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2023-08-03 15:46:07

How to Create a Media Kit (GET MORE BRAND DEALS!)

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What's up everyone ?

Welcome back to my channel .

The best place for new coaches , content creators and entrepreneurs in today's video .

You'll notice that the setting is a little bit different because I'm about to share my screen and show you step by step what my media kit looks like and what I think you should include in your media kit so that you can secure more brand deals .

Now , before we dive into this video , I do want to say that it doesn't matter how beautiful your media kit is what you put inside your media kit .

If you are someone who doesn't know how to pitch , how to sell , how to position yourself , and most importantly , how to communicate your value to the brands that you're reaching out to , to compel them to even click on your media kit .

Then there's really no point in watching this video .

So that's why do yourself a favor .

And after this video , watch this video that I have here .

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If you haven't already , this video is super juicy and it's gonna teach you how exactly you can communicate with these brands so that they're more willing to actually work with you So make sure not only do you watch this video but you watch this one as well .

Now , before we begin on top of all that , something that we do here on this channel is we love to show people out .

So let's dive into those shout outs first before we dive into this week's awesome video .

We want to shout out the comment and youtube channel of the week .

Thank you so much for leaving these kind messages on to last week's video .

Not only this , we also want to shout out the Instagram story and profile of the week as well .

Thank you again for shouting out our videos .

Now , if you're watching this and you're wondering how can I get featured in the next video ?

It's very simple .

Number one , you could either leave a comment below on this video or you can take a picture of this video and share it with your audience on Instagram .

Just don't forget to tag me now with that out of the way .

Let's just dive right into this week's video .

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All right , welcome back .

So I want to show you my can because a lot of people ask me , where do you create your media kit ?

How did you make your media kit ?

I want to quickly show you that you can do it for free on canvas .

So simply clicking here and typing in media kit , you'll be able to access a couple of templates that you can use .

So for me personally , when I created my media kit , I used can and I actually my media kit off of this template right here .

So that's the first thing that you want to make sure that you have is a media kit template .

And again , you can do it for free on can .

All right .

So once you've figured out what template that you might want to use on can , the next thing that you want to do is you want to have a summary page .

Now , this is a page that I put as the first page of my media kit .

I'm not wasting the brand's time by just putting a photo of myself and my name already on the first page .

I want them to know exactly who I am and what I do and all of my platform links .

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So as you can see here , I have my three titles or what I associate myself with .

So I'm an entrepreneur , a business coach and a content creator .

And then I've got my bio .

So this is a really quick blurb about who I am .

A very quick summary .

And then I've got all of my platform links that they can easily access if they want to .

Finally , I also kind of put a disclaimer saying that all the statistics that I'm about to show in this media kit are 100% organic with zero paid efforts .

And that's just something that I wanted to do to really showcase how impressive some of my stats really are and to make it clear to the brands that all the stats that I'm showing them are from organic efforts and I didn't pay for any of the traffic that I received .

Now , if you're an influencer or you're someone who has used paid traffic , that's totally fine .

There's nothing wrong with that .

But if you're someone who hasn't , it's kind of cool to be able to highlight that to a brand because that to a brand may seem a lot more impressive .

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Now , after you've added your one page summary , that includes a very high level bio .

The next thing that you want to consider adding into your media kit is as much data as possible .

So let me give you a quick example of what I'm talking about .

So as you scroll through my media kit , you'll notice that I'm already showing a lot of the data when it comes to my youtube channel .

Not only am I including how many subscribers views and impressions that I have , but also being very detailed and letting them know how many monthly video views I have , how many monthly new subscribers I have .

And by the way , these are stats that you can easily pull from in your youtube analytics or on Social Blade .

And I highly recommend that you actually show your receipts actually screenshot a lot of that data so that the brands know that you didn't just make these numbers up and that these numbers are in fact real .

So as you can see over here , I just quickly screens shotted my 2019 channel analytics .

