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2023-08-03 15:37:44

12 Ways To Make Money Online With Wordpress and Work From Home!

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Let's talk about how you can make money online with wordpress .

And this video , I'll be going over 10 different ways on how you can make money .

Just with the simple knowledge of knowing how to make websites with wordpress .

And for those of you who don't know how to make websites with wordpress yet , go watch one of my videos .

It's a free video .

You come back with a skill that you can start making tons of money with .

It's very simple , everyone's doing it .

So let's talk about the 10 different ways based on how you can start making money .

Number one and the most obvious one obviously is starting your own web design business .

Now , with your own website business , you can start charging your own prices , you can start adding seo packages , recurring stuff , payment plans , security options , all sorts of really cool stuff .

You can start charging clients for uh on your web design business .

Now , I actually have a full tutorial on how you can actually market your web design business once you start it .

So go watch my video , learn how to use Word Press .

And actually once you have the skill of it and you're confident on it .

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I'll be showing you a video on how you can properly market your web design business to get more clients and to make more money .

That will be in the description below as well .

Uh I'm editing it right now so it's not up but it will be up probably like a few days from when this video is released .

So it'll be up there .

I swear .

Uh Next is starting an e-commerce business with wordpress .

Now , I bet you're thinking , I don't know what to sell .

Dare .

I don't have anything to sell .

Yes , you do .

Yes .

You have a lot of stuff to sell .

Go to ali alibaba dot com .

Pick a product , you know , right here , pick a eye cream right here , you know , $2 .

You know , I wanna show you something really , really interesting that you're just gonna drop your mouth like , oh , watch this .

We have this product right here .

We got this product right here , right .

This product right here is being sold for $3 .

$3 .

Guess what happens if I type in Dark Circle Cream on Amazon ?

Guess what comes up as number one and Ali Express product , which they're selling it for $23.95 .

You can just buy it on their website right here for $3.38 .

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Now , I'm not trying to tell you like , oh , just , uh , you know , this guy got lucky or something like that or I'm not saying the product is bad .

I'm just saying that there's ways to make money online simply by just buying it right here and selling it right here .

I mean , this is physical proof .

So what you can do on your website is just sell those same products , you know , take this product right here , put on your website for 40 bucks and then give it a nice , really nice uh change the , change the logo , change the brand and then there you go , you got a whole new thing , you know , and for people that think that it's cheating or something , it's not , I mean , look at Dr Dre Beats .

Dr Dre Beats , you can find on Alibaba for like 20 bucks as a different brand .

It's just all brand , that's all it is .

So , uh that's just an example of what you can do .

So , uh starting an e-commerce business , go to Ali Express , go to Alibaba , pick a product , pick a niche and then start your own e-commerce websites .

I do have a full tutorial on e-commerce websites in the description below as well for free .

If you want to go ahead and learn how to do that but not , not entirely for free .

The theme costs like 40 bucks , but after that , you can do whatever you want .

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So , uh number three is a digital service .

Sell an ebook , sell cooking instructions , sell , I don't know , whatever ebooks or digital products you want to sell .

Now , digital products are a great way to make money because they self replicate .

There's no shipping , there's no taxes , at least in California there's no taxes , there's no , there's no product inventory .

You don't have to have a warehouse , everything is digital .

So it's an extremely valuable uh product and , and , and convenient way to make money .

So here you can see that , um , this is just a demo website obviously that , you know , we're selling icons , graphics , uh plugins a product , but you can sell cooking stuff , you can sell uh if you want to draw something , you're really good at drawing , uh graphic art .

Anything you could possibly think of , you can go ahead and sell it as a digital service and I will be having a tutorial for this specific downloadable website in the description below as well .

No experience required .

Very simple to use , very simple to set up .

And this is actually a free theme .

So it's , it's uh it's actually free .

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Next is creating a Wordpress product .

So you can go to various websites , you know , and actually make your own wordpress plug-in or wordpress theme and charge money for it .

