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2023-08-03 15:23:47

9.5 Passive Income Ideas To Easily Make $600_Day

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Here are the best 9.5 ways of making passive income .

Now , I personally started my passive income journey when I was just a teenager .

So that's proof that this can work for any age .

And now that I built these up at 22 years old , I'm able to use these passive income streams to fund financial independence , traveling to cool places like Machu Picchu right here just for fun .

So just imagine having a reliable stream of passive income coming in to pay for whatever you wanted to pay for in your life .

And what's amazing about a lot of these passive income streams is that they are what is known as location independent .

This means that they can work literally anywhere in the world .

And many of these , you set these up one time , but they can continue working for you on your behalf 24 7 .

Now , for each of these passive income streams , I'm going to be ranking them for how easy they are to start and how much work does it take to maintain them .

Also , this video is going to be set up as a step by step guide of exactly what I would personally do if I was just starting from scratch again .

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Now , passive income ideas , number one through five or what I would consider quick money .

This is for when you need money quickly , you literally have nothing to your name and you just want to get started making money as fast as possible .

Now , there's a lot of pros and cons to these first five that I'm going to be sharing with you due to the fact that yes , a lot of these are very easy to get set up and get start going , but they do require quite a bit to maintain .

So it makes them a lot less passive .

And as we go through this video , each of these methods are going to continue to get more and more passive until we get to the very last method within this video that literally takes nothing to maintain .

But it's important you go through this in order especially if you have no money to start income stream .

Number one is video editing .

You can download free video editors like hit film express shot , cut open shot the Power Director app .

If you're using a phone and imovie , if you're on Mac , then you can watch youtube tutorials teaching basic editing and this shouldn't take too long .

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And it's a very monetize skill that you can then use to go to market places like upwork dot com or fiver dot com and then sell your services as a video editor .

Now , I personally pay video editors thousands of dollars per month on upwork and there's a ton of people like me out there .

You can also get free stock assets from places like dare full vide easy mix kit , Pix Bay and pixels to make your videos better for your clients for how easy this is to start .

It gets a five out of five .

You can use any of those free video editors .

Anybody can do this .

But for how easy it is to maintain this one only gets a one out of five because it does require you to constantly be editing more and more videos in order to keep making income .

So this one isn't really that passive at its base level .

But eventually you can hire people to do the editing for you under you and then act as a middle man to people buying your video editing services .

And this makes it much more passive income stream .

Number two is using your voice .

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You can simply just use your phone to record your voice or a cheap USB microphone like a blue Yeti Nano and then you can record it using free programs like audacity and then you can make a fiver gig just like this one right here , which has almost 900 reviews .

And if each person paid $50 based off the price point right here , that's $45,000 from this gig alone .

And then eventually just like the video editing , you can hire other people under you who have tons of different kinds of voices and then market and sell them .

You can also sell your voice on places like voices dot com .

For how easy this is the starter gets a four out of five since having a decent microphone definitely helps a lot and for how easy it is to maintain .

This one gets a one out of five income stream .

Number three is writing , you can write for blogs or youtube channels and make money fast by marketing your services on places like upwork or go to content forms like I writer dot com .

And these will typically pay a certain amount per word and it's really easy to start writing nowadays , especially with A I tools that make it so much easier .

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For example , tools like Jasper , just make sure that if you use any A I tools to assist with your writing or anything to make sure that you still put it within your own words and you just use it as ideas and then make sure to also go into a website called copycat dot com to ensure that your writing is 100% unique .

And so your clients don't face any copyright problems or anything .

It gets a five out of five for easy to start only a one out of five for how easy it is to maintain income stream .

Number four is photos .

This one gets a five out of five for easy to start because you can use any free image editor out there that includes tons of templates for making all kinds of different images including can and snap a and these include templates for things like youtube channel or youtube logos , Facebook , banners and so on .

And then you can sell these to people as gigs on places like upwork and fiber that said it does take quite a bit to maintain .

So it only gets a one out of five on that front income stream .

Number five is typing out videos .

Now you might be asking Matt , what do you mean by typing out videos ?

