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2023-08-03 15:34:22

$798.85_Day - Make Money Online WATCHING YouTube Videos (No Website or Affiliate Marketing Needed)

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On this video today .

I'm gonna show you how to go from this to this and make money online , watching youtube videos from anywhere in the world .

And the best part about this , it does not involve affiliate marketing .

You don't need a following and you definitely don't need a website to start .

But what you do need to do is you need to make sure that you watch this entire video .

Step by step , do not skip ahead because I'm going to show you exactly how to put this together .

Even though this is really easy , you need to follow each step .

If you skip ahead , you're only gonna have to go back and it's going to waste your time .

So make sure that you follow everything so that you can get started because this can pay you every single day and you can make hundreds of dollars online watching these different types of youtube videos .

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So step one , what you need to do is you need to get down the bottom and you need to make sure that you subscribe to this channel because I've got some more awesome follow-up videos on the back of this that you don't want to miss and that could be the video that helps you make even more money online .

So step one on this .

What you need to do is you need to come over to youtube and you need to take a look at all these different videos that you have at your disposal that you can use to make money watching these different types of youtube videos .

Now , what you wanna do is you wanna pick a niche that you potentially wanna do this in good ones to do are something like how to make money online , in different types of youtube videos .

You can do sports , you can do hobbies , you can do how to videos , you can do weight loss , you can do fitness et , and what you wanna do is you wanna create a collage of these videos and people watch these videos , you're going to make money online and like I said , this does not involve any sort of selling .

So there's no affiliate marketing involved .

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There's no e-commerce involved , there's no CPA marketing involved .

It's purely people going to watch these videos and you're going to make money online .

So what you wanna do is you wanna find different types of videos , let me show you an example of how you're going to put this together .

So what I've gone and done is I'm gonna do this in the weight loss and fitness niche and I wanna show you how you're going to put this together so you can do the same .

You can see here that if somebody wants to lose weight , they're going to be looking for a certain type of video and you're gonna give them a whole range of videos that they can watch in one in every single video that you watch , they watch .

You're going to make money online .

For example , let's start with the fastest way to lose weight .

What you wanna do is you wanna copy this .

You wanna find a title as an example .

Let's say you wanted to do this in the hobby niche and you wanted to do this with fishing , you could put in best reels for fishing .

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You can do different types of rods for fishing , best places to go fishing , best lures for fishing , best boats to take out whatever , fly fishing , whatever it might be , best type of tents or camping gear when you go fishing and then you'd find all these videos and then you'd put this together and then I'm gonna show you how to get free traffic for this so that you can make money online with this strategy .

So let's just grab and find videos on this .

So copy this .

You wanna come straight over to youtube , you wanna type this in here and then what you wanna do is you wanna find a video on this particular niche .

So when you scroll down , you're gonna find something like this , how to lose weight fast with Doctor Ken .

So what you do is you'd click on to this , you can pause this video and then what you wanna do is you wanna copy this URL , so you'd grab that URL , you'd come over to your notepad and then what you wanna do quite simply is you wanna paste that in here .

That's the first one .

Now , what you wanna do is you wanna type in best Keto diets .

So you wanna copy that because what people are going to do is they're gonna want to learn all these different types of strategies if they're looking to lose weight .

So best Keto diet .

So here's a meal plan .

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What you can do quite simply make sure you don't click on any of the ads come over , you grab this one , I mean this one's had 6.1 million views .

So people are interested in this , pause this , copy this OK ?

And then all you need to do is follow the process and then come over here and then control there and you wanna paste all this .

Next one is how to start intermittent fasting .

Copy this come straight over to here .

So you get the idea of what we are doing here and how we are grabbing these videos .

So come over here , you can see here , beginner's guide .

Perfect .

Wanna click onto this .

We're gonna pause this , we're gonna grab this OK ?

Now , as you can see , we are creating this entire collage of videos .

Let's just do one more .

Best home workout routines .

Copy this .

I'll delete this one over here as you guys are starting to get the idea .

So just paste this in here and let's grab one more video .

OK ?

Here's this one full body home workout routine .

Maybe you can grab one where there's male and female .