And various companies , Aspen Group Studios , uh Divi Life Divi Cake , uh Elegant marketplace .

B Super Fly .

All these companies out here simply just create child themes and plugins for wordpress and they just sell them .

And the great part about wordpress in general is that there's a as a subscription .

So whenever you buy something , all of the modules or the model is that they are on a annual subscription and that you have to pay every single year .

Now , the reason why they do that is because they have to provide updates for the plug in mostly support as well .

But the most important part is the updates .

So with that regard that these companies are all getting a recurring uh annual uh money for all of these products , which is really cool .

So that's just another great way of how you can do it .

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Now , I'll be giving you a resource on how you can actually learn how to create custom plugins and custom stuff as well in case you , you have no experience and you're not a developer but that will require development .

So it's not something like drag and drop .

You will need to , you will need to learn how to use development or learn developments regarding , I mean , I don't know whether they use Ruby on Rails or , or javascript or whatever .

Uh I'll talk more about that as we go on next is creating courses .

Why don't you go ahead and create a course ?

If you know how to do something , people out there are willing to pay money for it .

WP Gears is another website where you can actually learn how to , you know , once you learn how to use wordpress , they kind of go over the INS and outs .

There's like , they have like a 48 hour course or it's like a , it's like a four week course or something like that and they show people start to finish .

So getting your first client how to get clients , how to make sales , how to do this , how to do that .

They go over the entire process because these guys actually used to build websites for clients for a few years .

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They actually started moving over to the developments and now they're selling courses on how you can actually learn how to or basically everything they went through , you know , because clients are crazy man , you go , you get , you get clients out there .

I mean , I've had a few clients where , you know , they'll , they'll try to charge you back or they'll , you know , they'll want this , they want the next Amazon website for free .

It's people are crazy out there .

So you wanna make sure you get the right clients and uh for those of you interested in taking this specific course , I do have a coupon code in the description below .

I took the course , I liked it and if you want to go and take it , uh there is a discount below as well .

Next is creating templates .

Now , this website right here specializes in creating templates .

So once you know how to actually use the divi theme or element or , or , or whatever page beer you're using , you actually can make templates for it and sell those designs and tons of companies out there do this , you know , uh , elegant marketplace .

Uh tons of them .

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I mean , they're , they're , they're out there , you know , in fact , today , when people actually make themes , they're more concerned on the demos than actual the theme itself .

And that's very true because if you go to various websites , like in vital markets , all the theme companies do is talk about , uh , you get 50 100 demos or 10,000 demos , you know , and people are like , yeah , the demos because it's easy for them to make websites for their clients then , right ?

But uh this is just an example of people that are making demos just for their um for their customers .

So uh Crocker blocks , you can go ahead and check them out as well .

Uh The link is below if you want to check them out .

But um generally , I think that uh selling templates is a , is , is a little , getting a little more competitive because there are more and more companies that are selling templates .

I'm sorry , not selling them but are giving them away for free .

So that is something that I don't personally like , but that's just how it goes in the wordpress community .

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Uh Next is affiliate websites now , affiliate websites is the number one most popular way to make money online whenever you see those guys on youtube where they're driving a Lamborghini and they got all the hot girls around them and , oh , bro , I only made , I made $50 million in a week , you know , all that bullshit .

You know , that is all affiliate market marketing .

So affiliate marketing is a real market .

But those guys teaching it probably never did it because if they really that successful they wouldn't be quitting and selling courses .

Like , right , like , like what they think he's stupid , you know ?

But anyways , this is an example of a website , an affiliate website that I personally used and bought something .

So I'm going to Norway in a month and I wanted to go ahead and find out the best places to go in Norway .

Now , I went to this website and there was this booking section where it took me to a website that actually booked services for people who want to slay .

Um I'm sorry , go slaying , like not killing , but actually writing a reindeer and also the dogs , you know , in the snow in the Northern lights .

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So I went to this blog , I , I purchased something and this website probably made a commission off me .