Well , this simply means transcribing them and typing out what is being said in different videos .

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And there's websites like rev dot com or go transcript that provide an opportunity to just listen to what's being said in either audio files or videos and type it out , go transcript for example , pays 60 cents per minute of audio or video that's transcribed .

Super easy to start this .

It gets a five out of five right there .

But in terms of how easy it is to maintain , you got to constantly be typing out more videos .

So only gets one out of five there .

Passive income source number six is where things start to get fun and that is the traffic .

This is where things start to get truly passive .

In my opinion , it is essential to have some type of traffic online because you can use that traffic to make money and passive income in so many different ways .

Now , you have two options when it comes to this , depending on either if you're an introvert or an extrovert .

Number one , if you're an introvert like me , then you can run what are called faceless niche youtube channels .

These are simply youtube channels just like this one right here called Brainy Dose , which gets millions of views per month without ever showing their face just making content based off of psychology videos .

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And if you go to their channel and watch any of their videos , they're literally just a voiceover on top of stock content that again , you can find on places like Pix Bay or peels .

I personally have gotten millions of subscribers doing this method and I made a ton of passive income as well .

All you have to do is choose a niche that's currently working on youtube because this is proof that this could potentially work for you .

Some of the best niches out there include technology , health , relationships , psychology , wealth , and travel and check out my video on the 24 best Faceless youtube channel niches for more of what are in my opinion , the best niches to do this in , then you can get video ideas using a tool called Vita IQ using their keyword research section .

And then you simply produce videos similar to what's working and depending on the niche the type of video that you produce will be different .

For example , I run list channels where we make lists on certain subjects .

But you can also create stock content like brainy dose or you can create whiteboard content like this channel called philosophies for life does and use automated whiteboard video generators like doodle and video scribe .

Now you might be asking how do you actually make money from this ?

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Well , what's awesome about youtube is that once you get monetized , you can actually make money every single time someone views an ad on your video .

So this way you do the work once and you can profit from it for years into the future .

I literally have videos that I've uploaded back in 2014 that still pay me monthly to this day .

And what's really epic about this stream is that eventually you can pay others to do the work for you and this in turn makes it super passive .

Now , option number two when it comes to traffic is running a personal youtube channel and this is great .

For example , if you're an extrovert , then you can teach a skill , entertain people in some way and make money off of ad revenue as well .

Now , I personally use other income streams to make over $100,000 per month for my personal youtube channel that you're watching right here .

Now , it did take me quite a bit to honestly get comfortable in front of a camera filming videos because this doesn't really come naturally to me .

But if I can do it , you can do it too for how easy it is to start youtube channels .

Get a four out of five because anybody can start a youtube channel .

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But it does take a little bit of effort to actually start one correctly .

And in my program tube , mastery and monetization , I provide a step by step checklist that you can follow to make sure everything is set up correctly and that you're doing this whole process the right way now for how easy it is to maintain this one gets a four out of five .

It definitely takes work if you're doing it yourself .

But the beauty of this method is that the videos you upload live on youtube forever .

And if you're in an evergreen niche , uploading videos constantly growing your backlog , even if you don't post for several months , even if you don't post for years , I for example , still have channels that pull in revenue every single month , even if I don't post on them due to the big backlog of content that I have .

So this is a super passive income stream .

And again , like I said , you can make it even more passive by hiring people to do the work for you , which I personally do passive income source .

Number seven is a high payout partner product .

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Now at this point , it time to take things to the next level , once you have a traffic source , like a youtube channel , like we discussed in number six , we can now implement what is known as a high payout partner product to make even more money .

As long as we're in a niche like health , wealth , happiness or relationships , then we can find a product on a place like digi store 24 dot com or click bank dot com and then promote this link in the description and pin comments of all of our videos .

And then we can have a verbal call to action in the video saying check out the product below to learn more about this subject and you can make far more money doing this than just relying on ad revenue alone with your youtube channels .

Also , you can create what is called a bridge page in which you link on your youtube videos .

People go to it , they enter your email for a free video that you give them .

