in this video , I show you how to download Twitter videos .
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So please do make sure watch this , You right until the end .
You know all the steps to properly download the video and that any further ado , let's go and jump straight into this .
As you can see , I'm now on my phone .
But this tutorial is gonna work on any device regardless .
If it's an iPhone , an android , a desktop , it's all gonna work .
And this tutorial is going to apply to all of them .
And in my opinion , it's super , super simple , and one of the best ways out there , uh , you don't need to go and download their apps .
You can all do it within the Twitter app or the Twitter Web application .
So the first thing , of course , is what you want to do is go onto Twitter , make sure you're logged on to your account and go and find a video you want to go and download .
So in this case , I'm going to go and download the one I posted some minutes ago and I want to go and download this back onto my phone .
But in your case , it may just be a video you saw on Twitter , which you'd like to have in your own phone and your own camera role , uh , to go and use and do make sure you have the permission of the original copyright holder before going and downloading other people's videos .
So , yeah , once you're going to find the video , then all you want to do is go and click on it and you need to go and type a reply .
So click here .
And basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna go and tag a bot , which is going to allow us to go and download it .
It creates basically a download for us .
Um , and it's really simple .
So all you want to do is press the app button and all you need to do is go and type .
Send that .
But now do keep watching those you the four steps .
Then go and get it from this bot onto your phone and a few tips and tricks , then all you need to do is go and click tweet and he's gonna go and send it If I just go and reload this .
As you can see , it's now sent it .
Now what you have to do is wait a few minutes , OK ?
It's going to take a few minutes because there's demand for this service , basically .
So I'll wait a minute or two and then catch up with you guys then and then , guys , after about 4 to 5 minutes , you're gonna go and get this reply .
As you can see , it says you've got this link .
However , if you don't get a reply , do not worry .
Give it around five minutes .
What we want to do is go to your search browser , and all you need to do is come to send vid bot dot com , and you need to go and enter your Twitter user name just like so .
So I'll type mine in .
But you may not want to do this if you get sent a link , but if you don't get sent the link , this is the way to do it .
So then go and click check and it's gonna go and send a list of all the videos I've requested to download for so as you can see , this one was four minutes ago and I did another one , which is 23 minutes ago .
So then I'm gonna go and click Download , and I'm gonna click download , and I may go and get taken to an ad .
If you do got to click back and it'll take a minute to load .
And as you can see , it says , Do you want to download the file name dot MP four .
I click , download , and then , as you can see in the top , right , it start to download .
But this will vary on each device , of course .
So I'm gonna go and click on it , and here we go .
I can now go and open it up and play it just like so .
But as I previously said , you can also just go and click on the link in the tweets .
But if you haven't got that tweet , you can go and do it manually , as I just showed you .
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I'll catch you in the next one .