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2023-08-03 15:34:12

How To Make Passive Income With ChatGPT AI (Easy Step By Step Guide)

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Hey , everyone on today's video , I've got an unbelievable strategy that you can use open A I and Chat GP T to make money online and make passive income using chat GP .

T you see , I'm gonna show you how you can make anything from $2599 every single month to 4.5 $1000 and then make some serious money with chat GP T where you're earning tens of thousands of dollars , like $20,000 a month and even upwards of close to $50,000 every single month , I'm gonna show you real proof of people that are doing this and making money online .

But what I wanna do is go one better and show you how you can use chat GP T to do all the work for you .

And you're not going to believe .

Number one , how easy this is .

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Number two , this is extremely passive and number three , they will get all the traffic for you .

You don't need to look for any of this traffic and what you're about to see and do is absolutely unbelievable .

All I ask that you do is that you make sure you watch this entire video because I'm gonna show you everything step by step .

You do not want to miss any part of this and you have to put it all together .

Otherwise you're gonna miss crucial bits .

You'll have to go back and watch it .

I ask that you do guys in appreciation for me putting this together for you is smash that like button and do me a favor .

Let me know down the bottom .

What is your income goal for 2023 ?

How much money would you like to be making per day at the end of 2023 ?

Is it $100 ?

$500 1000 dollars ?

Comment that right now .

So before we go and use chat GP T , let me show you some proof of how people are doing this and different niches that you can do this on .

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And also did I mention that you'll be using Google to actually make this happen to another powerful site that you'll be incorporating its tools to make money with chat GP T .

The other site that I wanna show you that you're gonna be using this with is this one over here called Udemy dot com ?

Udemy is a website .

People come over here like myself and they purchase a range of different types of courses .

Course creators on Udemy are making thousands of dollars every single month and there are course creators on Udemy that are making millions of dollars .

I've bought many courses on Udemy .

This is where I learned how to do youtube , how to do affiliate marketing , how to create courses , a whole range of different types of things .

There's a wealth of knowledge on Udemy and what I wanna show you is how you can get a slice of the pie and make money with U toy and chat GP T and get it to be absolutely passive .

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The thing about Udemy , you can see here on the left hand side , you've got this category section and look at all the different categories that you can do this in from development to business , personal development , lifestyle , health and fitness , teaching , and academics .

And you can see here that all these different categories have subcategories , these subcategories have even more subcategories .

So the opportunities are endless and I wanna show you exactly how this can be done with chat GP T .

Let me show you a few examples before I show you a website that you can use to see exactly how much course creators are making a new to me .

So you know that you're making the right decision with the niche that you are going to choose .

Let's start with affiliate marketing as an example .

Now you guys know that I'm big on affiliate marketing , most of my income comes from affiliate marketing .

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And when you scroll down and you type in affiliate marketing , you're gonna find all these different types of courses on affiliate marketing and you'll be able to see exactly how , what their rating is to for starters .

And the other thing is how many people have bought this course , I mean , look at this 8612 reviews on this one click bank affiliate marketing course at the moment , this course is selling for $79.99 .

Now , the thing about you , to me is sometimes they can drop the price , sometimes they can even give it away for free to build up your ratings .

So you don't necessarily know 100% how much this person has made .

However , what we can say is that not everybody leaves a review .

So if you grab your calculator and you say at $80 as an example .

So you do 80 times , let's say half of these reviews , let's say 4600 people as an example .

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I mean , that's $368,000 that this person has potentially made from this course , maybe even more money .

Ok ?

Because like I said , not everybody leaves a review and as you start to scroll down , you can see a lot more course creators .

Now , this website that I'm gonna reveal to you in a second when you come over here and you type in what topics are you interested in .

If I type in affiliate marketing and I scroll down , you'll be able to see that on average top monthly revenue is about $2765 on U toy for people that are selling affiliate marketing courses .

Now , the beauty with the strategy that I'm gonna show you on this video right now is that you can use chat GP T you can create a course in affiliate marketing and any of the other niches that I'm gonna talk about on this video or any category that you find useful or you potentially have knowledge in .

So you could create 10 courses , 20 courses , you could create 50 courses .

It's entirely up to you .

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If you wanted to do affiliate marketing , expect to be making around the $2000 market .