They probably made a , a percentage as well .

Now , if you're looking on how to actually find a product to promote , there's a website called Click Bank .

And you can go over here and say , ok , what , what am I interested in ?

Um , health and fitness ?

You know , that's actually a very big market is the health and fitness because , uh myself , I'm trying to lose weight and , you know , I google things on how to lose weight and , and , and pills to take , or protein to take whatever and they have all these things right here , you know , the five day detox and right here .

Oh , no , I'm sorry , these are , these are actually to buy the products .

We want to go ahead and find products that promotes .

All right .

So , let's go over here , let's go .

Let's go .

Take a look really quick .

We , we'll go ahead and fight over here .

Health and fitness .

Here we go .

Flat belly fix .

Oh , look at that .

These are painkillers or I'm sorry , not painkillers .

Uh , fat burners and look at that , you get 50% commission if someone buys that , that's pretty crazy .

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Now , these websites , to me personally , I don't like them but they do sell , they really do sell , you know , um , right here , let's go and take a look .

Um , the , the big diabetes lie .

There's just , I mean , there , there's just so much stuff you can promote .

There's just so much stuff and all they need to do is click on your link and go to that website and you make a cut .

If they buy something , it's so easy .

It's automated .

You look at Orbits Expedia , uh , Yelp .

All those , all those companies , they're just affiliates .

Oh , not Yelp .

But , uh , Orbits Expedia kayak , the airline companies , you know , all those airline companies , they're just affiliates .

They're just recommending services .

That's all they do , you know .

So uh affiliate marketing is huge .

In fact , I myself am a full-time affiliate .

That's all I do is I promote other companies , but we provide a value , you know , we don't just sit there and say , hey guys , uh go to this website and buy it .

It's 9 99 you know .

No , like that was stupid , you know , we have to provide value and real good information .

So people want to come back and check it out , right ?

Like , like that's anybody .

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So affiliate websites is a huge one .

Next is uh freelancer services .

So once you actually learn how to use wordpress , you can go ahead and go to websites like upwork and freelancer and actually post your service and say , hey , or post your um your profile and say , hey , guys , I want to build the websites .

I know how to do this .

I do this and then just go ahead and start , you know , trying to find work if someone submits a job , you know , tell them that you're qualified and tell them why you're qualified , etcetera .

Now , it is a little competitive because you are dealing with people who are being outsourced , such as India , Pakistan and the Middle East .

Um But as an American , you can definitely find work on here , you know .

Um It's not the fact that people are after the cheapness or after the cost .

A lot of companies don't care about that they want someone local , they want someone good because they're using company budgets .

They don't really care about how much it costs .

You know .

In fact , all those companies , they actually need to spend the money because that's part of their , their , their tax write off .

So if they don't spend the money , the IRS is gonna take it .

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So they want to make sure they find someone local that can do a really good job .

So don't worry about the price .

Don't think about , oh , these guys over these guys over here are charging uh $400 for a website .

No , then you charge 5000 for the website .

And they're gonna ask , why are you charging 5000 for the website when they're offering 400 ?

And there you go .

Now you can say , well , you know , we have a really big team .

We're , we're very well organized .

We have a long history .

We have great audience retention and then you can kind of sell them from there .

You know , it's a selling point .

So , you know , just because people are selling it cheap doesn't mean and , and don't , if , if they sell it for cheap , you don't lower your prices , you keep your prices the same and people will find out why , I mean , looking at my dad's company , my dad's company makes like , you know , they make like a few 100 million or they make like a million a year or something like that .

They don't care about a $400 website .

They just want the best .

They don't care , they don't looking at price .

They're just , I want the best of the best of the best , sir .

You know , like that's it .

So freelancer services are a great way of how you can make money .

Next is uh uh blog post .

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So you can actually , uh people can actually , if you want .

Um , let me , let me go back here selling blog posts .

