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2023-08-03 15:30:32

12 Side Hustles You Can Do From Your Phone

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In this video , I'm going to share with you 12 side hustles that you can do from your phone that are going to pay you $500 every single day coming into 2023 with this massive recession going on .

I know how hard it is .

I can see the importance for you guys to be able to do some side hustles from home from your phone .

Many of you don't have a computer and I've been looking at some side hustles online that I wanted to bring to you guys that are going to pay you at least $500 a day that you can easily do from your phone and anywhere in the world .

So number one on this list is called human microbes .

What human microbes is going to do ?

This one is going to sound like a joke , but it's actually for real .

This website here is going to pay you for your poop as they call it a stool , a ST donor for the network for FMT fecal , whatever it is and research focused on donor quality , right ?

And I have no idea why they pay you for that , but they have everything laid out on their website .

You can just go into human microbes dot org and have a look at their website .

They have everything laid out here , an explanation here for you if you want to see one .

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But the real crazy thing is how much they're going to pay you for each donation that you make , which is kind of crazy .

The amount they're paying is $500 per donation .

So if you decided to do this at least once a day , then you could potentially be making $500 every single day from this side hustle with little to minimal effort .

As they mentioned here on our website , you can choose if you want to make daily donations .

And they also mentioned that they've increased their prices and payouts to $500 per tool sample up to $180,000 per year , which is kind of insane .

Now , if you're excited to learn these side hustles , go ahead and subscribe to the channel right now because my job here is to bring you three videos every single week , just like this one .

If not even better with different ways that you can use to make money online .

If you're not subscribed , you're going to miss the future videos , which is going to be a shame because that could have been the video that changed the game for you forever .

So go ahead and subscribe right now because it is free and you can change your mind at any point in time and I'll not know why you're subscribing to the channel .

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Go ahead and sign up for the subscriber fund , which I give away $50 for free here on my channel , every single Friday for all of my subscribers that I signed up for the subscriber fund .

So go ahead and sign up for that .

All you have to do is just scan the QR code on your screen right now or go to the link in the description and sign up there .

Once you've subscribed and signed up to the subscriber fund on the link or using the QR code , you're automatically entered to win number two , become a friend for lonely people .

Yes , you heard that right ?

Websites like rent a friend , friend , PC and Papa are going to pay you to be a virtual friend for someone that is lonely .

Yes , all of these sites are legit , all of them pay all of them work .

But I would say the best one that you can use is Papa .

You don't have to use just one .

You can feel free to use all three of the websites to make the most amount of money possible .

You don't have to limit yourself just to Papa .

But taking into account just this one , you can make around $3000 every single month just by using Papa alone .

And if you use all of the websites , you can make even more than that .

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And like I said , all of these websites are legit and all of these hustles , you can do them by just using your phone , just be prepared to be dealing with some weird people .

And on that note , if you're looking for an actual business that can make you money while you sleep and you want my help to build that business .

Go ahead and check out youtuber Pro , which is my learning program , which I'm going to teach you from A to Z .

Every single thing that I use to go from my channel from 0 to 200,000 subscribers in five months .

And I was also able to get from 0 to 30,000 plus us dollars per month in that same amount of time .

Imagine in five months from now , you could potentially be earning 10 20 $30,000 a month with a completely automated business .

So if you want help to be able to learn all of those skills , go ahead and check out youtuber Pro .

The link is in the description for you and I'll see you inside .

Number three on this list is called Upside Upside is an app that will give you cash back on every single day purchases .

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But where this app actually really , really shines is on the cash back that you're going to get from gas purchases .

This app can save you as much as 30 cents per gallon that you purchase on the gas station near you and all you have to do to use the app is just to be able to redeem everything on inside the app and go to the gas station and your automatic enter to get your cash back .

30 cents a gallon might not seem like much .

But if you live in a state , like I live in California where gas is literally gold , then these and turn into a pretty big sum amount of money .

Number four on this list is called Imim is a website where you can sell your images for a certain amount of money and they pay an average of $350 per image that you sell on this website .