Then at the end of that video , you sell the product , not only will you make a lot more sales this way on average , but also you're collecting people's emails .

And then you can use this big email list that you accumulate over a period of doing this and then send them out regular emails , promoting the product to get even more sales for how easy this is to start .

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It gets a three out of five because it does actually require finding a decent product .

To promote , for example , my product Tube Mastery and monetization , which is a course that teaches people how to grow on youtube is on Digi Store 24 dot com .

So anybody can sign up to promote it and get a 50% commission .

And what I'm personally doing is creating another youtube channel called Tube Mastery where I literally just teach people about growing on youtube and stuff like that .

And I'm paying people to be the host of that channel .

So I don't even have to get on camera potentially and still make money promoting my program and feel free to copy that template if you want .

Obviously , if you promote my course that benefits me and you since we split a 50% commission and effectively business partners , but feel free to promote any affiliate product that you want .

Also , feel free to check out my video called the Laziest Way to make money online to see more information about promoting high payout partner products .

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Because I go a lot more in depth in that video and for how easy this is to maintain , it gets a four out of five , especially if you use a great traffic source , that's very high leverage and allows you to make passive income like youtube income source number eight is your ticket to freedom .

Now , I know this might sound like a bit of an over exaggeration , but I truly believe that this is the best passive income source and that is having your own product .

Number one , you pick a skill that you currently have or if you don't have any skills , then you simply acquire one by watching youtube videos , studying online , taking courses going on places like skill share to learn more about it and any skill related to health , happiness or relationships .

Because these are the subjects in which a lot of people have issues with are the best skills to have .

Then what you do is make an online course , teaching how to do it .

Now don't be intimidated by that word online course .

Just remember that an online course is literally just a collection of videos .

So as long as you can record videos and you don't even have to be on camera either .

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When I started my first online course , I literally didn't even show my face .

I just recorded my screen using a software called Os and then used Google slides to slide shows and then I use flat icon to put icons on the slides .

Then once you have a collection of videos , I recommend at least about 30 for your online course .

Then you can list it on places like hijabi dot com , which is what I personally use or gum Road .

Then simply start a youtube channel promoting it , giving free value to people .

Just like I'm doing right here .

People will watch your videos , they'll buy your course .

You'll make way more money than just from ad revenue .

If you do this .

For example , when I first started this youtube channel , I literally got to $27,000 per month with a the first couple months of starting this channel because I was selling an online course .

And trust me , I was doing so many things wrong .

I didn't know how to price my course or do everything correctly .

If you're going to sell an online course , I recommend pricing it at least $502,000 .

And what's crazy is when I just started this channel , I didn't have anywhere near the views that I was getting on my viral niche , faceless youtube channels .

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Those were pulling so many more views .

Yet , within a couple of months , I was making almost as much money from my online course than it was from ad revenue with my faceless channels .

Then just make sure to put your course on Digi store 24 and click bank dot com and this will enable it so other people can promote your course as an affiliate .

And the reason this is so important is because you can get other people to do your work for you .

And it's a win , win for both of you because you split the commission and if you set this up correctly , it will literally be in people's best interest to do your work for you and they'll do a ton of things that will make your life easier .

For example , they'll run ads for you , they'll create youtube videos and youtube channels for you .

They'll write blog posts about you .

And for this reason alone , it is incredibly easy to maintain this .

So it gets a five out of five on that front .

But for how easy this is to start , it only gets a two out of five because it does require some effort to make a decent online course , which can take a few weeks .

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But trust me , if you create an online course and take a couple of weeks to do so , that could potentially set you up for the rest of your life .

It is well worth it .

Passive income source , number nine is compounding your money .

Once you start making money with some of these methods , it's time to make that money work for you .

In my opinion , one of the best ways of doing that is investing now there's so many different ways of investing out there .

I'm not a financial advisor .

So take this as you will .

But the way that I personally invest is investing into index funds or etfs and a dividend , etfs .

Now an ETF is literally just a collection of companies like Voo , for example , which is a collection of the 500 biggest companies in America .

And by investing into this , you're investing in all of those different companies .

Dividend .