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Now , obviously my media kit is pretty old , so I should probably update this .

So for you , I wouldn't necessarily use 2019 data .

I would actually use the most recent data that you have maybe in the span of the last three months or so .

Not only this , I'm also giving the brand more context .

I'm actually adding how active I have been on my youtube channel .

And since when did I have my channel four ?

So I write , I've been active since July 25 20 team and I upload every Sunday at 9 a.m. This is going to be really important for the brands to know because they obviously want to work with influencers that are a lot more active and they love to know and understand the frequency of how much you post on your social .

So that's just a really quick bonus tip for you , especially if you are someone who has an upload schedule .

But anyways back to my point about including as much social media data as possible as you go through my media kit .

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You'll see that I even go as far as adding my social blade snapshot to really show the brand that I'm not lying and look at my stats , look at how many video views that I get every single week , every single month , as well as my daily averages because guess what a brand will already be looking at your Social blade .

So I'm just simply making it easier for them by screens shotting the stats for them .

And as you can see , I do the exact same thing with my other platforms as well .

You'll see this for my Instagram where I include the followers , the engagement rates , the average likes that I get the weekly profile visits , the monthly followers and again , also the frequency of how much I post .

So you'll see here that I do daily Instagram stories and I do two times a week of posting minimum .

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Not only this , here is another bonus tip for you as you're sharing a lot of the analytics and a lot of the stats that you have for your social media platforms , something that you also want to consider doing is marking .

So for example , here , I'm telling the brand that I have about a 7% engagement rate and I put an asterisk right beside it .

And the reason why I want to do this is because I want them to know that the average engagement rate for an account , my size is around 3 to 4% .

This is highlighting to the brands that even though 7% doesn't sound like a lot , it's actually really , really impressive compared to other accounts , my size .

So if you have any stats that you already know , are super impressive .

I highly recommend that you include that in your media kit as well .

So you can educate these brands on why they should really work with you and why your stats are impressive .

And again , to kick things up a notch .

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I'm also really diving deep into my analytics to really showcase my stats to the brand and also including all of the screenshots .

So here are my Instagram statistics .

I'm telling the brand how much reach I get every week , how many views on average I get per story , how many impressions , how many reach per post and you can easily find this on your analytics within the Instagram platform .

So I'm going to show a quick tutorial on how you can do that here .

So as you can see , you're able to actually access this and filter through your post , your stories , everything that you need so that you can screenshot it and include it into your media kit .

The more data that you can present , the more proof that you can present the better because that's gonna allow the brand to really buy into you and make it a no brainer to want to work with you .

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Because the problem that a lot of brands face is a lot of influencers tend to lie about their stats and that's why a lot of brands have a lot of mistrust and skepticism when it comes to new influencers that they haven't worked with before So I always try to build that trust with the brand by including as much data as possible and as many screenshots as possible as well .

Now , on top of including all of your social media stats and including all the screenshots to prove of it .

The next tip that I have for you is to make sure you dive deep on who your audience is for each of your platforms .

So as you can see here , this is a page that I've included within the youtube section .

So as you can see here , it's my youtube statistics , my social blade snapshot and then my youtube demographic .

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This is where I really dive deep into who my audience really is because as I mentioned in this video right here , brands don't care about you as the influencer , they care more about who your audience is because at the end of the day , they're working with you in order to tap into your audience .

And the more you're able to describe your audience , the more that you can help the brands understand whether or not you'd be a good fit to work with together .

And so for example , for youtube , I explained to the brands that my youtube audience is a unisex North American based age 18 or 35 interested to learn more about entrepreneurship , social media and online marketing .

These people tend to be college educated millennials who want to leave their corporate jobs and pursue a new era of digital entrepreneurship .

They've been working in their full time jobs for at least 1 to 2 years and are very social media savvy .

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Hey , everyone .