And all you have to do to be able to sell your images on this website is to download the app on your phone , select the option , sell your work and start selling your work .

Obviously , the amount you're going to get paid through the website will depend solely on the image quality of your pictures .

But roughly you can expect to get paid at least $350 per image that you sell on this website .

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That is the average people are making selling their work to Im and given that the website will pay you a 55% cut of every single image that you sell on their website .

You can expect to get 192 50 per image that you sell and on that note , given that we're talking about side hustles on how to make free money .

I would highly recommend that you go and sign up to I because they are giving now 12 fractional shares valued up to $30,600 which is insane .

I have no idea how long this offer is going to last .

So if sign up for the app , make an initial deposit of at least one penny , one penny and they will qualify your account , give you the 12 free fractional shares valued up to $30,600 which is free money .

You can sell all of the stocks , cash out and that's it .

No cash .

So if you haven't yet signed up for that , go ahead and sign up right now .

Don't wait until the offer is gone .

Number five on this list is proof reading and proof reading is a side hustle that you're going to be reading documents and marking errors that you find on those documents .

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This is a known side hustle that can make it from $15 to $100 per hour if you're good at it .

And if you don't believe me , all you have to do is go to some freelancer platform like upwork , which is a platform that I hire most of my employees and most of my team in .

And you can see here that people are earning $50 per hour , $40 per hour , $75 per hour .

45 25 65 80 99 40 30 most of them have , I've earned $30,000 plus $80,000 plus $100,000 on this platform .

So people are making a lot of money using this online side hustle that you can do as a part time job .

If you have a full time job , you can do this from the comfort of your home and you can completely do this using your phone regarding these side hustles and much much more of these money making methods .

I've recently started posting a lot of these things in my Instagram account and also in my Twitter account .

So if you want to follow me on those social medias , go ahead and use the handles that you're seeing on your screen right now .

Just follow me on Instagram and follow me on Twitter .

Keep up to date with all of the methods I post here on the channel three times a week and on my Instagram and Twitter , I post every single day .

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Number six on the list is called Study Pool .

This side hustle is one that can easily make you at least $5000 every single month .

You can also do this side hustle from your phone and you're going to be selling your past notes to tens of millions of students to get started with study pool .

All you have to do is either go to your browser on your computer on your or on your phone .

If you're using a computer , all that you're going to have to do is just click on Sell docs right here where my cursor is at or if you're using your phone , all that you have to do is just click the small icon on the top right corner of your phone and click on Sell Docs .

The same option that you're seeing right here after you click on it , all you have to do is just click here .

Start selling your documents .

Now you have to sign up for an account .

And after that , you can start submitting your notes and getting paid $10 every single time a student views one of those notes as they say here on the home page of their website , how it works , upload a document , get approved , viewed by student , tens of millions of students earn $10 every time a student views your document with tens of millions of students on this platform .

It's not that hard to be able to get a lot of money through the platform .

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If you take a look on study pool , the platform , they have also the highest earners panel here and you can see that people are literally making tens of thousands of dollars every single year using the platform .

So study pool is a great platform .

If you have a lot of notes that you can sell to other people .

Number seven on this list is thumbnail designing .

This is a side hustle that can easily pay you at least $1100 per month or maybe even more depending on how good you are at designing thumbnails .

And if you're thinking but Reese , I have no idea how to design anything .

No worries .

So all you have to do is go to our website , like can dot com type in youtube thumbnails .

Once you type in youtube thumbnails , like you're seeing on your screen right now , you're going to be faced with hundreds of youtube thumbnails that you can just click on it , change some of the information and be able to sell it to other people .

This is just a quick thumbnail that I just did right now .

Recording the video to show you how easy it is to manipulate .

Can you can do a much better job than this one that I've done ?

This is just an example , but this is just to show you how easy it is for you to create thumbnail and be able to sell it for real life money .

And if you're thinking , but how am I going to get people to buy my thumbnails from me ?

Well , there's two ways that you can use to do that .

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The first way , like I mentioned at the beginning of the video , you're going to create an account or at upwork or fiver dot com and you're going to become a freelancer for one of those two websites .

