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2023-08-05 08:54:51

REALLY Earn $1,223.20 For Watching YouTube Videos EVERYDAY - How To Make Money Online (Step By Step)

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In this video , I'm gonna really show you how to make $1223 right here by simply watching youtube videos .

So step one , you go on to the site right here .

I'm gonna show you the site right away .

You go on to where it says youtube views , click on youtube views and when you go to where it says youtube views , you can see where it says youtube view video .

So when you go ahead and click on view video , you can see it says you should view this video for 30 seconds .

You're going to be getting paid and I'm gonna be showing you guys and actually get paid your money straight on to paypal right here .

You can see here .

I've actually withdrawn over $833 right here .

We're gonna go ahead and click on the reload button at the top here .

So they're gonna see that the money is actually real .

So it's going to reload and uh when it actually reloads , you're gonna see that everything is actually RLO right here .

You can see that it still says $1222 right here .

And I'm gonna be showing you guys step by step in this video how exactly you can go out there right now and start watching youtube videos like this one right now to start getting paid , you're gonna pause the video .

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You can see if I actually watch this video right now .

It's gonna add up and very soon I'm gonna get paid right .

So I'm gonna be showing you guys this right here .

So all you have to do is pay close attention .

But before I get into showing you guys all the things I want to quickly mention here , this method cannot make you rich .

If you actually want to become rich , if you want to make hundreds of pounds of dollars online , this is not sustainable because this is the type of business model that I like to call the linear business .

Meaning that you're going to be having to be working every single day , working and working and working .

You're never gonna get the time to go for those vacations .

You're never gonna get the time to actually work on better things or spend time with your loved ones and stuff like that , right ?

So if you're going to actually want to go out there and actually be able to do a real business , that's gonna actually make you even more money than what this one is gonna make you here step by step , what you're gonna have to do is to stick with me to the end of this video .

I'm gonna actually give you the option to actually get into my premium training where I'm gonna be walking you guys through that right away .

Right .

So that's it right there .

We will continue with the video .

I want you to pause right now .

I want you to do just four things for me .

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So the first one is I want you to go down below and actually comment , telling me what you're going to do with your 1st $2000 .

If you hit your 1st $2000 following the things , I'm gonna teach you .

Tell me right down below in the comments .

And when you've done that , simply go down below just below this video .

Go ahead and click on the red subscribe button and turn on the notifications .

But I to join the hoo family because what we do here is we simply hole , I teach you guys things , we simply make money online .

I show you guys what's working for me , things that have the potential of making you a lot of money online .

So if you are not subscribed already , welcome to my channel , go ahead and subscribe .

My name is Danielle .

Um And like when you've actually subscribed , make sure you turn on the notifications .

But I , so that's the number two .

Now , the number three you have to do is to head over to my Twitter account .

I'm trying to grow my Twitter .

Go ahead and show your boy some love on there .

Follow your boy on Twitter link is gonna be down below in the description last but not the least you need to go down below and actually follow me on Instagram as well at Daniel's Hole .

And yes , please before I get to show you guys how you can actually get to make this money right here .

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1222 by simply watching youtube videos .

What I want you to do is to please make sure you stay away from scammers that are gonna be down below in the comments pretending to be me .

They're gonna try to give you whatsapp numbers or telegram contacts or phone numbers and tell you to message them .

They're gonna pretend like they're me and they're gonna try to scam you by telling you to send them money and stuff like that .

Please do not give anyone any money on the internet .

Do not message anyone on whatsapp .

I will never give you my whatsapp number down below in my youtube comments .

If I would ever give that to you , it's gonna be in a private chat or if I meet you in real life or something .

So please be careful .

These cameras are actually breaking a lot of hats out there .

I hope your heart isn't gonna be broken , right ?

So now that I know that you've actually probably subscribed to my channel , turn on notifications , comment out what you're gonna do with your 1st $2000 below .

Follow me on Twitter and follow me on Instagram .

We're not gonna get right to the point .

We're gonna talk about the first step of this whole video .

Ok , guys .

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So to make it clear here before you actually start getting paid with this method , you're going to actually need a paypal account no matter where you are in the world , right ?

So paypal actually works for some countries and it doesn't work for some countries .

But don't worry , I got you covered here like I always do .

So what you're gonna do is um you go to paypal dot com and if it has personnel here and it doesn't have business , that means your country is not the type of country that is gonna be able to use paypal .

