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2023-08-04 12:18:20

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

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In this video , I'm going to teach you a quick and easy way to make $750 every single day .

And the best of all you can start right now , no experience required , no investment needed .

Zero .

The first thing that you have to do to perform this method is pause the video and scan the QR code on your screen right now or go to the top of the description and open the text file .

Once you open a text file , you will see a register for a fiver account .

Click on this link , open the fiver website and you're going to register for a fiver account .

If your account does not look like mine , don't worry .

It's just because my computer is a business computer .

So it might be showing up fiber business , but yours might be looking like this exactly like this page right here .

And all you have to do is click on the top right corner on join , see this little button here , just click on it .

Now , it's going to ask you for your email address type in your email address .

Now , it's going to ask you to choose a user name and a password .

All right .

So I chose a user name and a password .

Now , I'm logged in successfully to the website .

This is all you have to do to create an account on fiber .

It's very , very easy .

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So basically the way that you're going to be making money from this website today is by making affiliate commissions .

And I'm going to show you a very easy way that you can do this .

Like I said , you don't need any experience .

You don't need any investment .

Nothing .

Just trust me on this one .

So if you scroll down , you're going to see here on this page , I'm going to leave all the links in the text file , how the affiliate commissions for fiber work .

So there's fiber CPA and fiber hybrid fir CPA will pay you from $15 to $150 per action that someone takes .

CPA just means cost per action , right ?

A Dina mic CPA depending on what service this your first time buyer purchases .

And the fiver hybrid is $10 CPA plus 10% of rev share .

What this means is when you use fiber hybrid , you're going to get $10 right off the bat for the person that buys a gig on fiver .

And you're also going to get 10% off every single thing they spend on this platform for the next 12 months .

They also have fiber business , $100 plus 10% fiver affiliates 10% of every referred affiliate earnings for a lifetime fiver learn 30% of every course order .

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Now , they have the CPA commissions right here .

We offer different commissions 15 to 100 and 50 .

Depending on what category your buyer purchases from .

You will qualify for CPA commissions once your buyer purchases on fiber for the first time , right , first time buyer .

So basically , there are a lot of things that you can sell and make money on fiber starting from $15 for all these categories here .

That's not what we're going to be focusing on today .

Up to $150 for Fir Pro services .

Now , I use fiber Pro services constantly on this platform .

Every single business uses Fiber Pro on Fiver .

And the way this $150 commission works is let's say you go to fiver search for logo design and up here search for pro services , right ?

When you do this , you're only going to see the professionals , the pro certified of fiver .

These are only the best designers on fiver .

It doesn't have to be local design .

It can be any kind of job , any kind of gig they have on the platform .

I just chose this one because it's easier to sell .

So it can be any kind of job that you know , but we're going to be focusing on the Pro services .

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That's because any kind of service that you sell .

Fiver is going to pay you a flat fee of $150 every single time you make a first time sale .

So let's say this guy right here , he's pro verified and he's charging 100 bucks for his services .

Right ?

If you sell this service to someone , they pay 100 bucks , you're going to get 100 and 50 bucks on fiber .

It's a flat fee .

It doesn't matter how much money they spend on the platform , you are going to get paid every single time , $150 .

So as you can see pro services on fiber range anywhere from $100 to thousands of dollars .

As you can see , this one is 100 dollars .

And this guy here is charging $4450 .

These can be very , very big companies .

As you can see here , this guy has worked with HBO Sony E A sports universal music .

So they work with high profile companies and I'm going to show you a very easy way that you can use to make at least five of these sales every single day .

So if you're excited to learn this money making method , go ahead and subscribe to this channel right now because all I do here on this channel is teach you several money making methods that you can use to make money online .

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I post free videos here on the channel with different methods that you can use to do .

Just that if you're not subscribed to the channel , you're going to miss the future videos .

What are you doing ?

Go ahead and subscribe right now and don't forget to sign up for the subscriber fund .

I give away $50 every single week to my subscribers here on the channel .

All you have to do is scan the QR code on the screen right now to sign up .

