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2023-08-03 15:35:46

New DUMB EASY Way To Make $100 - $200 A Day Online (Game-Changer)

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I hope y'all are ready to make some money for the rest of 2023 and beyond .

I'm sorry for the long hiatus .

I know it's been a while since I've been on here , but I am back now and I'm ready to start helping y'all earn again .

Y'all know what kind of value I drop .

Y'all know how I'm coming .

You know that I give some of the best money making work from home opportunities on the planet and today I'm gonna be showing you how you can make $100 to $200 a day by spending only 20 minutes , 30 minutes , 40 minutes hour , the more time you put in , the more money you will earn .

So if you got , I got a job right now , that's uh taking up a lot of your time .

Don't worry , you don't have to do this full time .

The only thing I want you to do right now .

If you're on tiktok or Facebook , Instagram , shut it off because you need to watch this video .

Can't watch it right now .

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Just save it for later and please come back and watch it because this is a great video .

What I'm about to show you how to do right now is fairly new .

Not a lot of people know about this .

I want you to take advantage of this because this right here is a way that you can earn consistently , like in your spare time , you know , when you're not doing anything else , like just chilling out .

My goal is to always provide high quality content that you can use .

Go out there , implement and make it happen .

Let's jump into it .

So if you look on my screen right here , you see a website called Pinterest .

I know y'all know what Pinterest is .

Pinterest is a cash cow .

A lot of people don't use Pinterest or talk about Pinterest in their training .

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A lot of people always talking about Facebook , Instagram , youtube , tiktok , all these other platforms forms and they're sleeping on a cash cow here .

I'm gonna show you how you can make 100 203 100 probably even more than that from this website .

You're just gonna have to really absorb what I explained to you in this video , go out there and take action on it .

First thing you do , you come to Pinterest , you want to create your account here .

Uh You can see right here .

I already have an account .

Uh You can see that I built this account up when I wasn't making videos .

I was building my Pinterest account .

I was doing other things .

I was just out there learning a lot of different ways uh to make money .

So I can come on here and show you guys how it's done .

So you come to Pinterest , you create your account and the first thing you want to do , you wanna upload a good image .

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You can use a picture of you or you can uh get a logo created .

You can go type in Google free logo design .

That's how you can get a logo .

It's pretty simple , but just remember make something nice .

You can see I have an image of a beach here , clear blue skies , something appealing , something that people want to look at .

You know , the next thing you do is you create a name you can see right here .

I have health , wealth and prosperity .

I'm in to make money from home niche .

You can choose whatever niche you want , you can choose fitness , you can choose finance , you can whatever you want .

It really doesn't matter .

Just make sure the niche that you choose .

There are a lot of people searching for it , meaning it's in demand .

You might be wondering what are you going to be doing ?

Exactly .

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Well , all you gonna be doing , what I'm gonna show you how to do is post high quality images and videos to your Pinterest .

Now , it may not make much sense right now .

Just stick with me through this video and I'm gonna show you exactly how it's done .

Now what we're going to be doing , we're gonna be utilizing affiliate marketing .

No matter what anyone tell you about affiliate marketing , it's the most powerful way to generate an income online is what got me out of my 9 to 5 job .

Why affiliate marketing is so special ?

Especially for a new beginner for one most of the time .

You don't have to create your website blog .

You don't have to do any of that .

You don't have to do any email marketing .

The creator of the product does all of that for you .

The only thing you have to do is generate clicks to the website .

Now that you know a little bit about out what we're going to be doing .

Let me show you how to do it .

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Next website that we're going to be using is cava cava dot com is a editing tool .

You can edit your photos , you can edit your videos , you're gonna be doing real simple edits here .

This is not like Photoshop .

So you don't have to spend months and months and months trying to learn when you come to can you want to create your account first ?

Pretty easy to do ?

Then once you get your email , you log in and you're gonna see this little search bar right here .

The next thing you wanna do is type in the Pinterest pin .