But there is an alternative .

What you can do is very , very simple .

Simply open up another tab on Google , go and search for something called tunnel beer .

And when you search for beer , you can see it right here on Google .

So you're gonna see this first one dot com .

Just go ahead and click on there when you click on channel B A dot com .

It's gonna open up this page for you .

Go ahead and click on where it says get beer .

When you click on , get 10 L beer right there , you're gonna have to use the free option because we're not gonna be spending any money here .

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And when you click on that free option right there , click on travel for free here and create an account .

I'm gonna show you how easy it is .

So go ahead and click on , try for free right there .

When you click on there , just go ahead and click on where it says .

So when you click on travel right there , it's gonna install a software to your computer and when you're done , simply come to the top right here , click on where it says my account right here to actually create a new account .

So just go ahead and click on where it says sign up right here down here .

When you sign up , you're gonna put in an email , you can see mine is Daniels .

Hold at G mail dot com .

Then here you're gonna go ahead and put in your password and then click on create account .

And when you click on create account , you're gonna have a tunnel on your account .

So at this point , you're gonna have to open up another tab on Google .

Now please pay close attention , open up another tab on Google and simply search for tunnel beer Chrome extension this time .

Now when you search for Beer Chrome extension this time , what's gonna happen is that it's gonna actually pull up another thing for you .

This one here uh that is going to say chrome dot google dot com forward slash to bear .

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So go ahead and click on that one and when you click on that one right there , what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and click on where it says add to Chrome .

Mine is saying remove from chrome because I've had turn on beer for a long time .

I've been using it for a long time .

So it's telling me to remove from chrome .

So over go ahead and add your own to chrome and once you add it to chrome , it's gonna show up at the top of your browser right here .

So at the top right here , you can actually just click on here right now .

It's gonna open up this thing for you .

So go ahead and select a country that , you know paypal is allowed in obviously countries like the UK , the US , they have paypal in your country .

So go ahead and select the US for example and turn this thing on and then when you turn it on , simply go and put in paypal dot com forward slash us .

And when you do that right there , it's gonna actually bring you to a page that is gonna look something like what you're gonna see right now .

You can see it has changed from what we had before in our country to here .

So this is for people who don't have paypal in their country .

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And yes , you can do this thing with a phone , you can do it with your Android phone with your um iphone , whatever type of phone you have , you can simply install on your phone and do this thing right here , get a paypal account and while creating a paypal account , what's gonna happen is that when you go ahead and click commercials , for example , sign up right now on paypal , they're gonna bring you here .

You're obviously gonna want to create a personal account .

So go ahead then click on , sign up right there and when you click on there , they're gonna ask you for your phone number first of all .

So what you do is you go onto Google right now and you simply search for something called ding tone .

When you search for ding tone and hit enter , you're gonna notice that ding tone right here actually is gonna give you phone numbers that you can actually use , right ?

So if you try a free one here and it doesn't work , then I'm so sorry , you're gonna have to pay for a paid one , but most times the free numbers are gonna work for you .

So just come on to ding tone right here .

It's very simple .

Click on here right now .

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When you click on here , go ahead and create an account and when you create an account , you're gonna be able to get phone numbers , you're gonna be able to use to create paypal accounts that you can actually use to receive money by simply watching youtube videos , right ?

I'm gonna show you guys how everything is gonna work right here .

So that's step one .

Step one is actually setting up your paypal account , making sure you have a means of receiving the payment right now .

So right now that we're done with that , I'm gonna assume that you already have your paypal account and I'm gonna move on to step two .

So now we're actually on step two of the video and step two is where I'm gonna be showing you guys how we can actually get paid by simply watching this video .

So this is a site where we're gonna be watching the video .

I'm gonna show you guys how the whole site works right here .

So you can see here , it says try for free right now .

So it's actually very , very free .

So what you're gonna do is very , very simple .

When you come on to the side , you're gonna see a button that's like this , it's gonna say try for free .

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and click on where it says try for free .

And then when you click on , they're gonna put in your email address right here .

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So I'm gonna put in my email , Daniel , I'm gonna choose a password , choose something you're going to remember and they simply repeat your password right here right now .

And when you do that right there , go ahead and click on , I'm not a robot right there .

And when you click on that right there , click on sign up .

