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2023-08-03 15:22:00

how to start affiliate marketing for beginners _ $0 to $15,000 in 2 Months _ free traffic method

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In today's video .

I'm gonna show you exactly how we went from 0 to $15,000 in just two months without spending a dime on ads .

So this is all from free traffic .

But before I get into the video , if you're new here , make sure you subscribe and turn on the notifications because we're gonna be showing you many different ways to make money online and you're not gonna want to miss any of our upcoming videos in this training .

I'm gonna show you exactly how we were able to get these results right here on this screen .

We did this with 100% free traffic and we didn't spend a dime on ads .

I'm also gonna share with you the exact affiliate product that we use and are promoting right now and how you can do the same .

Also , if you stay till the end of this video , I'm gonna give you two bonuses that are the key to making thousands of dollars online .

So you're definitely gonna wanna make sure you stay to the end of this video .

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But first of all , before I get into walking you guys through all the steps , I wanna do a little bit of intro so that you get to know who's teaching you what you're learning , right ?

So this is my account inside of the website .

By the way here , it says Daniel , you can see it says a freelancer approval rate .

You can see it says projects submitted 34 project review 33 right here .

Uh You can see I have a 78% approval rate right now .

You can see uh the kind of documents I actually have on here and you can see my hourly rate is about $30 .

And I'm gonna show you guys how to set all these things up .

And like you can see on the screen right here , my name is Daniel and I'm actually the owner of this youtube channel called Daniel .

And what I do here is that actually make like 90% of my money on the internet .

And whenever I find something that's working for me , something that's making me money .

And I come here , I record the video showing you guys what I'm doing so that you guys can actually copy what I'm doing , do the same thing for yourselves and actually make the same amount of money or even more money for yourselves .

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And if you actually come on to my community tab right here , you can see that I have students right here who are actually making money .

So you can see this guy right here um made his first dollar online .

This one right here , made over $2000 in two months .

This one right here , made over uh uh uh $100 in a day using ads .

This one right here , made over 100 and $50 right there .

So these are real people that I hear on my videos who are actually making money .

So make sure you take what I'm actually showing you right here very , very serious .

Make sure you take everything serious , right ?

So I'm gonna get into showing you guys everything step by step .

But one thing I want you to do right now is to come here below the video , click on the red subscribe button right there and turn on notifications but like on , on why you should do that is because here I actually make videos showing you guys like things I do to make money online like uh methods that are working .

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So when you subscribe and turn on notifications , what's gonna happen is that whenever I drop a video right here , you're gonna get a notification from youtube saying , hey , Daniel just dropped another video and when you get a notification , you're gonna be the first to watch .

You're gonna be the first to do what I'm teaching .

You're gonna be the first to obviously make money from what I'm teaching , right ?

So go ahead and subscribe , put on notifications and two more things before we get into the video .

First of all , leave me a like on the video , it really , really helps me out .

It gives me encouragement .

It tells me that you guys enjoy what I'm doing here .

So leave me a like on the video and not just that last of all , go to the comment section and comment .

Let's get that money right ?

Comment the keyword .

Let's get that money .

If you're actually motivated , if you actually believe in yourself , if you believe that you can do this , just comment the keyword .

Let's get that money , right ?

And with that said , we're gonna get , we're gonna get right into the video , right ?

And um I like starting my videos by getting um a few looks out of the way .

So I'm gonna get a few good blocks out of the way .

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And after that , I'm gonna now get into showing you guys the website how to set things up and like everything that you have to do step by step or through the way , right ?

So a few things I wanna get out of the way is that , first of all , um , a lot of people are gonna ask me in the comments and they're gonna say , hey Daniel .

Um I live in Sudan , I live in South Africa .

I live in Nigeria .

I live in Bangladesh .

Is this thing gonna work for me in my country ?

Right ?

And the good news about that is actually yes , it's gonna work no matter your country , whether you're from us UK , Nigeria , India , Bangladesh , Pakistan , South Africa .

