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2023-08-03 15:25:23

How I Built 8 Income Streams By Age 22 - How I Make $6K a Day

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I've built up eight different income streams that bring me in around $155,000 per month by the age of 22 .

And I went from making $0 as a 14 year old to making $3000 a month as a 15 year old .

And now at 22 I make around 5 to $6000 per day .

And in this video , I'm going to break down each income stream .

How long it takes to set up and how much per month that I make from it income stream .

Number one is a revenue from my faceless youtube channels and my faceless channels .

Have me play buttons just like this for hitting over a million subscribers .

And just as a viewer of youtube , you've probably seen tons of different faceless channels out there .

I know I watch a ton of them all the time just for entertainment and education myself .

But what you may not have known is that a lot of these channels actually make a lot of money .

And what's awesome about this income stream is that your age does not matter at all .

In fact , I started this income stream when I was a broke high schooler at just 14 years old .

And basically the way that it works is you choose a niche , you download videos , you add value to them , them to youtube .

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And then you make money off of the ad revenue on those videos .

Every single time an ad is shown you make a little bit of money .

Nowadays , I run over a dozen different youtube channels and I make around $30,000 a month just from ad revenue alone .

And this makes up about 19% of my total monthly income .

And some examples of niche channels include Brainy Dose which produces psychology videos without ever even showing their face .

They get millions of views per month .

And if you do the calculation , they're probably making around 10 to $20,000 per month just from ad revenue , that one channel .

But like I said , the beauty is you can run as many channels as you want and eventually you can hire other people to do the work for you .

So this brainy dose channel , you might be asking how do they actually produce their content ?

Well , the way that they do this is that they just do a voiceover on top of stock footage .

And you can actually find stock footage for completely free from all of these websites right here on the screen .

Another channel that does this using primarily stock footage is this channel called body hub .

And they just talk about health subjects , but same thing with stock footage and they get millions of views per month .

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Now , this channel called Nukes Top Fives just looks at Scary Ghost videos and stuff does an aeration on top of it and gets millions of views per month probably makes a lot of money .

And here's a channel called Philosophies for Life , which just talks about different philosophers and psychology .

And the way they produce their youtube videos is by using a software called Video Scribe , where you literally just drag and drop stuff on to the video and then do a voiceover to create these faceless videos income stream .

Number two is youtube revenue from this channel you're watching right now called Make Money Matt .

So this is actually my personal channel that I started when I was 18 and back when I was a teenager , I was super afraid to step in front of a camera .

And honestly , I put it off for so long , I was super awkward and just really dreaded even the thought of stepping in front of a camera just like this .

And this did not come naturally to me at all .

But back in 2018 , I finally faced my fear and started this personal channel that you're watching right now .

Now , it's only natural that I already knew how to grow faceless channels .

Since it's something that I've already done that I would then make a personal channel , literally just teaching what I knew .

So that's what this channel is about .

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I literally just post videos when I feel like it , it brings in an extra $15,000 a month just from ad revenue .

And I'm confident that if I start posting more regularly on this channel , we can get it up to $50,000 plus per month just from ad revenue .

And that's because this channel is actually in a very high CPM niche , meaning that there's more advertisers willing to spend money on videos related to finance and make money online .

And the reason this applies to you is that if you ever figure out a side hustle that works or you have any type of skill that anybody on earth is interested in , you can always consider creating a youtube channel , literally just teaching that skill and make money from that as well and as proof that this can work for other people as well .

One of my students can actually had a successful Etsy store .

And recently he's created a personal channel where then he can teach people how to do Etsy as well .

So then he could multiply what he already had .

So my personal channel ad revenue makes up about 10% of my monthly revenue .

Now as for youtube channels and how long they take to make money from every channel is different .

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But I would aim to making money from a channel in the first few months of starting it .

Income source number three is affiliate marketing .

And one of the advantages of running youtube channels or any other type of traffic source online is that you can monetize it in so many ways including selling affiliate products for my faceless youtube channels that are related to health , wealth and happiness .

I can link to affiliate products that are related to the channel and make more money by putting these links in the description and pin comment sections of those videos and every single time someone clicks one of those links and buys through it , then I make money via a commission .

And to give you a concrete example of this , this channel called Top 10 Zone , just talks about different technology and they do list videos on that subject and then they put the links to all the different products that they talk about in their videos in the description of the video and those links are affiliate links .

So when someone buys through them , they make money and it's very often the case that channels make more money through affiliate marketing than they do through ad revenue .

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Now , my best recommendation when it comes to promoting affiliate products are to ones that are digital products , meaning like online courses and ones that net you at least $100 per sale .

Meaning for every sale you get , let's say it's $1000 product and you get 50% of it , then you'd make $500 .

And if it's a course or some type of digital product , then there's no fulfillment cost either .