Now , I'm not gonna be able to sign up because I already have an account with my email .

But you , if you click on sign up , they're gonna send you a verification email , you're going to be able to verify .

And then when you verify your account , you can then come to the top of the side here where it's gonna have something that says log in , put in your password right here and click on where it says log in right here .

And when you click on where it says log in right there , it's gonna bring you into here .

And now you can see uh that on this place right now .

What you're gonna do is just simply come to the left hand side right here .

It's gonna look like what you see on the screen right here .

When you come here , simply scroll down to the bottom right here .

When you scroll down to where it says youtube views because that's what we wanna use to make .

When you go ahead and click on youtube views right there because we're here to view videos and actually make money right there .

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So when we come over here , you can see it says youtube views at the top right here , says view this video for 30 seconds and actually get four points .

Now , I'm gonna show you how we're gonna turn these points into money if you keep watching this video and remember that by the end of this video , we're gonna be giving you an option to actually go and be with a real business that's not gonna need you to be making or watching videos every day and they're gonna make you way more money than this one right here , right ?

So practically right now uh here where it says view this video for 30 seconds , all we're gonna have to do is to go ahead and click on where it says view video right here .

I'm gonna click on where it says view video right there .

What's gonna happen is that it's going to actually pull up a video for us right here .

Project a few moments later when you actually keep doing this thing over and over again , you're gonna notice that your points are gonna increase .

And as you can see on my account right now , I have 12,535 points .

And guys , I know it's gonna be hard for you to get this type of points , this amount of points right here .

But trust me , it's gonna be worth the grind .

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That is the grind .

You have to actually work for the money .

You have to actually watch videos and actually get a point of .

Some of the points are going to be way we had a four it showing me four because I've been watching videos for a long time before making this video .

When you start .

It is gonna show you like sometimes it's gonna give you way more points than that .

So don't get discouraged by that one right there .

Right .

So , like , practically that's like when you actually watch the video .

So practically you go into the side that I showed you right now , simply scroll down by the left hand side right here .

And when you scroll down by the left , go to where it says youtube views and you can actually view videos and actually get points for yourself .

And let's just assume right now you've actually gotten enough points because I assume that you've actually gotten over 5000 points .

I'm gonna show you how you're gonna take these points right now and turn them into a lot of money for yourself , right ?

I'm gonna show you guys how you can actually turn it into a lot of money for yourself right , right now , right .

So , first of all , what you're gonna do is you're gonna simply go onto a site called fiver dot com .

I'm gonna show you what you're gonna do fiver dot com .

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Now , now that I'm actually here on Fiver , you can see this is my account right here .

You can see that in July and $837 .

And I'm gonna be showing you guys how the money was made and like how the whole thing actually connects right here , right ?

So practically when you're here on fiber right now , what you're going to do is very , very , very simple right .

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and create a new account .

I'm gonna show you guys how to get it done .

So I'm gonna open up an incognito window right here to like be able to show you guys this like uh from the point of view of someone that is new to the whole thing .

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna simply come here right now that you're on fiver go over to fiver dot com or you can use one of the links in the description right there .

It's my affiliate link .

When you use the link , I actually get some benefits though .

That's a way to show your boy some love , help your boy out .

And yet when you come on to fiber dot com right here , what you're gonna do is very , very simple .

You're gonna simply um um come where it says join , click on where it says join .

And when you click on where it says join , you're gonna have to put in your email right here .

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Put in uh you're gonna have to put in your email right here and I'm gonna use an email that I've not used before right here .

So it is at gmail .

Let's calm real quick .

So I'm just gonna put in a few dots right here .

So when you actually try to create an account right there , you're gonna have to choose a user name and we can name this the money , the money guy 3093 009 right there .

That's a nice name right there .

So go ahead and choose a password .

You're never ever going to forget very important .

Now , when you've done that , simply go ahead and click on join right there .

And when you click on join right there , what's gonna happen is it's gonna take you into your account and it's gonna say something like the money guy like is , is , is gonna say your user name that you need to activate your account .

So you have to go into your email inbox to go and check for your account .

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So practically I'm going to go into my own email right now and I'm gonna check for the email from and I'm gonna show you guys what it looks like .

So now that I'm in my email right here , you can see that it says an email from fiver , a new email , it says fiver activate your new account .