As you can see 2760 $65 .

That's the first thing .

The second one that you could potentially look at are typed in .

Can a lot of people are interested in learning how to use , can different things on can and the different types of options that can has as you scroll down , I mean , take a look at this .

This person is what $80.30 dollars and you can see here 580 reviews .

This person has 1782 reviews , 4766 et cetera .

And as you scroll down , you're gonna find a lot of people selling different types of canvas courses when you come over to this website , like I said , I'm gonna reveal to you in a second and you scroll down people that are creating these can courses .

You can expect to make anything up to 4.5 $1000 every single month and not bad for passive income .

You create the content once you put it up on to you , to me and then all you do is watch people come over here and purchase this course , you don't need to do anything .

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If you wanted to come back and upgrade a few things , you absolutely can .

Another niche that I wanted to have a look at was this one over here .

It's called obviously Excel .

Now people think Excel is easy .

There are so many tutorials online and if you wanna know how to do a formula in Excel , you can go and have a look , but you can see here .

I mean , look at these 348,000 people have purchased this course at an average price of $80 as you scroll down .

Here's somebody or 73,000 people .

2000 people you can see here .

This is another the creator .

Her name is Leila Garai .

She has a youtube channel and also sells these different types of Excel courses .

She has so many of these and she literally makes millions of dollars this strategy and you can see $80 for this course , $80 for another course .

Now when you take a look at this website over here and I'm gonna show you what this website is .

Now , it's called UY dot com forward slash instructor forward slash marketplace dash insights .

OK ?

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So if you type this first section over here into Google , you'll be able to bring you over to this page where if you type in any one of these categories , let's say Excel and you scroll down .

I mean , take a look at this people that are creating courses on Excel on average are making about $50,000 every single month .

I mean , this is absolutely insane amount of money to be making .

That's passive income .

So how can you use chat GP T to tap into this course market so that you too can start making money online and making passive income while using the support of chat chat GP T to create this content .

Well , let me show you a few ways that you can do this .

The first thing that you wanna do is you wanna come over to you , to me , you want to create an account for yourself .

Obviously sign up , use your Google account to sign up .

Then when you come over here , what you wanna do is you wanna start looking for different types of categories that you can start creating these courses in .

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Like I said to you , you've got development , business , finance and accounting it , and software , personal development , et cetera .

The world is your oyster and what you wanna do , let's say you scroll down we come over and we go to health and fitness .

Once you go to health and fitness , you've got these subcategories .

I'm sorry , let me just go back health and fitness .

And then you've got these subcategories like meditation , dance , yoga , sports , fitness , etcetera .

And then from there , let's say you wanted to do something on Pilates , you'd click on to Pilates .

You'd take a look at the different courses that are already there and see what you're potentially competing with .

Then you'll go over to that website to see how much money people are actually making from this .

What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna scroll down and we're gonna take a look at me meditation .

OK ?

So let's say you wanted to do a course on meditation .

What uni is really good at is showing you popular topics .

You've got sound therapy , mindfulness , you've got yoga , you've got energy healing , etcetera .

So what you'd do is you'd create a massive course , a really good course on all these popular topics .

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But we need to make sure that this course is making at least $2000 every single month .

So what you'll do is come over to this website that I just showed you in a second , scroll down over here and type in meditation hit enter and then all we need to do is scroll down to take a look at this .

Now , you can see here that meditation alone is making $2247 every single month .

For course creators that are creating courses on meditation .

I believe that anything over 2000 $1000 is something that you should definitely consider .

Why ?

Because you can create many of these courses .

Like I just showed you when you come over to Udemy , you can see here that when you go to categories and you go to health and fitness and meditation , you've got all these popular topics and you can do sound therapy , mindfulness , et cetera .

Choose one , then what you wanna do guys when you come over here and you found your course that you want to create .

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What we now want to do is we wanna tell chat GP T to create a course for us on mindfulness guys as you can see or meditation , so to speak .

So meditation will embody mindfulness and everything else that we just spoke about .

So what we now want to do is we wanna come over to chat GP T and once you're on this page , what you wanna do guys is you wanna come over here and you wanna paste this in here , you want to write something like this , write an outline for a course on meditation .

Once you type that in , come down here and then click onto this little arrow .

Once you click onto that arrow , chat GP T is now going to write an outline for a course on meditation .