As an example , it's completely up to you .

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Here we go , beginner's guide to a full body workout .

Let's grab this one , pause this and grab this .

OK ?

So what you wanna do now again , come over here guys and paste this in here .

Now that we have , we've got 1234 videos .

There are four videos and when people watch this , you stand a very good chance to make money online watching these videos .

So what we now need to do is I need to show you exactly how you are going to put this together .

So you know how this is all going to work .

So what you wanna do is you want to come over to this platform over here called shrink me dot IO .

Now , if you've seen this platform before and other people talk about it , I guarantee you no-one is going to show you how to do this the way I'm going to show you how to do it today because it's going to maximize how much money you're going to make and you're going to be able to , you know , triple and could triple the amount of money you're going to make .

And let me show you exactly how this works .

You can see here that with shrink me dot IO , this is a service that allows you to shrink a URL or a video .

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And what's going to happen is they're going to show an ad or they're going to show something before your video and that's how you're going to get paid .

But people are going to potentially go through with this so they can get the end result of what you're promoting .

And you can see here that you can make anything up to 2200 and $20 for 10,000 views .

And the free traffic source that I'm gonna show you today can definitely get you these views .

Ok ?

Now when you come over to me dot IO and you take a look at how much people are earning , you can see here that people are getting paid every single day .

Some people have just cashed out as much as $76.26 dollars , 100 and $6.28 dollars .

And the best part about this platform when you come over here , you can see that they do have a $1 sign up bonus .

They've got a minimum payout of $5 which is really easy to get .

And you can see that the payment frequency is every single day .

On top of that , you can get paid out in Bitcoin .

You can get paid into your US accounts , your paypal pay any , you can see all these other payout options guys .

So you are not limited as to how you're going to get paid .

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And the best part is you can get paid in so many different countries .

When you scroll down , you can see here that Greenland has a $22 C PM .

This is $22 per 1000 views that you get .

But what you're really looking for are countries like the United States , United Kingdom , Canada , New Zealand , Australia , Brazil , India even had $4 .

I mean , that's quite good because India is a massive country and with the platform that I'm gonna show you , they also so use this platform quite a lot .

So I know that you can make some really good money and I'll show you that in a second .

So all these countries , you stand a very good chance .

So anybody that's watching these videos , you can make money online .

So what you wanna do from here quite simply is come up to the top and register for an account .

Once you do that , it's gonna bring you over to a page that looks like this and you can sign in with your Google account once you sign in , what's going to happen is it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this .

And what you want to do is you want to shorten these links .

So quite simply come straight back over to your notepad .

We're going to grab this first video .

OK ?

So we can grab that so we can copy this .

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Then what we wanna do is come back over to this platform and click on to new shorten link .

And what you wanna do is you wanna hit Control V and you wanna paste that in there and then you wanna click on to shorten this link .

What's going to happen now is this link has been shortened .

So this is the link that you're going to be promoting .

So you're gonna copy that .

You wanna come back over to your notepad .

OK ?

Then what we're gonna do is we're going to paste this here .

Now , I'm not gonna do all of these , but you get the idea of exactly how you're going to shorten this link .

What you will do for this one , let's just do one more very quickly for the keto diets .

One is you can copy , come straight back over to you .

Click onto new shorten link , paste this in here .

OK ?

And then click on to shorten .

Sorry .

Let's just remove that dash , click on to shorten and this is going to give us the next link .

Now , what you wanna do is I want to copy this .

OK ?

So copy that come straight back over to your notepad and this is how you've got two now , OK ?

Control V .

So now we've got two of these links now .

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What we need to do is we need to get all these links inside one link so that people can watch all these videos so that you can get paid and I'll show you exactly how this works .

Now , if you're following along , just let me know in the comments by smashing that like button in appreciation and you just go down the bottom comment .

Let me know that you got to this stage and please continue to follow .

Do not skip ahead because you do not want to miss anything about this process .

And like I said , if you enjoy making money online and if you enjoy watching my videos , make sure you subscribe to the channel because I've got some more follow-up videos that you do not want to miss .

