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2023-08-03 15:23:49

I Tried Using ChatGPT To Earn $6,147 In Just 1 Week

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Today , I'm gonna use chat GP TA I to try to make $6147 in just one week .

See , I couldn't help but notice recently a huge influx of videos on youtube talking about how to use chat GP T to make money .

And most of these video tutorials seem to involve using chat GP T to generate either blog posts or video scripts and then posting them online and earning money from ads and recommending affiliate products in them .

Now , admittedly , I'm going into this experiment a bit skeptical .

My personal experience was a I is that when it tries to be written coffee like blog posts or scripts , it turns out to be terrible because it's very clear that it was written by a robot and not by a human .

But I decided to set aside my skepticism and give it a go .

I went on to youtube and scrolled through the tutorials and chose one that looks interesting .

This is the one I picked for this experiment .

It has over 300,000 views and 18,000 likes .

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It's a simple and theory use their process that they have created for generating blog posts with chat GP T that will pass a human writer check and not be identified as an A I article .

And then after that , you come to medium and to Cora and you post your blog posts on the app .

When you do , you add an affiliate links to products in your blog article and then you'll get traffic to your blog posts from internal traffic and search engines .

And according to the video , the guy that made this tutorial got fantastic results .

The title that he got $6147 within seven days .

And that he got thousands of clicks on his affiliate links on Cora and I gained thousands of clicks on my affiliate links if you want to make $2000 to $3000 per week by doing only one hour work a day friends .

So will this make sense ?

Right .

At least I think so .

Anyway , I guess we'll find out once we actually try the experiment for ourselves .

Now , for the this experiment , I have gone with the affiliate niche dogs .

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I picked dogs because as my longtime subscribers know , I absolutely adore dogs , including my little dog , Go Starbuck .

So I went to click bank a big affiliate program directory and click the dog training affiliate program with the highest gravity saying that an affiliate offer has a high gravity is basically the same way as saying that it converts highly .

And this is what I found , it looks interesting .

We'll keep promoting this offer .

A go .

Alright .

So it is 12 p.m. right now I'm gonna do this for four hours .

I've picked four hours for this experiment because realistically , I find that most people who are working on a side hustle either in the evenings after work or on the weekends usually have about four hours in a day to work on it .

So we'll see how many articles I create and then we'll come back in a week and we'll see how much money that they made .

Ok .

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So the very first thing the video told me to do was to come to an online sco tool , H super tools and use this to find low competition keywords to then put into chat GP T to generate blog title ideas .

So I came to the site they recommended and honestly , it's not good .

Hm .

It is the very first part of following this tutorial .

And I have already hit a snag because this website they're recommending does not look like something .

I want to hand my private information to .

They have no information about who they are on their website .

There's not even an about us page .

Ok .

So I actually had a pretty good idea .

I thought , why don't I put this one website into similar web first to check it out before I go ahead and give them my personal information .

And I am really glad that I did because it looks like this website has only been active since November .

So honestly , I don't trust this website .

I'm not willing to give them my personal information .

So I substitute in a different seo website that I trusted em brush .

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I use the keyword tool to find related keywords with an easy ranking sem Rush isn't free , but it is a legitimate trustworthy SEO app that does have a free seven day trial if you'd like to try it out next , they came back to chat GP T and typed in the recommended command to generate some blog type of titles .

It did it within seconds .

I had to switch laptops by the way because my other one died .

But anyway , honestly , a lot of these are actually pretty good in the past .

I would have just expected A I to come up with very boring but descriptive titles .

But some of these have some pretty creative touches that really surprised me .

Like for example , I would have expected something like title number six .

How To Potty Train a German shepherd puppy , common mistakes to avoid just a really descriptive title like that .

Not something like from Puddles to the Potty .

That's quite creative in saying that though , I think I'm gonna stick with one of the more boring descriptive titles so that the A I doesn't get confused when it's making the blog post .

So I'm gonna go with patience and consistency .

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Keys to Potty training your German Shepherd puppy .

Alright .

So next up , the youtube tutorial said to go use chat GP to generate a blog outline .

So that's exactly what I did .

I typed in a specific command that it said to use to turn this title into a blog outline .

It took a bit longer to do this about 30 seconds , but it was still really fast .

This is the full blog outline that it generated for me .

So my thoughts on this .

OK .

So honestly , I am fairly impressed because uh in the world of potty training and dog psychology , there used to be a lot of recommendations about using punishment , how we've over time that has changed .

And now positive reinforcement is what is recommended only .

And so the A I has had to sift through older information , older articles and newer ones to figure out uh what it would recommend for a blog outline and it's done a really good job .

OK .

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So in the next part of this tutorial , it says to use chat GP T to turn this into a written blog post .

The way that it told me to do that was to use this prompt to take each outline section and then ask chat GP T to turn it into a series of blog paragraphs .