Now , if you have a website , you can actually sell guest posts and a lot of websites do this like W PM dot com where they'll actually uh I'll go to their website and say , hey , I'll pay you guys if you talk about me and they say , OK , the fee is $200 .

Now , you can do the same thing on your websites .

There's also guest blogging .

You can charge for guest blogging .

You can charge for banner space .

You can charge for pretty much anything you want on your website .

But um posts are a good one .

So you're charging for posts and also the banner space as well .

Uh banner space .

Obviously , these guys are making money because these companies over here , they decided to pay to get their site on the sidebar right here .

Do I think these side bars are any good ?

No , I think they're useless but people out there still do it , but I'm not gonna do it because I think that's , uh , I've done this before and I just had really bad results but , you know , it's , it's still a way of how to make money .

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So that's , that's another way to make money .

Now , another really important way on how to make money is selling all online courses if you know how to do something with wordpress , not just with wordpress , if you know how to do something with anything , cs S javascript , html , uh , Ruby on rails , uh , whatever , whatever program and language you have out there , people will actually pay to learn and not just that if you know how to do anything , you can make a course on it .

So , for example , right here , I'll type in yoga to me is a great website on , you can start making online courses and right here , I mean , look at this , you know , uh , yoga for back pain , um , you know , self meditation , all this stuff right here and these have a lot of sales , you know , 100 and 45 ratings .

Uh , let's click on this right here .

Uh , you know , 1700 students , you know , they're selling it at , uh , $12 a pop .

So they probably made , you know , they probably made a few $1000 you know , 10 to $15,000 just off this one course .

If you have 20 courses , you can make a lot of money .

Right .

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Uh , I personally have courses on here as well .

So I've typed in Darrell Wilson , which is my name .

I sell courses as well .

So , I mean , I have , I give them away for free because I want to , I'm going for the more affiliate approach , you know , where I , I gain the audience but I lose the money .

So you can also go the other way where you sell the courses , but you get less of an audience , you see the trade off there .

So that's just another way of how you can think about how you want to approach things .

Um What do I even car repair ?

I mean , car repair , look at that car repair .

So it doesn't matter what you or yeah , flipping cars .

Now , that's an interesting one , flipping cars .

I've always been interested on how to do that .

But if you know anything , you can go to U to me dot com and make courses for it as well .

So , uh it is wordpress related , you know , there is wordpress , but I'm just saying if you know how to do anything you can go over there as well .

Uh Another thing that you can do is flip your website or flip other websites .

There's , this website is called flipper dot com where you can actually flip your websites or you can actually buy businesses .

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Would I personally buy into these businesses ?

Hell , no , no way .

Why would I not buy these businesses ?

Because , because there's so many different ways on how they can manipulate the traffic .

They can manipulate stuff to make it look like it's making money , but it's really not .

Now , most of the sites that make money right here usually have a lot of bids and a lot of attention right here .

Cases Tech , this is a drop shipping website that makes around $3000 a month , but it looks like they're selling it for eight grand , which doesn't make much sense , but it's still there .

They got around two weeks left , but you can just go ahead and kind of , you know , research these websites and just find out , you know , if there's a website that you can actually , you know , buy .

In fact , I do see a lot of companies out there that actually just make the websites and they just sell the websites as is so it's not getting a lot of traffic , it's not getting any , there's no money put into it , but they have done a lot of work into designing the websites .

Uh , I've seen a lot of people do that , um , on flipper dot com and it's not bad .

They're just trying to make money off , off their , you know , off , off of their products .

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So , or off their , their website , these guys are selling it right here .

These guys are saying that this site is making around $30 a month .

They're selling it for a grand .

I'd probably just buy it for maybe a few $100 300 dollars and then maybe we can , you know , see what happens from there .

So that's just a way on how you can actually start making money with wordpress .

Uh flip it dot com .

Be very careful though , be very , very careful .

95% of the sites on the site are garbage .

5% are very good genuine deal , genuine deals .

So , uh I've actually had a lot of experience with it .