It doesn't really matter where you are anywhere you are in the world as long as you have an internet connection , which I believe you have because you're watching this video , you're gonna be able to make money from what I'm showing you right here , right ?

So apart from that , people also ask me to say Daniel , uh I have an Android device , I have an I OS device .

I have a laptop .

Is this gonna work for me ?

And the good news about that is also a big , yes , because what I'm gonna teach you here is gonna work for both Android users .

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Sadly , because there are a bunch of things that you need to know about the site .

So don't just click of the uh of the video and go and try to do things yourself when I show you the side , right ?

So stick with me right here .

I'm gonna show you guys how to get everything done , step by step or to the way , right ?

So , like I said , um , we're gonna get right into that .

So you have to , you're gonna have to go back to Google and you're gonna search for something called lithium search for lithium Ltaium on Google .

And you're gonna see this first one here that says lithium freelancing work and hire for Cryptocurrency in us D So these are sites where you actually get paid to get things done , right ?

So these are my accounts right here , like I said , so I'm gonna look out of my account .

So I already had an account on here .

So I'm gonna quit a brand new account and show you guys like step by step how everything is done because quitting an account on here is not easy , right ?

Because like I said , if you go and try to do it yourself , if you click up this video right now and go do things yourself , you're not gonna make any money .

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So stick with me right here .

So when you're here actually has , um , two options , they give you an option to hire that .

You're gonna be the ones who are gonna be spending money and paying people and then they give you an option to work and earn money , which is what we ourselves are gonna be doing because we are people who are trying to make money online , right ?

So you can actually see if you scroll down here .

You can see how works .

It says post the project , get free quotes , select a freelancer pay only when satisfied .

And that's actually how people actually come here and pay money .

And then we are the ones who are gonna be making money .

So if you click on here where it says I want to work , it's gonna ask you for your email address .

So simply enter your email address , an active email address .

I'm gonna enter my email address right here , an address I have not used .

Uh So I'm gonna put it right here and I put in a Gmail .

Let's come and I'm gonna click on a robot right here and once that is uh checked , I'm gonna click on sign up right here .

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So here you have to put a user name , it's putting in my old user name .

So I'm gonna have to put it in a new one .

Ok ?

Ok .

Here I'm gonna choose a password .

Make sure you choose something you're gonna remember , right ?

So that you don't actually gonna start doing a bunch of uh password resets , put in something that's simple that you're gonna remember .

And once you're done with that click on here where it says another robot , then click on here where it says continue .

And when you click on that , what's gonna happen is that it's gonna bring you into here .

It's gonna say welcome to lithium .

It's gonna say where freelancers and employers can walk on using digital currencies .

So here you have two options right now .

I was gonna say I want to hire , I want to work for us .

We want to work .

So go ahead and click on .

I want to work right there .

And uh when you click on that is gonna actually take it to the next step .

We gonna say upload the profile picture .

So I'm gonna put in the profile picture right there .

So I'm gonna click on , upload a photo right there and I'm gonna go into my pictures right here and I'm gonna go into my personal picture .

I'm gonna put in this picture right .

This is me right here .

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And again , the great thing about a sales funnel is this will happen automatically .

So you don't have to do any of this manually .

The email sequence is also where you want to talk about your back end offer .

This is what top affiliates are doing to promote different products to their list .

And that is what's making them thousands of dollars each month since we're in the making money niche .

We have a back end offer that complements our front end offer .

So it helps people make money online .

The email sequence is what allows you to offer multiple products instead of just one and that this is great because it's all with the same traffic .

So that's pretty much everything you need to know about sales funnels .

So now I'm gonna share with you a live example of our tiktok account and I'll take you through our sales sequence .

So I told you before that I will show you our exact high ticket affiliate product that we used to make $15,000 last month .

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As I am a student of Inter National Relations in the course , taught me to speak fluently five different .

And over the years , I have used my skills to do translations for clients , right ?

Simple .

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And uh I guarantee that I will get your job done with 100% uh faction .

Great Simple .

And once you're done with that , that's a very , very good one .

click on next right there .

