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2023-08-03 15:31:00

How to Make Your First $1,000 With ChatGPT For Beginners (Still Early)

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Hey , everyone on today's video .

I wanna show you how to make money online , using chat GP T and have it completely automated to make anything up to $1000 a day .

The first thing that you're going to need is you're gonna have to sign up to chat GP T from there .

I'm gonna show you how you can automate all these posts that you can put up on different social media platforms that can get you a lot of traffic .

You can get tens of thousands of views if not millions of views with the strategy , I'm gonna show you on this video and you never need to show your face .

You never need to create any of this content .

It's all completely automated for you from there .

I'm gonna show you where you can go to get products to promote , that can make you tens of thousands of dollars every single month .

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If this sounds like something that you're interested it in , make sure you watch this entire video because on top of that , I have my brand new March giveaway where I'm going to be giving 10 lucky winners $100 each .

So make sure you listen out for what you need to do to be one of the lucky $100 winners from now .

All you need to do is make sure that you're subscribed to the channel and like this video as we are getting straight into it .

So , like I said , the first thing that you want to do is you need to make sure that you have created an account with chat GP T .

If you can't get an account with chat GP T or you're having trouble signing up , you can always go to unlock A I bot dot com to get access to chat GP T .

Now what you wanna do is you wanna come down the bottom and you wanna ask Chat GP T to create you 20 motivational quotes for social media related to business .

Once you do that , you wanna click on to this little section over here and this is going to create these quotes for you .

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You can see here that I did this a little bit earlier and Chat GP T came up with 20 additional quotes .

What you can do from here once you use up these 20 is you can come down the bottom and you can just ask chat GP T to create another 20 for you .

So all you need to do is write something like this , create another 20 quotes and then hit enter and chat GP T is now going to create another 20 motivational quotes for me .

So you can see here , you can never run out of these different types of quotes and creating this content .

What you need to do from here once you have created this is you wanna quite simply come over here and you wanna copy these 20 quotes or you can copy all 40 if you wanted to .

So come over here and copy this from here .

What we need to do is we need to come over to a Google sheets , brand new page .

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So quite simply go over to Google sheets and create an account for yourself .

Now , what you wanna do once you've created an account for yourself is you wanna come over here and you wanna paste these different types of quotes once you've paste that and I'm not sure why it's gone dark like that , but we can just stretch this out and you can see all 20 quotes have been pasted in here .

Now , what we need to do is we need to save these quotes as a CS V file .

So you quite simply come up to file , you scroll down , you can see you've got download .

What you wanna do is you wanna come over here to where it says comma separated by , by values , click onto this and you want to save this .

You can see now this has been saved to my computer .

If I change this up here , let's just change this to quotes .

OK ?

So you know what it is , then all you need to do is obviously come back down here and save that and it's gonna save that as quotes .

What we are going to do now with these quotes is we are going to get these created in a matter of minutes .

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It's literally gonna take seconds to create this and then you can start uploading these from there .

I'm gonna show you how you can get this free traffic .

Get them clicking on an affiliate link that's going to make you money online , fully automated without you having to do any of the work .

Now , I get asked a lot , Alan , what do you do and how do you make money online ?

So before I show you how to create these quotes in a matter of seconds , if you wanna know what I do every single day to make my online , all you need to do is go down the bottom in the description of this video and click onto that first link .

It's gonna bring you over to a page that looks like this and all you need to do is watch this video .

This is gonna show you exactly how I've made over $20,000 a month every single month consistently using 100% free traffic .

And that's just one income stream with this free traffic .

I've probably got about five or six different income streams and I teach you exactly how you can do this on this video .

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And inside this course , if you click over here , you , once you scroll down , you can see that just in ad revenue I made over $390,000 .

And I'll show you exactly how you can get monetized to do something similar if you follow the steps and putting in the time and you can see here that we've broken everything down for you .

When I say we myself and Greg , who's another youtuber who's got a channel called Caffeinated Blogger will show you exactly how you can do this step by step , getting started and building your own profitable online business on top of that , just for signing up and watching that video .

I'm gonna send you my ultimate affiliate marketing guide .

This is what I do to make over $500 every single day with affiliate marketing .

I'm gonna send this to you absolutely for free .

