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2023-08-03 15:44:32

How To Create Animated Videos For YouTube (Easiest Tool For Beginners)

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In today's video , you're gonna learn how to create animated videos for youtube .

So I've made similar videos on how to create animations for youtube .

But this is by far the easiest tool that I've come across to create high quality original animated videos .

So in today's video , I'm gonna show you exactly how to use this new tool that I've found .

So what I won't be covering in today's video is how to add voiceovers , how to add some editing here and there and also how to add some background music .

So I've covered all of that in some previous videos .

I'll leave a link to them in the description below .

So things like uh writing a script , creating the voiceover , doing some basic video editing , all of that won't be covered in today's video .

Today's video will be specifically about creating animated videos really quickly for youtube .

So before we actually get started with today's video , make sure you hit the like button .

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Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and comment down below with any questions or any video requests that you have .

And if you do all three of those things , you'll be in the draw to win my youtube Masterclass course and I give away um the course to a new winner every single week .

So just like the video , hit the subscribe button and comment down below and you'll be in the draw to win the youtube Masterclass course this week .

So let's pick uh pick last , last week's winner .

Sorry .

So , all I need to do need to do is go to last week's video and I used this website called Pick a Winner dot co and it's gonna go through everyone that's liked the video commented on the video and it's gonna pick a random minute .

So let's click on pick a winner .

So just Gloria .

So you are the winner of last week's uh youtube Masterclass course .

Uh If you're watching this video , all you need to do is email me at help at dream cloud academy dot com .

My email will be at the bottom of this video's description .

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So you just need to email me with this Gmail account .

So you should have a Gmail account just , just email me with that account .

So I'll know that it's you and I'll give you access to the course .

So if you want to win , just like just Gloria , just like this video , subscribe to the channel and comment down below with any video request that you have .

So with that said , let's get started with today's video .

So this is the tool that we're gonna use to create our animated videos .

So I'll leave a link to this tool in the description below .

It's called Von or beyond dot com .

I'm not sure exactly how it's pronounced , but it's a vyondond dot com .

So you can sign up for a 14 day free trial .

And with the 14 day free trial , you get access to all of the different features that they have .

And if you're happy with the uh with all the features and you're happy with all the videos you're creating , then you can upgrade to the paid version .

So I think this is relatively a new uh animated animation software or they've just added in some new features that make it , that makes it very powerful because I've never come across this software before .

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And it's by far one of the best Softwares that I've used to create uh animated videos .

So I've just created a new trial account .

So for some reason when you create a trial account , you can't upgrade to the paid version until you've uh ran out of the 14 day free trial .

So I think that's a bug or something like that .

Uh which is kind of annoying , but uh once your 14 day free trial is over , you can upgrade to the paid version right here .

So I have already got a paid version , but I don't want anyone to see my uh previous projects .

So I've just got a brand new account right here .

So once you sign up this is what your dashboard will look like .

And right here , just click on create a video and there'll be three different options .

You can create a contemporary video , a business friendly video or a whiteboard animation video .

So I've already made videos on how to create whiteboard animations .

I'll leave a link to that in the description below .

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But for today's video , we're just gonna create a contemporary video so you can add in different types of um environments , uh different types of characters with different actions and more .

So let's click on that and it's gonna load up uh all of the different templates for you .

So you'll have some default templates like this one right here .

So this is the intro intro , but you can um customize this uh in a way that you want .

So I'm just gonna click on preview right away and you can see what this looks like .

So you can see that's the intro right here .

So uh I'm gonna keep that as it is and let me just click on exit right here .

So if you to click on to preview it , just click on preview right here and then to exit , you'll see this exit button right here .

So let's just start with some of the basics like um like editing the text .

So I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger and I want to make a video on how to sell products online .

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So I'm just gonna type in how to sell , how to sell products online .

There we go .

And then to edit this text , just click on the text and right here on the top right hand corner , click on the text settings .

So there's all these settings right here .

So you can change the font , you can change the text size .

Um So I'm going to change the text size to maybe about 48 .