So go ahead and click on the email when you get the email and simply click on where it says activate your new account .

And when you click on that right there , it should take you to a page where you're going to be able to activate your new account .

So click on open and incognito window and you're gonna see that it's going to actually activate my account .

You can see it says account successfully activated here .

It's time to edit your profile .

So what you go ahead and do is you go ahead and click on where it says edit your profile and when you click on , edit your profile is gonna ask you what your full name is .

So what you do is you go ahead and put in your full name for me .

I'm gonna put in Daniel because that is my full name .

You put in yours .

So when you're here right now , simply go ahead and click on where it says save changes right here .

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And um when you're done with that right there , what you're gonna do , they gonna go back to where it says go to my profile right here .

When you go to where it says go to my profile , what you're gonna do is you're gonna then go ahead and click on here where it says create a new gig .

When you click on where it says create a new gig , you're gonna then go ahead and put in a tale right here , right ?

So I'm gonna show you guys something real quick right now .

So if you go to fiver dot com , neutrally on another tab and um on fiver dot com , you go ahead and search for youtube views , right youtube views right there .

Like when you said for youtube views on Fiver , you're gonna see that there are a bunch of people right here that simply sell views for $10 and he has sold over 904 times .

So if we actually simply pull up my calculator right now and do the math , you're gonna see that 10 dollars right here , multiplied by 904 sales is equals to over what $9040 by simply selling you to view .

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And I'm gonna show you guys how this whole thing is gonna connect right now .

You can see this one here again .

He's selling for $10 right here and he has sold over 216 times .

So this one is actually on demand right now .

As I'm making this video , this guy here is selling for $15 .

He has sold over 64 times .

This one here is selling for 30 bucks .

He has sold over 77 times .

So this is actually in demand .

So you can see that people buy these youtube views , they pay for these youtube views .

And I'm gonna show you guys how you can actually make a lot of money from this by watching youtube videos , right ?

So here's what you're gonna do right now .

Simply come to here where it says Gig Title and put in something like um I will get a boost youtube views on your youtube video , right ?

So very , very simple .

I will boost youtube views .

Let me make this correct youtube .

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So make sure it's actually correct , very , very important views on your youtube .

Make this correct video .

Very , very simple .

It says just perfect Now , when it says that simply scroll down here , select a category right here , you're gonna select category on the digital marketing and then you select a category on the video marketing right there .

And when you've done that , simply come here , click on , select a specific type and simply come here , click on video promotion slash distribution .

Go ahead and select that one right there and come here where it's gonna ask you the video platform , select youtube cause that's what we're gonna be using to make money here .

Then here it's gonna ask you for such tags .

Now , what you should put here should be things like youtube views , hit , enter , then put in youtube , hit enter , then put in youtube comments , then put in youtube videos right here , then put in youtube promote shown .

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And now we have five tags right there .

Now you can see it says that you can only put in five tags , right ?

So when we're done here , simply go ahead and click on where it says save and continue right there .

And when you click on where it says save and continue , it's gonna take us to the next step right here where it's gonna ask us how much we want to be making for these views , right ?

So practically what you do is you go ahead and spy on what other people are doing .

For example , this guy now that is selling for $10 you can go ahead and click on his service .

When you click on his service right here , you can see that this guy literally has 21 orders in queue .

Literally 21 people are waiting for him right now to sell to them .

He's literally gonna make $2100 right after me making this video minimum .

So if you come here , you can see that uh he has a basic plan where he sells for $10 has a standard plan where he sells for $45 and he has a premium plan where he sells for $90 .

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And here you can see that um , just for $90 right here , but this guy isn't really doing um youtube views .

He's doing youtube thumbnails .

So we're gonna go back and look for someone that's actually doing mostly youtube promotions .

So this person right here is charging 30 bucks right here .

So go ahead and click on here .

I'm gonna click on there .

You can see that he has six others in queue right now waiting for him .

Once he does the job , he's gonna be making about $6 multiplied by 30 right ?

That's gonna equals about 100 and $80 .

Just at the period of me making this video .

He's probably gonna get more sales for the day is actually done right there , right ?

So practically you can see his minimum plan is where he's gonna um um um get you 5000 views for , for 30 bucks .

15,000 views for 70 bucks right here .

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And if you want to pay 200 bucks , you're gonna be getting 50,000 views and I'm gonna be showing you guys how we're gonna be making money from these views right here in this video , right ?