And if you're subscribed , you're already entered to win and remember , be aware of scammers in the comments .

I don't have whatsapp , I don't have telegram and I would never ask you for money .

Always verify the account that is talking to you in the comments section .

My account is verified and check the number of subscribers they have .

I would never ask you for money , right ?

That's great and all .

But how do you sign up to win these commissions ?

Well , it's very easy and I'm going to guide you step by step .

So from now on click where I click , do what I do .

And by the end of this video , you are going to be ready to start making money .

Go back to the text file and you have a few links where to see the affiliate commissions register for a affiliate account .

You're going to click on this link right here and it's going to take you to this page that you're seeing on your screen right now .

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Click start earning now and it's going to ask you for a first name , last name , email address , user name , pass , word , account , type on this account type .

You can either type in private or company .

If you have a business , you can type in company if you're just a private person , if you're a normal person , not a business and you can just leave it private .

Do you have a main source of traffic ?

You're going to select .

Yes , right here where it asks you for your l main source of traffic .

What you're going to do is you can either type in the link RL to your youtube account or you can go to my system IO video which you're seeing on the thumbnail on the screen right now and I'm going to leave the link for you in the text file also .

So you can find the video easily and you can grab a free landing page , which is also going to give you a link that you can use here on this URL , right ?

So click , yes .

Drop in either the youtube URL or the system IO fun or URL here in this part secondary URL .

S .

You don't have to add anything country just type in wherever you're from since I'm in the United States .

Oh , I'm just going to type in here , United States .

The language that I speak is English and I don't have a Skype .

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You don't have to type in anything here on Skype after that .

Just click next .

All right .

Once you sign up for an account , you will see this dashboard here that in front of you right now .

Don't worry , it's easier than it looks .

I'm going to teach you how to navigate it right now .

Just follow what I do .

Let's go back to fiver and let's get a gig that we can start promoting .

So go back to the fiber home page and remember you're only promoting pro services , click here on graphic design and you want to choose something like logo designs or brand style designs because these things here are very , very easy to sell .

There are a lot of companies looking for these services , right ?

So you want to choose something like logo design and once you click on logo design , all you want to do is scroll down and click here on pro services .

This is going to sort and filter all the gigs here for only pro services , right ?

Click on that .

Now , all of the gigs that you're seeing here are pro services .

Now , what you're going to do is you're going to look for the cheapest service that you can find in my case here is this guy selling it for 100 bucks .

Why do you want cheap services because it's much easier to sell ?

And remember it doesn't matter how much the gig costs you're going to get paid 100 and $50 anyway .

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So , ok , we found the gig .

We're here on the gig page .

What do we have to do right now ?

This is where people mess up , pay close attention to what I'm going to do right now .

Click where I click , go here on the right hand side where it has this share button , click share gig , it's going to generate you a link that you can copy , just copy the link .

Click here , copy link .

This is very important .

Go back to your affiliate dashboard .

Now here on the affiliate dashboard , what you want to do is you want to go to the left hand side here where it says marketing tools , you're going to click on this little hour right here .

It's going to drop down a menu after that , you want to click on default and deep link .

This option right here , click on it .

Now you're going to see this part .

What you want to do here is right on the right hand side , it says LP URL , click on it .

It's going to open a little kind of search box .

What you want to do is paste your link on this box right here .

It's paste it and click enter when you do this .

As you can see the links here have changed .

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Now , these links here are going to reflect the gig that I just copied the link from .

So whenever I promote this link here and someone buys from this link , I'm going to get 100 and 50 bucks , right ?

So I'm gonna copy it clicking on this button right here .

Oh , be careful because there are the types of affiliate marketing that you want to do .

Remember that I read to you in the beginning of the video fiber CPA fiber Hybrid Learn business and sub affiliates .

Let's go back to the page really quick .

I want to refresh your mind .

Fiber business is going to pay you $100 plus 10% .

So every time you make a sale to a business , it's going to pay you $100 plus 10% .

5 year affiliates , 10% fiber learner , 30% of every course order .