Then you just take each of the paragraphs and then combine them together in a separate word document and then boom , you have your full linked blog post .

It was easy and it didn't take long , but it was a bit more time consuming .

It took about 5 to 10 minutes .

And I've got to be honest , it's extremely bland and that was something that I feared would happen .

And it has so the reason why I think it's very bland is because it's very descriptive , but it doesn't give examples and it doesn't give stories .

So I think a really interesting , uh , part of it here is when it's talking about distractions , distractions , German Shepherd puppies are easily distracted and it can be difficult to get them to focus on potty training .

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Well , a really engaging blog article would be one that would give examples of the types of things that uh they get distracted by , that they get distracted by the wind or they get distracted by noises .

Instead this doesn't give any examples at all .

It's just extremely bland and actually out of interest .

I decided to put this into an A I detector to see if it would figure out that it was written by A I and yes , it says that it's obviously an A I .

So while that's not so great and that this is very clearly robotic , boring text .

That's ok because the tutorial video is still not over because it has an extra additional trick it tells you to do to have your blog post passed an A I checker .

What it told me to do was to now go to a second website .

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Duple checker and to copy and paste my chat GP T article into the free paraphrasing tool to get this website to rewrite it so that it would pass an A I checker .

So I went in and I copied the rewritten article and I pasted it into the A I checker , right ?

And it came back with an incredible score , 99% most likely written by a human .

So in theory , that's great , right ?

The problem is that this article is now trash and when I say trash , I mean that it's just straight up unreadable by remaining case and harmonious , you can achieve a successful outgrowth and enjoy the benefits of having a well trained biddable puppy dog that doesn't read like English .

OK .

So I don't wanna be mean because the New Zealand way is to be chill and to not judge .

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But honestly , I'm a little bit surprised that the original video has 18,000 likes on it because if you watch the video back , you can see that the article that Duple Chick had generated for them was also unreadable .

Did none of these 18,000 people that like the video actually read the generated article that it shows in the tutorial video ?

Ok .

I'm honestly really confused and I don't know what to do .

Like should I post this ?

Like it is literally unreadable .

Like what would you do ?

Let me know in the comments on one hand , I want to complete the experiment as it is .

But on the other hand , I want to see if chat GP T articles can be used to make money .

The problem here though is that if these articles do not work , I don't think that you can blame chat GP .

T I think you'd have to blame Duple Checker .

Ok .

So I think that I've come up with an idea , I'm going to alternate .

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So , what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna post this article as is .

But then for the next one , I'm going to generate it just using chat GP T and then I'll go back to using the way that this tutorial video taught and so on .

So the video said to now head over to medium and post it there .

So that's what I did .

I went to a medium and I created a new blog post .

I then copied the blog post as is just like the video told me to do .

I tried to go through and add paragraphs as the blog post had now been converted into one single block of ticks by Duple Chia .

But it was so unreadable with in grammar and spelling mistakes that it was honestly a nightmare .

And I also added in an like the tutorial said to do and I added in a keyword into the image alt text .

After that , I then added in five different keyword topic tags as the tutorial video said to do .

And then I published it next up the video told me to post it on Cora .

And so that's what I did .

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I went to Cora and I created a new post and I submitted my article as is to the website .

Alright .

It's up on Korra just we're gonna see how it goes .

Now that actually ended up taking me a lot longer than I expected .

It took me about an hour and a half to get that life , I think though , that it always takes you longer the first time that you do something .

So I'm just gonna put my head down and I'm gonna work really hard for the next few hours and see how many I can get through .

So I went there to more articles with chat GP T it was admittedly pretty dull work .

So I watched out of video game speed runs while I did it to keep myself entertained .

Unfortunately , I only made five articles before chat GP T kicked me off for doing too many prompts too fast .

Something the tutorial video did not warn me about .

Oh , well , I managed to post three articles edited by Julie Chia and two articles that I wrote just for Chat GP T .

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So then let's now come back in a week and see how much money I actually made .

Alright , so we're back .

It's been a week , let's see how much money I've made .

So I check Cora and my posts have been deleted .

Yep .

I'm not sure if my posts were classified as spam because of how they were written with chat GP T or if it's because it turns out affiliate links are banned by Cora .

So considering that the guy in the video said that he gets a lot of traffic from Cora to his affiliate links .

I don't know how he's doing that honestly .

Ok .

So that was Cora , what about me ?

Well , my posts weren't taken down , which is a plus but they've had no views .

Nope , no views to the articles that use the weird rewriting tool with the video recommended and no views to just the chat GP T articles .

So that was less good .

I think that you can get much better results from chat GP T if you use a more complicated prompt , like asking it to write blog posts in a chatty style , I think that the blog posts that creates from that are a lot more engaging .

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So in total , I made no money .

Oh , well , I'll see you in the next video .


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