So practically you're gonna go ahead and do yours just like this right here .

So when you go into back here , you , you , you can see that we have just the basic plan here .

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and click on create packages right here .

So now we now have the basic standard premium .

So here we're gonna say I will get you 5000 views here .

It says I will get you 10,000 views .

And then here we're gonna say I will get you 50,000 views .

And now that we've actually written that we're gonna come down here and change this one here to 15,000 views package right here .

And then here you can go ahead and change this 1 to 50,000 views package right here , right ?

To make everything aligned .

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Then that down here , we're gonna go ahead and put in our delivery time at one day for this one .

We're gonna put in our delivery time at probably two days .

I put this , put this one at about three days or if you're confused there , you can just check what your competitors are actually doing right here .

So if you come down here .

You can see this guy here is gonna deliver this one right now in five days .

This one right now in seven days and this one here in 10 days .

So we can go ahead and do the same thing for our own .

So make your own five days right here .

Come here , make your own seven days right here and make this 1 10 days right here .

So practically uh video go attacking right here , video , go attacking video , go attacking video , go attacking right here .

Audience size right here is where you simply select 5000 .

Come here , select uh 15,000 .

Let's come here , select our 50,000 for this one because that's what we're selling right here .

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So what we've done right here , we're gonna leave this social media shares , blank content , creation , blank reporting , blank price is what we set our price .

So here we're putting in about $25 because if you notice this guy is selling for $30 and he's making sales .

So if we make our own , it's going to be better .

We we we're gonna stand a chance of selling more on him .

So here plan plan for $70 right here .

So we can make our own $65 right here .

So make your $65 .

Then here we can make our own $197 right here .

So quickly scrolling down here , what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and click on where it says save and continue .

I'm gonna click on that right there .

It's gonna take us to the next step right here .

And this next step is where you're gonna go , go ahead and describe our gig in detail .

And what I do is I usually copy what other people are doing .

For example , if you look at this guy's profile right now , you can see that this is his description right here .

It says a warm welcome to my gig and also practically just come here right now .

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Copy what he has right here , tell you what he has right here .

So copy what he has right here or simply go back into here and actually piss in your own and when you piss on your own , you can simply go ahead and add it to what he has right here .

I just edit it right here so we can go ahead and be like warm welcome to you .

All right .

So what I'll do is I'll say hi , you're welcome to my service where I'll get you views .

You want .

Very simple .

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And here I'll go ahead and be like , I am a marketing agency and just go and be like , I am a marketing agency and I have experience in getting you and your channel the exact type of views that you really need , right ?

So this is short and I'm trying to do this so that the video doesn't get too long , but practically you simply go ahead and read what he has written and simply edit it right here .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and delete this whole thing right here so that it doesn't actually um make the video too long .

Let's go ahead and be like , uh my service uh comprises of this , this and that .

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When you done , I can go ahead and be like , um um why you should buy and choose my service over that of other people here is for the fact that I will actually deliver something nice to you , right ?

So practically , like you just practically write things that are gonna come the person .

Like I said , you can copy someone's own but don't copy the , make sure you simply edit , it's very important or else you're gonna not get any results and I'm sure you don't want to actually wanna actually make money .

So practically when you're done , you're gonna simply come down here or simply go ahead and um click on where it says add fa Q .

Now fa Q is a part where people can , where you can think of questions that people want to ask you and you can simply answer the questions beforehand so that they don't get too confused .

And let me show you , I show you an example .

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I don't know if this guy did this .

But if I come down here , I should be able to see some Fa Qs literally , OK .

Uh He doesn't have any Fa Qs so you can leave your own as well if he doesn't have his own as well .

So practically go back here .

Click on where it says save and continue .

When you click on there , what's gonna happen is that it's gonna take us to the next part which is here where it's gonna ask us what you need from people to get started .

Now , you're gonna click on add new question right here and you're gonna go ahead and be like , I will need the link of the youtube video you want to get views on right ?

Simple .

Now , free text is what you want .

Leave it on free text , click on add .

Now when someone actually comes here and wants you to get views for them , they're gonna have to put in the link to the video they wanna get views on right there and we're gonna be making money from that .

I'm gonna tell you guys how I'm gonna explain everything very soon , right ?

So practically come here and click on where it says save and continue .

