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2023-08-03 15:25:21

How To Make Money Online Chatting With Strangers

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So in this video , guys , I'm going to be showing you how to make money , just chatting with strangers , you know .

So it might sound odd but yeah , you're gonna be making money doing that .

So that's what this video is going to be about .

So if you're watching me for the first time , welcome to my channel .

I'm all about entrepreneurship , how to start an online business and how to make money online .

So if you are interested in that kind of stuff , you know what to do , go ahead and smash the subscribe button below and subscribe to my channel .

And if you guys want to start an online business and want to make a full time income online , then you should check out the first link below in the description where I show you how to start an online business from scratch with a eight marketing and how to grow the business and how to scale the business and a lot of things , you know .

So just check out the first link below in the description guys to get started .

So now shall we get into today's video guys ?

Let's get started .

So I'm going to be showing you like five websites guys away .

You can do this way , you can chat with strangers and you're going to be making money for that .

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So you can do this part time and some of the websites offer even full time , so you can choose whatever you want .

So I would recommend this job to be more like a side gig where you can do this just for some extra cash .

So now let me explain to you how this works guys .

So let me get onto my browser and show you .

So can you see this little icon here ?

Ok .

So this is the chat icon .

So you can chat with people here and like if you want to find out about this particular website , so I just opened squad help website here .

So if you want to find out about anything , you can just uh just type in here , you can ask your questions and you can click on send .

What happens is people at the back end are people there who are working for this company ?

They will reply to you , you know .

So that's what I'm talking about .

That's the work that you are going to be doing , ok .

So you are going to be these people here who is going to be replying to people's comments .

So you're going to be basically talking to strangers , you're going to be answering uh whatever questions they are asking .

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And also uh all you need to do So all you need to do is just to know about things that you are working with .

So if you're working with this particular company , you will need to know about the company like it works .

And what's the payment gateway to , what kind of jobs they offer and what , what are the countries that's available in ?

So all those little information , if you just read through and all that , you know about that and also they're going to help you out on certain things .

So to know about their company .

So that's what you're going to be doing and you're going to be making money for that and all these people at the back end , they're going to be getting paid for chatting with us .

Let me just ask them a question .

Uh Let's say , can I do this from India ?

So let me just send this , let's see whether like people are getting back to us .

So , so they'll say that they'll get back to us in five minutes .

So let's say , uh , we'll just send it and let's see whether they are replying .

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So if they're replying , that's what , so that's what you're going to be doing .

You're gonna be waiting for people's questions like that and you're gonna be replying for that and that's what you're going to get paid for .

So , and there are so many websites where you can apply .

So there are so many websites which where you can apply all these kind of jobs .

It's called online chat agent .

OK .

So that's what it's called .

Uh So if you want to go into anything and you want to search for this , if you want to type in online chat agent , OK , I'll just keep this tab open .

So now let me show you all the websites where you can apply to these kind of jobs and you can work and you can make money .

Ok ?

So this is more like a side gig , like I said , I won't recommend you to do this full time .

So just use this for some extra cash alone guys .

Ok ?

So now let me open up another tab and show you the first website .

So it's called indeed .

Ok .

So you might have heard of this , you can just open up this and just type in online chat agent .

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So let's see .

So can I see all these guys , all these jobs come up ?

So what you have to do is you have to apply to the some of the things are remote jobs and some of the jobs are not like where you can't do it like from your house .

And most of the things are like you can work from your house itself because this is all like going to be online .

So you can just go through this and you can see which I was suitable for you .

You can do that , you know , and some of the jobs asked for experience and some of it won't ask for experience because depending on whatever company that you are with , they will , they will want you to have those kind of experience .

Maybe if it's on the finance side or whatever they like you to have a certain amount of knowledge about that particular field because you need to be answering clients , you need to be , you need to be answering people , you need to be answering customers .

So for all that , you need to be uh you need to have a certain amount of knowledge about that particular field , you know .

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So some of it won't even ask you to have a knowledge in that particular field that you apply to .

And the first website is indeed uh dot com .

And indeed dot co dot It's in India , so it's called dot co dot So now the second website is uh upwork dot com .

So you might have heard of this , sorry .

So you might have heard of this .

This is one of the popular freelancing platform out there uh where you can set your own pricing , where you can set your own pricing , you can bid on jobs , you can just create your account and any of niches out there .

Can you see all these guys , web design , mobile , so web development , mobile development design writing .

So if you are like a writer or whatever , because many people I remember you asked in the comments section .

So I'm good at writing like where I can work .

So up work is a really cool place that you can apply to .

So , like in the beginning time and all that , like when I wanted to make money online , I was working with up work .

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I was doing some writing work and all that .

So you too can do that guys , you know .

So it's just not with online chat agent .

You , they got loads of jobs out here so you can do whatever you want here .

So I let me just uh select jobs and let me just type in online chat agent and let me click on search and see what kind of jobs are coming up .

So can you see all these guys posted like three days ago ?

So posted three days ago , three days ago and all that ?

So you can filter it also .

So you can use all these filters and filter the job that you want .

Uh if you want , like , uh if you want to get paid early and maybe like a fixed price or maybe like a fixed price or maybe what the length of the job is going to be like for one month or 1 to 3 months or 3 to 6 months , more than six months .

So that , you know , like , ok , if I work for six months , I'm going to get paid a lot or maybe I want like month to month , uh for like a salary or something .

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So you can opt for that as well .

So something like that , you can choose something like that and uh you can uh apply to whatever job you want .

OK .

So can you see all these guys , you can go through all this and see whichever is suitable for you and you can uh apply to all those kind of jobs .

So this is the second platform upwork dot com .

So this is a great platform guys and this is one of the leg platform out there upwork and fiber is one of the popular ones out here .