So it fits in properly .

Just do that again .

Oh , I think I need to highlight it .

So let's change it to 48 .

There we go .

So now it fits in properly and I can make this uh uh italic .

Well , actually I keep it uh get rid of the ball and the italic and I'll also make this a little bit smaller .

So it fits into the center and when you uh move it around , actually snaps into the center as well .

And you can also do other things like you can do alignments here .

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You can do some paddings like add in some margins around the left and the bottom and also the uh spacing as well .

So next , what we're gonna do is you can change the colors as well .

So some of these other basic animations for here , so to change the color , you can simply just change it just like that or you can choose some of the categories right here .

And also if you want to change the animations , just click on enter favorite here and it says slide down .

So instead of slide down , if you want to do something else , like , uh let's see here , they've got a split .

So the only bad thing about uh this software is they don't , they don't really give you a preview of what exactly this animation looks like .

So once you've chosen that animation , you have to play it , you have to preview it to see what it looks like .

So it's gonna load it up and you can see that's the split animation right here .

So that's the basics .

So now let's go into some of the more um advanced or some of the unique features that this software offers .

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So I'm gonna click on exit to exit out of this uh preview .

And right here in the timeline , you'll see this add scene button .

So click on that and you have uh three different options right here .

You can add a blank scene or you can continue from the last scene or you can choose a template .

So I'm gonna choose a template right here .

So they've got heaps of different templates for any type of different uh videos that you're trying to create .

So what I'm trying to create is it's about online shopping .

So let's see here .

So they should , so there's one option right here , shopping .

So I'm gonna choose that and under shopping , they've got all of these different options .

So I'm gonna choose uh let's see , I'm gonna choose this one right here .

So this is the first scene .

Let's add another scene then uh let's see , there's another one .

So these have a bunch of different computers .

So maybe I'm saying you should upload your um shop online and then let's choose another scene .

So let's see .

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So there's a website but here with all these uh animations , with all these uh different um product animations and all of that , then let's do one more .

Actually , let's do a few more .

So you can see like you can , you can say we accept credit cards and things like that and one last one .

So we can just say we can pay by phone .

So we got all of these different animations here and you can extend these further as well .

So maybe you want the intro to be a bit shorter and you want this um the shopping animation to be a bit longer .

So that's from two seconds to eight seconds and you can extend this as much as possible .

So you can just keep adding in more and more templates um as many different templates as you want .

So let's go into this first one right here .

So let's preview this .

So some of the templates come with animations and some of them just come as it is .

So you can see there's no animations on this um on this template .

So what we can do is we can choose this character right here .

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And when you select a character , you'll see actions , impressions and dialogue .

So let's go into actions first .

And what I want is I want this person to be um let's just say emotions .

So let's play a click on preview right here .

Uh Let's try this , let's try something like happy .

So at , at the top here , you can say happy .

So let's play this .

Cool .

So I , I think I like that .

So now I can just click on apply and that's applied that animation to this character .

And this person , let's just say this person is saying bye or let's just say this person's saying hi .

Uh Let's preview this .

Oh , actually let's preview this .

Oh Yeah .

So this one looks pretty good .

So like AAA bye or like he's saying hi or something like that .

So let's move him a bit bit further this way and this person a bit further this way .

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So um now let's preview this right here .

Let's see what this looks like .

So yeah , so there we go .

So this person is excited and this person is saying hi .

So I'm happy with that .

So now let's add in a little bit of text .

So uh I'm gonna go into text right here .

So , so these are some of the props and things that you can add .

So if you go into character and then if you click on uh all of these different types of characters , so there's industrial characters there's government characters , catering characters .

So let's just add in something casual .

So I'm gonna add in a random character in right here .

So this person can maybe just stand right here and I can add in an action .

So maybe an impression instead this time .

So maybe I'll put in something like a happy face and I'll also add in a small action , maybe something like uh yeah , so that's kind of like a waving as well or that's the same animation .

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So maybe I'll add it the other way around and that's good .

