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2023-08-03 15:39:12

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing + ChatGPT = $2,100 a Week Even as a Beginner!

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Hey , everyone on this video today , I wanna show you the easiest way that you can make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing using chat GP T you're not going to believe how easy this strategy is and it's only gonna take you 10 to 15 minutes a day .

Take a look at this .

Just in the last week , I've made over $2000 with this exact same strategy .

You can make anything from $80 a day to a couple of $100 a day .

And if I come up to the top here and update this , you're gonna see that this is 100% and I'm gonna walk you through this entire strategy step by step .

So you're probably thinking why Pinterest ?

Well , Pinterest is an absolute gold mine .

Not only do they get hundreds of millions of followers and views and clicks every single month .

Their traffic is primarily all tier one traffic .

39% of their traffic comes from the United States .

And this is bio traffic .

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A lot of these people that are clicking onto these different types of pins are going over to blogs , which is really because on this video , I'm gonna show you how to directly link to our product , which is going to increase your conversions .

It's going to increase your sales ultimately allowing you to make even more money with this Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy .

So before we get into this video , all I ask that you do is to smash that like button in appreciation .

And what I want you to do is go down the bottom and just comment .

Let me know .

Do you want to see more free affiliate marketing videos from myself or do you want me to start incorporating some paid traffic strategies ?

Paid traffic works really , really well , free traffic can also work really , really well .

But I just wanna give you a quick disclaimer with this strategy .

Do not expect to put up one pin and that you're going to see thousands of dollars .

The results that you saw from my end take weeks and months of posting consistently 2 to 3 times a day .

But I wanna show you how to automate this entire process .

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So yes , you can make a lot of money with free affiliate marketing if you want to see more paid traffic , let me know down the bottom in the comments .

So the site that we're gonna be using today to get this product is Digi Store 24 digital 24 is available in a lot of countries .

You can use other affiliate marketing platforms .

But for the purposes of this video , we're gonna use did you store 24 and when you come over to the affiliate section , you can see that Digi Store 24 can pay you up to 70% commissions .

They've got over 8000 different types of products in 44 different niches .

You can do this in any one of these niches and promote any one of these products .

When you go over to Pinterest and you create your account , you're gonna see that there's many different types of niches on Pinterest and people are absolutely crushing it .

So what you wanna do from here when you're on Digi Store 24 is you want to create an account for yourself .

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Now , once you've created an account on Digi Store 24 you're gonna see on the left hand side that you've got all these different niches that you can go into and all you need to do is pick any one of these .

The other thing that you can do is you can quite simply search for different types of products .

You know , if you know a particular product name or if you wanna search by sales rank or any one of these other search items like popularity , etcetera .

You can quite simply scroll down and have a look at the first lot of products that are on display for the purposes of this video .

I'm just gonna run with the ultimate key meal plan because it's over here .

I know this converts really , really well and you can make a lot of money with it .

So we're gonna be promoting this product .

What you wanna do before you promote any one of these products is just click on to this little arrow over here .

It's just gonna show you their sales page , landing page so you can go through and have a look .

So a lot of the time they may have a video videos convert really , really well , people love visual things , love to watch things .

And this is why I like promoting these products .

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Now in order to get this affiliate link guys , all you need to do is click onto the link over here and as you can see that's now copied to my clipboard .

So what we now need to do is we need to use chat GP T to help us create all the information .

We need to create these pins on Pinterest .

So what we wanna do is come straight over to chat GP T .

Now if you don't have a chat GP T account , quite simply just create one for yourself .

And the first thing that you wanna do is you want to start asking chat GP T , something like this .

The first thing you want to do is ask it , for example , give me four tips to lose weight with Keto as a man or you can ask it to lose weight as a woman , you can ask it to lose weight as a senior .

You can ask it to lose weight .

If you've got a certain health condition , whatever it might be because what you wanna do is you want to down as well .

But don't worry because you can create as many of these as you want .

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And I'm gonna show you how to create a carousel of pins , which is going to give people a lot of value , getting them to click onto your links and purchasing your products .

So for example , you wanna come over and write something like this , give me four tips to lose weight with Keto as a man .

Then you just wanna click on to search .