So what you wanna do from here is you wanna come over to this platform called the link R dot Double E .

This is a platform that's going to allow you to put multiple links inside one link where people can watch all these different videos .

So as you scroll down , you can see here that you can share your link anywhere .

This is an amazing platform and I use this absolutely for free .

It's not going to cost you a single thing .

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So what you wanna do is quite simply sign up once you sign up , what's going to happen is this is how your back office is going to look like my one is called at click here to start .

So you can see here .

This is my URL link three forward slash click here to start .

You wanna be mindful of how you create yours , you can call it whatever you want , maybe tailor it to a specific niche if you're doing weight loss or if you're doing hobbies or if you're doing relationship or make money online , whatever it might be , I'll leave that up to you .

So what you wanna do from here , what's going to happen when you create your link tree profile , you're not going to have any of these links .

These are the links that I currently on my link tree profile .

You're not going to have any of this .

Yours is going to be blank .

And what you're going to do is you're going to see this , add new link and what you wanna do is just quite simply click on to add new link over here .

Once you do that , this is where you need to enter the title and you need to enter the URL .

This is where you come back over to your notepad and then what you wanna do is copy this .

So this is going to be your title .

So you wanna copy that , OK ?

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You wanna come back over to here and you wanna paste this as your title so you can type in something like watch this video on and then just put the fastest way to lose weight .

Then what you wanna do is come straight back over to you guys and you wanna copy this link .

So copy that come straight back over to you guys and this is where you're going to paste this URL and you wanna double click onto this twice and what's going to happen ?

You're gonna see that pop up there .

Then what you wanna do is click on to add new link and you wanna , you just wanna repeat this process .

So with the second one , what you'd do is you'd come over here and then best Keto diets .

So you'd copy this quite simply come straight back over to here and then hit control V and then type in again , you can type in something like this , watch this video video on the best Keto diets , then come straight back over to you guys and then what you wanna do is you wanna grab this link .

So copy that and come straight back over to here and paste that in there .

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Double click onto this twice and now what you're going to have is you're going to have these two pop up .

So let me just show you what this is going to look like .

So if I copy this link , come over to a brand new tab over here and hit enter , you can see here that this has come up with watch this video on the best Keto diets and watch this video on the fastest way to lose weight .

What you're going to do is you're going to complete this process and you're going to add all the videos that you want to add for people to watch once that's done .

What we now need to do is we need to go and get this free traffic .

So continue to pay close attention because there's one more software that you need to use .

That's absolutely for free to put all this together to sure you are going to make money online .

So what you wanna do from here guys is we want to use this platform Pinterest dot com and this is where you are going to promote these videos .

And this is where you will get a lot of clicks of testing this many times and it's always worked for me and there is absolutely no reason why it won't work for you .

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So what you wanna do is create a Pinterest profile for yourself in the exact same niche that you're going to be creating these videos on or what you can do is create a general Pinterest profile .

And then you can create many boards , you can create a board in hobbies so you can do this in hobbies , weight loss relationships in any sort of niche that you want .

All you need to do is create your Pinterest profile .

Once you create your Pinterest profile , now , what you need to do is you need to come up to the top and you need to create a pin .

I'm also gonna show you how to create this board .

So quite simply click on , click on to create a pin and this is where we are going to create this pin and we are going to share this link , link tree link with all those videos .

So what you now need to do is we need a pin in order to create this pin .

What you wanna do is quite simply come over to this profile or this website called can V dot com .

You can do this .

Absolutely for free .

Once you're on can , what you wanna do is come up here into the search section and type in Pinterest pins .

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You wanna scroll down and you wanna select this one Pinterest pin 1000 by 1500 .

Once you click onto that , it's going to give you all these different pins .

All you need to do is click on to any one of these .

You can quite simply click on to create a blank Pinterest pin .

It doesn't matter because once you do that , what you wanna do on the left hand side over here , you can type in something like fitness hit enter and this is going to give you all these different types of pins that you can use that are related to fitness .

And what you wanna do is quite simply scroll down and find a pin that you would like to use something that resonates with potential health , fitness , et cetera .

So take a look .

This has to start the keto diet .

