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2023-08-05 08:51:28

Earn KSH 500 EVERY DAY using your mobile Phone at Home.GET PAID VIA MPESA. Make Money FROM HOME

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Hello guys , welcome back to this youtube channel .

My name is Willie .

And in today's video , guys , I'll be showing you how you can make some money uh using your mobile phone and get to it through via MP .

But before then guys , if you're new here , kindly hit the subscribe button and turn on the notification bell .

So that every time I upload a video , guys , uh every time I upload , uh I upload a tip on how to , you can make some money .

Uh You will be among the first people to , to get notified guys , make sure you watch the video ti to the end and I hope you find the video helpful .

And having said that guys , I see you on the other side .

So guys , as I told you , in order to make some money using your mobile phone , there are a few things like and the first thing you must have an Android phone .

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And the other thing that you must have is a register online .

So those are the two things that you must have so that make some money using your mobile phone .

And guys in order to show you step by step how you will make money using your mobile phone .

I have to share , to share with you my screen recording and let's switch on my phone .

So guys in order to , to , to , to get into this site has , so there are two things that you must have and the first one , you must have a mobile phone , of course , a smartphone and you also need to have a registered safari online .

Those two things .

It's a must , it's a must have .

So that once you get paid , once you get paid , you can you get , you'll be in a position whereby you can withdraw your money by a person .

So guys , uh let's just get into it , step by step , how we are going to get into this business .

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So first thing you proceed to the dial option , you key in star 180 hash and then you send them the code .

Uh It will bring you a calculator of this window which gives you seven option .

Can I uh sim swipe , can I subscribe , subscribe registration ?

Can I get pick number Boga redemption ?

Now , can I option number five ?

Which is , this is the option for you ?

This is the option that I'm talking about .

So we proceeded to option number five to option number five .

Uh It will bring you to this window .

If it's your first time , it won't bring you to this to this option for me .

My , my , my first time .

It brought me a window which uh had two options , which was uh it asked me whether I'm an impress agent or whether I have a ti number for my case , I have a till number .

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So take your till number and then they proceed and ask you to provide your pin , your pin that you use for your deal .

Uh Once you provide that they are going to send you a code , a verification code , a verification code to your uh to your number SIM card .

So once you have now you have access to this window .

In this window , we have uh six options .

We have the offer .

The the first one is where you can uh you can recommend these offers to your to to the people in your contact list .

And we have cell option number two is sell data bundles .

Option number three is cell device and option number four which is sell home fiber .

Option number five is uh and option number six , this like your pocket wallet whereby you can check how much money , how much money you have made or you have accumulated from your commissions .

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So for this case , I just want to show you how you can go about two options .

The first option is how to sell a device .

Let's proceed to option number three .

Uh I'm sure so option uh we go to option number , cell device .

Let me just uh it's a device .

Option number three uh in this option .

It , it gives you five options , which the first option is Neon .

These are the product to sell and you get a commission .

If you sell Neon Ray , you get a commission of 100 bob .

Uh If you sell Neon Ray two , you get a commission of 50 bob .

Option number three , which is Tech Technos Park seven .

You get a commission of of 2 50 .

Option number four which is 17 .

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you get a commission of 400 and option number five , it's an item .

So guys , if you can imagine if you can manage to be selling uh if you , you , you you on your contact list or the people in your network , you can be managing to sell techno 17 every day for 30 days in a month .

If you can translate that uh on monthly basis , that's close to 12,000 , 12,000 per month and it's good money .

So guys , uh since you don't have these , these devices , I'll show you how you can do it and uh uh without owning the device and you still get your commission .

So what you're going to do , uh we proceed to go to the safari com , we proceed to go to the safari comm uh portal .

Uh You can see this same , same product .

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These are the product that safari today they are selling on the option of or services .

So what you're going to to , to do you go , you check the value , how much is going is going .

Uh , they , they , they , they are selling , like for , they are selling at , uh , 6500 the option of you're just required to pay .

Um , I think it's 20 I think it's 24 24 20 Bob Kenya Shillings .

Uh , it's , uh , on a daily basis .

On a daily basis , you are required to pay 20 bucks on a weekly basis .

You can be paying 1 40 and uh on uh on a monthly basis , you can , you'll be paying 600 but you see how affordable this product is .

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So the only thing you just need to do is just the first thing you just need the client person who is the phone .

So like for you , first thing would have the customer and then in order to earn your commission , uh you will definitely be required to accept the apple so that I can assure you so that you can claim your commission .

You'll need to provide the email for the fund option number five sensor device .

Let me go to number one .

So once if you , you will be required to provide the c to provide with the customer phone number , these are compulsory so that they can verify you are not just uh uh scamming people around .

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So you provide the phone number , let me just provide a phone number for a friend .

Then it will bring you to this window whereby you will be requested to provide uh the of the phone .

The email of the phone is usually unique for every phone .

So that uh this is the option whereby you can , you must provide the email .

So what you you're going to do once come up with your , with your customer , the person who is , who is enrolling for the service .

Once you enter for the safari and you and the person when you buy and already enrolled for the dot com dot com .

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Option uh You request the person to provide you with the customer phone number with the customer phone number and then you will take the phone and provide and copy the email and to this to this window so that you can earn your commission .

And that's , that's it guys , that's how you earn a commission by selling this device .

Hope you find it very helpful .

Uh The other option was uh how to sell data bundles .

I'm sure um how uh nowadays we as they are , they are requesting you to buy credit where the number , the pay bill number , they , whenever you , you use that number or the number , they get a commission and the more you sell to people , the higher your commission .

So guys , let's proceed to the option number two , which I just told you which is to sell data bundles .

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So what you will need to do , you choose option number two , you requested to provide , to provide our customer number once you provide , let me show you customer number , it , this window select an offer .

Like for instance , look at this with only 50 with only 50 bucks .

It , it's possible to sell to somebody 1.5 GB , which is valid for three hours on a normal rate .

If you can sell the 50 buck , it's now , I guess it's in a one GB or something .

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So once , once , like for example , you choose option number one , if you have a customer who wants to buy uh uh 1.5 GB , uh which is valued at 50 for three hours , let's choose option number one , they request you to provide an ID number , an ID number for the person , uh the ID number for the recipient , the person who is getting you will be requested to provide , to provide the ID number of the person who is going to receive the the package .

So um definitely Safari will request them to , to , to , to give the person the , the pin so that they can deduct the 50 bucks and the commission will be automatically be uh deposited to you .

My commission option .

So guys , that's how you go about selling data and getting a commission .

So guys , I hope you follow those two methods helpful .

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And if you , if you need any more clarification , let me know in the comment section and hope guys , you watch the video team to the end .

Uh Guys , if you're new here , don't forget to hit that subscribe button .

And also if you like the video , click that like like them watch the other video , there's a video on this side and there's another one on this side and also check out my other videos .

I really , really appreciate uh see you in the next video .


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