And I can also add in some text right here as well .

So I can add in a title and I'll add that in right here .

So maybe I'll make this a bit smaller and I'll add in , take your shop online .

Oops online .

And I'll also make all of this a bit smaller .

So let's make this 48 and I'll just put this on a different line .

Actually , I'll just extend this right here .

That's perfect .

And there we go .

There we go .

So I'll do that instead .

And then right here , I'll put this at 36 .

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So what I'll do with this one is I'll make this a hand down uh animation like a slide down animation .

So I'll just search that up right here .

You can just search up , slide and it should come up with hand , not the hand one because the hand one is like a hand coming in putting it into the um like a real hand kind of like a whiteboard animation , but you just want the normal slide down animation and that's it .

So it says take your shop online .

So obviously you should add in different types of , should put in more effort on like , you know , the text and all of that um and take your time and actually do it properly .

But I'm just showing you guys all the different things that you can do um as an example .

So let's preview this and see what this looks like .

So it says take your shop online .

There we go .

And then right here to the next one .

So let's just exit out of this .

This is the , this is the next animation .

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So let's say you want to add in a new scene and you want to continue on from the last scene .

So let me just delete all of this .

You go just , just right click and delete or you can just hit the delete button on your timeline on your keyboard .

Sorry .

So if I click on uh choose the scene and I click on , choose uh continue from last scene .

So it's gonna add in the same exact uh scene with all the same um animations and all of that .

So now what I can do is maybe I can get rid of this and I can add in something else like a different prop .

So I can take this prop and I can choose something like a computer .

So let's click on computers and actually let me just type in computer table .

So maybe like a table with a computer on , on it .

Maybe , I don't know .

Uh , that's not really the best option right here .

So maybe just , I'll just type in table instead .

So let me try finding something else .

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Uh , let's see .

Just wanna do this really quick .

Ok .

I'll just take this one right here .

So that's not the best looking table , but it's good enough for now .

So I'll put this one in here and maybe I'll get rid of this and I'll also get rid of this and I'll just put in the computer right here and I'll get rid of the eggs and I'll get rid of the people and I'll animate these things in right here .

So I'll add this from , um , I , I'll say slide again .

So I'm gonna set up , oops , slide .

So it's gonna slide in from bottom to top .

There we go .

Now , click on slide again from the left and let's see what this looks like .

So I want to play this from here .

Actually , I just play it from here and let's see what this looks like .

Yeah , so that looks pretty good .

And so it's saying take your shop online .

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So there's like some people around with , um , with like a normal uh retail store and then the next scene will be just an animation with him um coming in front of a computer and taking his shop online .

So that's how simple that is .

You can get really creative with all of these different types of um characters , animations , uh effects and all of that .

So you get all of these with the free trial .

So make sure you go out and try this .

So I'm gonna play both of these .

So I'm gonna select both of these right here and let's have a preview on both of them .

Oops , let me just go back all the way here .

So it's gonna play the animation and then it's gonna slide saying take your shop online .

So imagine this with , with some background music with some voiceovers , it's gonna really make your um video come to life .

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So uh if , if you want to get into more of the voiceover stuff , any of the background music stuff , I'll leave a link to all of that in the description below and also um how to write the video script and all of that also in the video description below .

So I'm not gonna go into detail on all of that in today's video .

Then this video will just be too long .

But that's just the basics of video animation and how you can create high quality original animated videos videos for youtube .

But let's say you do want to add in some basic background music you can do .

So right here , just click on audio right here .

There's some um uh um and some songs that you can add right here , also different sound effects right here as well .

So these are like ambient sound .

Um So let's say if it's some kind of like falling sound , you can just type in falling .

There we go .

So it's like a body fold sound that you can add in there as well .

So go ahead and try the software .

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Uh Let me know what you guys think and let me let me know any other um ideas , uh any other video requests that you guys have , any other questions that you guys have as well ?

Um But that's it for today's video .

Hope you guys enjoyed the video and hopefully you learnt something new as well and I'll see you guys in the next week's video .


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