I bought a few sites with it .

Uh , Some were good , some were complete .

So it's just , you know , it's just , it's how I learned , you know , so I'm giving that information to you , you know , so you don't get scammed because there's a lot of scammers out there , man , everyone just wants to just screw each other , you know , it's like , it's so , it's so terrible .

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Now , another way um on how you can actually um uh make money with wordpress is , you know , go to Craigslist , you know , craigslist dot com , go to gigs , you know , if , if you're trying to find work , simply type in wordpress right here , Wordpress experience , actor with wordpress experience and need a wordpress website .

Wordpress help needed .

There are a lot of people out there on Craigslist that really just need help .

So right here I put , I put Los Angeles , but you want to put your local city and then kind of find out people are , you know , needing the skill to make or needing a website , et cetera and you'll find them out there , you know , people out there generally need websites .

So , you know , it's really hard to find someone that you trust .

That's the hardest part , you know , in , in my , in my what was like , career .

It was the same thing .

It was just trying to find someone that I trusted and , you know , I like to outsource a lot of stuff , but I had to really trust my guys , I outsourced to because if they didn't do it right , the customer is gonna come to me and say , hey , dare , what the hell ?

And I'm like , you know , I can't blame my guys .

You know , I'll be like , well , I'll , I'll take care of it , et cetera , you know .

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So , uh this is a great way on how to make money also .

Uh Wordpress , you can go to work or I'm sorry , Facebook , you can go to Facebook groups and just find people that are , you know , interested in , um you know , Wordpress in general , you know , go to Wordpress job groups and you can find all sorts of really cool groups and communities that people will need developers or designers or web business owners .

Uh They'll need those people .

So you can kind of hang on those groups .

And when they ask , say , hey , this is my website , my service to go ahead and check it out .

So those are some of the best ways on how you can make money online and we'll be talking more about something around like affiliate marketing and , um , you know , e-commerce like this , for example , for instance , right here , uh , was , was very shocking , you know , with the fact that this is , um , that this product right here is Amazon's number one here .

I'll just search it right here .

See , it's , it's the number one most recommended product and it's a product on Aliexpress .

Is this really genuine good cream ?

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I probably wouldn't base on it .

I mean , if it's coming from Ali Express , it's probably not the best quality .

It's probably like a 50 50 .

But the fact is that it's ranked number one on Amazon is I maybe it is a good product .

I don't know .

You know , that sounds very interesting but there's just different ways on how you can always make money , not just with wordpress , but just anything in general .

You know , if you have an idea , put your mind to it , you know , just do it , you know , a lot of these ideas , they blow up and they get huge and , you know , a lot of people become successful and , you know , now they're driving and stuff .

But , um , you know , go ahead and do research also on Aliexpress , Alibaba .

You know , um you know , find some products , research , some products , add them to your website , you know , import a bunch of them , put them on Amazon , put them on ebay , put them on different websites and then just explore your options from there .

You know , it is a lot of work .

It's not as easy to make it sound obviously , but it's definitely a start .

So , uh hopefully by now you guys have enough information on how to start making money with wordpress .

Hopefully , you know , you guys do .

You know , I really wish you all the best .

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Um This is another website I made WP friends dot com and I'm trying to monetize it .

It's a website like a social networking website , like Facebook , I have around 2100 members and like another one on how to make money .

Well , this site , they just , it's not really making money , but that's OK .

You know , I , I don't need the money from this website , but I just did it because there was a need for the websites , you know , so it's essentially a social marketing website like Facebook just for wordpress users .

So if you are interested later in the future to check it out , uh join , you know , and make a post say , hey , what's up there ?

Oh , I websites , I'll probably ignore you .

No , I'll do my best to , to uh to write back you when I see it .

OK ?

But again , guys , thank you for watching this video .

Let me know if you have any questions , I'll go ahead and put all the links for the tutorials and everything else in the description below .

So until then I will see you guys in the next video .


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