And every single time a person makes a purchase from you , they buy your gig , you're going to go to , can make a thumbnail for them and you're going to sell it to them for a certain amount of money .

And if you take a look at upwork , people are paying $30.50 dollars , $45.25 dollars , 35 dollars , $20 an hour just to design thumbnails .

Another way that you can use to reach out to people to buy your thumbnails is literally the way that I found my thumbnail designer that I work with .

Right now .

At this point in time , the guy reached out to me , he sent me an email on my email and on his email , he asked me if he could provide me with a sample trial thumbnail for my channel and I accepted .

And after he did that , I saw that he had a very fast turnaround time and I decided to work with him .

He had zero reviews on his fir profile and now he has more than 35 star reviews use .

And I was able to help him create his profile on fiver .

And now he's getting jobs from a lot of different people .

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So those are two ways that you can use to get customers for your thumbnails .

Number eight on this list is you're going to become a lime juicer .

What is a lime juicer ?

A lime juicer is just a person that goes around the city .

It doesn't really matter where you live .

All you need to be doing is living in a city where there's those scooters from the company called Lime .

And as they call it , a lime juicer is a person that goes around town collecting those scooters because at some point they need to be charged and all you're going to do is collect those scooters charged and put them back in a specific place to be able to perform .

That job .

Lime is going to give you an app which you can go and register as a lime user and they're going to send you the location of all the scooters that need charging and then you're going to pick them up , charge them and leave them at a design specific place .

With this side hustle , you can expect to make around 5 to $12 per lime scooter that you charge , which is a really , really good amount of money .

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Number nine on the list is called Field Agent , which is a website slash app that we covered here on the channel before field agent is a company that is used by large companies around the world that uses agents like you to go around doing several tasks for other people's businesses .

Some of those tasks include gathering information for brand retailers , taking some photos , sharing opinions and completing other tasks and all you have to do to be able to perform this side hustle is to download the field agent app on your phone .

And after that , you can start doing those tasks and using field agent , you can expect to earn 100 to $300 every single all day .

Using this side , hustle number 10 on the list is to be a Google ad specialist .

Many companies nowadays will pay you to be their ad specialist and they will pay you a very good amount of money to be able to do that for them .

Again , if you go to upwork and you search for a Google ad specialist , you're going to see that people are earning around 25 to $135 every single hour to be someone else or businesses .

Google ad specialists , right ?

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So some of these guys here have earned around $700,000 on this platform just by being businesses Google ads specialist .

And if you're thinking that you don't know how to be a Google ad specialist , well , Google has you covered , they have a training platform which they have the free Google ads training that you can use to become certified to be a Google ads specialist .

And if you want the link for that site , go ahead and check out the QR code on your screen right now , which leads you to the text file of this video .

While you're here , you can also learn to do multiple types of side hustles , which involves Google that you can use to make money online and that are 100% completely legit like Google analytics , Google , my business , Google for education , Google ad manager and several others that you can use to be able to earn money as a freelancer .

Number 11 on this list is just to become a mobile notary .

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All a notary does is whenever something is sold or bought the bill of sale has to be notarized and all you're going to be offering people is to be a mobile notary which is going to bring them convenience and you're going to travel to the person that is going to make the sale or make the purchase .

You're going to be providing convenience to your customers .

They're to be paying you around 100 to $200 per important document that you sign and for any general documents that you sign , they're going to be paying you around 10 to $30 per signing , not including any travel charges that you may want to charge .

Bear in mind that in some states , you may be required to pass an exam or complete a training course to be able to become a mobile notary .

And last but not least low content books is the 12th side hustle on this list , which is another side hustle that I've spoken here about on this channel and all you're going to be doing using this side .

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So is to sell low to no content , books like journals , notebooks and things like that low content books is a side hustle that can pay you up to $17,000 per month if you know how to execute the idea .

Well , there are people making well over $500 per day using the same side hustle and I have a video here on the channel explaining step by step , all you have to do to perform this method .

And if you want to go to that video , just click the video on your screen right now and you'll be redirected to that video .

I will see you there .

Work hard , play harder .


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