So you make even more and you can find these digital products on places like dig store 24 dot com .

In addition to Click Bank and my personal course tube mastery monetization , which teaches people how to grow successful niche youtube channels is on store 24 .

So if you want to promote that , feel free , we can be business partners and split the revenue 50 50 but feel free to promote any type of course that you want .

And another good idea when it comes to affiliate marketing is promoting software .

Now , the reason software is a good idea is because you make monthly recurring revenue from many of the different software affiliate programs .

For example , one of the tools that I use in growing my youtube channels for doing keyword research is a tool called VI IQ .

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Now , since I already use it , then I could leverage my personal channel .

Make money mad to promote IQ and leave links to it every time I mention it within a video .

And then when people sign up through that link , they pay a monthly charge for IQ , whether it be $7.25 dollars or $40 a month .

And then if you get enough affiliates on VI IQ , they'll bump you up to a 50% commission .

And I personally make around $5000 a month just from that one affiliate program .

Right there .

And the reason software is a good idea is because you only have to get the sale once and then you can make a monthly recurring revenue off of it indefinitely as long as the person stays subscribed .

So in total , I make around $10,000 a month from affiliate marketing which makes up about 6% of my monthly revenue income .

Source , number four is digital products .

Now with my personal channel , since I teach people how to grow their very own niche , faceless youtube channels , I made a course that I could sell with this channel that teaches my entire process , step by step .

It includes step by step instructions , templates , checklists literally everything you need to succeed .

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In addition to a private community where I answer every single question and then all I did is put the link to this course in the description of all of my personal channel videos .

And I make around $70,000 per month just from this one traffic source alone .

And that's 45% of my monthly income .

And keep in mind we have tons of different traffic sources for promoting my course .

For example , we have affiliates who promote the course and we split the money 50 50 .

I promote the course on my other social media .

In addition to running ads , in addition to people just searching my name , going to the website and buying the course .

So the lesson in this and the huge takeaway for you is that if you any type of skill whatsoever that , you know , just 1% more than most people .

And ideally , it's in a niche related to health , wealth , happiness , technology or travel , then you could potentially be sitting on millions of dollars .

And the reason I say this is because creating a course like this has brought me from making around six figures per year to making well over seven figures per year .

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And potentially the only thing sitting in front of your knowledge and millions of dollars is literally just sitting down recording some videos , teaching something that you know , step , step uploading those videos onto a platform like hijabi setting up a sales page and then integrating with a check out page on something like digi store 24 .

So other people can promote your course for you .

And that could potentially change your life .

And more importantly , the lives of all of the people that you teach .

Income source number five is selling high ticket products .

Once I had a couple 1000 people within my course , I had tons of people asking me how they could create their own course .

In addition to if I could personally look at their channels and give them one on one mentorship and people would see on the welcome post that I left within the private community that we had like 12 people every single day joining the private Facebook group and some people were doing the math on that .

And reverse engineering .

Exactly how much money we're making from selling that course .

And they were like , holy crap .

I want to do this as well .

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So then I started a high ticket program called Quantum courses where I teach people how to launch their very own course and promote it with free youtube traffic to scale up and make a ton of money and help a ton of people .

Now , this included coaching calls as well where I hop on live Q and A calls every single week .

And the reason this is worth it for a ton of people is because if it can save you all the trial and error , not knowing how to set up your course and follow the step by step blueprint for getting your channel to getting millions of views super quickly and therefore get a ton of course sales as well .

Then if you do the math , if you're selling $1000 course and you get 1000 sales , that's literally a million dollars .

And for example , that student Ken that I was telling you about earlier , he's made over $100,000 from his course already just teaching people how to do Etsy .

And then I made another program called tube coaching for everybody who still wants to do face listen youtube channels , which can work amazing .

And I love having those as well .

If I ever don't feel like getting in front of a camera and recording videos like this .

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And basically with in tube coaching , I just do Q and A calls every single week in addition to doing bonus teaching and these two programs alone make me around another $20,000 per month .

And that's when we don't even promote them .

Now , you might be saying , Matt , how do people buy a program that you don't even promote ?

Well , we made some posts a long time ago in the Facebook group just talking about the program and that we might do it .

People message us .

We let a couple of people within the program .

We can't take too many for that since I actually hop on Q and A calls and answer people's questions every single week live and obviously videos like this one promote them as well .

If we did properly promote these programs , there's no doubt in my mind we'd make an additional around $100,000 a month from them .

Income source number six is Instagram .

So since I began my personal brand , in order to expand it even further , I created an Instagram account where I could share additional youtube tips and tricks in addition to just sharing my life .

And then I paid big business pages for what are called shout outs .

Now , a shout out is simply where you pay money .

They do a post promoting your account .

And I bought these shout outs on places like shell cart dot com .

