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2023-08-04 12:29:48

How did I improve my English speaking skills _ Tips for English Speaking _ Dr. Vivek Modi

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So in this video , I'm going to share about my ways of improving English fluency .

Before I go into the video , I must say I have no authority on English language as such .

I am not English language trainer .

I'm just sharing my ways which help me in improving my English fluency .

Friends .

I come from a purely Hindi medium background .

It was the first time in my MBB SI was challenged to speak in English .

And before that I have never ever spoken in English .

And my trouble was I could not get right words at the right time .

My fluency was horrible .

I could not make correct sentences on the go .

And though I could understand what people are speaking , what they are writing , I could read it .

Well , I could write it but I could not speak it .

That was my challenge .

So what I did is first , I tried to attend a spoken English course , but it did not help me because in that they were teaching the technical part , the stens active voice , positive voice .

And these are the things which I knew actually did not , it was not my problem .

So I , I gave that up .

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And then I started thinking about , I have to do it myself .

And my first question was to myself , I have I learn Hindi .

Did I learn Hindi ?

Because I went to a class ?

No .

Uh did I learn Hindi ?

Because I attended a course ?

No , I learned Hindi by looking around people by copying people .

So I thought I must , I must take the same approach to learn English speaking as well .

Because as three year or four year old , we all speak our mother tongue fluently .

Then what is , what is that so difficult about English ?

And I soon got my answer .

We have given this undue importance to English .

Some of us actually , the mindset here is that if somebody doesn't know English , he doesn't know anything .

Or if somebody who doesn't know anything , just start speaking English people think he's educated .

This mindset is a problem .

So I thought I have to drop this mindset .

If I commit a mistake in English , it's OK .

Nothing to worry .

English .

Just English is a language .

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And since I'm not born in an English speaking country , I would not know English and it's absolutely fine .

So I became very thick skinned , I decided the next 100 days I'll speak , listen , do everything in English as much as possible .

And if people laugh , I won't mind it .

I'll just ask them after they have laughed that what is my mistake and please correct it .

Now , this happens to most of us that we are unable to try it out in the public with the fear that somebody will laugh .

And this is the biggest attitudinal challenge to learn English language .

Friends .

My suggestion here is please don't mind if people laugh because the process of skill acquiring demands , your ability to fade success .

The cost of success is failure .

And if you deny yourself these attempts , which may be fail in the beginning , you are actually denying yourself the success .

So just start speaking , that is one thing and how do you speak ?

Just look at people , how they are speaking , copy them .

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So I did the same thing .

I started speaking in English with people even though they laughed .

I was just very conscious about how I was speaking .

I was very keenly observing people around me .

What they spoke in every situation .

Number two , what I did is I tried to learn sentences sentences situationally like if I go to a movie and if I come back from a movie , if I have to speak about movie , how would I speak ?

So this is situational a situation .

So I used to learn sentences related to it .

OK .

So like that in a day to day routine , we have few situations , talking to friends in the canteen , asking a question to the professor , giving an answer to the friend while playing cricket .

You talk certain things .

These are routine things which we indulge into on day to day basis .

So when I started thinking situationally , what I did is I simply copied the sentences , which others were speaking and which I thought was speaking very well .

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And I copied not only the sentences , even the pronunciation , the style of speaking , because it's very important when you speak , the pronunciation is correct .

Otherwise you do not have that effect , then I , I also would suggest here one thing is stop learning words , start learning sentences , full sentences .

Now , some of you may say that .

What about my grammar ?

What about other technical parts ?

Now , here my question is , do you know about grammar of your mother tongue ?

Now , beyond subjects and schools and college , we don't actually know about the grammar , grammar part of our mother tongue , but still we speak fairly well .

So here , my suggestion is don't bother much about when it comes to speaking part of English .

Don't bother much about grammar just in the initial phase .

Collect enough number of correct sentences .

OK .

Now here , the important part is correct sentences because many of the people get into the habit of uh OK .

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It goes on even if the sentence is half spoken and people understand the the meaning .

Uh how does it matter to speak properly or not ?

No , that will that approach will not let you learn properly .

The approach should be I learn complete sentences situationally .

What I did is I made I made a good plan 3 to 5 sentence every day .

And how do I select the sentence ?

Those sentences which are usable gets the first priority , get the first priority .

OK ?

Not high sounding sophisticated sentences , but those sentences which are usable , they got the first priority .

And because of that , I could easily get 3 to 5 sentences every day .

And then I tried to use it as much as possible .

Now , here I had a proper plan because skill doesn't come without practicing .

OK ?

It requires a proper tuning of your mind repeatedly .