When you click on the next one , it's gonna bring you to the next spot where it's gonna say skills .

So click on here , scroll down .

So you see where it says transitional languages , select that one right there , then select five different popular languages because the more popular language is uh like the the the higher chances of you getting jobs .

So select um things like Hindi French .

Um English obviously uh select German and uh select Chinese right there .

So these are the five languages you said , you know how to speak and come down here .

Uh You're gonna come here with the beginner .

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Click on that .

Put in expos , come here , put in exports , come here , put in exports , come here as well .

Put in expos and come here as well and put in exports .

And once you're done , simply scroll down below , click on next and then here you're gonna set your , remember my own on my main account was about $30 .

So go ahead and put in us dollars right here , sorry , $30 right there and click on next .

And when you click on next , right ?

It's gonna ask you for your portfolio .

And what I simply do here is very , very simple , but most people are gonna actually uh give up on this because they're gonna get stuck here .

They're gonna be like , where am I supposed to get a portfolio ?

And they're gonna quit ?

Right ?

But that , that's why I said you should actually watch everything .

I'm gonna teach you here step by step because um I'm going through the process , step by step and let me just check if my uh record is still on .

Ok ?

So it's still on , ok ?

At this point right now , we're gonna upload our portfolio and um let me show you guys how I do what I do , right ?

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So open up another tab on Google and uh a portfolio .

First of all , it's supposed to be like where people are gonna are gonna come to see your work and stuff like that .

So open up AAA page on Google then simply uh uh think of a , a keyword .

So let me just say how to take care of cats .

So let me just when you think of a keyword , go back to your Google translate , come here , then um this thing right here and put in the keyword how to take care of cats , right ?

When you search for that , right ?

Uh copy the Hindi version or whatever language you put in right here , go into Google , search for that right there .

And when you search for that , right , it's gonna show you a bunch of articles about taking care of cats that are written in Hindi .

So simply click on one of the articles right there .

And when you click on that , this is what the article looks like .

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You don't have to worry about creation the product and you definitely don't have to worry about customer service .

All you have to do is drive traffic to this page .

You've done your job , you've created the content , you've warmed up the traffic and now here they are and it's time to make their decision .

Now , I wanna say the 15 day business builder challenge sells very , very well .

Now , here is why we chose this product .

The great thing about legendary marketer and the 15 Day challenge is that this is not the only product that they offer .

There are a series of other products and this is where the high ticket sales comes in .

Legendary marketer will offer a sequence of high ticket products to your traffic .

The 15 day challenge only costs $7 .

And you may be wondering now , how in the world am I gonna generate thousands of dollars from a $7 product ?

They have a sequence of up sales that they offer to your traffic .

And these range from $7 to 200 excuse me to $2500 .

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Legendary marketer pays up to 40% commissions on any product that your traffic decides to purchase .

So if you get someone to purchase the $7 product , which is very easy to convert later on , if they decide to purchase the $25 product , you will also get a commission from that sale .

And with legendary marketer , that's $1000 and that is the key to making thousands online , picking a high quality high ticket affiliate offer to work with , that gets your traffic in the door with low ticket offer and then up sells them on the back end .

And that is how we were able to make $15,000 in just our second month of starting .

When you are getting paid $1000 for each high ticket commission , you only need to make a few sales each month to make really great money .

So for example , 10 sales with legendary marketers , high ticket product is $10,000 .

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And that's really not that hard with legendary marketer as your affiliate partner because they do a really great job .

Of getting sales and providing value to your traffic .

Dave Sharp , who is the founder of the 15 day business builder challenge with Legendary Marketer is an eight figure affiliate marketer himself .

So he knows how to sell really well .

So if you're just getting started and you don't know which high ticket product to go with , I highly suggest going with legendary marketer because they have many different products that you can promote and make commissions off of .

They are a really great affiliate partner to work with .

So if you're interested in using legendary marketer as your high ticket affiliate product , we will put a link below .