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And when you click on there , it says saving your gig .

Now it's gonna take us here and it's gonna say um your gig image .

Now , this is a very , very important one right here .

Now , it's , it's a very important one because this was gonna get the clicks .

Now , if you noticed , for example , when I searched these images that are showing here is what's called gig image right here .

So I like doing something that's simple like this , something like this usually works for me .

So what I will do is what you , you , you , you're gonna go ahead and search for fiver gig image size .

Very simple .

When you search for that right there , it's gonna show you 1280 by 7 69 .

So what you do is you go ahead and open up a site called cava dot com .

So go over to cava dot com and when you get to com dot com , you're gonna see what looks like .

So com is actually a free design tool .

So uh you actually come here , create an account , it's very , very free , create an account and actually log into your account and I'm gonna look into mine right now and show you guys what we're gonna be doing .

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So just to keep our memories clear , this image as you want to use is 12 80 by 769 .

So when you create an account on fiber and actually log in , it's gonna look like this .

They're gonna tell you to , to , to get the paid one .

But trust me , you don't need the paid one .

Just go ahead and click on X right here and when you click on X right there , go ahead and click on where it says create a new design .

And when did that simply come here ?

And actually uh click on custom size right here .

So remember the size we saw on Google was 12 80 by 769 right there , 769 , click on , create a new design .

When you click on that right there , it's gonna open up that exact dimension for you .

So you can actually get a chance to actually create what you want to create and actually move out of this step and move on to the next step right here .

So this is what we need right here .

So practically when this thing loads right now , what we're gonna do is we're gonna come to the left hand side here .

We're gonna go to where it says elements right here .

If I click on where it says elements right here , we're gonna select where it says um lines and shapes , select a a rectangle , put it right here .

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And when the rectangle comes into here , you're gonna be able to like spread the rectangle out like this by holding the edge and actually dragging it like this .

Now , when you've done that , we can go ahead and hit enter and then we can come here and click on where it says text .

When we click on text right there , we can simply click on here where it says add heading .

When you click on add heading , we can go ahead and be like get so you can move it up .

You can just increase the size by dragging it out like this .

We can duplicate the get by clicking on this thing right here and moving it down so you can click on here .

Change it to 50 1000 views .

50,000 views , right ?

So let me like move that around like this a little bit like this 50,000 views , right ?

So you can see what I'm doing right here .

Get 50,000 views , then go ahead and duplicate the game , then moving down here and then you can be like 50,000 views in 24 hours .

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Now , you're trying to get people to click on your service right here .

Not much .

So you can go ahead and click on here , probably highlight the five th the 50,000 views .

Click on here and actually like um make it uh a different color to get more attention to it .

Probably yellow .

I drag it up right here to see what it's gonna look like .

And I think uh so far it's looking good .

Very , very simple stuff right here .

I don't like um making these things complicated .

This would work right here .

So now that we have this right here , we're gonna go ahead and click on where it says share when you click on share right there .

What you're gonna go ahead and do is you're gonna go ahead and click on where it says download right here .

Now when you click on download , go ahead and make sure it's on PNG .

We're gonna save it as a PNG .

Go ahead and click on download and when you click on there , it's gonna load and then you're gonna see that it's gonna download right into your computer right here .

So , what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back into five and when we're back into fiber right here , you can see we're gonna come here right now .

Come down here , click on where it says browse right here .

I wanna click on browse right here .

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We're gonna simply go to where it says download and this is our image right here .

So you wanna always name your image , the keyword you're trying to rank for .

So go go ahead and click on uh the image right there , right ?

Click , click on rename right there .

So when you right click , you can actually click on rename right here and name it .

Um youtube views and promotion because that's a key word trying around four fiver .

So just go ahead and click on that right there .

You can see it's going to upload that right here for some fiber .

You can see what we've done so far .

So right now you can add a video if you know how to make that right there .

But I'm not gonna recommend you do that because that's a whole lot more stressful .

So come down here , click on where it says save and continue when click on where it says save and continue .

What's gonna happen is that it says you're almost there completely follow on requirements to start selling .

Now , you're gonna have to do an English skills test right here .

They're gonna have to check if you need to fit out a W nine form right here .

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They're gonna check if you're a non us person and blah , blah , blah , stuff like that .

So finally , let's go ahead and take the test because I wanna show you guys everything here .