Thank you for visiting Fire TV , Richie and if you are on my youtube channel , please do not forget to subscribe and to share with your friends .

Um Also if you want to get every single video , all my newest updates and all that kind of stuff sent to your inbox .

If you subscribe , you'll get uh a summary of my updates .

You , you might not get every single video sent to your inbox .

But uh if you want every single one of them right next to the subscribe button , click on the little uh it's a little bell .

Um It's a notification button .

You click on that right next to the subscribe button and you will get every single video right to your inbox and to your email and also on youtube .

Uh if you haven't already visit my website at fire at uh www dot fire TV , Richie with an IE and not A Y that's Richie with an IE not A Y dot com .

OK ?

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So other channels that my audience subscribes to is Dan Lock , Sunny Leonard , Dozy and Jade , Darma Waza .

And the reason why I've included this is because I want the brand to really paint the picture of where to slot me .

OK ?

So if I'm able to share with them other related channels .

It's gonna be a lot easier for them to understand what category that I fit in .

And again , going back to my other tip before I'm also backing up my claims with the screenshot .

So you can see that I'm not lying on youtube .

The gender split is pretty much 50% .

So 50% males and 50% female .

And if you zoom in on the age range , you can see that between 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 is pretty much an even split .

So by doing this , this really helps the brand understand who my audience is .

It helps them paint a really clear picture .

And as you can see , I've also included the top countries that my audience is in as well .

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For this video , this video is going to be a simple how to video on how to start an Amazon account , which is very , very easy .

The video is actually going to take a lot longer than actually starting an account yourself .

But bear with me because there are people that are coming from two different backgrounds with the Amazon account .

Some people already have an Amazon account .

Some people do not have an Amazon account and a little bit of information that you might need , just want to cover all bases .

So for those of you who already have an Amazon account , why do you want to start a new one ?

Uh There's several different reasons why .

But the biggest one , the biggest reason why is that , uh if you have Children or something like that , you don't want them to be able to click on things inside of your Amazon fire TV stick or fire TV box and add an app that cost money and charges your credit card if you have kids that will happen .

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Come here and make this Amazon account , ok ?

And this is how you do it go to Amazon dot com or www dot amazon dot com .

If you already have an account with Amazon , you're probably gonna be logged in or it'll recognize your computer and uh it'll say , uh it'll , it'll say hello and whatever your name is .

So if that's , you just go ahead and hover over over this little uh notification bar or this little menu option right here , scroll down a little bit and right here it'll say not .

And then your name , click on , sign out and it'll take you to this page and you just click on create an Amazon account for those of you who do not have an Amazon account at all and you come to Amazon , it'll look just like this except it won't say hello , Flintstones or whatever like that .

Uh Flintstones is the demo name that I'm using .

You'll just say hello , sign in .

So brand new customers never been to Amazon or anything .

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You just come here uh hover over this will say sign in or new customer .

Click on new customer start here , click on start here it take you to the same place .

It took the uh the last uh customer and you just put a name in there .

And for this demo , I am Fred Flintstone .

I'm not even sure how you spell his name and you put your email address in there .

If you do not have an email address uh very easy , you can just go to yahoo dot com .

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Click on sign in and then where it says do not have an account , click sign up , put your name , you don't have to put your real name in there , put an email address in there that you like a password that you like and a telephone number , uh a mobile phone .

It's gonna send you a text with a password and it's gonna ask you as soon as you click on continue , it's gonna ask for uh the password that was text to you .

So you put that in there .

You're all good .

So uh that's how you start a uh uh uh email address .

You can do that with Gmail or anything either .

So you put your email address in here .

I've got mine as Fred de demo TV at gmail dot com .

And just put your password in there .

It needs to be at least six characters long as of this , the time that I'm making this video , it's doesn't need to have periods or punctuation or anything like that .

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And I purposely put the wrong password in there .

So you can see what happens when you put the wrong password in .

It says passwords must match .