So you can go search in fiber and that's the third website that I'm going to be showing you fiber dot com .

So here again , you have to be uh selling your service , ok ?

You have to be putting up a gig there and you have to let people know that you exist online chat agent .

So many people are doing this and they are charging and they are charging a lot of money for that .

But when you are like starting , I would say that .

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Uh so I will be your online chat and email agent support and the starting price is $10 what they are offering .

Some people uh sell it for $5 and some people sell it for 10 and all that .

So when you are like starting , you want to offer more value when it comes to five workers because you need to have a good rating .

And also you need to have good reviews and all that .

And that is why most people go with you .

So you want to concentrate on those uh where like when you're starting , offer more value as much as possible as um offer more value as possible so that people will go with you .

And when you're putting up all these banners and all that for your gig , uh make sure that it looks good , it looks attractive because when people are scrolling down like this , your gig must grab the attention and also offer at a very low price when you are like starting .

Ok ?

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But after you grow , uh so after you grow on fiver , then after that , you can charge like how much hour you want after you get a good number of rating and after you get a good number of reviews and all that , then you can raise up your price guys any time you want .

Ok ?

So , but the minimum is like dollars , so you can't go below $5 .

You have to be at least $5 you know .

So uh start with $5 and after that , maybe you can raise it up .

So that's fiber , that's the third platform and the fourth one is with Apple itself .

So you know about Apple guys and they need loads of people out there to do their customer service .

Uh Let me just type in advisor India .

So this is what I'm talking about , but currently they are offering only in the US because they want people to sometimes to come to the office and all that .

So they want , they are just taking the hiring people just from the US alone for now .

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So if you are like from the US , you can apply to this and you can make money , extra money and also Apple pays a good amount of money for this .

So in order to work here , you need to have some .

Um so you need to have some experience with uh Apple Apple products like um like the Macbook and like ipod or like iphone or whatever , you know , you need to have little experience user experience with all Apple products .

So because when people ask for doubts and all that , it's , it's going to be related to uh the products or maybe the phone or the laptop or whatever .

So you need to know about all those things .

So you can just type it on Google Apple at home advisor .

So if you type in that , this page is going to come up , you can read through all the details that you want guys .

So from all these jobs , like online child jobs and all that .

So the average that you'll be getting is like $10 .

So they'll pay anywhere from 8 to $15 per hour , but average will be like $10 per hour .

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So that's how they usually pay with all of these platforms .

And also there are so many other freelancing platforms like freelancer , uh people per hour , all that .

So you can uh just go search their online chat agent and you'll find loads of jobs that will be coming up and you can go search in all of those platforms guys .

And the final platform is called simply hired .

So let me just type in , simply hired .

So can you see all these guys , there are loads of jobs here so you can apply to all this and you can make money .

So can you see this ?

You can let's just click on apply now and see what's happening .

So I haven't tried to do this platform .

Usually I am familiar with the work and fiber .

So this is another platform which you can apply to .

And uh this is a great platform as well .

So I would always recommend upwork and fiber and Apple again is a legit platform which you can work with .

So that's how you're gonna do it .

You're gonna be making money just chatting with strangers .

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So I'll just go here and let's see what happened guys .

Something is wrong here .

So let me just type in another thing message .

Let's see whether they are replying or what just now , not seen yet .

So we'll just wait a little while and see whether they're getting back to us .

So can you see these guys ?

They are typing and they're gonna be replying now .

So it just took like five minutes or something , not even five minutes and they're replying straight away .

So that's what you're going to be doing .

So you're gonna be staying online and you're gonna be replying to people's uh message when they send you a message , when they ask you a question .

So you can just work from home , you can just going to stay online .

So all you need is a good laptop and a good internet connection and you need to have like uh so can you see the reply guys ?

So we only open a registration after 2 to 3 months as they are saying with help because I put up a you about that and many people are saying that it's not active and all that .

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But that's because like they took too many people and uh currently it's full and they are only going to be hiring after 222 to 3 months as they are saying .

So uh wait for a little while after 2 to 3 months , maybe you can after that , maybe you can apply guys to score help and you can work here .

So many people say that it's a fake website and all that .

It's not a fake website .

It's a legit platform .

That is why I show it to you guys .

I only show you legit platforms .

I don't show you any crap at all .

So all these freelancing platforms are all legit and also squad help is a really great platform .

Um because what you have to do is you have to be consistent .

OK ?

So you should never give up .

So if you just give up easily and say that it's fake and it's not legit and it's not working and all that , um then you need to just put in more effort and try to do it again , you know , so because it is a legit platform , people are making really good money with this .

And also there are so many testimonials and all that .

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So you want to go read all that guys and make sure if you are .

So if you like to do it , just do it .

If you don't like it , maybe you can find another job .

Uh like I got loads of videos on this channel so you can see which I was suitable for you and you can do that .

So if you think this is taking time , they're taking time to reply and all that , maybe you can just uh go with another job .

So I show a lot of online jobs like this .

So you can see which I was suitable for you guys and you can make money with that .

So that's about this video guys .

Now , if you have any doubts or questions or suggests regarding this video , you can leave your comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible guys .

And also if you haven't subscribed yet subscribing and if you find this information useful .

And if you think any of your friends will be interested in this , then share this information with them as well .

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So like I said earlier , guys , if you want to start an online business and want to make a full time income online , not like a side gig , not like where you can make extra money , but if you want to make a full time sustainable business online , then check out the first link in the description because that is where I show you how to start an online business from scratch with F eight marketing and how to grow the business and how to scale the business and all sorts of things .

Ok .

So if you are interested in that , then check out the first link below in the description guys and I'll get back to you .

So thanks for watching guys .

I love you and I'll see you my next video .


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