Step by step .

I want this to be a full tutorial step by step for people who wanna make money online by watching youtube videos , right ?

So go ahead and click take test right here when you click take test right there .

What's gonna happen is that it's gonna actually take a while to load and it's gonna tell us that it's gonna give us a us English basic test , basic skills test .

So here it says test syllables , conjunctions and all and blah blah , blah .

So here it says it's gonna take 40 minutes right here .

So I'm gonna do the theme for 40 minutes and I'm gonna like come back and show you guys the results right here .

So I'm gonna click on here to start the test and I'm gonna see you guys later , 1000 years later , ok , guys .

So you can see I'm actually taking the test results , us uh English basic test and you can see I got a nine of 10 and yeah , so um you should be able to get that very simple .

They gave me over 40 questions .

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I got 36 of them right , right there .

So it's , it's not going to be an issue for you .

So when you're done , just go ahead and um click on continue and provide feedback .

Very , very simple .

So here , go ahead and click on five .

Excellent .

Doesn't matter .

Just go ahead and click on four here .

Go ahead and click .

Uh No , here .

Go ahead and click on submit .

Cool and boom .

What's gonna happen is that I click on back to five here and when you click on back to fiver , it's gonna bring us back here right now , right ?

So when it brings us here right now , you can see that we're done with the English text , right ?

So it says are you a us person ?

If you're a US person ?

Fine .

Click on .

Yes , but me , I'm not and I know that most people who are gonna be watching this video are not gonna be us people .

So go ahead and click on no right there .

And when you click on it right there , go ahead and click on save right there .

Says you're done .

Click on close and boom , you're gonna see that .

It says , congratulations .

You're almost done .

Click on verify now and you're gonna put in your phone number .

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Unfortunately , I'm not gonna be able to put in my phone number here because our we have a fiver account that is working with my phone number and I have just one phone number so I can put it in right here .

Hope you guys understand about practically click on verify .

Now , very simple , putting your phone number here , select your country , putting your phone number right here and then click on verify either by S MS or by call .

You're gonna receive a code on your phone , either by call or by S MS .

Put in the code right here , get your account verified .

You're gonna get your account on and going right ?

You're gonna be able to make money here when people come and actually order for you to actually um um and get them viewed , right ?

So just go ahead and like follow the steps that I've actually shown you right right there .

Like once you've actually follow those steps right now , we're not gonna move on to the next step right here .

And that next step is where we're going to actually be getting jobs , right ?

So there is something called buy request right here .

So when you come on to your account , it's gonna look like this right here .

You're gonna see that there's something called more .

When you click on more , there's something called request .

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So when you go to buy request right there , it's gonna show you people who want stuff done .

So you can see here , I've sent over 301 of us right here and you can see that uh this person was looking for a spokesperson and this is not about videos right here .

So practically these are jobs that people want done now because you have AAA service that you created in the video space , you're gonna be seeing jobs for video only .

So I recommend you create like 5 to 6 gigs right here on just what I showed you repeated like six times .

It's not gonna be hard .

The second and the third time and the fourth time , it's just gonna be hard the first time because you're gonna have to take that test just the first time and you have to do verification just one time .

So practically in the long run , it gets easier .

So practically when you come here , you're gonna be able to send offers right here and you're gonna get jobs from people who want to get views .

Now when someone places an order right now and actually tells you to , hey , go and get me views on my videos , do you know what you're gonna do ?

You're gonna go back to the site that I showed you guys earlier that I showed you guys earlier .

You're gonna go back to that site when you go back to that site right there .

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What you're going to do is very , very simple .

You're gonna run up your points , run up your points by watching youtube videos here .

So when you run up your points by watching youtube videos , you're gonna have enough points right there .

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and click on add when you click on add right there .

What's gonna happen is that it's gonna bring you to this page right here .

So I'm gonna log into my account and me out .

So I'm gonna look into my account .

So you're gonna see that .

Uh I'm gonna go ahead and click on add right here .

When I click on add right there , it's gonna ask me what I want to add .

So I'm gonna go ahead and click on where it says type and then I'm gonna scroll down here and go to where it says youtube views .

That's what I wanna add because people are paying me on fiver to get them those youtube views that we have gotten by watching videos right here .

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and go down here when you go down here .

This way you're gonna uh put in the person's video .