What we now want to do is we want to allow this to finish .

Once this finishes , what you wanna do is you wanna start breaking this lesson up , you gotta think of it like a course .

So as an example , you can see here that the first thing you've got here is introduction to meditation .

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Then you've got definition and explanation of meditation , then you've got something like benefits of meditation .

So what you could do now is you can come over here and you're gonna do this for every single point .

You're gonna type in , write a script for a lesson on the benefits of meditation .

Because what you're gonna do is you're gonna start breaking down every single one of these points and I'm not gonna do every single point .

I just want to show you exactly what you're going to do .

Then how we're going to put this course together .

OK ?

So you'd come over here and now what you wanna do is you wanna click on to this little arrow .

What this is going to do now is it's going to create a sub point for us just on the benefits of meditation .

And when you scroll down here , you're gonna be able to see that .

So you can see here , write a script for lessons or benefits of meditation .

And this is now creating this , this will fit inside this little subcategory over here and you will do this for every single one of these points and I guarantee you this course will be absolutely amazing .

What we now need to do before I show you the , before I show you .

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The third point of this is I want to show you how we're going to put this together .

And in order to do that , like I said , we're going want to be using Google and in particular , we're gonna be using Google Slides .

So you wanna go over to Google type in Google slides .

And what you wanna do is you want to create an account for yourself .

Once you create an account for yourself , it's gonna bring you over to a page that looks like this .

And now what you wanna do is you wanna click on to a blank page .

We are going to use Google slides to create this presentation .

Then what we can do is we can record this while we read this out .

You can use an A I voice if you wanted to or you can pay someone to use your own to use a voice or you can use your own voice .

OK ?

Now , what you wanna do quite simply that we have this Google slide and you know that you're going to be using Google slides .

What you wanna do is you wanna tell chat GP T that you wanna break this section down into a Google slides format .

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So once you have this , all you need to do is copy and paste and chat GP T will actually break this down for you .

And the way it's going to break that down for you , as you can see , we have just written a script for a lesson on benefits of meditation .

So you wanna scroll down , you wanna click onto this , you wanna hit command V and then you wanna paste in , turn the script into a slide presentation .

Then what you wanna do is come over here guys and click onto this little section .

What this is going to do is it's now breaking this up into a slide presentation .

This is doing all the work for you .

Now , remember the first thing that you're going to have is you're going to have this section which is write an outline for the course on meditation .

So you've got this outline , then you're gonna break these outlines up as an example .

One of 11 of them that we broke up was benefits of meditation .

You're going to break all of these up .

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Then once that's broken down , what you're gonna do is you're gonna tell it to turn the script into a slide presentation .

Once you do this work , it is gonna take you a little bit of work to put this together .

But this is passive .

Once this is on you to me , you're going to continue to make passive income .

Then all you need to do is go back over to chat GP T and ask it to create even more courses guys .

If you're enjoying the video up until this 0.2 things , all I ask in return is number one , smash that like button in appreciation .

Make sure you subscribe to the channel because I've got some more awesome content coming your way and you do , I don't want to miss out on it .

And the other thing guys don't forget , I've always got my affiliate marketing guide that's pinned into the description of this video .

Make sure that you click onto that and get it's absolutely free .

It's gonna teach you other ways that I make money online with affiliate marketing .

So now what we need to do guys is we need to grab these titles that we've created .

So the first one as an example , if we wanted to call the course introduction to meditation , we would copy this .

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So quite simply cop copy that come straight back over to our Google slides .

And all we need to do is paste this in here .

Once you paste that all we need to do is center this .

Now , what we need to do is we can increase the size of this .

OK ?

We can get rid of that one there .

We can come over here and make this white and just make this black as an example .

So introduction to meditation , highlight this and just then click on to bald as an example .

Then all you need to do is come over here guys and then click on to new slide .

Once you click onto new slide .

What we now need to do is quite simply come straight back over to chat GP T .

And as you can see , we've got our slide presentation .

So the title obviously is the benefits of meditation .

I think what I did was introduction to meditation .

That's fine .

You guys can choose whatever title that you wanna have .

Then as we come over here , what we wanna do is we wanna type this in .

So introduction to the topic of meditation and purposes of the presentation slide two stress reduction .