And there are fiver CPA commissions .

So as you can see , fiver CPA commissions will pay you 100 and 50 bucks .

So what you want to do is choose this one , fiver CPA .

This is the one you want to choose .

If you want to do this method .

This is specific method that I'm trying to teach you right now , right ?

So you want to copy the top link here , just copy it , click on it several times .

So it's just , you know , make sure that you copied it , go back to the text file and paste it somewhere .

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So you don't lose it .

You're just going to paste it here .

Now .

Very important .

You don't want to advertise this link right here the way it is , it's huge .

No one is ever going to click on this link .

Honestly , this way it is right now , it looks like a virus so I personally wouldn't click on it .

So what you have to do is go to Billy dot com .

And if you're already subscribed to the channel , you know that I use this site a lot to shorten my links .

Every single text file that I make , I use Billy to shorten the link .

You want to log into this page and click here on create new on the left hand side .

Click on link .

By the way , many of you guys keep saying that this website is paid and it's not , it is free to use .

And I'm going to show you if I click on upgrade here on the top , it's going to show me a few upgrades eight a month , 29 100 and 99 in custom .

As you can see , I'm using the free plan .

I , I don't have a pay plan for this website and I can create up to 1000 links per month , which is much more than I need .

As you can see here .

It says you can create 974 more links this month .

So I'm not paying for bit .

It is completely free .

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You don't have to pay for it here where it says destination , you want to type in the link , your affiliate link , just copy and paste it here and ignore all of this information .

Just go to this one and type something that is going to be more likely that when the person sees your link , they will click on it , right ?

So my link now is bit dot ly forward slash best logo design .

This is much better than the link that we had before .

And if you copy this and paste it in your search bar , you're going to see that it's going to take us to that gig .

OK ?

So I'm just going to erase this link here and I'm gonna post this one .

Take a look at the difference .

It's slight years away from what we had before .

Now .

One of the reasons that most people don't have success with this method is because they try to spam these links and sell it to the wrong people .

How hard is it for me to sell water to someone that's thirsty ?

It's very easy , right ?

I don't even have to do anything .

I just have to offer it to them .

The same thing applies to affiliate marketing .

All you have to do is put it in front of people that actually need the product that you're trying to sell .

So where can we find these customers ?

Well , there are two ways you can do this .

First way you're going to go to reddit dot com .

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When you hit reddit , if you don't have an account , all you have to do is click sign up and register for a free account .

All you need is a user name , password and your email that's pretty , pretty easy to do no complications after you enter reddit .

What you want to do is look for people that want to buy what you're seeing in this case , it's a logo .

So if you take a look here on the top , there's a search bar .

What are you going to search for ?

Where can I buy logo ?

Check this out .

I searched on reddit for , where can I get a logo ?

And it popped up two answers .

This guy best place to get a logo .

Hi , I recently started a blog and I'm really happy with the recent growth , but currently my logo is just the name of the website in text format .

So I'm looking to get a logo with branding , especially for when I spent to youtube and other sites and so on .

Can anyone recommend where to look ?

Has anyone had experience with 99 designs ?

I'm just looking for for something super simple .

I'm happy to spend around $100 .

This guy is a buyer .

All you have to do is tell him that you can get a real good professional logo for him for 100 bucks .

That's exactly the price he's trying to pay .

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This is how you can find people that are actual looking active buyers for the thing that you're trying to sell .

Another one .

This other guy here trying to find a logo design websites for under 100 bucks .

Hi , Reddit .

I've been searching for different logo sites and they all seem to go upwards of 250 bucks .

A friend might have forgot the site she use , use the sign of the , but she's paying six .

You got a great logo .

Does anyone know what website might be used ?

There's another buyer right there .

You could leave a comment on something like this .

Hey , I know this really great website that you can get a professional logo from a guy that has worked with huge companies .

He has logos for 100 bucks .

If you're interested , here is the link to his gig .

There you go .

Just post your link .

That is another buyer right there .

You can do this all day long for you to make 750 bucks a day .

All you have to do is get five people to sign up using your link .