Now what's going to happen is Chat GP T is going to give us these four different options .

What we wanna do from here is break this down so that we , you can insert these inside Pinterest .

So it makes a lot of sense and all this is going to make a lot more sense .

I wanna show you how to create these pins using a software that you can use .

Absolutely for free .

So what you wanna do is you wanna tell chat G BT to take the above tip and create a spreadsheet where one column is the main point and one is the extended description .

So what you do now guys is you hit this and as you can see what this is going to do now is it's going to create this spreadsheet for us .

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So as you can see it's taken the first section and then it's given us all this information , taken the second section and the first section , as you can see is this one , if you calculate your macros as an example , it's going to do that , then it's going to give us a description .

Now , each one of these is going to form our Pinterest pin .

OK ?

This is the amazing thing about using Chat GP T and getting it to do all the hard work for you .

OK ?

Now , what we wanna do is we want to tell chat GP T to also create a title for us .

A title that's be that people are going to click on to because the more people that click onto this , the more money you are going to make with Pinterest affiliate marketing .

So what we wanna do now is we want to type in something like this .

OK ?

So I've just created all this for us beforehand .

So you can see exactly how this works .

So give me a click bait title for my Pinterest pin about four keto tips for men and then write it in plain English .

OK ?

Because we want people to understand it .

We don't want it to be too difficult .

So once you do that guys , you quite simply click onto this .

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And as you can see now , it's going to give us these full proven keto tips for men to effortlessly shed extra pounds .

Now you can do something like write me another one .

Ok .

Hit enter and it's going to give us another one and then say give me two more .

Ok ?

And we're gonna need and I'm gonna show you why we're gonna need a couple more as we go .

So get ripped with these four simple keto tips for men .

No gym required a case .

I really like that one .

Ok ?

So as you see the more you tell it the better it's going to get .

Now , what we need to do is we need to get these pins up onto Pinterest .

Ok .

So the first thing that you wanna do is you wanna come over to Pinterest and you wanna create a Pinterest profile for yourself ?

Ok .

This is my Pinterest profile .

I've just started putting up a lot more content on .

I've slacked off a little bit because I've been so busy doing so many other things .

But you can see here that even though I didn't post for months on Pinterest , I still get 3000 monthly views .

This was a lot higher .

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Previously , I was sitting at close to 30,000 monthly views when I was posting consistently .

And this is why I tell you that it's really important that you are consistent .

I have probably five or six Pinterest profiles where I do this with , which has taken me away from this .

But the other ones bring in a fair amount of money every single month , anything from 5 to $10,000 every single month .

And this is why I highly recommend that you start this today .

But like I said , guys , you need to stay consistent .

You need to make sure that you're putting up 3 to 5 pins a day .

And I'm gonna show you how to create multiple pins right now , carousels or you can break them up and just post 12345 throughout the day separately .

So it's very easy to create the pins .

But please , you need to stay consistent with this .

People are going to come on to your Pinterest profile .

Pinterest will promote your pins .

People will see them , they will click onto them , but you can't expect to do one and turn this into a miracle , you know , money making machine .

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So I just want to let you know that in order if you want to be successful with this , you need to do this every single day to build up your Pinterest following .

So once you've gone and created your Pinterest profile , now , what we need to do is we need to start creating these pins .

Now , in order to create these pins , what you wanna do is you , I want to come over to this platform over here called can dot com Can , as you can see has hundreds of different types of templates when it comes to Pinterest pins .

OK , guys , all I did was in the search section up here .

I typed in Pinterest food , pinna and take a look at all the different examples that you can use with the free version of Can A , there are a lot of different types of pins that you can use .

There are also paid pro pins that you can only use if you have signed up to , to the paid version of Pinterest .

But I'm gonna show you how to do these guys .

Absolutely for free .

Once you start making a little bit of money and you wanna use this , I mean , it's like 12 or $13 a month .

Canberra is unbelievable value for what you get .

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And also if you ever decide to upgrade on can , what happens is that when you start creating these pins , there is a way to grab the information from Chat GP T import it into CAVA and they'll create all the pins for you instantly .

Ok ?

So , but before you get to that stage , what you wanna do quite simply is just come over to can .

So I'll show you what you do here .