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So you can see here that it's going to actually break this up for you .

So in slide one , so the first one is we've got the title .

OK , then you can obviously put this down the bottom as well if you wanted to .

So we can just copy this as an example and then come straight back to here , come over to the top guys and just paste this in here if we wanted to .

Then when you come over to slide two , just showing you very quickly how to do this guys .

All you need to do is come straight over here .

So slide two is going to be obviously stress reduction .

So copy this , come straight back to here .

We wanna paste this in there , then all we need to do is come straight back over to chat GP T and all we need to do now is copy this .

Now , once we copy this , what you wanna do is come over here and paste this and then once you fix this up , it's just gonna look like this and don't forget to obviously just fix all these up as well guys , it can be a little bit tedious , but obviously you'll get around to it um and fixing this up .

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So then you've got stress reduction and then over here you've got the title .

So stress that so we can get rid of this as an example .

OK ?

Now , under every single one of these little points that you have , you could very easily just ask chat GP T to give you a little bit more information about this .

Then all you'd need to do is come over , you click onto new slide and as you can see , you've very easily got this .

So you've got the first one , which is your introduction , you've got slide , one slide , two , slide , three , slide four , et cetera .

And as you can see , it's got all the information here that you want .

The other thing that you have as well is you've written an entire script or lesson on the benefits of meditation .

This section here that you've got this 12345 , etcetera is exactly what you have here under these slides .

So you can very easily just copy some of this .

So you can copy this , come straight back over to your slide under here .

Tab this down guys and hit command V and paste this in there .

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Now , this is going to give them a little bit more information on exactly what you're putting in here .

OK ?

So it just breaks things up and gives them a lot more information .

OK ?

So you can just choose what you want and as you can see , so if you're missing any words , just fix that up .

And then you've got the point , you've got a bit of an abbreviation and then again , you can do the exact same here .

And then all you need to do is follow chat GP T and exactly what it's written here to create this entire course .

This is how simple this is .

Once you go out guys and you complete all this , all the information that you've got from here in any niche that you want , then what you need to do is you need to put this entire course together .

And in order to do that , you need to film this information , you need to film everything that you have here .

One of the best ways that you can do that is by using a software called O BS studio .

OK ?

All you need to do is type it into Google .

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Come over here , it's going to bring this up .

This is absolutely for free .

This is going to allow you to screen , record your screen .

And if you have a microphone , you can buy a cheap microphone , you can potentially use the microphone that you already have that's inbuilt to your laptop as an example .

And then all you need to do is go from page one from the top all the way through and record every single scene .

The good thing as well is you can actually play this slide show .

You can see it's got that one and then all you need to do is tab across and then it's going to bring them up .

So every time you say the first point , it's going to record it , hit the second point and it's going to record it , et cetera .

And this is how you're going to create this very simple course that you can upload to Udemy .

And like I said , there is so much opportunity on U toy guys for you to make money online with chat GP T the world is your oyster .

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What I encourage you to do right now is to come over firstly to chat GP T and play around with it to see exactly what you can create .

Obviously , I can't do everything in a very simple video .

I'm just showing you exactly how you can put this together and then you can put all the puzzles and the pieces together and make this look amazing .

That's the first thing you do .

The second thing I encourage you to come over to Udemy and take a look at different types of courses and exactly how these courses are put together .

There's a lot of courses on Udemy that are absolutely for free that you can see how they're structured .

Many courses that I've bought on U toy are purely done on Power Point presentations or Google slides , no-one shows their face , it just goes point over point and they're actually really good courses .

So the second thing I encourage you to do is come over to U toy and take a look at this .

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The third side is obviously this one over here uy dot com forward slash instructor forward slash marketplace dash insights and take a look at how much money you can potentially make from these different courses .

So you're not making a course on something that's not going to make you a lot of money .

The next thing that I want you to do guys is to make sure that you've hit that like button in appreciation that you subscribed to the channel .

Cos I've got some more awesome content coming your way .

Now , don't go anywhere guys before you leave this video .

Make sure that you click onto this video over here for another amazing way that you can make money online with chat GP T It's another brilliant strategy you're not going to believe exists .

No-one's teaching this stuff .

Highly recommend that you click onto this video right now .

I'll see you on that video until next time you guys take care of yourselves and goodbye .


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