All you need to do is click onto that link in the description , enter in your email address and you'll get this sent over to you for free , then you can watch that video .

So from here , what we need to do is we need to get all these posts completely automated in order to do that .

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What you wanna do is you wanna sign up for an account with Can A Can is absolutely free and you can do this on Can V fully automated and it's not gonna cost you a single thing if you got to this point .

I want you to do me a favor .

Go down the bottom right now and just comment , I got to this point .

And if you appreciate my videos , make sure that you've smashed that like button .

Like I said , make sure that you're subscribed .

So I'm gonna show you how you can go on to win that $100 .

Be one of the lucky 10 winners .

You need to make sure that you're subscribed to the channel .

So once you're on camera , what you wanna do is you can scroll down here , you can see you've got all these different options .

What you wanna select is this Instagram Post .

So quite simply click onto that once you click onto Instagram Post , what you now want to do is in the top search section , you wanna type in quotes .

So just come over here and type in quotes and hit enter .

Once you type in quotes , you can see that you're gonna get all these different templates .

The one that I showed you at the start of the video was this one over here that I use .

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But I can very easily choose any one of these different types of templates and you can mix and change as many of these as you want .

So let's run with this one over here .

This one looks pretty cool .

So I'm gonna select this one now .

What we wanna do is we want to upload those quotes and get these fully , fully automated .

So quite simply what you wanna do is you wanna come down here and see where it says bulk create .

You wanna click on to bulk create , then what you wanna do is you wanna click on to upload CS V file .

So once you click on to that , it's gonna bring you over to your back office of your computer .

So I'm just gonna type in CS V OK ?

Because that's the file that we need to get .

Let's click onto the quotes that I saved and then click on to open .

What's going to happen now is you're going to see that there that's been downloaded .

Now , what you wanna do , let me just screw to this is you wanna click on to this writing , make sure you select these three little dots .

Then you can see it says connect data , you wanna click on to that .

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Now you can see here it says continue , click on to continue and what's happened .

Now , one when you created all those quotes from chat GP T and you uploaded them onto your Google spread Google sheet file , you can see now that we've been able to upload this onto can .

Now we've got 20 of these that we can start uploading onto social media .

And I'm gonna show you the different types of platforms that you can use in a second .

And this is so simple just to copy and paste .

Then from there , drive that traffic to an offer that's going to make you money .

So quite simply now click on to generate 19 pages and what's going to happen .

Now , you can see here are these different types of quotes as you scroll down .

These are all these different type of quotes .

Now , all you need to do is start uploading these quotes 3 to 4 to 5 a day .

It's completely up to you .

This is going to drive traffic to your products you are promoting .

Look how simple this is .

People spend time creating these .

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We've done 19 here .

I'm not sure why it's missed one .

Maybe I didn't highlight it , but you can see here that we've got 19 of these that we can start uploading on to social media and the social media platform that I recommend that we can start doing this on is Instagram .

You can see here that recently I just got verified on Instagram .

I got committed over the last three months and I started posting a lot more content .

This has allowed me to get over 100,000 followers .

So I know how powerful Instagram is .

I know how powerful the conversions are and how many people that watch these different types of videos and click onto these posts .

Go over to purchase a product .

You can make a lot of money with affiliate marketing utilizing Instagram and it's never been easier than the way I just showed you .

So what you wanna do is you want to create yourself an Instagram account .

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Once you have created yourself an Instagram account , you wanna go on and create yourself a very simple bio .

And inside that bio , you wanna make sure that you've got a a link .

Now , you can use either link tree which is this website over here .

It's called link tr dot double E .

This will allow you to promote multiple products .

OK ?

So you can promote five or 678 products .

It's entirely up to you or you can quite simply use something like bit where you can shorten your link .

OK ?

So you just add that link from Click Bank , which I'm gonna show you how to do now or wherever you get your products from , you can shorten it and then you can paste that inside the bio of your Instagram account .

So what we now need to do is we need to find a product to promote .

In order to do that , you can come over to sites like click bank dot com .

Once you're on Click Bank , they've got so many different issues and a range of different products that you can promote .

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So if we come over to Click Bank , once you sign up , you wanna go over to their marketplace .

Once you click onto marketplace , you can see here that you've got this affiliate marketplace .