ETF is simply an ETF that pays a higher than average dividend and a dividend is simply a small amount of money that a company pays out regularly , whether it be on a quarterly or monthly basis .

And you can use any brokerage out there to start investing like this .

You can use M one finance or Robin Hood .

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And there's a whole movement out there called the Fire movement , which stands for financial independence , retire early .

And this is where people including myself have the goal of investing a certain amount of money where eventually they can pull out 3 to 4% a year of it live off of those expenses indefinitely .

For example , if we do some simple math , if you have a million dollars invested and you withdrew 4% from that per year and your investments outpaced your withdrawals , then you could theoretically live off of $40,000 per year indefinitely for the rest of your life .

And this is what is known as financial independence .

So even if you didn't work , you didn't do any other income streams or anything , you could potentially live off of this forever .

Now , what I personally do is first and foremost , when I make money from these income streams that we discuss , I first and foremost , put it back into those businesses that generated that income in the first place to make even more money .

And then I take that even more money and I put that into efs and investing in that way .

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Now for 9.5 I'm going to be going over a bonus of what I would personally do if I was starting this from scratch .

And that is what I call a symbiotic system .

Here's how it works .

Step number one is to take one month and learn as much as you possibly can about a particular skill , but it needs to be a skill that other people are interested in .

Go on youtube and make sure there's videos being uploaded about that skill that have over 100,000 views .

For example , let's say the skill is growing youtube channels .

There's a ton of popular videos out there about it .

So therefore it meets our qualifications .

Now in order to find skills that people want to learn about , you can also go on you to me or skill share and feel free to take a couple of courses to learn more as well .

And also it could be about video editing , photo editing or literally anything that you're interested in that other people want to learn about .

Step number two , then is to create some face youtube channels within the niche .

And these are simply faceless channels that are given value .

Again , they can be whiteboard content , screen , recordings , stock videos , etcetera .

Step number three then is to create a personal channel talking about this subject .

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And this can be once you're comfortable talking in front of a camera .

If you're not , that's no worries either .

Just like I'm doing with my tube mastery channel , I'm hiring other people to be the face of that channel .

So that works too .

Step number four , then is to sign up for all the top affiliate programs relating to tools within that niche and also other courses that you think are good and then take all of these links and put them in the description of your youtube videos .

Step number five , then is to also feel free to sell services yourself .

This is great if you want to start making money quickly and you can sell your services on places like upwork or fiver and then use your following to advertise it .

And then step number six is to create a course about that topic .

This way , you'll have four different income streams , youtube ad revenue , affiliate revenue , course revenue and potentially service revenue and the most passive ones of course , are going to be course revenue as well as youtube ad revenue and affiliate revenue .

And if you can get people signing up for affiliate programs that are online software that charge a certain amount per month .

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For example , I promote Vid IQ , which is a monthly recurrent software that I personally use and recommend and they pay me more than a full time income in return just from the people that I already have signed up for that software .

Now , also what's really epic about the symbiotic system is that they'll all be within the same niche , they'll all be related to the same subject .

And the reason that's important is they will all feed each other .

So people who watch your youtube videos will buy your course , people who buy your course will watch your youtube videos and vice versa .

And then they'll buy your services and affiliate products that you're recommending .

And when one of these sources grow , they all grow .

And then also make sure to put your course up on an affiliate marketplace , get tons of affiliates out there , making youtube channels and blog posts and everything for you , running ads for you .

And this is literally how you make millions of dollars online in passive income .

This is what I personally have done .

So I'm speaking from experience , I'm not just pulling this out of thin air .

And the main way to get this system to work is understanding how to start and grow youtube channels correctly .

Youtube is really the engine for a lot of this .

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And I really recommend if you're going to learn any skill to discover how to start and grow youtube channels , whether they be faceless or otherwise .

But in this video right here , I show you exactly how to start and scale faceless youtube channels step by step .

It's a complete blueprint for doing this .

This video right here has more value than most paid courses out there on this subject .

So I know you'll get a ton of value , check it out .

Thanks for watching .

My name is Matt Parr and I'll see you there .


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