You wanna click on that , then you want to go right here where it says create a blank Pinterest pin .

Click on that and it's gonna bring you to this page right here .

This is where you do all of your editing at the very next website that you wanna go to is a website called JVZJV zoo dot com .

This is where you're gonna get your product to promote and get paid .

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This website is better than a lot of those other websites out there .

Like click bank and there's a ton of them out there .

But what I like about JV Zoo is the commission payout .

They pay anywhere from 50% commission all the way up to like 85% commission .

So you come to JV zoo dot com .

The first thing you wanna do , you wanna click right here where it says start for free , you create your account .

Then after you create your account , you wanna log in and you want to set up your payment information , there are different ways that you get paid on JV Zoo .

Ok ?

We're in the back office of my JV Zoo account , been with them for some years now .

And once you log in to your back office , first thing you wanna do , you wanna make sure you set up your payment information so you can click right here where it says my account and you can click right here where it says payment profiles , click on that .

Then you want to select affiliate right here .

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You want to set up your payment information .

It's pretty straightforward the next thing you wanna do , you wanna click right here where it says affiliates , then you wanna click right here where it says find products .

Then it's gonna bring you to this page right here .

This is where you find your products to promote .

You can click right here where it says filters and then you can select a category , business , finance , cooking , food , education , employment , and entertainment , foreign languages .

There's a lot of different niches here .

This website is mostly tailored to make money online and software .

If you want to find a different niche , you also can go out there and join other affiliate websites , do a quick Google search and find there are so many different ones out there .

My goal in this video is to show you how to post and get the traffic to your website .

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So the next thing you wanna do , you want to find the product you want to promote and you can click right here where it says request approval .

Then it's gonna bring you to this page .

You can see selling price of the product .

Uh You can see what they pay you right here is 50% commission on this product .

Some pay even more than that .

And also you can see the seller's name here .

You can click right here where it says product page and you can check out the product .

Now , in order for you to get approved to promote this product right here is where you're going to type out a little message .

Do not overcomplicate this .

Just a quick message .

You can say something like hi , the seller's name .

I would love to promote your product .

I saw it on JV Zoo .

Very interested .

I want to promote it to my audience .

Will you please approve me ?

Don't have to complicate that .

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You can even use chat GP T to create a good message for you or different variations of a message after you do that , you want to click right here .

Of course , confirm you're not a robot , then click right here where it says request approval .

What I want you to do is go through at least about 10 of these because I mean , you're gonna have a few of them that's not gonna prove you because you're new and then some product creators may take a few days to get back with you .

So you wanna assure that you have one to promote .

So go through a few of these .

There's a lot of products on this page , you're gonna get approved .

Let's go through that and then let's get into the next step .

OK ?

Once you get approved for your products , you can find them right here where it says approved products .

So click on that and it's gonna bring you to this page right here .

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You can see that I'm approved for a lot of different products , but I'm only looking for one in particular here and there are some reasons why .

So I'm gonna click on this .

It pays 75% commission , like I said , 50% is good , but 75% is even better off a $297 product .

So it won't take nearly as much effort to make 200 plus dollars a day with this product here .

Another thing I love about this product right here is it help people make money by simply showing them how to go out there and help businesses get free money from the government .

The reason why this is so good because there's no selling really involved .

All you're doing is helping businesses get free money from the government that you're gonna get a percentage of it shows you exactly how to do it .

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They have a lot of different methods on how to do this , but the person must purchase the product in order to get access to that information .

So now that you understand that let's get into the next step .

Ok ?

So we're back on Pinterest as you can see on the screen here , there's a picture of money .

The reason why I chose a picture of money because for one money gets people attention quicker than anything .

Another thing is it related to what I'm promoting .

The program that I just showed you is about earning money , whatever your niche is , you can simply just type it in here and search for it .

Make sure that the image is a high quality image , make sure that it's getting some engagement .

That's all you have to do .

So the next thing you want to do is you want to screenshot the image and you wanna save it .

OK ?