If you click on to all , it's gonna give you all these different categories .

Now we're doing something with motivation we're doing something with putting up this different types of positive quotes , etcetera .

So you wanna think about the products that you want to promote , you can very easily promote make money online products .

That's an easy one , another one that you can potentially do .

If you scroll down , you're gonna see self-help as an example .

You're gonna also see spirituality and new age .

And what that means is a lot of people may be looking to do something with astrology or numerology and they might be looking to , you know , potentially get help in stuff like that .

So you can do something like like that .

You can come over to self help and inside s self help , you can see you've got motivational and transformation .

So if you to click onto that , you're gonna find these different types of products that you can have linked inside your bio .

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So let's say you wanted to promote this product every single time somebody purchases , you're going to make $27.67 .

You only need four sales to make $100 a day .

And with how Instagram is going and how many views people are getting .

This is really easy to achieve .

All you need to do is stay consistent and upload 3 to 4 to 5 of these different posts every single day and your account will grow 100% .

So what you wanna do from here is click on to promote once you click on to promote , click on to generate hop link .

This is going to give you this link quite simply copy this link .

Then all you need to do is come over too bit as an example paste that inside there .

Click on to shorten .

This is going to give you a nice shorten links so you can copy this .

Then all you would need to do is when you come over to your Instagram profile is add that inside your bio .

You can see here with some of the Instagram accounts that I opened up .

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You can see there's people doing different types of quotes and motivational business quotes and a whole heap of different types of quotes .

And you can see here they've got gum road links .

So this person is doing something very similar , they're putting up posts and rules as well similar to what I told you to do here is somebody also that's doing this exact same thing .

I mean , take a look at this , this is called Positive Mindset Daily and they've got 489 followers .

And you can see here that all they have is a very simple background and they're putting up all these different types of quotes .

You can do the exact same thing .

Here is another account over here .

It's got 5.7 million followers and you can see they've got a bit link over here .

So you are allowed to have these links and you can see that they've got a whole heap of different types of posts with different types of quotes .

And this is exactly what I'm telling you to do .

Everybody that's doing this with all these different types of quotes .

What they're aiming to do is to drive people to this link so they can start making money with affiliate marketing on top of that .

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Once your account grows , you're gonna get people asking you to promote their products and to do sponsored posts , which can also make you a lot of money online .

So I just wanted to show you these few accounts where people were doing this and they're absolutely crushing it .

And they've got their links inside their bio and they're making a lot of money online with affiliate marketing .

So once you have created your Instagram profile , all you need to do , make sure you have that bio , make sure you have that link and start uploading these different types of quotes non-stop .

And you'll be well on your way to making a lot of money online with affiliate marketing .

The best part is you're using Chat GP T , which is A I software you're using can , which is going to integrate with that Google Sheets .

You're not doing a lot of the work yourself and we created 20 posts in a matter of seconds that you can use to make money online with affiliate marketing using Chat GP T and A I .

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Now I promised you at the start of the video that I was gonna tell you exactly what you needed to do to enter my $1000 giveaway .

So quite simply all you need to do in the description of this video , you're going to find a link that's going to say how to enter my giveaway .

Click onto it .

It's gonna bring you over to this page .

You can see here that you can earn , you can win .

There's going to be 10 winners that are going to get $100 each at the end of March .

All you need to do is scroll down , enter in your email address from there .

You need to watch this quick video on how I make $1000 a day .

You wanna follow me on Instagram , Facebook , Tiktok , Telegram , Pinterest and Twitter .

Very simple .

Everything that you do is going to give you tickets each one of those tickets at the end of it .

I'm going to have a draw and you could potentially be one of the winners that's going to get one of the $100 .

So all you need to do now click onto that link guys , enter in your email address and follow me on my different social media platforms and you could be the next lucky $100 winner .

So that was my video today guys .

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And another amazing way that you can make money online with chat G BT affiliate marketing , free traffic and social media .

If you enjoyed it .

Like I said , smash that like button in appreciation , but don't go anywhere .

I've got another amazing video that you're going to absolutely love how you can make a ton of money online .

Not doing anything really .

I highly recommend if you haven't watched this video , click onto it right now .

I'll see you on this video until next time you guys take care of yourselves and goodbye .


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