Let me say , for example , the person has , has paid you to promote this video here , which is my video .

Go ahead and click on copper link address .

You're gonna be able to come here right now and put in the link right here .

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So you're gonna put in the link to the video here and then here's where you're gonna put in the title .

You can just put in , watch my video .

Very simple , then simply come down here .

You're gonna put in the amount of views you wanna get right there .

And , uh , what you can do is to come on right here to set the amount of clicks you want .

That's the amount of views you want .

If you want 5000 views , you can put that here , then you can go ahead and put in daily clicks if you want the , the , the , the views to come in daily right there .

But practically what you're gonna do is you're gonna simply go ahead and click on where it says C PC right here .

That's the amount you're willing to pay .

Remember , we're getting about five points per view and we're still gonna pay people five points per view right there .

So you can go ahead and put in about five points right here for just making six to get things done faster and you're gonna notice that um right here right now .

If you actually go ahead and do the math , you're gonna see that six times 5000 right there .

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It's gonna cost about 30,000 points and that is very , very easy to get on here because you're practically watching youtube videos for that .

You're not paying any money for that .

And that's why I said that this cannot make you rich because it's not , if you want to learn how to get rich , I would recommend you go and check out my full train .

It's called 10,000 affiliate call .

It's gonna be first linked down below in the description when you get there , it's gonna show you the methods that has made me over $100,000 in the past few months using a , a business model that is more passive and better than what you actually do right now .

So if you've watched this video to this point , then you've gotten to the point where I'm telling you guys a better thing to do a better way to make when you're online right now as you're watching this video .

So you can go ahead and check out the first link in the description of this video .

My premium training here , you're gonna get personal support from me , personal guide from me .

So put in your email , your first and your last name , click on , watch the full video right here and you're gonna watch the video where I'm gonna like kind of explain to you guys how the whole thing works right there .

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So when you come back to here , this site right here , um um um You select the amount of views you want to send to the person , click on save changes and your job is gonna start moving on .

So this side right here is gonna the same way you came and you were watching videos .

A lot of people are gonna go ahead and watch these guys videos here and you're gonna be getting paid for that on fiver and coming on to five right here going on to right here .

You can see that .

I pretty much have made a lot of money on this account .

I had one where I had to about $11,000 but it got banned for some black hat things that I was testing out .

You can see net income of $1223 right here for $833 withdrawn to paypal right here .

So when you click on paypal here , you're gonna be able to put in your paypal account .

And remember I walked you guys through how to get a working paypal account .

In the beginning of the video , I told you guys how to use a VPN , how to get a phone number from .

So at this point , I believe you at that point where you understand how this whole thing works .

So simply we are going over to the site called a fast dot com .

We're watching videos .

We are accumulating points .

You can see , I have 12,535 right here .

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We're using those points to simply get views for people who pay us on fiver because we have an account on fiber .

And we've told people that we're gonna get views for a particular amount of money .

So it's gonna take you time , it's gonna take you work .

But this is the real way to really make money online by simply watching youtube videos , but it is not scalable .

It's not gonna make you rich .

You know why ?

Because it's practically very , very tedious to get these points right here because you're gonna have to watch a lot and a lot and a whole lot of youtube videos .

But like I said , if you want something that is gonna be like a food business for you , you can just do this one , make a couple of $100 right here and then go and join my food training where I'm gonna walk you through one of the best methods of actually making money online right now today , as you're watching this video , so you can go and check out the link to my food training .

It's gonna be first thing down below in the description and yes , now that I've talked about that , don't forget to show your boy some love , show your boy some love .

Very important .

Follow your boy on Instagram at Daniel , follow your boy on Twitter at Daniel .

Follow your boy on youtube .

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Go ahead and demolish the subscribe button deol like button .

If you actually enjoyed what I've actually walked you through here .

Um um um um Most important thing , make sure you like button , go down below and tell me what you would do with your 1st $2000 if you actually made your 1st $2000 today in the comments and now that we've done that , you can either go ahead and go over to my course .

You can either go ahead and go over to admin fast or you can go , go ahead and check out the two videos that are gonna be up on the screen right now because I'm sure if you enjoyed this one , you're gonna enjoy them as well .

And yes , I I'm gonna see you guys another video .

I hope you enjoyed this one .

I'll see you there .

Let's go peace out .

I love every single one of you and stay safe out there .


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