Just come up to the top and type Pinterest pin .

It's gonna bring you over to here .

It's gonna show you all these pins .

If you wanna see Pinterest food pins , you just type in Pinterest food pins and it's gonna show you all of them .

What I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna show you how to do this from a blank canvasser .

Ok ?

So just click on to this and now what we wanna do .

This is our Pinterest pin that we are going to create .

Now , what we wanna do is you wanna come up to this section , you've got these elements , you wanna click on to elements and then what we wanna do is we just wanna type in key to food .

OK ?

So just type in keto food and then come over to the right here and then click on two photos .

Once you click on photos , you're gonna see all these different images .

Now you only need one image for this .

OK ?

And we'll be able to create four or five different um pins for Pinterest .

OK ?

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So let's click on to this one as an example , we'll do this very quickly .

You can spread this out .

OK ?

And just move this so you can see that .

So it looks really good there .

Then what we wanna do is we wanna come over to elements again , just click onto it and then just wanna grab one of these shapes like let's just grab this one over here .

So we can extend this just like this nice and simple .

And then what we can do is come up to the top here on this section for transparency and just lower this transparency like this and move this into the center .

Now , what we wanna do is we want to get a text , we wanna click on to add a heading , OK ?

Move this up to the top drop that there and then we wanna do is click on to say , for example , at a subheading , OK ?

And this is where our all our text is going to be .

Now , you can play around with the color guys , you can play around with the designs yourself if you want .

OK ?

So you can see that you can change this and make it stand out a lot more if you want to , that's completely up to you once you create this template and you've got your heading and your subheading in here because we need this to put in all our information .

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Now what we wanna do , we know that we have four pins , cos we've asked Pinterest to create these four different pins .

You wanna scroll down here , see these three little dots , click onto that and just click on to duplicate page , then grab this 13 little dots , duplicate page .

Come over here three little dots , duplicate page .

Now , what we need to do is click back onto number one .

We want to import this information from chat GP T on to these different types of pins .

So quite simply come straight back over to your pin .

I'm gonna show you how to do one .

OK ?

So grab this copy , come straight back over to can our pin double click onto this control V OK ?

So your macros drop that in there , come back over to here guys .

And now what you wanna do is you wanna grab this copy this come straight back over to here , double click on to this hit control V and paste that in there .

Now , what you need to do with this is just grab and drop this in here so that people can see it .

OK ?

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And again , if you want to change the color of these guys , you absolutely can again , click onto yellow and that's going to stand out a little bit more or you can leave it white , it's completely up to you .

Now , what you wanna do is you want to complete this for all four of these pins .

So I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna show you how to upload this onto Pinterest .

Alright .

So I've gone and prepopulated all the information onto our Pinterest pins now .

So I just want to show you that I've also added a call to action at the end of these pins .

So I've created an additional pin .

All I did is I came over here to the fourth one again , guys , I clicked on to duplicate this page .

Then what I did is I created this as the last pin , ok ?

And basically says , click on the link inside this pin to learn how you can lose weight with the ultimate Keto meal plan .

This is the call to action .

What they're going to see is they're gonna see this 11234 and then they're gonna click onto this and this is going to prompt them this will 100% increase your clicks .

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You need to have some form of call to action with any affiliate marketing to prompt people to click onto it .

If they're not because people will see these pins , I'll read the information and they'll move on to the next one .

You need to give them that little bit of push to click on to your links .

OK ?

So this is what you wanna do now , what we need to do is we need to come up to the top .

You wanna click on to share , then you want to down and click on to download and we wanna download all five pages as a zipped file and this is how we're going to download this on to Pinterest .

So quite simply come over here and click on to download these pins are now downloading on to my computer and there they go .

There they have been downloaded .

Now , I'm gonna show you how to upload these onto Pinterest .

But before I do that , if you guys are looking to make money with affiliate marketing and you want a little bit more additional help , all you need to do is click on to the link in the description of this video and just grab my ultimate affiliate marketing guide .

It's absolutely for free .

I'll send this straight to your email guys .

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It's got a lot of information about how I make money with affiliate marketing using 100% free traffic this makes me anything from 100 to $500 a day .

This is absolutely free .