What you wanna do now is head back over to cava dot com .

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And that picture you just took a screenshot of , you want to drag it and drop it right on to this little box here .

Then you want to stretch it out and make it fit the little box .

Not complicated guys .

It's all you do .

Bam .

Ok .

This pitcher right here does a lot on its own .

People love money .

If you go over back over to pinchers , you can see there's a lot of money pitchers here but nothing really stands out and what you're gonna do stick with me .

Now you're gonna create a compelling title here .

A headline , something that grabs people's attention and make them want to click and go check out what you got the easiest way to do this .

A lot of times I'm gonna go back over to JV Zoo .

A lot of times you can go to the product page and you can get a good headline from the website .

So right here , I'm gonna copy , it doesn't get much better than free money from the United States government .

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So I'm gonna copy that and then I'm gonna go back over to Cava dot com and I'm gonna click right here where it says elements .

And then I want to drag this little square shaped box here onto the money pick and then I'm gonna make it fit the bottom of the pitch .

And then what you wanna do is click right here where it says text , then click , add a heading and then I'm gonna paste that headline right here and I'm gonna drag it , center it up here .

OK ?

I'm gonna change the color of this box because I don't like the color .

So what I'm gonna do is click right here and then we're gonna change it .

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Let's change it to blue and then we're gonna change the color of the text , gonna change it to orange , click on effects , then click right here where it says outline and then we're gonna thicken up the outline a little bit to about 80 .

Then gonna change the outline color to white .

Bam .

See how much that stands out guys .

So you wanna click right here where it says share and then you wanna click download , click , download again and it's gonna save it to your computer or phone , whatever device you're using .

OK ?

The next thing you wanna do , you wanna head back over to Pinter , then you want to click right here where it says create , then you wanna click , create pin that image you just downloaded , you're gonna drag and drop it in that box .

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Now this part right here is important like I said , it's all about getting clicks .

It's all about getting people's attention .

You're gonna create a title here .

And what I did is create a different variation of this right here .

That's all I did .

But it's catchy .

So I'm gonna paste it here and it says the United States government offering free money is good as it gets catchy .

People are going to click on this when they see it , the image look on point , everything is good .

The description part here , I'm just gonna put the same thing you want to keep this on .

None .

And then this part right here is important too .

You want to make sure you add your website link .

So we're gonna go back over to JV Zoo and we're gonna grab this link .

Now you have a couple of options .

You can go to name cheap dot com and you can get you a domain name , something that goes along with what you're posting about .

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You're gonna have to spend a little money for that .

But if you don't have any money at all , you can go over to Bentley dot com and create your real quick short link .

It's gonna track the clicks for you and everything .

I already put the link in here and you can see right here where it says uh custom back half .

I put free money from the government .

You want to make sure you put something that goes along with what you're promoting .

The next thing I'm gonna click on create .

And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy that link and I'm gonna go back over to Pinterest and I'm going to paste that link right here .

Then you can add some tags here .

I'm gonna put something like free money , money online , how to make money .

There's a lot of different keywords you can put here .

And the next thing you want to do is just click publish .

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All right , my friends now that you did your first post , I suggest that you keep doing this , be consistent with it .

Uh Sometimes you get lucky and start making money the same week , but sometimes it takes a little longer guys .

I mean , like I said , at the beginning of this video , you don't have to put a lot of time in this just whenever you have free time coming in and create a post , the more you do this , the easier it gets every time you come in here , it may not even take you , but 10 minutes probably not even that long come in here .

Create a post , keep doing it over and over and over .

You're gonna start getting some traction .

People are gonna start clicking on your website and when they go to that video and see that sales page , that's what's gonna get them to wanna purchase your product and then you're gonna be able to get paid .

Thank you for watching this video .

Uh Make sure you subscribe and if you wanna check out some programs that I'm a part of , I'll leave all the links below .

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I really enjoy being back on youtube making videos for you guys .

I'll catch you on the next one .

Peace .


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