You have to go through the process , then it becomes a reflex in your mind .

And speaking is it comes as a reflex .

I mean , you don't have to think .

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So , what I created is I created a five point revision plan for day to day basis every morning after getting up , I try to like within myself , I , I try to repeat the five sentences .

I try to imagine the situations in which I will use it .

I did similar things before breakfast .

So when breakfast is being served , we are all sitting , my friend is there with me .

I'll just talk these five sentences to him or her .

And then I will ask , am I pronouncing correctly ?

Is it correct way to use it ?

And they will reply ?

And I didn't mind if , even if they laughed , OK .

And same thing I did before lunch and then before dinner and then night time before sleeping .

So like that five points revision five points to revise everything I I created .

Then I used to do a weekly revision as well .

And this gave me enough collection of good sentences .

And what I believe is once you have 2 to 300 of decent sentence sentences in your mind , it makes your life very easy .

So that actually helped me a lot within two weeks .

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In fact , people told your English speaking has improved so much and that gave me even more confidence and my learning became fast .

Now , here comes the third part .

I also used to listen to this all India radio news , morning and evening , Hindi and English .

So morning , I believe 8 to 8 15 and then 8 15 to 8 31 in Hindi .

But in English , in the same thing used to happen in English in the evening , uh 8 45 to 9 and 9 to 9 15 .

I don't know if it happens even today .

So I used to listen the news because news anchors are one of the most authentic people when it comes to pronunciation because that's what their job profile requires .

So what I used to do is I used to listen them very carefully .

Now it helped me in two ways .

Number one , it improved my knowledge of current affairs and when it improves your knowledge about current affairs , more you create more situations to talk , to engage with people .

OK .

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So if anybody is talking about anything which is happening in , in current affairs , you are likely to engage and when you engage more , you speak more , you're giving yourself an opportunity to speak .

And this in turn helps you in , in , in developing your expression power and developing your communication skill .

And I did everything in English .

So it helped me a lot .

Uh Apart from that , I used website like vocabulary dot com , of course , that's later .

Not that time .

Uh I used a website called Voice of America , which is again a news portal .

So there was a English learning section in that uh what they did is they , they , the news anchor there reads the news in a very slow pace and there's a text key one .

So you can simply read the text me and the listen the pronunciation carefully .

So what I used to do is I did it for a few weeks .

I used to take one news a week and I used to repeat it for seven days .

So I used to record the news in my , in my work man .

I used to listen to the same news again and again in loops .

So what happened ?

It internalized a few words .

OK .

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And you clearly understand the pronunciation like that pronunciation of that .

So this I believe helped me a lot .

OK .

So I think after this , within two weeks , once I became comfortable , people started recognizing it was , it was never a problem for me .

And today , even after coming from the only Hindi medium background .

I take seminars across India .

Majority of my work is in English and I talk to all , all type of people .

They are all very highly educated audience .

Some of them are holding very high positions and it , it , it doesn't actually uh it , it , it has never bothered me much about my language .

Now , of course , writing is still I I need to improve .

I'm writing a book and uh I'm trying to improve my writing skills as well .

Spelling is a big challenge for me even today .

But thanks to the technology today , the spell checkers take care , take care of it .

So this is how I learn my English .

OK .

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So here are a very quick recap summary .

Number one shared off this shared of this uh this idea or giving this exotic status to a language .

If you don't know English , it's fine .

It's just a language .

Give it only that much respect like another language .

Is it important ?

Is it necessary ?

That's another discussion .

I will do it in some other video .

Uh I , I believe it is it is overrated language anyway .

Now , second thing start talking in English as much as possible at every part , start listening , watching television interviews , uh real life situations related things , more and more you watch things in which you can use uh your , your phrases , what you listen , the more it will help you .

Number three , create a stop learning words start learning sentences .

Number four , create a reason plan of your own and try to implement it .

Try to practice everything uh every day .

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Uh Number five , use social media , radio technology , your mobile apps , whatever you can use to improve your English currency .

I think if you try out these things , it just takes 2 to 3 weeks max one month to become comfortable with the language .

And once you become comfortable , it requires only that , that much to , to take away your fear .

Once you become comfortable , then it's of course , it's a process uh lifelong process of learning your language .

So I hope you like this video .

I hope this will , this will be helpful for you .

And uh please let me know about your your views .

Uh Was it helpful ?

And I intend to bring more and more youtube content on the things in which I train people ?

So basically , I train people on emotional intelligence or leadership on wellness since I'm a doctor and also on public speaking , I'll be bringing a lot more videos to you .

So stay connected .

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Please subscribe to this channel and do share .

Thank you so much for being with me .

See you .


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