I'm giving it to you for no strings attached .

Just come over here guys enter in your information , grab this ultimate affiliate marketing guide and you'll be able to see exactly what I do to make money with affiliate marketing .

It's got all these amazing strategies that I do every single day .

All I ask in return is that you smash that like button in appreciation .

Like I said , let me know in the comments .

Do you wanna see more free affiliate marketing strategies or do you want me to start putting in some paid affiliate marketing strategies as well ?

And I'll start creating those videos for you .

So once you've gone down the bottom and you've liked this video and you've got this affiliate marketing guide .

Now , what we need to do is we need to know how we can add these links inside these Pinterest pins and also how you can download these pins really , really important because Pinterest does not allow you to direct the links .

So the first thing that we need to do is we need to come over to Pinterest .

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We need to come up to the top here where it says create , you wanna click on , click on to create and then go to create pin .

So once you go to create pin , now what we need to do is we need to drag and drop these pins inside here .

So quite simply you click onto this and this is going to bring up your download .

So if you come over here , this is the last thing that I downloaded .

What we wanna do is we wanna grab these .

So 12345 .

OK ?

And then when you wanna click on to open , now , this is really important when you're on this page .

OK .

So pay close attention because you can create a carousel or you can create a collage .

If you select this , it's just going to put all the pins into one that you created .

That's not what we want .

What we want is we want to create a carousel .

OK ?

We wanna put up these five different pins .

So people get value out of this and more importantly as well , you can see here that you can edit and reorder your images at a later date .

So I'll show you how to do that as well .

So you wanna make sure that you've clicked on to create a carousel , then you wanna click on to create a pin .

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Once you do that , you're gonna see here on the left hand side , it's going to allow you to rearrange these images .

So let's do that first .

So let's click on to that and then what's going to happen is you can see you've got number one .

So calculate your macros .

Number two , number three , number four , number five .

OK ?

And then you wanna click on to done .

So if we come over to the first one , you're gonna see , this is our first one , second , one , third , 1/4 1 , 5th one is going to be our call to action .

Now , what we need to do is we need to put up a title for this Pinterest poster case .

So quite simply guys , like I said , this is why we got chat GP T to create those additional titles for us .

So come straight back over to here , scroll down and you can see that we've got all these ones that we can use .

So quite simply , let's just grab this , OK ?

We're gonna grab that .

We're going to copy this , we're going to come straight back over to Pinterest and we're going to paste this in here .

So get ripped with these four keto tips for men .

No gym required .

Looks absolutely amazing .

Then from here it's gonna say tell everyone what your pin is about .

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Now , you can , can go back and talk chat GP T to write another brief description for you or what you can quite simply do is come back and just grab some of the information from here .

So let's just say we wanted to use this .

OK ?

We can grab this , gives us some insight into what this is about .

OK .

So I'm gonna paste this in there .

Leave that in there .

Now , what we need to do guys is we need to add the destination link .

This is really important because a lot of people direct link or they use different short linking services that don't actually work on Pinterest and they get their pins removed .

If you take a look at my Pinterest account , you're gonna see that I use this software over here or this link shortener that is allowed on Pinterest and it's called link tree .

The good thing about link tree is that you can go and promote multiple keto milk plant products if you wanted to or weight loss products or you can add additional weight loss products from Click Bank or uh another for like more or anywhere else where you can find these different types of affiliate marketing products .

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So what you wanna do is you wanna come over to Link Tree and create an account for yourself and you can use Link tree absolutely for free .

There is a paid version I've been using the free one for so long .

I'm not even sure why I would get the paid one other other than if I wanted to get all these , you know , cool colors and stuff like that .

But I can tell you my Link Tree account works absolutely fine and it's free .

So once you go out and you create an account on Link Tree , what's going to happen is it's going to look something like this .

Now , you do have the option of customizing this and changing the colors .

Mine's pretty plain .

It's up to you , how you wanna customize it , you can very easily come up to the top to a appearances , make as many changes as you want .

But now what we wanna do is we want to start to make our link tree profile look something like this .

So this is mine .

I'm promoting 12345 different things at the moment .

Also my youtube channels , etcetera .

What you can do is you can have Karmi plan and then anything else that you want to put over here .

