where we are going to paste the body of that chat .

GP T email .

We're going to copy this .

OK , so I'm gonna grab this .

OK , copy that .

Come straight back over to here and we're going to paste this in here .

Then all I'm gonna write is something like this .

Hello ?

And write something like Alan here again and then leave this all that in there .

Then this is where you're going to place that link .

OK , so just type in this .

Grab your free a key , OK ?

So just do that .

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Then what we need to do is we need to come back over to Amazon once you're over here , guys , you wanna scroll up to the top and click on to text , and then quite simply , just copy this .

Come straight back over to you guys .

We're going to highlight this .

We are going to click onto this link .

We're going to paste that URL in there .

We're going to click on to OK , we are going to hit bald and we're going to hit Italic so it stands out , OK , leave all that there and then best regards , and then just put your name in .

I mean , look how easy this is .

There's hardly any work involved with this , and you're going to get these leads every single day from there .

You wanna click on to perfect timing .

And then , quite simply , all you need to do is click on to send email .

Once this email is sent , these 400 leads are going to receive this email tomorrow .

As you get more leads , you can add more leads .

And if you if you remember which ones you've actually sent these emails to , you're gonna see that the dates of this .

So you wanna keep track of this ?

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And maybe if you wanna send the same email again tomorrow , then all you need to do is select the new leads that have popped up .

So if you know that you've already sent it out to the 1st 400 you wanna send the same email out tomorrow , all you need to do tomorrow is select just the one that comes up .

Scroll down dropdown box .

Select that saved email , click on to Load and send it out to the new new ones , which means it's even easier .

And you don't even need to do more typing or searching through chat .

GP T .

That's how simple it is to start making money online in 2023 to sign up to my leaden secret guys .

All you need to do is scroll down the bottom and click onto the link in my description and take a look at it .

It's absolutely amazing .

Now I've got a training coming up this Thursday at 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in the US .

If you wanna know what time that is for you , all you need to do is go down the bottom and click onto the link .

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In my description that says free training this Thursday that training is going to show you how to make 20 to $25,000 per month with super simple websites .

Once you click onto that , it's going to show you what time that training is going to be in your country , and that's what time you need to be available .

To watch this free training .

This free training is going to show you how to create amazing websites , niche websites , and it's only gonna take you one hour to set this up .

We're gonna go through everything and show you exactly how this works .

Spots are limited with this type of training .

So it's really important that you click onto that link , come over here and sign up .

Now , this training is gonna be brought to you by someone that mentored me and got me to the stage that I am today .

I'm not gonna say who it is .

I need you to turn up , and I need you to watch this because this is absolutely amazing .

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This person is a genius when it comes to this and makes a lot of passive income every single month .

Using this is gonna give you all the secrets that you need to start making insane amounts of money with these niche websites , and they're not that difficult to create .

You don't need to show your face .

It is super passive income and you can get to a stage where you're earning insane amounts of money .

And the best thing about websites is once you have your content on there which is going to show you how to either create yourself potentially use a I , which you can rewrite yourself , outsource completely so you don't need to do any of the work yourself is that once you have the content on these websites , you can literally go away for 3 to 6 to 12 months and you can absolutely still continue to crush it and make a lot of money .

I currently have four websites that I have done this week , and I'm making a lot of money online in passive income with these websites , and it's currently completely outsourced .

I don't even touch it .

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All I do is give them the name of the article I want written .

It comes back , it is uploaded and that is it .

And I'm absolutely crushing it and you can do the same .

So all you need to do is go down the bottom , click onto that link and sign up for this training on Thursday , which is going to show you how you , too , can potentially get to a stage where you're earning as much as $25,000 a month in passive income with just one website now , I really hope you enjoyed this .

Make money online tutorial using chat GP T .

If it is guys like I said , please smash that like button in appreciation .

It means the world to me .

Make sure you subscribe to the channel , but don't go anywhere .

I've got another amazing video click onto this one over here , which is gonna show you another way that you can use my Lee Jen Secret promoting my own product , which I know converts 100% .

If you haven't seen that yet .

Click onto this video right now .

I'll see you on that video until next time you guys take care of yourselves and goodbye .


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