And also this is not even the only way that you can earn .

Remember that driver has so many gigs that you can sell for 50 bucks , 40 bucks , 30 bucks .

If you think that the pro gigs are hard to sell , you could even try one of the other ones .

But trust me selling these gigs for 100 bucks is easy .

Peasy .

That's very cheap .

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Trust me , when you're in business , you pay a lot more than that for anything .

Still not convinced .

Well , let me show you another website , another website that I use constantly is called Cora just typed on Google .

Right here , Cora , where to buy logos just popped up .

A lot of questions .

Where can I buy logos for my website ?

Where can I get a custom logo done ?


These are two buyers right here .

You can do the same thing .

Cora is just like Reddit .

You can go there and answer the question and leave your link at the bottom .

Pinterest same thing , logo ideas for Cora .

Check this guy out .

How do I get a cheap logo on Cora ?

If you want a cheap logo , go to a cheap designer .

But remember , skill designers aren't cheap and cheap , designers aren't skilled .

You can leave a comment on this guy here .

He's looking for a logo to buy another website that you can go to is graphic design forum dot com .

This forum has people asking for exactly that graphic designers .

If you go back to fiver , you don't have to get just logos .

You can go here and graphic and design and you can search for anything .

You can see what people are looking for .

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You don't have to just try to find a buyer for a specific gig that you know , you can go to a website like this one , look for what people are looking for and then you can come back to fiver , get a gig and then you go and promote it to that person .

No problem .

And let me give you a final bonus tip .

If you go to youtube dot com and you find youtubers and I just look for gaming channels because gaming channels are easier to sell .

If you go for , to a channel that has to do with photography , they're probably not going to buy a logo from you because they know how to design it themselves .

If you look for something like a gaming channel , a fitness channel , you could easily sell logos to them .

So go to their channel , search them on youtube , go to the channel .

All you have to do is click here on about when you click about , you're going to see that they have a business inquiry , email address , click here , view , view , email address do I'm not a robot submit .

Then all you have to do is copy this email address here and email this person with a pitch .

As you can see , this guy already has a logo on his channel , but many youtubers don't .

That's all you have to do is go look for youtubers .

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They will easily pay this $100 for a really , really cool logo that's professionally designed .

You could even sell youtube banners like this one .

Most people don't have a youtube banner and even if they have , you can make a nicer one for them .

So I know this can get a little bit confusing .

So I'm going to explain to you how you're going to be making money off of this website .

Once again , the way you're going to be making money off of this method is by promoting the CPA offers from the affiliate commissions from fiver and every single time one point person makes one purchase , you will earn 100 and 50 bucks .

And as you can see , it's very easy to get those people to buy from you .

If you know where to look .

The other method that you're going to be using to make money from this video is by signing up to Weibo for free , making a first qualifying deposit of any amount .

And they will give you 12 fractional shares valued up to $30,600 .

This is for us only people if you live in the USA and you haven't taken advantage of this offer yet .

What are you doing man ?

It's free month .

Go sign up for Weibo , make a qualifying deposit , claim your free shares and , and then you can sell them if you want and you can thank me later .

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And if you want to get prior access to these videos , go sign up to the mailing list or the Discord server because the people there get prior access to my videos because it takes seven days to get posted here on the channel , edited and posted .

So I always , always share them with the mailing list and the Discord first before the video comes here to the channel .

So just in case you got a little confused with this video , let's go step by step of what you have to do one more time .

Number one , go to fiver using the link that I showed you in the text file .

Number two , register for fiver and then sign up for an affiliate accountant .

Fiber .

Number three , look for a pro offer if you're doing the method that you're learning from this video .

Number four , generate your affiliate link .

Number five , promote it using reddit Cora or any of the methods that you learned just now in this video .

Number six , comment fiver in the comment of this video .

So I know that you watched the video until the end and guess what ?

I have 20 hot traffic methods that you can use to promote exactly this offer .

If you want to go see that , click the thumbnail on the screen right now and you'll be redirected to that video .

I'll see you there , work hard , play hard .


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