So make sure the first password is the same as the second one .

My suggestion is to go ahead and delete the first one and put it in there again just in case your first password was incorrect .

Click on create your Amazon account and that's it .

You're done .

You can sign into your fire TV stick right now .

My suggestion is to go not the extra mile because it's really not gonna take that much time , but just do a little extra and hover over hello Fred or whatever your name is that you put in there and click on your account and scroll down to one click settings , click on , enter new email address , which is right here .

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You can either click on , use my original address , but I'll just go ahead and do the suggested address .

Click on save and add payment method .

If you put the right address in there , you don't have to do any of that kind of stuff .

So don't worry about that .

Uh Now it's gonna ask you to put a credit card in there .

Do not put one in there unless you really want one .

My suggestion is to just come back over here , click hover over hello Fred accounts and list , click on uh or whatever your name is .

Click on your account again , go back down to one click settings again , click on it and then you're gonna wanna click on , turn on right over here .

One click status , click on , turn on .

If you did it right , you'll get a check mark right here .

It says you've modified one click ordering for this browser , ok ?

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The reason why you want to do this is because if you just create the account and you sign into your fire TV stick .

Even though you don't want to buy any apps , there might be some free apps on there that you do want .

And it's still not gonna let you do that until you have one click settings turned on .

So a lot of people make their account and they're emailing me telling me , hey , I can't get into this .

I can't add this , this , this or this and I tell them you have to turn on one click settings .

I even made a different video and um they didn't figure that out this way .

So I'm making a new video and showing me exactly how to do it .

And uh now you can add any free app that's on there for free and there's no credit card in there .

So you don't have to worry about your Children adding uh an app that cost you money or you accidentally adding the app yourself .

So that is a wrap for this video .

I hope you understood it .

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If you got any questions , leave a comment in the comment section on in my youtube channel or in the forum , comment section of my website , um , or contact me directly through my website .

All right .

Take care .

God bless .

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So another pro tip that I want to share with you , that's something that I do is I make sure that I'm super clear that I am not personally responsible for boosting any posts you'll notice is some brands they might tell you to boost the post and that might come from the influencer pocket .

And so I make it really clear that if you want to boost any post , if you want to put any paid advertising behind any of these efforts that I've done for you , that needs to come out of the brand pocket .

So that's just one really pro tip that I want to share with you that you can definitely include in your media kit as well to make it super clear .

And if you don't put it on your media kit at least make sure that that's in your contract that you signed with the brand .

So as you can see guys , this is my media kit at a bird's eye view .

It's very easy to put together .

You just need to take that action and to actually show the brands that you're serious .

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Show the brands that you are data driven , you have the receipts to show for and that you know exactly what you're talking about .

This media kit has served me really well .

And I believe that I do it very differently from what other influencers may do .

But the reason why I do it this way is because I used to be on the other side , I used to be a brand manager .

I used to do pr and so I was the person that was looking at influencers media kits and I have to be honest with you , a lot of influencers don't necessarily do it right .

And they aren't data driven enough .

And so I created this media kit based off of what I would have liked to see when I was working on the other side as the person that was choosing which influencers to work with .

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So again , if you want to learn more about my strategies on how to get more brand deals , make sure you watch this video as well because what I showed you today is great , but it's not gonna work if you don't watch this video and learn how you can position pitch and communicate to the brands so that they're even interested to open up your media kit .

Anyways , I hope that you guys enjoyed today's video before you leave .

Something I also want to let you know about is we recently launched a podcast called Turn your followers into clients .

So if you're interested in diving deep into more of the business strategy of things , definitely check out this podcast .

I promise you won't regret it .

Now , as you wait for next week's video , I post a lot of videos on entrepreneurship , social media and online coaching .

So definitely make sure you check out these two videos that I have here as well as always guys , I appreciate you .

I hope you guys have a great day , a great week and a great life and I'll see you in the next video .

Bye guys .


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