Now , the only prerequisite to becoming an affiliate with Legendary Marketer is completing the 15 day business builder challenge .

It's only $7 to get started with it .

But even if you're new , this product will teach you everything you need to know to get started with making money online as an affiliate marketer .

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It truly is a really great training and it provides a ton of value .

This is exactly how we learned how to create the funnel and everything that we just showed you .

So if you want to take the challenge and promote the product or if you just want to see what the training is all about , we have a link below so you can get started .

Now , the other piece of the puzzle is talking about the funnel builder and I told you at the beginning of the video that I will show you the exact funnel builder that we use to create .

The funnel that you just saw .

Now , the funnel builder that we use and I'm gonna show you in a little bit is awesome because it has an emo auto responder already built into it on my click funnels , what we use is called high level and that is what I have on the screen for you right now .

When compared to click funnels , both high level and click funnels cost $97 a month .

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But with high level , you don't have to pay extra for the email or the responder because it's already built in with click funnel , you only get the funnel builder , both are awesome , but high level will save you some money .

We also really like high level because we find it really easy to use .

Now , I also want to tell you that high level is actually our back end offer and we promote this alongside of the business 15 day business builder challenge .

This is because when someone decides to join the 15 day business builder challenge , they will also need a funnel builder and email all the responder .

So in our emails , we share about this product as well .

Now when you decide to use high level , you can also apply to be an affiliate with them .

If you decide that you would like to go with high level , you can get a free 14 day trial when you go through our affiliate link , if you want to use high level or even become an affiliate with them , we have our affiliate link in the description box of this video .

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So at this point right now , what's gonna happen is that Google translate is gonna actually , I'll give you an option to actually translate what is on this page , right ?

But first of all , I want you to take a screenshot of this particular Hindi version .

So uh click on your screenshot too , on your browser , right ?

Scroll up a bit .

Let me scroll up a bit right here and the page isn't actually done loading , it's still loading .

Uh But once it's done , you should be able to just take a screenshot .

So I'm just gonna take a screenshot of this one right here , right ?

We're gonna take a of this first paragraph right here and I'm gonna save that as um um Hindi Russian .

Right ?

Then I'm gonna click on save and when I do that , I'm gonna then copy this thing right here .

Right now .

I'm gonna copy this thing right here .

Right now .

I wanna copy that .

I gonna go into my Google translator .

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I'm gonna change this one from Hindi to English .

So I'm gonna please what I copied right here .

OK ?

It's actually I copied the wrong thing .

So I'm gonna come back here .

I'm gonna copy this team right here .

Click on copy and go back to Google translate right there .

Put it in right there and you can see right here what the article is talking about the English version .

So I'm just gonna remove this team right here like this one and right now just , just um copy .

The English version doesn't mean the , the version inside here .

I copy it right away .

Click on copy and open up a site called what count dot IO .

And you can paste it right there and you can see this is the English version right here .

So go ahead and uh do a , a screenshot of the English version of what you've written , right ?

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So come down , let me just close this right away .

Come down here where it says description and be like um I can translate from Hindi , Hindi to English and three other languages .

And the documents image I attached below is one showing showing um uh a translation of a short paragraph .

That's I did simple .

Then simply this the image right here and then what you wanna do , you wanna like add another item right here , click on image .

Then you wanna actually upload the English version .

Then here the India version .

Click on that .

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You're gonna upload now , click on done and they're gonna come to the description of that one and be like um here is the English version of the Hindi article that I translated and boom , once you're done with that , right ?

It's very , very simple .

You have put in the , the , the Hindi version .

Now someone that actually knows how to speak India and English will look at these two things and see that they correspond and see that you actually can do what you're promising that you're gonna do , right ?

And when you look at this right here , you can see that we easily did that with Google translate .

We didn't have to stress ourselves , right ?

So at this point right now , what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna come down here , click on where it says publish right here .

Click on , publish and scroll down here .

It's gonna say uploading 40% .

It's gonna say 60% it's gonna say 80% .

And once it's done , it's gonna say portfolio success .


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