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बचपन में चाचा जी ने कई बार कहा कि बेटा एक बार पढाई कर लो फिर कमा लेना किसी शादी पे मिलते थे तब भी यही बात घर पे डिनर के लिए आते थे तब भी यही बात की बेटा अभी पढाई पे फोकस करो कमाने के लिए तो उम्र पडी है ।

शुक्र है मैंने और मेरे भाई ने उनकी बात नहीं मानी इसीलिए हम अपने करियर में आगे रह पाए ।

इसीलिए हम अच्छी जॉब कर पाए और आज अच्छे से बिजनिस इस कर पा रहे हैं ।

आप में से कई लोगों का ऍन आता है कि सर कुछ ऐसा बताइए स्टूडेंट्स के लिए कि वो पढाई के साथ साथ कमा पाए ।

तो आज की ये विडीओ उन सब स्टूडेंट्स के लिए जिनके अंदर चुल है जिनके अंदर चुल है कुछ करने की ।

जो आपने ॅ टाइम को वेस्ट नहीं करना चाहते उसको यूज करना चाहते हैं तो पढाई के साथ साथ एक स्पिरिंट गेन करना चाहते हैं ।

घर बैठे कमाना चाहते हैं ।

देखो जब लिस्ट बनाई तो तकरीबन फोर्टी त्रि ऐसी ऑप्शन है जिससे स्टूडेंट घर बैठे कमा सकता ।

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And so if we come over to my link tree profile , look how quick this is .

It's there straight away .

If somebody clicks onto this , it's gonna take them straight over to here and anybody purchases , you're going to get paid .

Now , I just want to let you know that with link tree .

If this link didn't work , this wouldn't work , it would go red .

Ok ?

So it would not allow it to work .

If you're promoting a product from did you store 24 ?

You may want to shorten that link from cut , potentially have a look .

See if bit works .

You can see here that I'm using bit on one of my links down here .

Let me just find it somewhere down here .

So I'm using bit on one of mine and it is working .

I have tried other bit links for some reason that haven't worked .

So you need to go and find a link shortening service that does work .

OK ?

Now what happens is once you have all the products that you want inside your link tree profile .

What you wanna do from there is come up to the top , click on to share , scroll down here and you want to copy this link .

Once you copy that link , you wanna come straight over to Pinterest and then you want to paste that link in .

So here , OK .

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So this is going to be the link that when people click onto this and purchase you're going to get paid .

So quite simply now what you wanna do is you wanna come up to the top , go click onto this drop down list and you want to create a board .

If you don't have a board for yourself , create one .

I'm just gonna call this Keto meal plan as an example .

I'm just gonna keep this board secret for a second .

OK ?

Because this profile that I'm uploading this on isn't designed for help .

So come over here and click onto , I'm just gonna keep this about to show you exactly how this works .

So click on to create now this pin is being published on to my Pinterest profiler .

OK ?

So all you need to do is click on to publish .

Now once it's all ready to go and I'll show you exactly what this looks like .

I also want to show you where else you wanna make sure that you input your link tree link that's going to give you even more opportunity to make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing .

So as you can see guys , this is the pin that we have just created .

If you click on to see it .

Now , what people are gonna see when they come over is they're gonna see this amazing pinna .

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लेकिन आप के साथ सिर्फ ट्वेंटी वन पॉइंट इसलिए शेर कर रहा क्योंकि मैं सिर्फ वही ऑप्शन शेर करूँगा जिससे स्टूडेंट का फायदा हो , नुकसान हो पर्पस है कि आप पैसा कमा पाओ ।

आपके पास एक स्पिरिंट हो पर्पस है कि आपको नॉलेज मिले काम कैसे किया जाता है ।

जब तक आपकी पढाई खत्म हो आपके बैंक में पैसे हो , आपके पास एक स्पिरिंट हो ।

आप चाहो तो एक अच्छी जॉब से शुरू कर पाओ ।

आप चाहो तो पढाई खत्म करते अपना बिजनिस शुरू कर पाओ ।

तो इन ट्वेंटी वन पॉइंट में से आप वही ऑप्शन चूज करोगे जो आपके आज भी काम आए और फ्यूचर में भी काम आए ।