That's a pretty good one .

You can use one that maybe has something with somebody working out , something like that .

So quite simply , just choose a pin .

What I did is I chose a pin that looked like this .

OK .

And all I basically did is I changed the text to , to say this .

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So if you want to lose weight fast and get help , click on the link in the pin and watch these four free instructional videos .

So this is if you were to have four videos , if you've got five , say five , if you have two , say two , etcetera , and all you need to do is type that in there .

The font was already here .

The image was already here .

This was a pin that was already here .

All this had was different writing .

So now what we need to do is we need to save this pin .

So quite simply come up to here and click on to download once you click on to download .

So it's like a PNG .

All you need to do is click on to download .

Now this pin is saving to my computer from here .

What we wanna do is come straight back over to Pinterest and then all we need to do is grab this pin , drag and drop and you can see this pin is in here .

Now , what you wanna do over here quite simply is you need to add in a title , so how to lose weight quickly and get healthy .

OK .

So you can write in something like that .

You can also put something like watch these four videos on the best ways to lose weight , etcetera .

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But you've also got here , you can tell everyone about this pin .

So what you can do is write something like watch these four instructional videos on how to get healthy .

OK ?

So type that in there .

And then down here guys , this is the destination link .

This is where you are going to post this link .

So you quite simply come straight back over to link tree .

You wanna share , you wanna copy that link .

Now , you wanna come straight over to Pinterest and you wanna paste that link in there .

Now , what we need to do is we need to come up to the top .

You wanna click onto that dropdown link , then you wanna scroll down and click on to create a board with this board .

You can call this the health and fitness board and this is where you can put a heap of different types of videos you saw that youtube has thousands of videos in these different types of niches .

Now , I'm just gonna keep this board secret because obviously I haven't added all my videos , etcetera .

So you wanna click on to keep , I wanna click on to keep this board secret .

You're gonna make this board public and you're gonna make your pin public .

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And then what you wanna do is click on to create .

Once you click on to create , I just wanna show you that this absolutely does work guys .

So as you can see what I've done there , now , I wanna hit publish .

Once I hit publish , this is now going to publish so people can see this online .

Now what's going to happen ?

I'm gonna show you exactly what this pin looks like .

So if I click on to see it now , it's going to take us straight over to this pin .

Now you can see this is the pin .

If so this is the pin that we've put up .

It's got all our writing in here guys and you can see here it's got the title How To lose weight quickly and then down here watch these four instructional videos on how to get healthy .

This is what people are going to see .

There's that link it's in there .

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Once people click onto this , it's gonna take them straight over to this link to profile where they're going to be able to click onto all these videos every single time they click onto these videos and watch these videos , you stand a very good chance of getting paid and you can get paid really well because Pinterest , which I'm gonna show you , you in a second , gets a lot of views from places like the United States , United Kingdom , Canada , Australia , India , et cetera .

And you will be making some really good money online , earning anything from $8.04 dollars , $5 per 1000 views is amazing if we come over to similar web , just like just so I can show you this and we type in Pinterest , you're gonna be able to see exactly where this traffic is coming from .

So if we come over to Pinterest dot com , you can see here .

Firstly , that Pinterest get over a billion views every single month .

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And when you scroll down , you can see here , United States , Brazil , India , Russia , Argentina , and many more countries contribute to a lot of traffic coming over to Pinterest , which are going to click on to these pins , which is going to allow you to make money online , watching these videos .

And when you scroll down the minimum that you can earn is $3.50 per 1000 views guys , this is a lot , it's extremely passive because with Pinterest , once you put up these pins , they're going to continue to make your money over time and you can use someone else's videos without you having to do any of the work yourself .

All you need to do is go out there and set this up and start absolutely crushing it .

Now that's left for you to do is to make sure that you subscribe to the channel for the next lot of videos that I got coming out , which are going to complement these videos .

So that you can make even more money online but make sure you don't go anywhere .

Because if you haven't seen this video on how you can make $10,000 a month going into 2023 then I highly recommend that you click onto this video here right now .

I'll see you on this video until next time .

Take care of yourselves and goodbye .


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