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And then I sold my online course from my Instagram account and places like doing stories in addition to the Instagram link in bio .

And we've made as much as $50,000 a month from Instagram when I post it all the time , but I don't really post on it all that often and it still makes around $10,000 per month and that's around 6% of my monthly income .

And if you don't want to show your face , you can still potentially run a huge Instagram account .

For example , I know people who run what are called Instagram the pages and many of these people make over $10,000 per month just selling shout outs and doing affiliate marketing on their pages .

Now , this is kind of like what I do for youtube , but for Instagram and while Instagram can work for doing this , I'm personally pretty biased obviously and I love youtube way more .

And the reason I love youtube way more is because the videos have a much longer half life .

What this essentially means is that when you upload a video to youtube , that video can still be getting years later .

I still make money from videos that I uploaded back when I was just 14 years old .

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Whereas with Instagram , usually you have to keep posting over and over in order to keep getting traction on your account .

Unless you've grown a really big account , then you can still get a lot of residual traffic like we've done with my page , Make Money .

Mad Income .

Source number seven is dividend income .

Once I was making some money , I reinvested a lot of it back into my youtube businesses and that grew even more .

And I also spent a lot of money on epic experiences like diving 1000 ft deep in a submarine off the coast of California or traveling the world in first class .

And once I invested in my own businesses , in addition to just experiencing and living life , then I invested all of the rest into what are known as index funds .

These are collections of companies like VO and SB and by investing in these funds , you're essentially investing in a group of the biggest companies and these produce what are known as dividends which pay out either monthly or quarterly .

And I currently make around $300 per month from these dividends .

And my personal goal is to eventually have enough money invested that I never have to work again .

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And you can check out subreddit like the fire or fat fire subreddit .

For more information on this income source number eight is interest income for the rest of my money .

I just put it into high interest savings accounts which produced me an additional $1500 per month and that's about 1% of my monthly income and that's my eighth income stream .

Now , here's all my income streams and how much money I make per month from each .

These do vary every single month .

So they go up and down .

But in my opinion , this is just the beginning .

My goal is to scale this into making multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars per month while providing a ton of value and helping a ton of people along the way .

As you could tell from the video , I started with just one income stream which was running faceless youtube channels .

And then I compounded that by creating a personal channel which sold a course , teaching how to do the faceless channels .

And then I began doing affiliate marketing as well , creating more faceless channels starting in Instagram and think about it even making this video right here , not only hopefully provides value to you , so you can hopefully improve your life , but it also makes me money from ad revenue .

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It promotes my courses and everything else .

And this is all a system where my youtube channels make money , they feed the courses which make even more money , which feeds affiliate marketing to make even more .

And one of the key takeaways I want you to get from this is that these are all connected and they feed each other .

And I'm not trying to brag by talking about any of this whatsoever .

Honestly , it makes me pretty uncomfortable to share a lot of this .

I really just hope I can provide value to that one person out there who's watching this video .

Who decides to change their life because of it .

And I want you to have a system just like this that makes you money .

Whether you're sleeping , traveling , doing literally anything else you want with your life .

Since a lot of these income streams are so high leverage that you set them up once and they can continue to pay you for years into the future .

And if I could give a message to my past self who is sitting there at home , depressed with life and thinking about doing youtube and maybe you're in this position right now .

It's this what starts as one video on one channel eventually becomes thousands of videos on a ton of different channels in a giant business .

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So even though it might seem trivial now to make that first video , if you keep up the good work and make consistent progress regularly , it can add up to huge things .

And also don't let your beliefs trap you into thinking that this is impossible .

Even though your parents , your teachers and everybody else doesn't believe it .

All that matters is that you believe it because you can do anything with that corny motivational speech out of the way .

Let me jump into some practical step by step advice of exactly what I would do in the exact system that I would follow the road map I would follow to number one , learn a skill .

Number two , do the skill and become proficient at it .

Number three , make a youtube channel or better yet multiple youtube channels .

Number four , sell a course , teaching your skill .

And then number five , invest your money for the long term .

And another thing to keep in mind is that everybody's journeys are going to look different .

My journey is going to be different than yours , but I do believe that there are similarities and patterns along people's journeys where people can find success in one thing and then teach others how to do that thing to incorporate into what they're doing .

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So maybe your skill isn't face youtube channels , maybe it is .

And if you do start some faceless youtube channels , you might do it in a niche different than what I've done it in .

So the point I'm trying to get across is there's a million different ways to do it and many of them can work .

I haven't done everything perfectly , but hopefully I can give you some advice and knowledge from what I have learned to hopefully help you along your journey .

And if you did want to learn some more about running faceless niche youtube channels , you can check out this video next to me right here .

This video shows exactly how to do it step by step and it's basically a completely free course .

So feel free to check it out and I will see you there .


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