शुरू करते हैं ।

जानते हैं आप को और अपने लिए बेस्ट पिक करना सिर्फ पिछले तीस दिन में यानी की लकडी उनके टाइम पे मेरी कंपनी ने पांच ऐसे लोगों को हायर किया है जो घर बैठे हमारे लिए काम कर रहे हैं ।

हम उनको प्रजेक्ट देते हैं और वो प्रजेक्ट पूरा करते हैं ।

उसके बदले में उनको पैसे देते हैं ।

इस चीज को कहते हैं फ्री लॅा यानी कि आप किसी कंपनी के साथ टाइअप नहीं ।

आप किसी कंपनी के इम्प्लॉई नहीं ।

कंपनी या लोग आपको अप्रोच करते हैं , आपको कम देते हैं ।

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आप काम के बदले में पैसा लेते फ्री लाइन्स इंडस्ट्री दो हजार पच्चीस तक बीस तीस बिलियन डॉलर की होने वाली है ।

इसका स्कोप सोचो और हाँ , उन के बाद ये ऍम और बढेगी क्योंकि बहुत सारी कंपनी पैसा बचाना चाहिए ।

वो फ्री ऍम देना चाहेंगी ।

किसी इम्प्लॉई को हाइर करना , उसकी सीट कॉस्ट , उसके लिए ऑॅफ , उसके लिए खर्चे उससे ज्यादा सस्ता पडता है ।

फ्रीलांसर को कम देना किस चीज की आप फ्री लॅा कर सकते हो ?

कौन सी ऐसी सर्विसिस है जो आप घर बैठे दूसरों को दे सकते हैं ।

उसके बहुत सारे आइडिया आपको इस विडियो के अंदर मिलेंगे ।

फ्रीलांसर कैसे बनना है ?

कौन सी वेबसाइट्स है ये सब भी मैं वीडियोकाॅॅॅन में आपके साथ जरूर शेर करूँगा तो चलते है ।

दूसरी ऑप्शन पे संदीप एक बिजनिस बिल्ड करने की कोशिश कर रहा है ।

कंपनी चलाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं ।

बहुत सारे काम है उसके पास कई मीटिंग अरेंज करनी है ।

कॉल करनी है ।

ऑपरेशनल चीजें मिस हो रही ढंग से मॅन नहीं कर पा रहा ।

नुकसान हो रहा है ।

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आप अपने अंदर कई सारे वर्चुअल असिस्टेंट्स रख सकते हो और फुल फॅस कर सकते हैं ।

अब चलते थर्ड ऑप्शन पे मेरा भाई अवल हो सकता है आप में से कुछ लोग इन को पहचानते हो अगर पहचानते हो तो नीचे फॅसने बताना ।

बहुत से लोग कहते हैं कि हमारी शकल एक जैसी लगती है ।

आपको भी ऐसा लगता है मुझे नहीं लगता तो मुझे जरूर बताना ।

अब अगर जब कॉलेज में थे तो सुबह कॉलेज जाते थे , दोपहर को कॉलेज से आते थे , आते ही खाना खाते थे और वापस चले जाते थे ।

कहाँ वो मुँह देते थे लोगों के घर में जाके उनको कंप्यूटर सिखाते थे ।

मेरी कजिन तनु साइंस में बहुत अच्छी थी ।

वो अपने जूनियर्स को साइंस की टूशन देती थी ।

साइंस सिखाती थी आप भी किसी ऐसी चीज में अच्छे हो जो आप जूनियर को सिखा सकते हो तो आप ऑनलाइन ट्यूशन दे सकते हो ।

मैं आपको ये भी बता दूँ कि अगले पांच साल में ऑनलाइन ॅ केशिन तीन सौ उन्नीस बिलियन डॉलर की मार्किट बनने वाली है ।

हाँ उनके टाइम पे लोगों ने इसको और ऍम क्या ?

ऑनलाइन एजुकेशन एकदम बढिया लोगों ने समझा है की ये कॉस्ट इफेक्टिव है और इसमें बेनिफिट भी ज्यादा है ।

इंडिया में तीस करोड स्टूडेंट्स स्कूल जाते है ।


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